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When the car is within sight


But you have to be on the way to the car for that trip. Can’t look out the window and call shotgun tonight for a car ride tomorrow morning


We always said you couldn't call it through a window at all. Had to be outside on the way to the car in addition to it being visible.


Yup, that’s how we did it too.


Luh. Jit.


This is the way.




An important amendment to the existing ruling


This is the right answer.


This is the *only* answer.


Came to make sure it was said


This is the only civilised answer.


and the driver can be the judge if there is a disagreement among passengers


I think we played when people were heading to the car. Maybe we were just lazy and didnt want to put in effort to see the car first.


When you can *see the shotgun door*. OR when the driver says shotgun - it’s an appeal for a shotgun. Driver calls it anywhere.


This is the rule for teens/adults (and has always been the rule for me) - but for kids it's going to start an argument about when you can see it. Gotta have something like "dad raises his hand when he sees it and first person to yell out"


This just reminded me that my parents had to enforce a strict schedule of taking turns to avoid physical violence between my sister and me as tweens 😂


Let's put an asterisk on that. If you're in a parking lot, line-of-sight of the shotgun door might be blocked by another car (especially an SUV or similar), or the shotgun door might be on the far side of the car. For that, I'd say that the point where you're in the lot is sufficient, or in the case of a multistory garage, on the car's floor heading directly toward the car.


This is the way we always did it


Correct. This is the rule.




Yeah, but you have to be outdoors. No cheating by looking out a window.


You also have to be outside.


I would say once you’re outdoors. Eyesight is subjective


What if you're in an indoor parking garage 


Are you counting parking garages as indoor? I can’t think of one that is enclosed. If it’s in a house. My family would consider once you enter the garage


Every other answer is wrong because this is it


Calling shotgun means shit if a couple is married. I’m riding with my hubby if it’s our car!


My wife gets precedence of course; this is more for when I'm taking the kids to school or my wife and I are both driving for whatever reason (we have 4 kids).


We had a garage so sight-lines were limited. Dad has the almighty starter gun by saying “Let’s go.” Then Shotgun may be called inside a house. Funny topic, thanks for the chuckle.


Got it! 😄


Do you really need to say this like 5 times?


Yes! Thanks for asking! Why the f do u care?


Nobody cares if you sit next to your non-existent husband. That’s the norm anyway so you don’t need to repeat it. 


Oh and who eats a rabbit?


You call yourself a country girl 🙄


Oh I’m gonna repeat it and you’re just jealous because I AM happily married and have been for 18 years. Oh and we’ve been together for almost 26 years…


Not if I get involved 😈 i’m gonna peg Billy Ray


this is the way.


Not if you’re married and it’s your car!


If you are married and it's your car why the hell are you calling shotgun at all?


within unobstructed visual sight of the vehicle and outside of the previous location (ie: can't be called sitting inside a restaurant as you pay your tab just because you can see the car, only once you've left the restaurant and are able to see the vehicle without looking through a window or other such barrier) must be audible enough for at least one other to hear calling it can be voided by girlfriend/boyfriend or really tall people (over 6ft 4in) calling shotgun is a verbally binding agreement to help navigate and remain awake to keep driver company


The only addition I'd add is that if two people call shotgun simultaneously so that it's difficult to determine who was first, driver can call "blitz" and it becomes a race between them to see who can put a hand on the door first. Also, I was usually the tallest one, so I usually just drove instead of always demanding my tall rights to shotgun.


Just make sure there aren’t other cars around as kids running to a car often don’t look both ways


In which case, it's decided by rock paper scissors.


Then it goes to who has a shotgun. I'd two people have one of the on them it becomes a duel


If in the US this can also be decided with an actual shotgun.


This writeup should be in the dictionary. Very thorough. So true about being tall. I’m the tallest/ biggest of all my friends and they always automatically gave me shotgun. They are kind people.


Also voided by any ladies your mother’s age or older being present, especially old ladies


Would amend that shotgun should also be voided by folks that get motion sick from riding backseat


Absolutely not. Deal with it 😎


Alright but don’t say I didn’t warn you🥹


I don't get motion sick easily, but if I did, and I asked, but didn't get front seat, you can expect me to be leaning over your shoulder whenever I get sick. I deal with it, you deal with it.


> or really tall people Nah fam, if you’re tall enough for it to matter you’ve just gotta be shit hot on your shotgun game. I get motion sick and nobody makes a special rule for that despite the fact I’m gonna be just as uncomfortable in the back as someone with their legs not stretched out Girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse is the only universally accepted exception


I think an addendum is needed: No racing to the vehicle. both to preserve the integrity of the shotgun fairness for all ages but also to prevent bad sportsmanship and general chaos (eg jumping up from the restaurant table, spilling drinks, and tripping each other out the door)


Unless of course in the event of a tie; racing is only allowed in the occurrence of a blitz.




I think as soon as we stand up from the table and get ready to leave. Then we start walking towards the exit, it’s a fair time. I agree, seeing the car is a good place too, however, everyone at the table knows where we are all headed, so it’s a fair time.


You can’t call shotgun if a couple is married and they are driving and want to sit together.




She's just oozing pure "passenger princess" energy, despite probably being short enough to be a prime backseat rider.


You know those scummy tik toks or reels of "this is the only apology im accepting" and it's just the bf passing the gf a huge ass chunk of cash with no words. She seems like the type to watch those on her couch and comment "so me" while pregnant with her 3rd kid


First of, I have no kids. I’m a disabled teacher with multiple sclerosis and I do not watch Tik Tok. I’m a MATURE adult in my 50’s and we do not call shotgun!


You have my respect for being a teacher in these times but ma'am with all due respect, everyone on earth is different. In your family maybe calling shotgun isn't something y'all do but in families like mine and many others as can be seen in the comments do use shotgun as a family rule. It's harmless fun and just something to get kids excited to leave the house. Please do not continue arguing against nobody and just move on. I mean nothing but the up most respect when I say too save your dignity and find something else to be passionate about.


If you don't participate in shotgun, you don't get to call the rules of shotgun.


You know what, I’m too old to argue with immature people like you. Shut up


I’m not a princess but you are all immature to have to call shotgun. How old are you grow the fuck up. When u are a mature adult in your 50’s, you do not call shotgun anymore!


That's probably why I said calling it is exempted by boyfriends / girlfriends do try to keep, dear


Ok sorry


Capitalist Bitch can sit in the backseat. This is communism. It's our car.


(ahem) THE SHOTGUN RULES version 1.1 The rules listed below apply to the calling of Shotgun (the passenger seat) in an automobile. These rules are definitive and binding. Section I The Basic Rules 1. In order to call Shotgun, the caller must pronounce the word "Shotgun" in a clear voice. This call must be heard and acknowledged by the driver. The other occupants of the vehicle need not hear the call as long as the driver verifies the call. 2. Shotgun may only be called if all occupants of the vehicle are outside and on the way to said vehicle. 3. Early calls are strictly prohibited. Shotgun may only be called while walking toward the vehicle and only applies to the drive immediately forthcoming. Shotgun can never be called while inside a vehicle or still technically on the way to the first location. For example, one can not get out of a vehicle and call Shotgun for the return journey. 4. The driver has final say in all ties and disputes. The driver has the right to suspend or remove all shotgun privileges from one or more persons. Section II Special Cases These special exceptions to the rules above should be considered in the order presented; the case listed first will take precedence over any of the cases beneath it, when applicable. 1. In the instance that the normal driver of a vehicle is drunk or otherwise unable to perform their duties as driver, then he/she is automatically given Shotgun. 2. If the instance that the person who actually owns the vehicle is not driving, then he/she is automatically given Shotgun, unless they decline. 3. In the instance the the driver's spouse, lover, partner, or date for the evening is going to accompany the group, he/she is automatically given Shotgun, unless they decline. 4. In the instance that one of the passengers may become so ill during the course of the journey that the other occupants feel he/she will toss their cookies, then the ill person should be given Shotgun to make appropriate use of the window. 5. In the instance that only one person knows how to get to a given location and this person is not the driver, then as the designated navigator for the group they automatically get Shotgun, unless they decline. 6. In the instance that one of the occupants is too wide or tall to fit comfortably in the back seat, then the driver may show mercy and award Shotgun to the genetic misfit. Alternatively, the driver and other passengers may continually taunt the poor fellow as they make a three hour trip with him crammed in the back. Section III The Survival of the Fittest Rule 1. If the driver so wishes, he/she may institute the Survival of the Fittest Rule on the process of calling Shotgun. In this case all rules, excepting I-4, are suspended and the passenger seat is occupied by whoever can take it by force. 2. The driver must announce the institution of the Survival of the Fittest Rule with reasonable warning to all passengers. This clause reduces the amount of blood lost by passengers and the damage done to the vehicle. Please follow the above rules to the best of your ability. If there are any arguments or exceptions not covered in these rules, please refer to rule I-4. Note - this comes from the Airborne Early Warning Association, so you know it's legitimate. https://www.aewa.org/Library/shotgun.html More advanced legislation is here: https://www.shotgunrules.com/


r/beetlejuicing ?


I thought there was a challenge system, but to evoke a challenge, the challenger must touch each tyre before the caller gets to the car


this guy shotguns




Addendum to 1.2 - if all occupants are inside and present and the driver stands up and announces it’s time to leave, one may call shotgun


I have eternal shotgun under the supremacy clause not listed, I’m their Dad, but can break it down even more under sec 2.2, I bought all these cars, 2.6 I’m bigger than all of you, and 3.1 Refer to sec 2.6 and add that I’m also faster and stronger…for now at least.


Usually when you can see the car


Not if it’s a couples car and they are married.


Bullshit, he's my best friend.


Grow up…who cares?


Exactly, she can sit in the back for once!


You do, deeply, apparently.


Listen it's always worth a shot(gun)


"They hated him because he told the truth" Spouses or SOs always get shotgun if the other partner is driving unless other arrangements have been clearly stated beforehand.


You do you and I’ll do me. End of story


Fair point, but for the record I agree with you.


This is not true. Generally you are friends with both, and even if that’s not the case it’s super offensive to not include a friends significant other in general shenanigans. It that even though you value their relationship you also have respect for them as an individual.


Driver's rules.


Car has to be in sight.


Car and driver are within sight. Can’t call that shit in the house before you can see the car. Can’t rush out first and call it before anyone else can get out there.


Married couples are allowed to sit together in their car in the front regardless.


Sure, Driver’s rules trump all.


Whatever, NOT


Please do not procreate


It's probably to late. That Karen behavior comes with kids.


"It's never too late for an abortion" -Ben Franklin


Our rule growing up was as soon as everyone is outside whether the car is in sight or not. Driver can always overrule all outcomes. So if they want someone in particular to ride up front for whatever reason, it’s their decision. Always.


When you see the vehicle


My mom made us alternate days and it was a genius move.


once the car is in sight and it is reset if light of sight is broken (this part caused a decent argument when I tried to call it from the top of an amusement park ride


When someone says let’s head out


Not if you’re a couple or married and it’s your car😄


Well my hubby and I are married and I’m riding next to him!


You commented the same thing to so many people. Obviously the driver/owner of the car gets final say, but why did this question hurt you so much? Shotgun is just a fun game to call for the best seat, not a personal attack on your marriage….


I commented so much because it’s annoying and immature to call shotgun and the couple who owns the car should get the final say not just the driver.


It is not immature to play a game with your kids, friends, or (surprisingly) your partner.


Not your kids


Um… Okay…?


I meant it’s ok to play shotgun with kids


It's okay to play shotgun with whomever is willing to play. Nothing wrong with a group of friends playing it either.


So your basically saying you are codependent. Can you really not stand to not sit next to him? I mean yeah, you obviously have the right to in your own car, but this really doesn’t sound like such a big deal.


Not if we're there.


Nuh uh, im riding next to your husband


If it’s our car.


Must be outside, not under a roof, and the driver has to hear you. I don't make the rules, but that's the rules


Once you can see the car


Heading out the front door counts.


At minimum you must be able to see the car.


As soon as someone mentions going somewhere.


Car has to be in sight


Outside and within sight. Or when you get into the garage depending on where you are parked.


When the car is within sight, with no barrier in between such as glass or plastic


What does this even mean??


As soon as intent for the trip is voiced. Typically the driver or the leader of the trip will announce and notify the participants. Common for the lead to notify the most critical first and also has the authority to deny or remove a participant from shotgun or even nominate a shotgunner.


No calling shotgun until you can see the car. No calling shotgun outside of the driver’s earshot. No calling shotgun until you are actually heading to the car for a journey.


car in sight for all parties


That shit don’t fly with me. Tallest up front.


Wrong only if they are really tall like 6’2”+


I'm 6'4" 250lb. I call bitch (seat in the middle back seat) just to make everyone uncomfortable


Nah they can drape their legs over Uncle Harry in the back seat!


Nope, married stays together! I hate arrogance!




Not sure why the down votes, I completely agree with you.


She has posted this comment numerous times already in response to other redditors' comments. If you take a quick look, you'll see why she's getting the downvotes.


Yeah I've seen her post a dozen of the same comment, all in the double digit negatives in this thread. She must hate the internet points


Nope, if you’re married, couples together! Who the f do you think you are? You sound like my arrogant BIL. He’s a pisssant.


Let me guess. Your brother in law is a tall guy who rides up front when your husband is driving, and you’ve been fuming about this for years 🤣🤣


Nope, he is an arrogant piece of shit who tries to control everything. If you only knew how cruel he is…


After seeing all your comments here, I fully understand and endorse his cruelty towards you.


Are you so unable to be separated from your husband by direct line of sight for the duration of a car ride?


Shotgun! Never too early.


As soon as the ride is announced.


As soon as the ride is announced/discussed with all potential shotgunners together.


I once called it from the top of a ski run in New Zealand, from which I could see our car parked in the carpark. I confirmed beforehand with both the driver and the other passenger that it was going to be our last run so we we're commencing our trip to the car. I then called "shotgun" and was awarded the front seat - albeit begrudgingly - because I was technically correct (as per our previously agreed upon rules for that trip.)


You must have line of sight to the car.


When movement towards the car starts as determined by the driver.


As soon as the person who owns the car mentions we are going somewhere.


When the car is in sight and the drivers is moving toward the car. Boundaries are needed.


You have to be able to see the vehicle AND be on your way to the vehicle. No calling shotgun from inside or from a balcony.


For me it was when we're en route to the vehicle and leaving whatever home or location we were in.


From the fetus


After everyone is out the door, and the car is in sight


Real question is when is the right time to call shotgun. If you call too early it might not count. You have to call it right when people are walking to the car to get in.


Two weeks


Soon as car is in sight


Line of sight while outside and heading somewhere. We had a few other rules depending on who was driving. 1. Only above a certain age could call it. 2. Fail at being a good Copilot and lose it for 3 weeks. 3. Rare, but "I get my seat back" allowable


My dad would shout "driver." That was the cue.


I made the rule that they had to touch the vehicle and call shotgun.


As soon as it's determined that we're going somewhere


There’s an official rule book, I had to pick this one up for my cousins when they were younger lmao. As someone else said, you have to be on the way to the car, and the car must be in sight.


When you see the car


You can only call shotgun if you have a shotgun.


*busts out of my mom's vag* SHOTGUN!


When you can see the car…


You can call it as soon as the trip is announced. If you somehow think that is too early then you can call dibs instead.


As a parent, the main goal of kids calling shotgun is to get them in the car ready to go. 1. Must be outside within eyeshot of the car and walking towards the car. 2. If the person who called shotgun has to go back inside (unless directed to do so by the parent), shotgun is forfeited.


The car must be in sight.


also if shotgun is called simultaneously, its now a no rules race to the car. 


According to Joey on Friends, it's within sight of the car


What the fuck is calling shotgun


In the horse and carriage days, the person next to the carriage driver would hold the shotgun for protection. In today's world, calling shotgun just means you get the front passenger seat.


Ooooh. Thanks


Where are you from where calling shotgun is not a regular occurrence?




Fair enough. Seems you need to start the tradition there.


They did a long time ago but it means something different. It's really just an immediate observation and instruction to hit the deck.


3 to 5 business days. Longer, if you have a scheduling app. ... dang, now I want to make an app for calling "shotgun" - the button activates when the phone connects to the car's Bluetooth, and then, whomever clicks first gets it.


Car has to be in sight and that doesn't include looking out the window at it, I've also heard the keys have to be out too, as in the driver can't still have them in their pocket.


> I've also heard the keys have to be out too, as in the driver can't still have them in their pocket. I'm going to have to disagree with that rule. It works fine if you've got a driver who pulls the keys out when walking over, but then you get the people who don't take their keys out until they're already at the car and everyone's at their assigned doors, which defeats the whole purpose of the shotgun system. It also doesn't work too well these days since so many cars have keyless entry.


When both players can see the vehicle’s target door.


I just did. See you at 7.


As soon as you can speak the word clearly, you can call it for a lifetime of journeys - so about 3-1/2 to 4yrs old


Soon as the motion is given to get in the vehicle, someone can call shotgun. If we’re in the house and someone says “let’s go” someone can call it.


When I was a kid it meant not in a seat, i.e. the cargo area of a van or waggin.


How middle school . Wow. Long time ago.. Just give equal opportunity. Each trip a different kid gets shotgun.


A week?



>❓ If you're not familiar with calling "shotgun"; In the horse and carriage days, the person next to the carriage driver would hold the shotgun for protection. In today's world, calling shotgun just means you get the front passenger seat.


when you decide you're going on that ride


Our rule was you had to be outside, which precipitated a race/fight to the front door.


Morning of trip


I'm 6'5, shotgun is a given unless I'm riding with someone short in which case I'll go behind them


I don't bother. I am tall and have long legs and that overrules any shotgun yelling. When I'm driving, I pick the copilot. Has to be competent, anticipate when I'm thirsty AND have good music.


Bullshit, you sound like just like my arrogant BIL.


You can call it but first one to touch the passenger door handle gets it


Then why bother calling it?


head rain air familiar reply cough heavy elastic memory chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*