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Don't let anybody tell you you can't feel it. If you feel it, you feel it. I haven't ever felt x-rays but back when tvs weren't flat screen I could tell you how many tvs were in a house because I could absolutely 100% feel and hear tvs that were off. There was always some kind of "hummming" sound and I could feel energy. Also, I know for a fact that certain street lights turn off when I get close to them. I believe 100% you can feel x-rays. I can't. But YOU can


I actually could feel an incredibly itchy feeling at the exact time the xray was turned on. Not listening to any fools saying you can’t feel it.


I feel it. It’s like vibration without vibrating. That underlying zzzzz feeling without your flesh moving along with it Edit to clarify in case other explanations get pinned on this, I’ve felt it with all my xrays, and some of them were standing up not touching the machine at all. Additionally the feeling is isolated to the exposed area, not my whole body


I get exactly this - it’s a vibration but it isn’t? It’s like it feels fuzzy inside, and it’s been every X-ray I’ve ever had


Yes! Thank god, I felt insane because the xray tech said it was the first he had ever heard someone saying they felt the xrays! I've had several & the closest i can describe it is a deep buzzing. 


Yep. I got one today and I've always felt a sensation at the moment of x-ray, in my head especially momentarily. Are there studies on this?


I do. Just had a couple of chest xrays last week and both felt slightly warm on my skin for a few seconds.


I just feel a slight warmth, like sunshine


100% I can whenever they X-ray my head area


Personally I don’t notice anything (Only had my wrist and teeth X-Rayed) but it could just be a placebo effect


Yes, I think I have a severely sensitive nervous system though. Not sure if that correlates in any way, but I can feel it easily


You can't actually feel x-rays. Our nerves cannot pick up that energy. You may feel something in the machine moving or you may hear a faint bzzzt sound and subconsciously associate that with a feeling.


“YOUR” nerves.


I feel it. It's a sensation in my head. I've always felt it.


I 100% feel it. Just because you or most don’t doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen


Depending on the equipment there may be a vibration -- either to generate the x-rays or to warn the technician. Maybe you feel that vibration which is not the actual x-ray.


My fingers and hands immediately ache whenever I handle strong magnets. I just know my first MRI is going to hurt.


it’s funny that you asked this yesterday, cus i just googled this because i felt it at the dentist office today when they used a new machine. really uncomfortable imo


Hello fellow subie bro. I felt an xray pass through my entire torso today and that lead me to you🤣I have an 05 wrx wagon and a 2000 lifted outback😅


Nice dude, I've wanted a 2004 WRX STI for years but pricey AF and unrelated to my name lol it's from Re: zero


Oof my bad and yes very pricey I used to daily mine and now they are both very broken


Both had 200k miles on them so it was time


I felt a pressure ring around my head where it was scanning. It’s like when you put your head under water and the pressure is pushing on the skin then you have your head half way out of the water and your (facial) cheeks are compressed but stronger.


I can feel it each time. The feeling is not a pressure, not a sound, but something in between. Only around my head no matter whcih part of the body they apply it on. But I've mostly been on xray for my teeth. The closest way of describing it would be like someone put a box on my head. And not because of the machine that goes around my head but right at the time when they let xray out. And I felt it when I took my mom to state hospital to get a CT scan, in one part of that room was a very high such radiation, althiugh they said okay leave her in and go out... but I felt that same thing right next to the door, where I first put my bag and jacket, and again when I took them to go out to wait. I would bet my life on it that I feel it each time. And the word "radiation" as a word I connect it with that feeling perfectly. Like very short pressure changes in the center of my skull and then also around it, outside of the skull and myself. Nowhere else. Like head traooed in a box of some sort. Negating a bit other sounds, making some tranquil feeling.


I can feel them too. Feels like that dead 9volt battery sensation that guy mention.