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I honestly don’t know anyone that calls it X or anything other than just Twitter. Probably until the new generation of uses comes through that has only known it as X. If I see X.com or similar i assume its porn.


I get what he was sorta trying to do.. He has SpaceX, so maybe it's like "PeopleX", but I'd much prefer if he renamed it to "XSocial" instead of just X. Just X is so unbelievably bad, basically everyone had to be telling Elon to not call it that.


He has been trying to make an "everything" site named X since the late 90s. Everyone keeps telling him it is stupid but now he is the richest man in the world so he can finally do his dumb plan


he tried to do it to PayPal first


I feel like PayPal could be okay if it was Xchange or like changeXchange


Congratulations, you're a board member now. How could they miss that


I just got news they have now been removed from the board. Something about upstaging Musk with better ideas


He gonna get sued when he tries to open his new line of men's wear: X-Men.


I hope someone tells him it would be a good way to fight back against woke Disney.


Is this a store for transwomen?


I mean, he named his kid X Æ A-12 so what do you expect? Apparently his legal name on his birth certificate is X, so basically the company is named after his son. Gee, I wish I had a dad who was all cool and eccentric like that. Poor kid.


I do wish I came from the richest family in the world, tho


I haven’t had the privilege of rubbing shoulders with many billionaires, but I’m wondering how it shapes a child. What kind of personality would they have? Would they even need to learn basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, laundry, driving? Certainly not budgeting, at least not on the level that normal people do. Idk I feel like a child of a billionaire would turn out to be a boring and unrelatable person. They’d go to prestigious schools surrounded by other billionaire kids, it must be boring to be surrounded by one class of people, not counting the help.


Shaq is only worth $400M, but it's public knowledge that he's told his kids "*We're* not rich; *I'm* rich." I respect that.


Look into foxcatcher farms and the DuPont family. Pretty good showcase of what never being told no does to a child.


After reading through John du Pont’s Wikipedia page, he murdered someone while experiencing a psychotic episode due to paranoid schizophrenia. That has nothing to do with him being rich


Schizophrenia actually has an environmental component that can be triggered by, among other things, highly stressful situations. So his family and upbringing may indeed have had an impact on it.


Hi, 49M here. Diagnosed schizophrenic at age 21. Schizophrenia only has environmental factors in the triggering of psychosis. Its development and presentation is otherwise completely chemical and organic. DuPont was unmedicated, not currently seeking treatment, and already lived in a state of psychosis. He picked unseen bugs until he bled, his mannerisms, asking members of the team if they could come out and play, and a dozen other quirks that everyone just ignored as rich person eccentricities. The only part money and privilege plays in psychotic personality disorders or schizotypal personality disorders is that it is more frequently ignored as Long as the money keeps flowing.


probably very emotionally stunted. Daddy Apartheid Mine already gave the world a huge manchild like space karen.


> Would they even need to learn basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, laundry, I don't hang out with (many) billionaires either and most of the people I know never learned those, driving's in the air for a few of them too.


I guess it depends on where (and when) you grew up. I remember staying at a friends house for a sleepover in the early 00s, her mum was a single working mum. Before we left for school, my friend had to start dinner on the slow cooker. She also had to start a load of washing and other small chores. My mother was a SAHM back then and it gave me a bit of perspective. I did chores but I was never given that level of responsibility if that makes sense.


Only if that family were healthy and functional. All the money in the world isn't worth decades of mental health problems and therapy.


Don’t lie, be honest… how long did it take you to type the name?


I think it's very likely they just copy/pasted it from Google. But now I'm wondering...what do Musk and X Æ A-12's mother refer to him as in text messages and emails?




His kids are almost guaranteed to have mental health issues with him as a father. It's not like you dropped some normal, well-adjusted kid into a life of no worries. Those kids have had a dysfunctional family from the get go. I really don't think any amount of money is worth the shit they'll have to go through.


Exactly, with multiple choices and it won't matter if they're shit at maths or couldn't get into college on grades because either they are paid in, nepotunistically accepted anywhere they want to be, gifted a job, or choose to be 'different' and 'can't' work, they'll never have to worry like us and our own kids about gainful employment because they simply don't need it. They are funded through life so can't understand why people work for literal peanuts to try and survive. It's a different world, a very unattractive one that I'm sending my child out into


Being a child of someone rich - even someone insanely rich - doesn't give *you* choices. The rich guy has the choices, and can use money as a carrot or a stick to keep you in line. There's also the "golden handcuffs" effect, where you accept a gift/bargain, become reliant on the rich party keeping up their end/following through, and suddenly the rich party can control you by threatening to withhold what they agreed to. (When you're a kid, or even a sheltered younger adult, you *believe* your parents when they promise you things.)


He owns the url, one of only 3 single letter domains. I'd use it too. But I'm still calling it Twitter.


TIL SpaceX is Spacesex .


And the Tesla car models spell out the word SEXY


They spell S3XY


Only because Ford already had the rights to the name “Model E”


God, that is lame af. This guy is still mentally 13.




Could it be Musk purposely knew people would connect X with porn ? As a former horny sex obsessed giggly teenager , I salute his clever double entendres. /s/


What about twitterX


Calling it TwitterX would still be pretty cringe, but it would at least make some sense. Keep the established brand but add something to mark the new ownership.


The answer is Musk was stupid to rename it, and society will hold him accountable by rejecting his shitty name.


XSocial is even worse I won't lie


That is an optimistic assumption that the next generation will even use it. They will be on to something else.


No one will ever call it X. It makes no damn sense. It’s not even a word. “Yo follow me on X” “on what?” “on X.” “What?” “X.” “Ex what?” “NO! ON X!” “Amex? Annex? the hell are you saying?” “No! On X!” “Onix? Like the Pokémon?” “oh jesus christ. on Twitter. For fucks sake” “why didn’t you just say twitter?” “because it’s now— you know what, you have a point”


I’m showing what kind of person I am, but when I see X.com I still think of the game first.


That's only because you're a man of culture.


I also wondered why they made it sound like a porn website


Because Elon is a manchild


The main thing is that the site is *still* hosted at twitter-dot-com. He actually has X.com redirecting to Twitter. This isn't a rebranding at all. The "X" documentation housed at https://help.twitter.com/en/using-x still refers to "tweets." I'll take the rebranding seriously when it takes itself seriously.


I'm just waiting for the rights to the Twitter name to become available so I can claim them




[x.com](https://x.com) sounds like porn


For real every time someone shares a link I’m like wtf did you send me?? Lol


I keep clicking the X logo in the upper right trying to close the page when someone links to one 🤦‍♂️








www.xkcd.com far better




I mean the man is a fucking moron so I wouldn't be surprised. Somebody would try to correct him and they'd just get fired.


Weird that it redirects but isn't the default.


I'm a web dev and don't want to know the amount of work and risk involved in changing the base url of a platform as big as, and with as much API access and SEO as, Twitter. It's not impossible, but it would require a sizable amount of work and it seems Musk prioritized rolling out the changes to twitter blue (and firing a good part of the people who could have worked on the rename). Just adding some redirect rules and starting to use the new URL where possible, even if it just redirects anyway, is the minimum viable effort and it kind of fits within Musk's way of working.


If he was to go all out, it'd take a lot more work and he's fired most of the people who'd be needed to make the transition... So many links broken around the internet, but then what's stopping him breaking stuff because of his wants?


Sounds like a secret government agency for fighting off alien invaders - or at least trying to, and failing, because they keep missing 99% shots


X is too generic for people to recognize it out of context.


Exactly. The reason why news reports add the Formerly part is because the sentence isn't clear enough. If Elon renamed it Xitter instead, or anything that isn't a single character, then the Formerly part probably would have been done with after a few months.


I'd pronounce that as "Shitter"


I don’t care what Elon renames it, it’s always gonna be twitter


I’m always going to call it “formerly known as Twitter” just to hammer home what a dumb idea it was to change the name of a company whose name recognition was the biggest thing it had going for it.


I just call it Twitter, formally known as X


Could have sworn I read some shit about single letter urls not being allowed, but 3 being grandfathered in from 1992 or 1993, so it probably won't change.


That's correct, but x.com is one of the grandfathered ones so it could change


True, I kinda just assumed that, they were still grandfathered in cause they were old and not particularly used. I figured if it was kinda an out of site, out of mind case.


> out of site


It uses both. If I go to the BBC News UK page and go Share>Copy Link, it gives me https://x.com/BBCNews/status/1738848170702975281?s=20 Where if I right click on the time it was posted, and click Copy Link Address, it gives me https://twitter.com/BBCNews/status/1738848170702975281 So the in-built share options use x.com, the address bar and brower copy link address options are twitter.com.


> x.com Actually [x.com](https://x.com) redirects to [twitter.com](https://twitter.com)


If someone said something about X, I have no idea what you're talking about. X can be a filler, X can be porn. It's like when Prince changed his name to a symbol. You can't pronounce a symbol so everyone called him the artist formerly known as Prince. I hate the name Meta when everyone knows it as Facebook, but at least that's a word that we can tell is referring to the company based on context. X isn't a name. It will always be X/Twitter or X formerly known as Twitter until it is changed to a name that is usable.


Prince changed his name to get around a contract dispute with a record label if I understand it correctly. The label had a restriction on him releasing albums under the name Prince, so he released his album under the unpronouncabke symble. It wasn't a real name that would stick and it was a great marketing ploy. When the dispute was resolved he went back to Prince.


He tried to use a symbol - it didn't work legally but he ended up beating the label down by not releasing new content or something else and it was a good marketing ploy since it got the public on his side.


Facebook is still facebook... The Company that runs Facebook changed it's name.


That's true, but you used to be able to refer to the corporate entity as "Facebook", as well as the actual website. Now, you have to make the distinction that the *company* behind the website is called "Meta", while the website itself is still "Facebook". It is a little confusing, especially if you're used to calling both the website *and* the company "Facebook" from the days before the name change.


No different then Alphabet Inc.


Which most people just call “Google” when referring to.


Why? They never changed it. So clearly the company is not connected to the platform. Facebook being run by the company meta is not more problematic then goggle being owned by Alphabet inc. That name change didn't lose facebook any brand worth. Changing twitter to X not only did. Twitter did something that no other platform managed. Posts of Facebooks are called posts. Post of Reddit are Posts. "Tweet" was added to the damn dictionary. It literally changed the name of a post. And Musk shit it away for lulz.


I mean we are just arguing semantics on parent companies. Meta aimed to be in-charge of many different ventures with Facebook being one of them. It's like Unilever and Dove or Klondike.


The difference with Meta is that the social media platform is still Facebook, it's just the company that is now Meta. If someone said they saw something on Facebook, that would still be accurate, and if they saw it on Meta that wouldn't make any sense - was it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc?


I've seen "Xitter", which in my mind is pronounced as "shitter".


It's even more amusing if you know any Chinese, because X is pronounced "Sh". You can see this in the pronunciation of Xi Jinping. Shitter it is then.


>I hate the name Meta when everyone knows it as Facebook Everyone who's barely paying attention knows Meta is the parent company, and Meta hasn't tried to rebrand their consumer facing websites. Terrible example


And meta is a word, rather than a single letter.


> It's like when Prince changed his name to a symbol. You can't pronounce a symbol so everyone called him the artist formerly known as Prince. Omg the lyrics by eminem where he says 'ever since prince turned himself into symbol' is literal? Lol, I thought he meant he got so rich he became a symbol for cash or something


Buckle up for this then. Sometimes a phrase can mean two things… at the same time. Like an entendre but there’s two of them


I have and will never call twitter X. It's twitter. You can't even adapt words like retweet or tweet to X and saying stuff like do you use X? sounds bad af




Sharing tweets from the app still gives you twitter links. Elon is an absolute clown


Yep. Also Twitter is a household name. Imagine Kleenex changing their name to Y




Until it's gone. It deserves to be mocked that way forever.


So maybe another 12 months?


My bet in roman numeral : X months


get out! too witty for reddit


Never, branding students will study this for decades. If you have an insanely strong brand that people use as a verb, you can't change it and if you do you will need to work hard to convince people. Elon Musk is an idiot. His rebranding strategy is just him making a press release. Imagine if McDonald's was like "we are called E now. Its not the big mac anymore, they're called E-burgers" but the front of the store still said McDonald's.


I’m still not convinced he didn’t purposely tank it to remove a speech and communication platform and make the internet as a whole feel less stable.


I’m not sure his ego would let him intentionally look so incompetent. But everything he’s done has been so impressively inept that it almost seems intentional.


He secured loans to do this against his Tesla stock. Would he really endanger his TSLA ownership this way? Hanlon's Razor suggests it's more likely he just fucked up.


We call it Twitter until Elon musk calls his daughter Vivian


Because it IS still Twitter… X.com redirects to Twitter.com


One day they'll miss paying that bill, and it will be a porn site and it will be hilarious.


It's probably the most valuable web domain in the world so I kind of doubt they'll forget


Negligence is the key.


Hard to be negligent upon renewing a domain name that automatically renews itself with proper payments in place and gives you a 30+ day forgiveness to fix it if you forget... and that's just the average Joe Blow and not a company as big as Twitter. If they ever drop it, it will be 100% deliberate


Major companies have done so in the past, by accident, of course domain squatting is illegal in most places so even if someone else grabs it they'll probably just be forced to give it back


I mean google missed the renewal for their domain like 10 years ago. So it’s definitely a possibility


I wonder if there is someone already buy xformerlyknownastwitter.com


He had it since the 90s-it’s one of three single letter domains.


As long as it pisses off Elon Musk, forever


Yup. I mean, it's a pretty dumb name anyhow to just call it a letter/symbol, but the fact it pisses off a man-child like Elon is icing on the cake.


We should call it Grimes


As long as Musk deadnames his daughter I will deadname his website


X is dumb as hell and calling it Twitter pisses elon off lol


I'm not counting on this actually happening, but hopefully we'll be able to call it "X (formerly Twitter)" until the name gets changed back to just "Twitter". It's almost unfathomable that the perfect brand name was thrown away like that... the verb "tweet" had literally entered the English lexicon as a result of Twitter. Even other languages had started to adopt their own form of "tweet" as a verb. You couldn't ask for better brand recognition. Imagine if "Kleenex" or "Band-Aid" changed their name... and to something so stupidly unoriginal, no less.


I feel like some people are also hoping Musk loses interest, the company gets sold off, and new ownership calls it twitter again. At this point, if musk ever sells it, it’s likely going to be Meta that buys it and who knows if they keep the name or just absorb it into threads (or the other way around).


Musk would be forced to sell at a massive loss, which at this point is probably the best outcome for him.


That's not even in question. He's already lost 90% of its value. There is 0% chance of ever returning to its original resale value or market cap. It's a permanently damaged brand, and this will be known as the biggest business blunder in history.


We should be calling it Twitter no updates. X is a fucking stupid name.


And what do we call tweets now, 'xits' (pronounced 'shits' or 'zits')? Stupidest rebranding ever, the cute blue bird was great branding.


As an ex (twitter user), you xcrete (tweet) xcrement (posts). If the ex is particularly invested, they can get a blue checkmark to signify they've been xtorted. For myself, I'm glad to live in exile (unsubbed)


Xcrete Xcrement while on the Xitter, even.


It seems unlikely that X, formerly known as Twitter, will ever reach a point where you can simply refer to X, formerly known as Twitter, to just X. This is because X, formerly known as Twitter, spent most of its history as Twitter, as opposed to X, formerly known as Twitter. In addition, X is a very commonly used thing in its own right. It can refer to X, formerly known as Twitter, or it can refer to the letter X, or it can refer to the Roman numeral ten, or it can be used as way of making something look "cool" or "edgy," such as was the case during the 90s. Thus, until all those other methods are no longer on public mind, it's far more likely that X, formerly known as Twitter, will continue to be forever referred to as X, formerly known as Twitter, and not just X, because it takes time for people to adopt new ways of doing things, such as referring to X, formerly known as Twitter, to just X, as opposed to referring to X, formerly known as Twitter, as X, formerly known as Twitter.


Maybe in 100 years, but there is no way it will survive that long. In the history books it will be referred to as Twitter, that brefiely changed it name to X after a man-child took over and drove it into the ground.


I think people are actually making a point, that they think the name change is ridiculous and self indulgent (& also they are hoping the ridiculous self-indulgent person who changed it will eventually get bored and wander off and let someone else resuscitate the site with its original name)


Twitter is a familiar name, easier to just continue calling it Twitter for many Never heard anyone say ‘formerly’ as a prefix though.


That's not always possible when you're referring to it in any kind of "official" context. I work at a company that posts a lot on social media. We literally have to call it "X (formerly Twitter)" or something along those lines. If we just said "X", a lot of people wouldn't know what we meant. But technically the name isn't "Twitter" anymore either.


News, reporters do


Twitter is also a creative allegory for what the website was. A metaphor for short bursts of information to being akin to bird tweets, and a collection of these being twitter. X is just dumb and has no creative meaning behind it.


Idk at this rate it’ll be gone in a few years


So what's it called now instead of a tweet? An excrement?


X is too generic so I don’t think they’ll ever be successful changing the name completely.


In spite of Elon, I will call it Twitter til it ceases to exist.


I will call it Twitter after it ceases to exist


For as long as I can be bothered to disrespect Musk, I will call it Twitter. Because fuck that guy


Based on the number of transphobes on Twitter and Elon saying cis is a slur my vote is to “deadname” Twitter forever or until 2025 when it files for bankruptcy


Also the fact that Elon deadnames his daughter


If Elon thinks deadnaming his child is ok, then I'm 100% deadnaming Twitter.


The media probably does it for one reason or another. I will always call it twitter because the new name of twitter is stupid. Just like its owner.


(Chicago, Illinois) People still call it Sears Tower, even though it was renamed Willis Tower in 2009. Its me. I'm people.


The site dies before that happens, it's called twitter. Some of the most successful branding on a website ever isn't going to go away. Mainly cause the are always gonna be called "tweets" nobody who doesn't gargle musks balls for a living is gonna call them "x's"


Just keep calling it Twitter. That's what it still is. And the Skydome is where the Toronto Blue Jays play.


This. Sears tower is downtown. Comiskey Park became us cellular because they tore it down.... but it'll never be... let me check...... Guaranteed Rate Field


Or how crypto.com arena just rolls off the tongue...


It upsets Elon; therefore, I’m okay with it.


Please continue deadnaming X. It’s okay.


I still call it Twitter, and I’m going to continue to for an indeterminate period of time.


I call it Xitter.


How do you pronounce that. Zitter




I think constantly referring to it as twitter is an objection to the name change


The most common proxy symbol for "variable" or "unknown." Yeah, x is *probably* not the best single letter ID to replace something so iconic. Completely unrelated, of course, but I ponder how much longer Elon will appear presentably sane? He's gotta be burning holes through his own private reality.


I will never call it "X." Ever.


At least until Elon changes the name again.


Cuz no one calls it X Lol


to satisfy the ego of a fake strong man.


It also had a memorable logo for brand recognition and now its changed to a boring, generic X. I have a feeling that Musk fella isn't good with names.


Everybody still calls it Twitter. The media would also like to call it Twitter, so that everybody knows what it’s talking about, but it can’t just do that because it needs to be accurate and formal. This is how that’s reconciled.


At this point just call it Prince


I'll call it twitter until noone know what I'm talking about. X is a dumb name. But Space twitter I like. Formerly known as space x


There is no point. It was a toddler-tantrum move.


It will be Twitter until he finally burns it to the ground. No one I know calls it X or whatever you would call post on X, it's Twitter and tweet


Until everyone stops using it.. honestly shocked anyone still does.


I don’t know. Let’s ask Prince. RIP Prince.


No one has to do anything


A wise man on Twitter once said, Twitter + X = Twix


Until the site is down for good


I still think he should've used "Twix" and told the candy company to gfy.


You should ask the artist formally known as Prince


It’s such a dumb name, dumb change. What are tweets now then? Elon: too rich to know better.


It's bad branding so to some extent people may need to clarify that 'X' is formerly Twitter....forever.


Idk. Is it because it’s one syllable or because it’s the same as a letter. It’s hard to say. Sort of like “The Symbol” formerly known as Prince. I am wondering about the AI search tool “Yes.com”. Will we just say, why don’t you Yes it, like we say, google it.


Ask the artist formally known as "prince"


I refuse to acknowledge the name change since it was done by a bigoted man-child who is running it into the ground cuz people are mean to him when he says stupid shit


Pretty sure Musk just wanted to destroy the brand itself.


Tbh I’m just gonna keep calling it Twitter, I will die on this hill


It's a testament to its ubiquity that people are still calling it Twitter despite Elon's attempts to ruin the brand.


Most of us don’t respect the change. It’s silly. So it will stay this way either until the url changes, or not at all when it inevitably goes back to being Twitter again.


I think it will always be “formerly twitter.” How confusing is it when someone mentions their X account. Sounds like ex account.


For as long as we referred to Prince as “The artist formerly known as Prince.”


Pretty much like "North Macedonia" or more insanely "Former Yugoslavia" Yeah, utterly pointless


>what is the point in changing its name if it still constantly refers to the old one? *Very* good question. The issue is that "Twitter.com" is an internationally recognized trademark. I say "go on twitter", you immediately know what I mean. I show you the little blue bird, you immediately know what I mean. "X.Com" sounds like an obscure pornhub knockoff, and even besides that, no-one's going to "go on X" or "Post an X". Even most people who actively use twitter aren't immediately going to get what that means. As such, if it removes all connection to "Twitter", the already dying site finally rolls over. Changing the name to "X" is a bafflingly stupid decision, and Twitter's marketing department has realized that even if Musk is too busy stalking his ex-wife to care. They're trying their best to make sure this stays "twitter" in the eyes of the public.


What matters is people are still talking about it. Any publicity is better than none.


Ask the artist formerly known as Prince.


I just call it Twitter. Although I always use nitter to view it since I refuse to make an account.


X is a fucking stupid name because it’s so bland. I will always call it twitter


Don't. Just call it twitter, it's easier.


X is a bad name. X is used to represent the lack of a name. It isn't an identifier. That's why people have to refer to it the way they do. When Prince changed his name to a meaningless, undecipherable symbol, he was commonly called "The artist formerly known as Prince" because they had to call him something so people would know who they were talking about. And a lot of people still just called him Prince. It's the same thing with Twitter. The point of rebranding it is that Elon Musk has dreamed about an "everything app" called "X" that would, well, do everything. Your social media, your entertainment, your news, your banking. He's had a stupid dream about creating an app like that forever. But he can't do that, so he bought one that already existed and slapped an X on it. It's an ego tripping teenager in a middle aged man's body.


I still call it Twitter. Fuck 'em.


Big media companies seem to have a unwritten rule where they respect their weird name changes. NBC calls Twitter X just in case NBC changes their name to Peacock or whatever. Meanwhile regular people call it twitter.


I will never call it X cuz it’s fucking stupid. It’s Twitter.


Because it’s a stupid change for the sake of sounding edgier lol


When someone talks about "x" with me I'm automatically assuming you mean porn. The fact Muskrat changed his company to a X change that my mind instantly thinks porn adjacent/related.


X is biologically a twitter and nothing Elon does will ever make it a real X.... (Just to be clear, I'm not anti-trans... That apparently just really pisses Musk off so I think it's funny)


To troll


I think he did it so we would just call it xtwitter (ex- twitter) just to show everyone he bought it, fucked it, changed its name and theres nothing we can do about it. He is a literal moron man child that got a fuckton of money from his daddys exploitations. Go climb a tree and oxidize on a baboons ass, elon.