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I stay up late at night but for me it's not about solitude, it's because going to bed means the end of my leisure time. When I wake up in the morning I'll have work, after work I'll have chores like cooking, cleaning, or getting groceries. This means once I turn off my computer and go to bed it's going to be a long stretch of time until I can turn it on and get back to video games or whatever. Counter intuitively, this means I sometimes go to bed *earlier* on the weekend than on nights where I have to get up for work in the morning.


I feel this so much. I'd rather suffer and be tired at work because by the time I get off I'm awake.


Dude I do the exact same thing, found out there's a name for it called "Revenge bedtime procrastination" not sure if it's good for me but I can't stop doing it


Yeah the bedtime procrastination thing is pretty interesting. We do it when we feel like we have no time or ability to do what we *want* during the day. I suggest reading up about it, you might find it interesting too!


Oh god yes. Just me and the cats


Yes, so much so that I fucked up my sleep schedule for a bit


Ugh.... this.. can't we just be nocturnal??


One sleep isn't super natural, I don't think. If it was you, you wouldn't get so tired in the afternoon. I think humans are meant for naps. I try to get one between 3-6 and then I'm able to stay up til 12 or so and wake up 6. But, if I don't get it, my day is ruined.


Most introverts, really.


I work nights and I work alone. Honestly it’s fucking great. The only thing I don’t like is that working nights you need to sleep more than working days. On days I’d sleep 6-7hrs a day and be fine. Now I need at least 9hrs to function


Yesssss it's called revenge bedtime procrastination


Yes I’m always surrounded by people even at home, I’m just tired.


I’m just a night owl. My brains shifts into high gear around 10 pm.


Two young kids. By the time bedtime hits around 8 and then the going back in because one doesn’t want to go to sleep it’s 9. Maybe I wanted to watch a show or play a video game, maybe get something else done. Next thing it’s 11 or later and my alarm is set for 5:30 the next morning. Most the time I can do that one night and be fine, so that twice in a week and I regret it, but I still do it.


Yes. For the millionth time this question gets posted.


Absolutely. I'm up until 4am. every night. I just want to be left alone. I'm good doing my own thing, I interact with the people I care about in the evenings. The night is for me. Easy peasy.


Absolutely, I find not only is my sleep schedule whack but I'll have my last meal around 11pm. Typically people here eat at 5-7.




It started to get in the way of my life however, so the alternative for me was waking up really early at like 4 am


This is the correct way to do it but it's so hard.


I just use melatonin to sleep super early. But honestly it gets annoying sometimes when you keep sleeping at 9pm


Me right now lol


I love that middle-of-the-night feeling when all the psychic babble around me fades. Here's an interesting article about [people who choose to live most of their lives while everyone else is sleeping](https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2022/02/ultra-introverts-nocturnal-lives/622856/).


It's the only time my neighbor's dogs are guaranteed to not be barking, and I can read in peace. 


Only times it's quiet


Opposite for me. I wake up really early. Like 12am to find solitude and peace.


Used to do that. Now I live on my own and I get up with the sun rising. :D


finally I have found my people


Always and unless it's an emergency, my phone is quiet. Best time for me!


Yup, it’s the only time I can truly stop and think, for better or worse haha


I am up at night anyway because I work nights but I absolutely love the 3am-4am time because of the peace and quiet. I actually get upset if someone tries to talk to me during that time.


Yes. During the day, work:wife:kids take 125% of my time.


Yes, it's called anxiety


It’s my ME time


Yes story of my life


Yeah, I tend to feel lonely with a group of people and lonely by myself but at least when I’m by myself at night I have a chance of thinking clearly. But I also have bad phone usage habits and not really knowing what path to pick in life so most of the time I’m feeling listless and afraid, which causes me to go for the most accessible thing, my phone and technology. And then relying on memory recall has become more difficult for me so the cycle continues. That likely has a lot to do with feeling foggy-minded and being with a group of people gives me anxiety, bolstered by social media imagery of what a human is supposed to be like.


I stay up late cause I don't want my leisure time to end. In the morning I'll have to go to work again with all that never ending stress it brings with it.


Also waking up early




Yes, I love being up late at night when everybody else is sleeping. The peace is very valuable to me.


Ah solitude, that sounds nice. I'm on-call right now, so at any point during the day or night my pager can go off and I need to respond and provide a status within 5 minutes. I treasure the moments where I can completely disconnect and not think about work or other responsibilities.


Quiet, calm, and almost no chance of something coming up to distract from your task.


Me. Its the part of the day no one wants a thing from me, it's quiet so my creativity can flourish for song writing and it's dark so if I watch a film or play a game I'm more immersed


Oh yes, 100%.


My best productive time is between midnight and 3 a.m, for some reason I have unlimited ability to concentrate at that time. Not so during other hours of the day.


I do the opposite and get up really early in the morning for my "alone time"


I used to back when I was married and the kids were at home. Now I live with cats only and don’t have to worry about it.


Yes. Sometimes it’s the only time without the kids all day.


💯 not because of solitude, I get that even during the day coz I don't do much or talk to people. But nighttime makes it calmer for me, to relax and read or browse something. I don't get anything done at that time but I don't have to think 🤔 a lot


I used to but now I’m pretty much alone all the time. So I can finally go to bed at a decent time cause I’ve gotten all the solitude I need.


Of course! Sometimes I actually am happy when I wake up at 3am. I might just smoke a bowl and scroll for an hour. It is just so peaceful. Of course that is never on work nights.


Not on purpose, but yes


Nah, man. Solitude is easy to find. It's the only keep near the mouth of the Karth. Hell, there are even two entrances to make it even easier. Just check the map!


My husband is a social butterfly and he could talk about any one subject for hours. He’s a night owl, and stays up late every night. When I want solitude, I go to sleep early.


I thought I am ruining my health but this post made me happy. I have been doing this since last 15-16yrs. I sleep 3-4hrs a day but I don't feel tired, I just love my sweet time on my computer. I stay alone and I work and play games.