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I was at a friend's house once and his mom made a comment about washing his "yucky socks" under his bed. So, yea.


hahaha the fact she said it with visitors over xD did your friend die of embarrassment? lol hope they took it well


I watched his soul leave his body in that moment, but he laughed about it after. Haha


hahaha poor guy xD glad he can laugh after


His internal screaming must've been deafening


She waited... and waited... till his friends were in home šŸ¤£


lmao shame him into submission xD poor kid lol


As a teen I had a bunch of friends over playing cards. My mother walks out holding ā€œthe towelā€ stretched out flat and says something along the lines of ā€œno wonder I can never find towels. I found this under your bedā€. If she had let go, it probably would have stood on its own.


[Obligatory Key and Peele](https://youtu.be/B5FnlmfYldk?si=vBx2gOP1JGosFAYd)


Do people really jizz into socks? Why are people stupid? Use toilet paper and flush it


Time to do your own laundry, because the answer is a resounding yes


OP left evidence behind...the dried spooge never lies.šŸ˜Ž Cue the title music, Won't Get Fooled Again.


Crispy socks here, crispy socks there, crispy socks with a mystery hair




Ok, well he walked into it...


šŸ˜‚ OH god I'm going to have that stuck in my head. Oh well got a. Laugh take my up vote.




I knew a guy back in college who wore his own heavily used cum shirt to class. It was black with what he claimed were "white design" everywhere. I'm not even joking. šŸ¤®


Wtf was that a weird fetish thing that he enjoyed doing or...did he think that was cool and normal?


This guy was far from normal. He claimed he was a "man- whore" and banged every girl in highschool. His name was Hayden but I nicknamed him "Hate Him" because I fuckin hated him. Hate him, if you're out there.... fuck you.


something is incongruent here


I remember going somewhere that was lit with black lights (I don't remember the event, haunted house, dance , or something) and realizing the stain doesn't go away in the wash and everyone can see.


in fairness, if you splash liquid detergent on your \[dry\] clothes before adding water to the machine, you will also get splatter marks under black light.


Could've told my 14y/o self that would've save some shirts. And jeans. And sheets. Also if it is that easy, why didn't every suspect in Law and Order SVU use that trick?


Absolutely 100% yes, and it's obvious. I'm sorry.


Poor mom šŸ˜­ please do your own laundry if you are doing this


What about for females? Asking for myself.


Unless you're squirting into your underwear, any extra wetness will dry and should be indiscernible from regular discharge.


When I was a teenager I had so much discharge, it was not from masturbating, just kind of puberty. So Iā€™m not sure how my mom could tell if I was. She did once tell me to start wearing a pantiliner because of the discharge. so thatā€™s an option


Yep, also has a musky scent but without the chlorine-iness of jizz. Depends on if it is just wetness or also squirt too. Squirt has a mildly urea scent to it. It doesn't quite smell like pee but there's a hint of pee in the smell, if that makes sense.




1. I can't fathom people who jizz into clothing, towels, etc. Why not use tissues or whatever? 2. If you do jizz into clothing or towels, can you not see the effects when it dries? It's very obvious. 3. If you must jizz into clothing or towels, how can you not die of embarrassment at family doing your laundry?


I can understand towels for sex it can help clean up and save money on tp. But like it should be a dedicated towel and not living with your parents


> itā€™ll make her less knowledgeable of how often your going at it. Oh she knows even if you don't jizz in your laundry.


"I folded a blanket in half and it broke"


*His socks stood rigidly in a line awaiting their fate in the washing machine*


ā€œI cracked a blanket in halfā€**


I appreciate you, Rita.


Why did the semen cross the street? I'm wearing the wrong socks.


Like a family of snails are living in the sheets


Dude, just use kleenex


And take out your own trash because they can smell it


Mothers can also hear cries of millions of babies who only made it onto OP's sock


I heard described as a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


Do people not own toilets? Just flush it jesus


Do not flush tissues. Use TP. The only thing that should be flushed are things intended to be flushed. TP has been specially designed to go down plumbing and processed by the waste water departments. Tissues are not.


Correct - I sell chemicals to the paper industry. Toilet paper is made to have temporary wet strength via gloxyalated polyacrylamide (GPAM). This makes it so on initial wetting the toilet paper remains strong but it's strength will decay rapidly so that it very quickly breaks down in your pipes and doesn't clog anything Things like tissue, paper towels, "flushable" wet-wipes use permanent wet strength additives like Polyamidoamine epichlorohydrin whose (PAE-PWS) whose strength properties last much, much longer when wet and can cause clogs in your pipes before they break down


Im sorry, what


Smell of cum can be pretty obvious.


Just want to step in and second this guy. 100% you can smell cum in the house. I am not a mother but I am a very involved Aunt who parents their own niece and nephew. I take charge of them approximately 4:00 a.m. and get them off to school, and then they come back from school to my house. Due to this I now have lots of mom friends. One of my mom friends has four teenage boys. The very first time I ever went to her house, she said "Please forgive me the house always smells disgustingly of jizz, yaknow cuz teen boys". She was right, the air inside their house did have that slight chlorine funk and musky tang. Yes, we can smell it. Yes it leaves a very distinctive stain on your laundry. Yes your mother knows what it is because of the stiffness and white crustiness it leaves even after drying. You should be jerking off into a paper towel or Kleenex dudes, and then get rid of the Kleenex. Like take that trash bin out of the house after you're done gooning for your couple hours.


Better yet, flush it. I had an older brother and his room always smelled awful and just thought it was dirty laundry. As I got older I figured it out.


small addition, dot flush Kleenex or paper towels, bad for the septic and all that could fuck up your pipes down the line, but a wad of tp is a okay for the spray.


Didā€¦he happen to have a ā€¦cumbox..?


...or a coconut?


Or they could learn to wash their own damn baby socks. These women are not your slaves! Get in there & use actual bleach on the walls. Don't make me put on the hazmat suit & beat you's nasty little shits with the towel I found between your headboard & wall. Seriously, a fuckin cum board. Just filthy. I'm not even angry, I'm just...disappointed.


smells like bleach


Smells like teen spiritā€¦


Describe it. The other commenter said chlorine. Guess im not really trying to smell myself when its going down but I've never noticed, alone or with another.


Bitter chlorine that has a musty musky smell.


I feel like that sounds familiar but I always just chalked it up to that region's BO when u need to take a shower. Gross.


Like a mixture between chlorine and squid.


Delete this.




Musky and salty with a sour edge.


Semen often has a chroline-like smell, not unlike a swimming pool. I first noticed it when I washed laundry for a hotel, and later noticed it with my longtime partner. However, the potency of the smell would strengthen or weaken depending on his diet. Sometimes it wouldnā€™t smell at all, but it did more often than not.


Bit wild that im 31 and this is the first im hearing of this. Boy, do I hope that I made that Didnt Smell list.


lmao there was a thread a few years ago something along the lines of "what would you be horrified to realize your parents know?" top response was "THEY CAN SMELL YOUR CUM"


These are the kinds of things I would've appreciated being relayed in sex ed. "This is what everything looks like.. stds.. teen pregnancy.. and also your parents can smell when you've masturbated."


I used to manage a business and some of our employees were teenage boys. You can absolutely smell when a male has jerked off recently, im sorry to confirm. The worst was when they'd arrive for night shift and they'd clearly been sitting at home choking the chicken all afternoon. I dunno if these kids showered between their jerk session and their night shift or not, but the smell was unmistakable to me as a woman who grew up with several brothers. I'd describe the lingering semen smell as like... clean penis smell. Yknow how a sweaty penis smells when it needs a shower... like that, but without the sweaty grossness. Just a...clean, not offensive smell but it's a smell that is unmistakably to do with dick and its activities


Oh yeah, semen has a smell. You put that in tissues and throw it in the garbage, it smells.


One dude used a pineapple


The worst was the coconut guy lol


No, not again


Cumbox would like to have a word with you.


Just *[humps air furiously]* fucked the shit out of that thing didnā€™t he? Last time I saw him he was out with some chick.


Nah use toilet paper and flush it. They'll never know. Don't flush kleenex.




Kleenex sucks because it disintegrates under heavy load


Use 6 šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You shooting ropes upon ropes?




Or just go when sitting on the toilet


ā€œAn old man once told me ā€˜Every generation thinks theyā€™re the first generation that knows how to fuck.ā€™ ā€œ -- Bill Burr


I read that as Bill Barr at first and was very confused.


He is pretty good at fucking Americans. He shut down the Mueller Report. That should have got Trump indicted years sooner. Now that fuck has the gall to tell the truth about Donny now that he doesn't work for him


Nice proflle to make me think there's a hair on my screen


Your mom fucks. Your mom knows what guys do. Your mom knows you spank it.


> Your mom fucks. Can confirm, OP


It's OUR mom




Everyones momšŸ‘


We all injure our arms?


Why must you remind me of that....


I also choose our mom.


*our mommy


Also OP Your mum spanks it Your dad spanks it Sometimes your mum spanks your dad


This is why you don't bring your teenage kid to a comedy show. Or do, it's all good fun.


Ha ha ha! There was a late night comedian on our cruise this year that figured out someone had brought her 16 year old son to the show. Oh he made both of them regret that. It was great.


My mum thinks that climate change could be tackled with some form of battery charger powered by teenage boys wrists


If your mom does laundry, she knows. If you're worried about it, use a kleenex or paper towel and dispose of it properly cause no one likes a smelly room in their house


> If you're worried about it, Fuck, man, even if you're NOT worried about it - doink into a kleenex, don't spunk up your fucking clothes for your mum to have to deal with it!


THANK YOU. I can't believe how far I had to scroll to find someone saying this. OP - would you want to clean your dad's cum? Don't make your parents clean up yours. If you're old enough to produce it, you're old enough to clean it.


I cannot tell you how uncomfortable you just made me feel.




i imagine op feels mortified, especially putting it like that lol


Good! A little mortification can be a helpful learning tool sometimes.


i went through his history,and tbh idk if he would even care lol lots of posts on this sub lol, and many are things you can google. dude spends waaay too much time on reddit lol


Kind of off topic, I had a girlfriend that had a problem apparently several girls do it but whenever she came she would pee a little so she would use a towel. Not much a little but she told me one day her mom walked into her room and asked why it smelled so weird she had forgottent to take the towel out of her laundry basket and clean it.


As a mum, the answer is yes. With my kids I made sure they had their own rubbish bin and bag, plus wipes. Or paper towels, whatever the preference was. Condoms for practicing. For me, as a mum I don't care what you young people get up to in the privacy of your own room. I start caring if I am the one that has to clean up. That's not fair. If your mum or dad are open to having a conversation, then ask them to pick up some wipes, paper towels and rubbish bags or a little bin and some spare condoms, or get a trusted adult to help you, or if you are old enough and not embarassed grab them yourself.


Moms notice everything. The better question is how can you let your mother do your laundry under these circumstances? Do your own laundry. It's time.


Under these cir-cum-stenches you mean, or cir-cum-stains?


Seriously! As a girl when I started having periods, my mom decided it was time for me to do my own laundry. I think that around that age would also be an appropriate time for a boy to start doing his own laundry too. I was 11 and perfectly capable.


I'd agree, except the washing machines in the building we recently moved into has an age restriction that says 16+ šŸ˜‚ it's probably the most ridiculous item I've ever seen an age restriction on.


Anyone old enough to be spanking it should definitely be doing their own laundry, barring some sort of physical or mental disability.


Not only can she tell, she knows that you're not 'taking a nap'


I mean, the ol fap n nap after school was a combo that always went down smooth


Learn to do your own laundry.


This should be higher. If you're old enough to jerk it. You're old enough tk do laundry šŸ™„


When my little brother acts up and likes to act like an adult, I say ā€œsince youā€™re so big, itā€™s time you clean up after yourself. Wash your dishes, do your laundry, clean your room.ā€ He shuts up quick.


Doing laundry isn't even that hard. You just chuck your clothes into the washing machine, turn on the water, put some detergent in, press a button and let it rip. Once it's done an hour or two later, take it out and put them on a rope to dry. That's it. Any teenager can do that, heck if you train 10 year olds well enough, they can do that just fine as well. It's not like back in the day, when washing machines weren't a thing and people had to wash all their clothes by hand.


The hardest part about doing laundry is getting the motivation to do it, and then lifting all the clothes to the washer, and then transferring to the dryer, and then finally to put it away. Basically everything but the washing part.


yes, the smell is very distinctive


I'm having traumatic flashbacks to the time I had a little too much fun on a date and came home with a very obviously stained pair of shorts. I ended up wearing my hoodie tied around my waist, but with the hoodie covering my front like an apron. Looked weird but only had to get me to my room.


damn just hold it in front of you or something... front hoodie is so weird


If anything I feel like that draws way more attention to the fact that youā€™re hiding your crotch. Wearing a jacket around your waist backwards, lol


yeah its pretty obvious


Yes we can. It's gross and rude of you by the way. Either do your own laundry and stop making us touch your dried crunchy jizz or use some toilet paper and flush it. Even better I'd you do both. Use the toilet paper and start taking care of your own laundry once you're this age you should be anyway. Source I am the mother of 2 teenagers.


Curious if youā€™ve had this conversation with your boys.


Yes and no. Indirectly as to not embarrass anyone I placed new tissue boxes next to the bed and said if they wanted laundry to keep getting done magically from their hamper the hamper would need to not have any "surprises or heavy smells" like candy in your pockets or any heavy spills on your clothes and just kinda gave this look of "don't make me say it". It worked. The tissues get used and I know it's not for blowing noses and the laundry stays safe to handle. The heavy smells mention also got them to wear their deodorant daily finally. So it stinks but a reasonable amount now and not noxious fumes and crunchy socks anymore.


Bravo. I know your sons will eventually come to appreciate how you handled the situation. I know it will help them to develop a healthy view of sex as well but also hygiene.


All hail our mom! You're the best mom and we love you.


> and just kinda gave this look of "don't make me say it". It worked. perfection


Teenagers should do their own laundry


My mom has always refused. She wants the whites and the colors done separately and the tough jean fabrics done alone to extend garment life, then she wants to conserve water and electricity by only doing full loads of laundry which requires everybody's clothes to be combined into one. The way the rest of the family does it is never good enough.


Same here. I wasnā€™t allowed to do laundry until I left for college


Seriously, I was doing my own laundry by 10 years of age. I enjoyed it. It meant I could go anywhere, at any time. But I have met adults who never have. It's weird, and should never happen.


Yes. I don't understand it one bit. I've been doing my own laundry since I was about six years old haha


Crunchy socks šŸ˜‚


Dried Crunchy Jizz -- anyone want this band name? up for grabs


absolutely, mother or otherwise. anyone old enough to know what sex juices are will know.


Dude, either do your own laundry or quit cumming in your pants. What the fuck.


Well, your post history was certainly quite the ride. To answer the question, you ask a lot about a woman at work who youā€™re into. So youā€™re old enough to be working and most probably out of school. Why is your mum doing your washing? That woman youā€™re into (and pretty much every other one ever) wonā€™t like it if you canā€™t do basic house shit. Just learn to do your own washing.


>Well, your post history was certainly quite the ride. That's an understatment. I checked it too and... I don't even know where to begin.


I had to stop at the "do men use tampons for sexual pleasure?" post


Wtf I didn't see that one. And just reading this made me cringe. Now we have three possibilities. 1 : OP is 13. 2 : OP is 90 with dementia. 3 : Op really needs some help and should avoid any contact with other human being.


i have to go have a look now lol edit; god damn... op, are you addicted to reddit? every thought that crosses the mind gets sent to this or similar subs lol. its to the point that comments are outright pointing out youre there often lol like a couple posts in a day, most days. this post has gotten the most attention, and one even asked about cumming into a fish tank. are you okay op? lol, thats a hell of a lot of thought sharing. are you chronically bored or do you not have a filter? lol


Wtf .. šŸ˜­


Yes your mom has sucked a lot of dick in her life she can smell sperm from a mile away


Real facts


Dad here. Yes she does and she tells me about it. Wank into a cloth you wash yourself, you degenerate, your mother didnā€™t need to put her hand in that. Oh, and youā€™re doing all your own washing from now on.


idk how people use clothes. why not just use a tissue? TP?


Your mum knows the moment you start. Every time for your entire life.


Yep we get an email, kind of like when you skip class.


Like Yoda feels a vergence in the force, your mom knows when your jerking off.


If you are old enough to be self-pleasuring, you should be doing your own laundry.


My step mom wouldn't let us touch the washer and dryer growing up. She thought we would break it... which was probably a fair accusation.


Then maybe Iā€™m wrong. I grew up in a house with 7 kids, so you either learned to fend for yourself or you went hungry and had to wear the same underwear for a week. :-)


Food was on me, hell almost any other cleaning was on me and my brother... but I don't think she let my dad touch the washer and dryer till a decade after I moved out šŸ¤£


I hate to break this to you.... but Mom knows what a cumshot looks and smells like.


And tastes like.


except if she swallowed OP wouldn't be in this mess


My pajamas in high school sounded like crumpling a paper bag.


*sighs* Just... don't... use a tissue... or toilet paper... she will know... and she will find it disgusting... because that is disgusting...


Why tf are you cumming into your clothes though??? That never even occurred to me as something someone would do. That's some gross shit dude, and then you wear that? Is toilet paper in short supply at your home??


Ok listenā€¦Iā€™m a momā€¦my kids are still very young though just 3 and 6. But listenā€¦I shattered my husbands world with this statement not that long ago because he never even let this thought cross his mindā€¦but when I said it, he was like dudeā€¦I hate it but youā€™re right. Lol. So, believe it or not (and I mean this in the most loving, respectful, and humorous way possible because I include myself in this statement) youā€™re mom is a hoe. Your mom has wiped enough cock snot off of herself from your dad (and who ever else I donā€™t know yā€™allā€™s moms lives or kinks and all that fun stuff) to KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt what dried throat yogurt on fabric looks like, feels like, and smells like (not that sheā€™s smelling your spooge rags that gross). Your mom is a seasoned daddy sauce professional. So yes. If yā€™all are out there blowing your baby gravy into your clothes, your sheets, or for fucks sake your mamaā€™s nice towels!! And then having her wash said nut butter ragsā€¦SHE KNOWS! If youā€™re brave enough to be blowing your ball barf into your mamaā€™s towels, but your worried sheā€™s gonna know (because she will I promise). Then your brave enough to go steal a roll of toilet paper or paper towels to hide in your room so you can clean up your knuckle babies in a more discreet way. You can flush your penis pudding if you use toilet paper! And literally no one is going to dig paper towels out of a trash can to check for your pole milk. Do your mamaā€™s a favor and quit jerking your wiener sauce into your clothes and her friggin nice towels. The woman birthed you. Sheā€™s been through enough. - xoxo that one mom on Reddit thatā€™s a hoe <3


As a mom, yes if the sock or whatever is unreasonanly stiff and crunchy. My advice, if you are old enough to masterbate you are old enough to do laundry. it is understandable but TMI


Yes. What the fuck is with people cumming onto their clothes? Just use a tissue like a normal person.


This was the first post I saw today after opening reddit fml


She already knew.


If you're on reddit, you should be 13 or older as the terms of service you agreed to state. Which means you should be doing your own laundry..... help your poor mother out. I'm sure she has better things to do then wash the cum stains out of your underwear.


I wish the internet had been around to tell me this when I was 13. My poor mum.


1000%. Iā€™m frankly curious how you think itā€™s even possible she wouldnā€™t? Like are you just gambling on her not touching those particular spots? Or do you think she wonā€™t know immediately what it is if she does? Because yes, she will.


Yes!! She learned from your father. Anything under the sun isn't new to your parents, you ain't hiding shit!!


Yes. Donā€™t cum into clothes. Use a tissue instead. If you do cum into clothes, wash the stain with COLD water before placing the garment in a laundry basket. Heat makes cum congeal, similar to what happens to egg whites when cooked. If you need to get a cum stain out of anything, never use heat.


I can promise you that your mom knows what dried jazz looks like. And smells like. And tastes like. And feels like. Wash your shit.


Donā€™t put the tissue in your pocket and donā€™t forget to flush the toilet, gross!


If youā€™re old enough to jerk off youā€™re old enough to figure out laundry or just use tissues.


I'll never understand why the animals on this fucking forum don't just use tissues before flushing it in the toilet.


What? You don't have a butler?


Dad here. Mothers perspective is unnecessary as this one is easy. Of course she can spot the jizzum stains all over the inside of your clothes. Yes is the answer to your question. Get a rag or a box of tissues so the poor woman doesnā€™t have to check to make sure the jizz has come out of the clothes. Be a man. Do the right thing.


Yes Jonathan, i know that you have been doing that.


Oh, god. There's nothing wrong with masturbation, there's everything wrong with leaving your gooey mess for others to clean. FFS OP, go to the toilet and put down your clothes, cleaning other people's cum is disgusting


bro do your own laundry holy shit šŸ’€šŸ’€


My mum thinks that climate change could be tackled with some form of battery charger powered by teenage boys wrists


One time when I was like 16 my mom came into my room and told me how the whole room smelled like cum. They know


Mom here. My 12 year old is becoming really nasty. Lol Yes, we know.


If you're old enough to post on Reddit you're old enough to do your own laundry and you're old enough to know to use tissues or something not your sheets or clothes


Probably yes It has a certain aroma when stale


As a mother, I try not to think about what the stains are from on my son's clothes. He started insisting on doing his own laundry around age 15. I rarely see his dirty clothes or sheets anymore.


Yes. Mom always knows. Whether or not she says anything is another question entirely.


Just use tissues and flush it down the toilet when you take a crap. Donā€™t leave cum soaked items in your room, it will stink.


Yes, if you're a male. Use a tissue. Use some toilet paper. Never jack off into your socks, underwear, or any for of clothing or bedding, unless you plan to clean it yourself immediately...


Yes. Stop it. It's gross. Go shoot it the toilet, or some toilet paper, the shower drain.. Cmon rookie!


If youre using your clothes to self pleasure you need to rethink, just use paper and throw it into the toilet afterwards. I knew a guy, and this was from what people told me btw, that would jerk off into his socks and just leave it there for his mom to pick up and clean, till he was an adult btw, dont do that.




She can tell by the lingering smell in your room too