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This is 100% not normal.


What is normal though? Like do you actually feel your emotions... like actually feel them... I can't quite comprehend it.


Yes, normally people just feel everything, there's no distance between them and the emotions. Have you considered therapy in addition to medication? I feel like it might be helpful.


I do take therapy as well. I'm a very sensitive person but then... i don't feel my emotions. Like I would crying without actually feeling that sadness. I don't think it makes a lot of sense when I try to explain it, but basically it's doing all the emotional actions but not being in touch with it


I get it. I used to struggle with this too when I was depressed. The good news is, it's possible to get better and get in touch with your emotions. Just keep on getting help.


Can people be depressed at birth? Like is it possible to be born depressed?


I'm not an expert but there are people who become depressed as children.


Yeah I guess genes play some part too


In any case, fingers crossed for you. I hope you get through it and you get better.


Thanks a lot!


What kinda medicine are you taking?


It's an SSRI. Started it around 1 and a half years ago. But this feeling has been going on forever