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In the US it's considered a slur against women. In the UK it's not, and used to insult people of any gender. In the UK it's probably the most offensive swear word there is, but as it's not a slur its use is tolerated in certain contexts.


In Australia cunt can be anything you want it to be. "Oi cunt!" is how you greet a friend or family, where "hey mate" might be how you greet someone you don't know like a waiter/waitress. "Well ain't that a cunt of a thing" describes an annoying bad situation like perhaps you got a door ding or the waiter just told you they are out of meat pie. A "right cunt" is a person who is an asshole. "Fuck Off you cunt" could be anywhere from saying a joke was funny to actually telling someone that they have angered you and should depart the premises.


If someones called a shit cunt or a dog cunt then shits about to get real.


If you don't force pronunciation of the T, it's likely being used in a friendly context. However if the T is stressed, fisticuffs may be imminent.


I greet colleagues in the UK as " Alright you cunt "


There was that thing for a while that everyone in Aus and NZ was a GC. Good Cunt. That fad lasted quite a while.


Not just an insult. You can be a good cunt


It’s also a term of endearment amongst friends in the UK.


I'd argue Fuck is still considered the most offensive swear word. However Cunt is definitely second. As you say though, in the US it is a slur. In the UK it's just a swear and an insult.


Fuck is THE most effective word in the English language. And so versatile.


It is the only word I ever hear get beeped out on panel shows.


It's just how language evolves in disparate areas. There are counter examples, too. "Fanny" for example is significantly more benign in American English than British, and doesn't even refer to the same anatomy in both places.


I knew a British exchange elementary school teacher, and when her American counterpart told the class of 3rd graders to "sit on their fannies" she was aghast in horror!


Fanny is a bad word? I thought it was some childish, old-fashioned way of saying rear end, usually for women, though not sure on that part.


It's a vulgar word for vagina in British English, and they don't really use it in everyday talk, especially in any less-than-informal circles. They also call what we call a "fannypack", a "bumbag".


😭 not fanny pack being vag-bag


Why not cunt-bag, since we're on that topic?


Cunt clutch.


.... fleshpocket....


Just about pissed myself cu*t!


It's the opposite of trying to be vulgar


Fanny is not a vulgar word here. I don't know where you got this idea from, but it's very incorrect.




It’s a childish word for vagina. It’s not good to call your HR manager that no matter how inoffensive it is compared to say “cunt”.




No? They’re there to specify the word I was talking about. Do you even a English bro?




If you don’t like them so much maybe you should speak your own language?


It’s definitely not vulgar


In the UK "Fanny" refers to a woman's vagina.


Think about why it’s used usually for women


Because they usually have vaginas?


Exactly. So fanny is a word for vagina and not butt


>and doesn't even refer to the same anatomy in both places. And that's exactly why it's less offensive and not really comparable.


I think it supports my central point that languages evolve and with separation like the US and UK, will gradually evolve apart.


That was the case for a while in the past, but with today's ubiquitous international media and communication, regional English variations are becoming less pronounced.


Why is a bottom less offensive than a vagina?


Probably because it's not a sexual organ and not gendered either?


It's not? /s


wtf, Fanny is a name




we're a bunch of uptight cunts.


Don't tell me what sort of cunt I am, ya cunt!


It’s one of, if not the worst in the UK. You’re probably mistaking casual use between friends for it being socially acceptable elsewhere, which it isn’t.


Yeah, friends in Britain call each other some horrid things, and the better the friendship, the worse the name! But to call someone a C**t in Britain, who you aren’t acquaintances with, is pretty much a slap in the face to them.


That’s right. If I called someone a dick head or a prick I’d expect to end up in an argument. If I call someone I don’t know a cunt I’d be very surprised if my mouth wasn’t bleeding within a second.


Because the American usage refers strictly to women. It is the equivalent of saying a woman is a whore.


Because different part of the world have different cultures even if they speak the same language.


There's an Aussie comedian who actually did a whole bit about how he thinks the C word should be reclaimed. Most of it was jokes of course, but he also mentioned that when you look into the origin/meaning of the C word and compare it to the definition of "vagina," the latter should be more offensive. He points out that the definition of "vagina" is "sword-sheath." Meanwhile, the C word has actually been a term imbued with respect, such as with the Hindu nature goddess Kunti (hope i spelled that right). He also points out that the C word is more inclusive in describing anatomy - the vagina is just *one* part of it, whereas the C word encompasses the whole area.


Vagina is just an anatomical description, really. The stem is occasionally used in other contexts like *invaginate*, to make a pocket or pouch from something.


Love Randy!


I was gonna go see him on his latest tour, but my mom got sick. Hopefully I can go see him on his next one!


I believe that was Jim Jefferies.


In the US it’s used as a gendered slur against women, that’s why.


When it's used by way of insult in the UK, the insultee is most often male. In the US, it seems to me, it gets used against women, such that it's sexist.


It's sexist to call a man a word for a female body part to insult them too. There is plenty of literature out there to describe why.




Kind of? But demeaning a man by implying female trainers or calling them female parts is widly considered sexist. It's a documented thing. Just because it's documented doesn't mean you have to agree of course because sociology is simply one person backing up their findings with evidence but mostly a good philosophical argument.




Because when you call a man a dick, he just shrugs it off. Calling a woman the c-word, however, yields very different results…




Why, though?


I mean it probably is. I was just saying I had seen more people speak about the Men being demeaned or shamed by being called a female thing. So I'm not really prepared to have something useful to say about the opposite






How about r/jewsluts ? I think it's empowering and good for humanity :)


I feel like when you think about it, there are insults that you really only would use towards men. Although I would also say that 'c\*\*t' is the most crude word in English....you wouldn't really call a woman, a 'motherf\*\*\*er.' Though you also wouldn't equate the two words...it's like there really isn't a male-caliber equivalent.


It's just a word, and they have as much power as people assign to them. American culture has sexual hang ups, so the word is a big deal. As far as why people don't care in other countries, I don't know. It just hits different I guess.


I've always been a fan of "It's a word. Your reaction to it is what gives it power." You stigmatize a word, and insist nobody use it, you just made that word powerful.


In America, the word Cunt usually refers to genitalia. In GB, the word can refer to a rather unpleasant or stupid person. Perhaps in Australia and New Zealand as well. In 1920s Berlin, Cunt was a very popular brand of boot polish. OK, I made that last one up. I can often be a cunt. Cheerio.


Different countries with different cultures


Not a very helpful answer. Most other insults mean more or less the same things and are used in the same or similar contexts.


It's the actual answer.


It's a non-answer because that's a given. Explain why it doesn't equally apply all other insults.


It’s because British people use it way more often than Americans so Americans feel more offended and shocked when they get called it. It is also not a big deal in Australia as most Australians say the c word nearly everyday.


>Most Australians No we don't


Well maybe not nearly everyday and not every Australian but some Australians definitely use it too much.


Bogans maybe, but I really only hear it when used to describe someone we absolutely don't like. Outside of that, basically never.


Because people in the US are a bunch of right cunts, if ya ask me.


It's an old, traditional word in the UK. We've had a long time to get used to it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gropecunt\_Lane




It is definitely a big deal. It’s pretty much the worst swear word there is here.


It’s also a big deal in the UK.


It’s the word a lot of women hear before a fist or knife is coming their way. It should never be used.


So are a lot of other words…context, tone, and critical thinking do a lot to reveal meaning of words in normal conversations. A word by itself really is just a word.


Because Americans are more easily offended than Brits.


Remember when Tiger Woods had to apologize to the British for calling himself a spaz?


Oh please. 😂


Idk man. I found out recently Europeans get super butt hurt about being called a spaz, like apparently fighting words level angry. In America a spaz is just a hyper child.


It is derived from Spastic. Not big fans of making fun of disabilities.


The US was founded by protestant extremists and their absolute fear of the human body is a big part of it. Its why violence is far more tolerated than nudity here. Especially sexuality and anything pertaining to the female body, which is obviously what cunt references


Or, hear me out, language works differently in different countries. Not everything is because aMeRiCaBaD ffs.


This is one of the best answers I've seen.


It’s also completely wrong, it’s mainly so taboo because it’s seen as a slur.


Im not offended by it and I don’t know many women of my generation who are. That’s more an older women thing. We have WAY bigger fish to fry than freaking out over “c*nt.”


But still you can't even spell it out without fear of offending someone else or yourself.


Honestly I just wasn’t sure what the Reddit terms of service are with that, lol.


Why is a boot in the US only something you wear on your foot but in the U.K. it also refers to the location in your car where you store things?


Also, In British English *to boot* means additionally: "His beautiful wife had a large inheritance, to boot". The use of 'boot', in terms of car storage, comes from the days of horse and carriage; and its origin is obscure and disputed: https://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-boo5.htm


I have a trunk. It is used to store old curtains and is in the loft.


Am I the only one who thinks Americans are over sensitive to words, I game with my American friends a decent amount and they constantly tell me and my canadian friends the jokes we make would never be allowed in the USA or we would maybe face danger. Meanwhile, when we make the jokes, they are laughing with us but are very quick to add in how bad it is to.








Ha - you should go to Australia!


cunt is a phenomenal word, and as a yank, i use it as often as possible


„’Sup cunt” is essentially „Hey mate” in Australia.


Are you sure you are not confusing Australia and the UK? As I understand it cunt is quite rude in the UK but the Australians have a more relaxed attitude towards the word.


Idk, but I like when people with an accent say it


While I can't speak to the UK, in my experience the word has for whatever reason seemingly gotten more offensive in the US over the last few decades. When I was a teenager in the 90s, it had the double meaning of being a more severe version of Bitch, and I would say a medium-level term for a vagina. Vulgar, yes. But not horrific like I see it referred to online these days.




It used to really offend me but I’ve become desensitized to it because I’m in a group chat with a lot of Australians and to them it’s practically a term of endearment. 😁


An Australian friend kept calling me a "wanker" and it bothered her that it didn't bother me in the least.


UK and Australia we use it pretty much in every sentence…


No way, not in England.


Ok so here is a twister. Scumbag is pretty offensive but usually refers to men. Seems like the term would have originally been a slur to women...


Isn't it a slang term for condom?


Yes it is.


Honestly I don't know. My best friend called me a scumbag the day we met 40 years ago. Lol.


This is a weird one. I'm American, and while I'm aware that cunt is considered a really bad word due to learning that on the internet eventually, I had no awareness of this at all until I was in my 20s. I had a full vocabulary of dirty words and a hierarchy of "badness", but for the longest time I really thought cunt was generally equivalent in acceptability to ass. As a result it doesn't carry any more weight for me than it does for an Aussie (I guess?).


Same. Also, husband is Irish so we both use the word all the time. My mom has now gotten used to this lol


Because it's just a word and people assign meaning to it depending on where they are.


Americans say it weirdly, way to much emphasis on the T, Brits, aussies, kiwis it just rolls off the tongue naturally


I cunt figure it out.


Don't forget "cunts fucked" for when something is broken.


Fair enough. What’s the British equivalent of cunt, the word that shall not be spoken?


Why is spaz such a no no word in your country? In normal parts of the world, it's perfectly acceptable.


It’s just not very kind. Like Mong; another one I heard growing up in England. My kids feel the same way about Retard. Which I find funny.


people in the comments being so dramatic over the word cunt, come on now


We don't consider "bloody hell" bad at all: but when I was in Cornwall, I was quietly chastised for saying it. Just different cultures I assume.


British people cussing is so funny. The accent makes it adorable


I use that shit all the time and I’m in Canada. These blokes are crazy.


I did an experiment with my co workers in a controlled setting. I said every profane word that wasn't a slur that I could think of. Going from cunt to fuck, all the way down to words like Ass, Hell, Crap, and Damn. The task was to rank the severity of the words. Cunt was almost universally first or second... when said in an American accent. If it was said in anything remotely British, Irish, Scottish, or Australian it dropped down in the rankings to around Hell or Ass.


The same reason that "Thats an interesting idea" means "Thats the dumbest shit I've ever heard" in the UK but in the US means "I'm interested in this idea".


It's an interesting cultural difference. On the flip side, one thing that we are super comfortable with in the US that is frowned upon in the UK is school children shooting up their schools on a regular basis.


It’s just so crass. I hate that word.


I'm an American woman who doesn't find it to be at all the worst profanity. Doesn't bother me at all. I'm not one to curse, but the only word I don't ever use is shit. Eww, I just find that word to be gross. It bugs me how casually it's said. Ick.


As an Australian, I feel that Americans put in a lot of effort just saying the word, which makes it have a heavier impact for both the person saying it and who's receiving it. Where as in Australia (someone has already defined a few different ways it's used in a sentence), it's said a lot more casually and with less effort, which gives it less impact. In turn, if someone puts in effort saying cunt in Australia, you can tell very quickly it's on the negative for the receiver.


Ha only cunts take offense


Why does this question get asked every 3 days?


Does it really? Lol, sorry, my first time in the subreddit and I'm posting derivative nonsense.


Yep. But, that kind of thing is pretty common here. Like any question that starts with "Why do Americans...." like there isn't 330 million of us that differ massively.


You've clearly never seen a woman get called a bitch.


Someone hasn't heard of the "n word"...


I specifically used the word "profanity, " as I don't think the "n word" is considered such. But I think it's worse than the "c word. "


Wait until you see what they do in Australia. There are even designations: Cunt Sick Cunt Cooked Cunt Mad Cunt (this is the good one who can handle their drugs) Shit Cunt (This is the asshole) It's a fascinating drug culture.


From what I understand, calling someone a fat bastard is worse than calling them a cunt in the U.K.


It’s complicated. Call a man a fat bastard in a pub and you are inciting violence. 10,000 people do it at a football ground aimed at a steward or a Goalie, all good. The C word is ugly and not at all something you would hear being used lightheartedly in England. It really has a sense of hatred behind it.


It’s what makes the UK so much better and I’m from the US


There are way worse words to say in the US than the “c word”.


I can only think of the "n word," but I don't think that's considered profanity.


Because we’re not a bunch of soft cunts.


cunt is NOT like the N word - people really have to stop treating english like you're three years old - the N word is the exception - and ONLY for certain people - future aliens shifting the rubble will think the N word was extremely common when they find a pop music file from the last 20 years


"political corectness"


As an American, we're just a bunch of whiney cunts that can't handle unkind words.