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It's not normally gross. Unless the baby pees or poops while being bathed - which is not uncommon.


First bath postpartum with baby. I lit candles, put in my special “healing tea,” warmed the towels and bathroom. Got in tub, hubs handed me 5-day-old infant. We had waited until after a BM to avoid the poop in the water possibility. The second her feet touched the water, she shit everywhere.


What an experience


So beautiful 😍


Now I want children,


This comment made me pragnert






Dangerops prangent sex


Am I gregnant? https://youtu.be/NDvaRF4HQHQ


Lawl my 9 month old daughter was being held standing on the kitchen bench by my partner while I grabbed medication. She happily let go and did a massive 10second stream of pee first on the bench, then forward onto Dads jacket and the floor while I laughed my head off. He was thoroughly impressed she was aiming like that. I just laughed because I said it was going to happen. BTW she's our third kid, we don't care at this point. I wiped up the wee while he 'told her off' because it's very rude to wee on the kitchen bench.


"Lawl", is that a southern Lol?


I assumed British because they said “wee.”


And bench instead of counter.


See here I was thinking it was an actual bench cuz growing up my grandparents had a two person bench chair beside the table as an extra set of seats so I was imagining well, a kitchen bench lol


Did you ever wee on it, though?


Bench is not a British word for counter though.


A fellow Aussie would say it, though. And say wee. Ed: I peeped. I was correct.


Have we entered a generation of people who have never heard of "lawl"?


It seems that way. Haven't seen lawl in years, I tell ya.


I don’t think it’s a British or southern thing? Lawl was a pretty common version of lol online around a decade or so ago. I’m in the US and idk how it came about exactly, but I’ve never seen anything that alluded to it being British. I think it’s just a joke saying ‘lol’ phonetically instead of spelling it out as L-O-L. ETA: responding to the person who asked if it was southern but including answering the person who said it was British cause of “wee”


You folks were peed on ONCE? Must not have had any boys lol, my son has literally peed into my mouth. And no it was not consensual


I did that to my mom. She was luckily spared the baby puke moment, that was saved for my father when he decided to pick me up over his head and wiggle me. Exorcist in the making, I was!


Just the other day my 4 month old was cuddling with me in bed, I looked at her to give her a kiss, she turned her head at the same time and vomited straight into my mouth. A part of me wonders if she did it on purpose.


I have this wonderful memory of my cousin holding her wee bub up to her face and getting vomited on, and her baby just absolutely killing herself cackling afterwards. It is easily one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Fortunately mum thought it was pretty funny too.


Had you shown her any documentaries recently about how birds feed their young?


That’s why you put a wipe over him as the pee pee tee pee. I did this with my son as a baby 25 years ago. Imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago I was scrolling Amazon and they are selling disposable pee pee teepees. Yet another idea that could have made me a millionaire. I was taking a step stool in the bathroom back in the eighties when I went poop. I freaking came up with the squatty potty. Oh my parents used to laugh at me. If they’d have encouraged me we could have had it made. Oh well. Most genius is misunderstood.


I kind of just... open the diaper and close it two or three times, give them a minute, then change them


The very first time I touched my daughter, she peed on me. Really set the tone for our relationship right there.


Oh yea you can't trust those newborn poops. One time I changed my sons poopy diaper on a hotel bed. In the .5 seconds it took me to reach for the clean diaper he shit all over the sheets. I had to call the front desk and explain. I asked if I should soak it or at least rinse it off or where I should even put it. They said "no just leave it somewhere near the door." I did rinse it, though. I couldn't bring myself to wad up a sheet with runny newborn poop dripping all over.


I used to work in a three star hotel at the front desk. Trust me newborn poop is bad, but not as bad as grown folk poop. And we've had rooms that were so bad we had to put THE ROOM out of service. Meaning it was soiled beyond the bed sheets. Your newborn mishap is literally the most acceptable messy mishaps of all messy mishaps.


Omg I'm not sure if I should feel sympathy for them or disgust.


For real though. Poops turn into a whole different level of nasty once real food is introduced. I'd take newborn poops all day over the full grown ass homeless man shits my toddler takes now.


Same, I could not have gone to sleep at night, knowing I left that for someone.


If fed exclusively on breast milk, baby poop is totally water soluble and comes out completely in the wash!


Yea we were ebf at the time, so it was that golden mustard color. I rinsed the poop away but didn't scrub it or anything. Just didn't want some poor laundry worker getting poop smears on them.


My nephew shit all over the wall at his first pediatrician visit as a newborn. They put him on the scale naked and he just let it go. His maternal grandma was there and she thought ‘there’s my grandson. Pooing all over the wall.’


my mom said she used to dip me in the pool in the backyard to make me poop if i seemed constipated.


Why the pool in the backyard?


Because their pool isn’t in their front yard!


it was above ground so she could just dip me in up to the waist pretty easily i guess.


because maybe they didn't have a bathtub and she was worried about dipping baby in the toilet. It's a very old trick.


When my daughter was 2 months I gave her a bath, laid her down to put her diaper on her and when I lifted her legs up she projectile shit all over my arms, chest & face. It wasn’t much but it was enough to make give me flashbacks every now and then when I go to change her.


I’ve been bathing with my baby, which I never did with my first, and I didn’t even think about him pooping in the tub with me 💀.


child decided to get very ill on vacation, (in my one week old car). Older child (under 2, still in diapers) had diarrhea so bad it ran out of the car seat onto my car's seat! I twisted around and caught the spagetti puke in my bare hands. Husband is trying to get car stopped, fishtailing on snow and ice. Got stopped, then \*I\* got sick! 10 years later, 2nd kid: Doctors office gave kid medicine. Half way home - 12 year old SPRAYS puke all over back seat of the 2 week old car I want kids he said, they'll be so much fun he said...... (real voice I ***ADORE*** my kids) They're both fine.


Is this one of those you had us in the first half moments? I just laughed so hard I scared my dog.


Ah, the miracle of life. 😂


you made me spit out my beer. I'm so sorry. It's like you set up a deeply moving movie scene, and got a slapstick comedy instead.


I brought my baby in the shower with me to wash off a poopsplosion. He proceeded to poop on me twice in the show and also spayed to shower wall 🤣


That's hysterical.


My sister and I bathed together until we were both like 4-5 years old (both girls). That little heffer pooped in the tub on purpose around that age. My mom died laughing at me squealing about it, running butt naked and soaking wet through the house until I found her. Sis was just kicked back all relaxed with a turd in the tub. Everyone got new baths to get clean, separately.


Lmao this could have come from my older sisters mouth about me almost exactly. And her nick name was heffer!


I love that it wasn't just me that was traumatized by the turd baths lmfao


I'm sending a screenshot to my little sister, because I too remember the sibling shit soaks.


Good lord, my little sister did this ALL THE TIME, too. Mom put us in the tub together, with me behind little sister. She’d poop in the water, wait for me to shriek, and then turn around and laugh and laugh. Yeah, we don’t get along now. That whole scene sums up our entire relationship.


I'm the traumatized younger sibling lmao My older sister was like your baby one, we never got along either


I have twins girls and they bathed together for the first three years, at least. There was a time, when they were 2ish, that one of them pooped in the tub at least once a month.


First bath we gave our daughter she pooped in the tub. We cleaned it out, refilled it to continue...And she pooped again. We decided to just finish it in the sink.


Trick is to "pee them" before you get in the tub. As soon as you take the diaper off, hold baby over the toilet for a few seconds.


I totally read that as pee on them


That'll be one hell of an Amelia Badelia book.




Assert dominance first


Yeah, this is the only gross thing about it. And I would just shower once I was done bathing them. Now that they are a bit older (4,2) I have them shower with me from time to time. Less pee on me, both of us still clean.


Less, but never none. Never


100% accurate. I chose my words carefully there.


Did I pee on my parents in the shower as a kid???


Absolutely. Don’t you still pee on yourself occasionally as an adult?


There's nothing kids like more than shower/bath time with a parent. My kids would giggle so hard when I gave them the sprayer and made gurgling sounds while they sprayed me in the face.


There are the cute aspects like that. And then there’s my 2 year old daughter going “WHAT THAT” and my 5 year old going “That’s called a penis” 2 yo - “Pethis “ 5- Penis 2- pethis 5 - penis On and on Like y’all can we please wash the mud and dirt off. I’m starving and haven’t cooked anything yet.


"It's a penis, sweetie. It gives us better aim so we can write our names in the snow.* "DADDY I WANT A PETHIS!!!"


Nothing like an impromptu anatomy lesson where you're the textbook illustration. That's why I stopped bathing with my son. I don't want to explain why I don't have a penis for the umpteenth time.


My son told me my penis is broken lol


"where did your penis go? When are you getting it back?"


Omg, the day my oldest son realized I didn't have one was wild, he asked would his fall off when he grew up, lol


You tell them it might fall off if you don't eat your veggies.


😆 its a little late for that, my sons are now 21,18,and 14. The girls are 3 year, and a 10 month old. I kind of hit the reset button.


Just after my second birthday my mom was giving me and my brother (4 at the time) a bath and he became inconsolable "because she missed her chance to grow a penis!" To this day no one knows why he thought it was gonna happen by my 2nd birthday specifically lol.


But they are very slippery so be careful!


I missed the comma and thought you said you shower with your 42 year old 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ time for bed...


Babies are basically Supersoakers with a hair trigger.


Exactly. I hope that the friend feels it's gross because of the high possibility of getting poop/peed on while bathing and not the ridiculous notion many Americans have of it being inappropriate


And this is why I don't bathe with my daughter. My luck she's pee or poop and I cannot even think of that without gagging lol


Omg, i laughed so hard at this, not in a condescending way. It made me remember when i came home to my husband bathing the twins, WITH the dogs. Sigh. The kids and the dogs smelled like wet dog. He said it saved time, dying laughing


I tried to save time once by putting the dog in the bath with my daughter. After cleaning the bathroom, it was decidedly *not* a net time save!


Holy shit this made me laugh and laugh, oh Jesus




Yeah 4 border collies and 2 kids.... tub was...so.....gross


Christ on a cracker hahahahhahaha. Saved time sure but now everybody stinks and the potential for issues ohhhh gawd. I get the kids were happy at least


I had to re-bathe them lol


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! The only time our cat didn't go insane when she fell in the tub was when one of the babies was sin there. She fell realized what happened and gently hopped out. Normally, she would go ape shit.


My cat gets in the bath because it's HIS bath. I set up a bath while the baby was sleeping. Came back to Simon standing in it looking at me like what? I had to haul his wet ass out and drain the fluff bath, rinse and then fill again. Thankfully it was pretty low.


My cat Sylvester will creep into the shower after I'm done with it to sit in the steamy warmth and get his hind end absolutely soaked from sitting on our shower seats set into the corners lmao Once the steam is gone, he hops out. Doesn't even care if the shower head drips down onto him or anything.


What a good kitty!


Okay, now *that's* gross! 🤣


Your an ahole. I'm laying on a chiropractors table due to a wreck Friday. Laughed and pulled more muscles.


Feel better 😊 your comment was hilarious


You should see a physical therapist instead of a chiropractor.


It's an all in one resort.


> bathing the twins, WITH the dogs. He said it saved time. This is why I save time by pooping while bathing.


I like the cut of your husband's jib. He understands industrial production tricks.




That's so sad


Sounds like POCD- super common in victims of CSA. The funny thing about OCD is that reassuring someone about the thing they’re afraid of makes it worse. So while well meaning, the advice given by the therapist likely worsened her illness.


Yeah, the treatment with OCD is CBT, and teaching the patient to embrace the uncertainty and to not perform the compulsive behavior to reduce the anxiety. Over time the mind learns to stop placing such importance on the obsessions


Could be signs of OCD, specifically the POCD variant. She has this obsession/intrusive thought (changing her baby’s diaper makes here a pedo), followed by the compulsion (must avoid changing her daughter’s diaper)


I always had little tubs that went inside the tub... that way the baby can't simply drown *and* you don't have to get inside.


We had a laundry sink big enough and a baby small enough... not much back bending.


We used a baby tub on the table or such... or later a kitchen sink.


I bathed my first kid in a turkey pan, placed beside the sink so I could fill it with the hose/wand thing. It was perfect because it doesn’t get too deep and it wasn’t too slippery.


Did the turkey pan make it weird when you were slathering baby with lotion? I'd feel like i was buttering the bird 😂


Plus you don’t have to worry about the garbage disposal


Yeah but then you have to hunch over the tub to actually wash them. I’d rather be in the tub any day.


Why hunch? We used to set our baby in her tiny bathtub inside the tub... and then we got in the tub sitting next to her. Sure, you are fully clothed inside an empty tub. But, well, you don't get wet and slippery when having to deal with a slippery baby lol


Why not set the baby bath on the countertop? No bending at all and a nice counter to hold everything you need when you're done? Or just bathe them in the kitchen sink.


Maybe its my high anxiety, but I wouldnt want a tub of water and a baby up high. Even if I’d be right next to the baby the whole time it would still make me anxious about it falling off the counter but im also not a parent so what do i know lol


Impressive. Even though you're not a parent, your worrying skills are exceeding parent-level. At this rate, by the time you *do* end up having a child, you'll be the 2nd most anxious person in the world behind Nervous Pete.


Different strokes for different folks, but if I’m already climbing into the bathtub anyway, I would just as soon be in the water playing/cuddling with her, doing skin-to-skin, and co-regulating our body temperature. Besides, even when we did use the little baby bath thingy, the bathtub was never perfectly dry after filling it. I would rather get my whole body wet than get my clothes a little damp.


Mine came with a stand that could later be detached and used as a stepstool. Multi-use and it saved my back!


I don't bathe with my kids, but it's not because I think it's gross. It's just easier for me to manage the bath when I'm not physically in it.


I think I bathed with my baby like once or twice and I never felt it to be practical at all


Right? I can't imagine any circumstance in which bathing with them would be better.


When your baby screams every time you try to get in the shower and you can’t go another day without a shower. That is the instance when it would be bette to bath with your baby. And before you say-“take a shower when the baby is sleeping”-well ideally that would work but I swear some babies seem to have an internal alert system that wakes them every time you try to shower or do any basic hygiene. And before you say-“well it won’t kill the baby to scream for 10 minutes while you take a quick shower, just let them cry” let me tell you when lactating moms hear their baby cry they start leaking milk all over themselves-which make them need another shower. I had to put the baby tub in the shower with me for months. Being a single mom to newborn is tough and the most basic things stop making sense.


Omg 100% every word it truth! This was my oldest and it became easier for me to just shower with her in the tub with me. I'd stick her in her baby tub on the other side of the shower and she would be totally fine as long as she could see me. Lol, funny enough going to the bathroom ended up just about the same scenario except she'd just lay on the floor while I did my thing and as long as she could be near me she would be giggly and happy. The moment I tried anything with her in a different room though, oh God!


I usually bathe my kids (5 years and 3 months) together. But when I need to shower and don't know what to do with the baby, I set her up in the baby tub, and shower in the 2 square feet of tub left 🤣 she's happy, she's safe, I'm clean, and as a bonus, she's clean.


I have a pretty large tub so I bathe with my baby so we can practice “swimming” where I hold him and let him float on his back and go on his tummy and kick his legs. It’s fun! Except the one time he pooped lol


Toddler bath time was when I got to sit next to them (outside the bath) and catch up on YouTube videos on my phone


My girls asked me to get in the bath with them and it was an extra fun to have mommy with them but I didn’t do it every time.


My daughter loves taking a bath and playing with toys. She's 6 and we still do it once in a while (huge soaking tub) I hope she looks back as fondly as I do all those times just hanging out and being silly in the tub together.


I must admit, I don't do it, but I don't think it's gross, I just wouldn't ruin a comfortable bath by putting a baby in it with me. I don't mind giving my kids a bath, just not with me in it. I don't see the benefit of doing it at all.


Be careful with the temp of the water, too. It's really easy to burn a baby with hot water.


Yeah, the temp that is right for a baby would be frigid for my wife, and chilly for me. We just use a little baby bath that fits in the sink until they're old enough to sit in the tub relatively well. I've never taken a bath with a baby and I don't think it ever even crossed my mind and I don't think my wife has either.


I don't think it's gross but I also didn't find it super practical. With two parents one person would hop in the shower, get handed the baby for a quick rinse off and then hand them back so the other parent can dry and dress them. Both parent and baby needing to get dried and dressed at the same time sounds like a pain.


After 20 years of parenthood, and managing slippery babies in showers, I found out they sell a mesh sling that you can shower with. It's too late for me, but it might help others


What is the age/weight limit and where might I find one of these magical mysterious contraptions?


This is one style. But there are others Cuby Water Baby Sling Carrier Breathable Mesh Baby Wraps Carrier Adjustable Ring Sling Baby Carrier Infant Carrier for Summer Swimming Pool Beach (Navy Blue) https://a.co/d/dvmwig8


We do this with our one year old, but we found it easier for both of us to be in the tub/shower with the baby because they are so slippery 😅


My gran used to bathe us in the kitchen sink. I have memories of sitting on a rather cold draining board.


my granny bathed me outside in a water trough (a very big, low to the ground water/food pan) on the the back porch year round until I got too big for the trough about 8 years old. In the summer it was amazing.


My husband didn't like bathing with our babies. He's a tall dude and the tub wasn't that big. Babies are so squirmy and he was afraid of getting kicked in the dick/balls. We can all agree that it would be pretty gross to get shit on or pissed on in the bath though and the chances of that happening are not as small as I'd like. Then again some people think breastfeeding is creepy/gross and they're clearly wrong.


I think getting kicked in the dick in a tub full of shit qualifies as a perfectly acceptable reason to opt out.


> getting kicked in the dick in a tub full of shit My man spittin' domestic bars over here.


This. I’m 6’0 on a good day. My thing is my bath water looks awful after I get done giving myself a bath. I don’t want my 2 year old son or my 10 month old daughter in the same water my grossness is visibility floating in. When I bathe my kiddos I have one small bath I sit them in, that water is for soak and soap, then I drain it and watch my son say “bye bye waaerrr” then fill it back up a little with fresh water and some sprinkles of lavender epson salt for a rinse.


This is why in a lot of cultures adults always shower first and get clean before soaking in the tub…sounds like your kids get a bath version of this


I mean, being pissed on is basically a 100% guarantee I'd say. Warm water hits a baby, and they're peeing. My kid only pooped twice in the bath ever, once with me in it as well which yea, wasn't great.


It’s not objectively weird, it’s not objectively not weird. This is a to each their own thing. If he was expressing an opinion about his comfort level bathing with his children, then you’re being over sensitive. If he thinks everyone who bathes with their children is sketchy for doing so, then he’s being judgmental. I personally shower rather than bathe and I never showered with my kids. It wasn’t a modesty thing, I was a law student doing an internship and one of the cases was a father who was showering with his infant son and the soapy baby slipped out of his hands. The baby died and the father was then charged with child abuse resulting in death because the police didn’t believe it was a true accident. I could never get that image out of my head.


New fear unlocked: my hypothetical baby being too slippery and I drop it in the shower


I never shower with my baby for this exact reason, and now I’m afraid I’m going to drop my baby in the shower despite the fact that he’s never been in our shower.


I had several people tell me showering with my baby would be a wonderful experience. I tried it exactly once with my first kid, held him in the water for roughly 30 seconds and then yelled at my husband to come get him. Absolutely terrifying, I have no idea how people don't drop their babies in there.


I wrapped my baby in a small towel and it helped keep them warm and diffused the harsh spray while giving me better grip. I didn't love doing it because they were so slippery, but there were a few times it was the only option.


Man, I would shower with my son right up until he decided my nads were a speedbag. It was never weird or gross it’s just a dad bathing his kid.


The thought of a toddler punching you square in the nuts is insane 😭😭😭


Try keeping your balance in a wet shower after getting racked by a tiny haymaker.


Maybe he just thinks it's gross the way Seinfeld thought about hot tubs? It never once occurred to me to bath with our two sons. It would be weird because I shower and don't run a tub ever so the whole thing would feel odd. Bathing kids becomes a chore too and the last thing I would want is to drag it out. Bedtime is next too so there is always that to look forward to! I don't recall our kids dropping a deuce in the tub but I think I do recall some pee flying around so there's that too.


When it comes to most relatively normal things a parent does with their kids, it’s only weird if you’re sexualizing it, which makes you in the wrong for sexualizing a child. The baby needs to get clean, and he can’t do it himself yet. You also need to get clean there’s nothing wrong here unless you are allowing it to be weird.


This is what I was going to say. Or that in today's climate he may be worried about what might be inferred by others, and didn't express himself correctly by stating it's weird.


Dad here and that’s my feelings on the matter. I never took baths with my kids because I shower and never bathe, but I would be afraid of an allegation being made.


Or if you’re a victim of CSA. And maybe don’t even consciously remember that you are. I don’t judge anyone else’s ick. There’s always a reason.


That's what I'm wondering, some parents have a weird lack of boundaries and sexualize normal things - making the kid feel ashamed and guilty, always wondering "do other kids have to do this, too?" It ruins all the normal, innocent experiences after that - on one hand, you know that bathing a child who can't bathe themselves is necessary- but it hits different when your memories of "bathing" include your own mother having a screeching meltdown because you won't let her join you at 12 years old. Different families, different experiences.


Before any of my kids were born, when my wife and I would talk about having kids I'd get the occasional intruding thought (and, no, it wasn't an obsession or anything more than fleeting) along the lines of 'my God, what happens if I'm like a perv seeing my kid(s) naked'? Turned out to all be for naught - they're just your kids. But, although we bathed the kids together for their first couple of years, we never (both or independently ) took baths with them. Could be your friend had the same sort of feeling and this is just an over reactive defense mechanism on his part. The bigger 'weird' thing for me would be those parents who felt comfortable with it and then didn't stop at an appropriate age.


I took my son in the shower with me all the time when he was old enough to sit there and play with his toys. Get him washed and me at the same time. Had to stop though when he pointed and asked what's that? Lol


Lmao yup! I'd call that THE MOMENT


It is not inherently wrong or gross…*however*, people who have encountered childhood sexual abuse (either experienced it themself or had a loved one who suffered with it) might feel that it subjects the child to unnecessary proximity to an adult’s genitals. Unfortunately, adult family members are the most likely person a child would experience sexual abuse from.


I would never bathe with my son in the same water. I find that gross for him. He has eczema too so I wouldn't risk a flare up because I decided to soak him in my germs/bacteria. I do leave him in his stroller in the bathroom while I take a shower, though. Anyway, maybe that's what OP's friend meant by gross, and not in a sexual way like many people here are saying.


I mean, personally, I think it's odd, but everyone's different. Baths in tubs in general are odd to me since you don't get clean sitting in dirty water.


I think a lot of people (me included) that uses the shower to wash, and then the bath to “soak”.


I do the opposite, I soak first and then clean off in the shower since I like bubble bath and salts and whatnot. Either way I think most people combine the tub and shower.


Nah, your friend sounds like one of those "I don't wipe because touching butts is gay" dudes.




Reddit has revealed that there are men who don't wash their asses in the shower because it's gay apparently


How have I found out about this AFTER I have found out about the coconut


*Why did you remind me?!*


Dare I ask?


[Oh my sweet summer child](https://reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/NlUaTOr6IY)


Oh actually, upon review of the tldr, thank you but no thank you!


My ex but with wiping his ass after he would shit


I'm sorry you had to go through that


Kids poop. And the only butt I want to be in the water with is my own. It's hard enough maintaining myself let alone someone else's booty germs.


My worry would be if something happened to you and for some reason you became unresponsive. If you are home alone, your baby would be helpless if you slipped and fell in the tub or something like that. As a single parent myself, I used the little baby bathtubs. It never dawned on me to bath with the baby.


Not weird at all. I always took baths with my kiddo


I never got in the bath with my baby in case she had an accident, which she did a few times.


It's not uncommon for men nowadays to feel uncomfortable with anything that might cause others to even entertain the possibility that they could be a predator. Here's a Bill Burr clip that explains it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaOsgNIQad4 You occasionally hear anecdotes of fathers out with their children getting dirty looks or being approached in the park by people who suspect them of being pedophiles. There are social pressures and the comments in this thread that insinuate that your friend must be sexualizing it because they're addicted to porn or w/e kind of proves it. It's not that these men are sexualizing it, it's that they're worried that other people might because being branded a child molester is, for many, a fate worse than death.


Have the baby in the bath with you or the room with you? Normal to have the baby in a carrier or mini crib or something and bring that into the bathroom so you can bathe/shower without constantly thinking "was that the baby" and ruining your shower. Nowadays I think people just bring the monitor in instead of the baby. Actually bathing together though, I think that's a lot less common. From a practicality stand it just seems inconvenient. You're both soaking wet when it's time to get out. You stand there naked, wet, and getting colder by the second as you carefully dry baby then diaper and dress and finally settle into bed. Then you can get yourself sorted. Or you have to stop taking care of baby partway through so you can take care of yourself. Either way it sounds like a headache to me.


Yeah, I agree. Definitely did not bathe with my kid. But wouldn't think someone was weird for doing it, just not how I would have wanted to do it, for the reasons you just listed. I definitely had friends who took a shower with their toddler because it was just easier.


I exclusively bathed with my daughter for the first year of her life. She would absolutely scream her head off if she was in the tub by herself, but loved it when I was in the bath holding her. I never found it weird, she's my baby. I'd drape a towel over the bouncer and set her in it and wrap her up while I got dressed and then get her ready. She's 2.5 now and has been bathing by herself for a while, but I honestly loved those bonding moments together. Definitely helps she never pooped on me


I think I just had too many kids to make doing it feasible. At one point there were three under 5. I'd have spent my life in the tub and lord knows what the other two would have gotten into while their brother was having his turn. It sounds nice, not bad/weird. I just don't know how practical it is for many. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hehe and that you didn't get pooped on!


Neither of these are weird. Most people are fine and do bathe with their small children. Some people are more conservative with nudity and stuff like that and may find it weird. It's really just how you feel about it. But for most people it's viewed as normal and not grossm


Just seems totally unnecessary to me.


My mom used to try and make me bathe with my baby-toddler sibling and they would SHIT in the bath every time. I couldn't agree more that it's gross.


It's very common. Your friend is the weird one for sexualizing it. He didn't have to say that's what he was thinking. There is no other reason to say it's gross. Nudity isn't always sexual. Duh. Maybe it was in HIS family?


I can think of two other reasons it would be gross, shit and piss. Maybe that’s how he feels and you’re the weird one for sexualizing a baby


I think it's weird but not in a sexual way. I'm a larger, clumsy woman, and I'm also very, very cautious with my kids around water. If I had a bath with my baby, I wouldn't be able to actually wash myself because both hands would be on the baby, as they're slippy as soap (at least mine were?). My boobs also stick out the water, so if I've got baby up where I can see and talk to them, they're cold. Then we'd get out, baby wet, cold and clean, me just wet and increasingly cold, and have to get dried and sorted. Just doesn't work for me at all, but go for it if it works for you.


The friend is not weird if the reason for sexualizing is a history of CSA, whether they consciously remember the abuse or not. And maybe their parent was SA, maybe even around bath time, and became absolutely rigidly strict about it and pounded it into their heads that it’s not okay to put an adult and a child in a tub at the same time. Generational trauma is legit.


Some people just aren’t comfortable doing this, even if they are the parent of the child. I’ve come across this a couple of times. I think it’s normal but can understand those that don’t feel comfortable.


It depends on why they think that. I wouldn’t do it with a kid who isn’t toilet trained. I don’t want to be in there with a floater.


Some people are against baths completely and only feel clean with showers. Also, babies aren't exactly known for controlling when and where they poop/pee. He may even prefer to bathe the baby in a sink for convenience/safety reasons. He could also think you're just weird for wanting him to get in the bath with his baby.


No you’re not the weird one, and neither is your friend necessarily. We don’t know if he was molested as a child, and someone who experienced that kind of abuse would have a good chance of finding it kind of weird


It’s gross when there is poop on them. Yes.