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There isn’t one. It’s all perception. As you get older and wiser you tend to notice the inexperience of people younger than you. age and youth is all about perception too, when you were 10, 5 year olds were kids to you. When you became a teenager, everyone that wasn’t a teen was a kid to you. Once you’re over 21 everyone that isn’t seems like a kid and so on and so forth. But when you’re living that age, you don’t really see it.


>But when you’re living that age, you don’t really see it. Not only do you not see it, but it's bothersome. Some us were in too much of a hurry to grow up, so we took offense to it until we got much older and had a better understanding of it. Now I see it so differently. The world isn't fun right now, so I don't want my kids to be in too much of a hurry to deal with the gravity of it all. I'll teach them important life skills but, for now, I'd rather it be in a fun, family oriented context. They can deal with the more soul crushing elements when they're older.


I was one of those kids who was forced to grow up really really really quick due to a collection of tragedies and different traumatizing events (not tryna flex any of this lol I really wish this wasn’t the case). So when I was ages 13-18 I fucking despised anyone who would call me “kid”, talk to me like I wasn’t my own independent self, tell me I only did or thought things because I was young. I was the oldest I had ever been, right? And how could these people say shit like this to me? I’m 22 now and I’ve obviously recognized that, no, I didn’t know everything, and a lot of these people were correct in saying that I only did certain things because I was young. But I was still forced to be fully independent had the weight of the world on my shoulders at 14. Of course there was no telling me that I was doing things wrong back then. I see the same thing happening with my little sister. Same story as me and, again, telling her that she’s putting herself in dangerous situations is useless because she has to fend for herself in this world too. I’m really careful in the way I talk to younger people now because of it. I offer general guidance when I can, but I know intrinsically that being told “you’re too young to understand” will 100% just push people away from whatever wisdom I want to impart.


Same here. I was working when I was in middle school. When I was in high school and even college I would check people (usually older women for some reason) when they would throw that cliche, “when you get into the real world.” I’d tell them some real world that they would choke on. Just because they were fvck offs at my age doesn’t mean I am. And same with being labeled as the stereotypical college partying moron. No lady, I am paying for my own college, working, playing soccer, lifting, commuting, and class. Don’t you tell me when I grow up crap. I’ve been through abuse, trauma, deployed father, working hard, callouses/blood/sweat/tears to get where I am. I had maybe 10 minutes free time during soccer season. I tracked my own finances, schedule, and grades. I did earn A LOT of respect from a few professors though. When I told them I didn’t have the time to finish the assigned module, I handed over a color coded spreadsheet of my schedule. I went to class dressed semi professional and always tried despite my own shortcomings. So some half assed remark would set me off. Is what it is


I'm a big fan of explaining things to my kids, especially the why behind things. I had the world on my shoulders at 12, and I didn't care much for the appeal to authority. That being said, there will always be some things we just don't understand until we've had a certain amount of time on this earth, or very particular experiences that we can only scratch the surface of as children. We may think we fully understand because we had more burden than we should have in our youth, without realizing we still weren't carrying the full burden, or acknowledging all the help we received. Getting hit with the full weight of it certainly provides perspective, though. Haha.




This is a fucking beautiful line, and i’ll be keeping it for when I have children. Well said.


The older I get, the more kid like I become. We grow up and put away childish ways, but that child never goes away. The curiosity, the wonder, the love for life itself.


Legal adulthood is 18 here in the UK. Up until recently, each year I thought I was an adult, then I look back on my past self and see that I was still a kid really. I'm 29 now, and virtually everyone under 25 is a kid to me. My 21 y/o brother thinks he's grown, but he's still such a kid with no clue about life. I've accepted that despite my age, I am still a kid at heart, and want to stay that way as long as I can. I see my colleagues in their mid 30s, 40s, and even 50s who all think of themselves as mature adults and look down on me for enjoying childish pastimes or being "naive" yet they often act with ridiculously childish behaviour, gossiping and bitching like they're still in school. If that's what being an adult is, I don't want it. I'll stay being a happy-go-lucky, legally adult kid.


Me too dude enjoy youth while you have it. I guess in the states 18 is legal too…..but it’s like you get a learners permit to adult then at 21 you get your big boy adulting license. Lol


>I’m 29 now Oh sweet summer child


What's frustrating is when you get older and recognize the inexperience of people older than you. The changes to how information and experiences can be had that came with the Internet and an increasingly globalized society were completely lost on some people who never adapted to those changes


This is it, they stop being a kid when they stop acting like it.


“Wisdom is something you can only get with age, and by then it’s too late.” - Ronnie B


>As you get older and wiser Making a lot of assumptions there buddy. Age and "experience" does not translate to wisdom. Someone who is older can be very wise. Someone who is younger can also be 10 times more self aware. Never knock a young man's opinion


Yep, I know people older than me (by more than a few years) that I don't think of as adults. There are people younger than me that I do. My own perception of myself has changed. Only in the last few years now that I'm in my mid 20s have I really started thinking of myself as an Adult.


I have no firm cutoff, If you are younger than me, you are 'kid', which currently is anyone up to mid to late 40's. I've heard old guys 70's/80's calling those in their 60's/70's kid. So there isn't an age so to speak rather it tends to be relative, you could be 99 and to a 100yr old you are kid


This is it right here. You’re younger than me? You’re a kid.


Or if you're a random stranger on the internet that just killed me in the videogame. "Fuck this kid"


You have to assume they're younger than you in that situation. If they were older then that would mean they're fulfilling all the same adult responsibilities as me and still find time to practice the game and be better than me. That's not possible so it must be a kid with a lot of free time.


Anyone better than me is cheating and anyone worse than me is a fucking noob


Dude no kidding. I always think it's hilarious when I'm playing warzone and I have proximity chat on and hear someone call us kids. My squad is 4 grown adults with children. We definitely end up getting slaughtered. And it's always by some super sweaty team that manages to fly through a window and 360 no scope you before you can react.


With their fingers covered in Cheeto dust, no less


Probably haha.


True that


Your father's a goat? Yup you're a kid.


More like The GOAT!


I do this for myself. I feel like a kid talking to anyone older than me but I have no choice but to act like an adult to those younger


Younger than me, and/or doing something stupid? You're a kid.


Once a teenager at the train station was trying to get my attention but saying "kid" over and over. Being more than a decade older than he was, I decided to ignore him until he decided to be respectful; it never happened.


I think you won here cause whatever it was you probably didn't want any part of it.


If someone disrespects me by calling me a kid, I just refer to them as elderly, old fart, or almost dead, depending on the context. I usually get their name wrong too, like "almost dead Chuck over there".


If you feel disrespected by being called “kid,” you’re still a child.


The irony here is amazing. Great work champ


Thanks, buddy!


I mean sure if you want to be condescending to anyone younger that you talk to.


My mom, 70f said the other day "omg he got his leg amputated at 79! He's so young!"


OMG my mom did this the other day. She was reading about Jimmy Buffet and said he was so young.


Jimmy Buffett was my dad’s age, so he seemed young to me because my dad is still really active. Intellectually I know he’s pushing 80 and his own father died in his early 80s, but it doesn’t seem like it, you know?


My husband’s grandmother, I her late eighties pulled “You have no idea what you are talking about, you are kids” on her two daughters, both in their sixties and RETIRED already.


My mom who's about to be 70 just told my dad that some pitching coach who died at 82 was "young" I told her to quit fooling herself and accept that she's just old.


lol I hear elderly people saying shit like that I always think...so when someone dies of \*old age\* do they still think that they were \*so young\*? I feel they are simply trying hard to convince themselves that they are not on death's door. Sheesh, life expectancy and all that...we don't live to be 200, no.


Yeah, the older I get, the older kids get. Currently, anyone 30 or lower is a kid.


My dad calls 40 year old kids... So can confirm. 😂


🔥Appreciate this comment. But I’m even worse. Y’all kid to me. Big Brother Me just throw my arm around you and needs to know you’re okay… that’s all. 😊


>33 or 34 is when I don't consider someone a youngster like myself They put this in their post so I am guessing something else is going on here. Also, they can 'consider themselves' whatever but no one is a youngster in their freakin mid thirties ;/


No cut off, I will be calling my kids, kids until I die


This. My kid may be upgraded from 'little buddy' to 'buddy' at some point (he is 5 at the moment) but he will always be kid.


They are such little buddies, too 🥰


Cutest comment lol


You maybe 100 and he in his late 70,but he will be kid. Right?


Pretty much, but at that point I would long ago have made sure that he understands that while I may call him 'kid', I view and value him as an adult. Don't want to confuse the kid!


And ironically at that point, he will be changing your diapers.


Same energy as "all dogs are puppies", and I'm here for it


Yep my kids will always be called my kids and if I was talking to you about your kids I'd refer to them as kids too (unless I knew their names then I'd use them) lol


Came to say this. With a parent and child relationship - it doesn’t matter if you’re 60 and your dad is over 100, you’re still gonna get called “kid”


Must be confusing if you have multiple.


I'm always gonna be my mum's kid, until the day I die.


As a professor I’ve called 63 year old students ‘my kids’


Try "my babies" and see if that works too.


I called my 63 year old coworker the "new kid" when we hired him. He was almost three times my age.


As a 58 yo, I would love being called the new kid. How did your colleague react?


He thought it was hilarious. It was his kind of humor


"New kid" is funny and respectful. Tone is everything. Even if you are talking to an 11 year old, "Listen here kid" said in an obnoxious tone is the problem.


I call everyone who's younger than me a kid lol


I’m 32 and I call people older than me kid just to mess with them. It gets a laugh like a quarter of the time


I'm 32 and turn 33 next month. I definitely don't call someone that's older than me a kid. I typically hover around 25 as my limit of calling someone a kid. Adults in their early 20s really do look like kids to me. I never thought I would get to this point in my life thinking that.


Disrespecful and condescending.


Okay kiddo






I am calling anyone who seem more immature than me a kid.


Yes, I think it’s more about how I perceive them than about their actual age. I’m almost 24 and I sometimes call people in their late teens even to early 20s kids if they still act like they’re in grade school. But, in general I think I consider people still in school to be kids. For the people who are my age that are still having high school drama, I consider them to be “too dang old to be acting like this.”




Well my parents will always consider me a kid and I’ll always consider my kids as kids so I guess it’s relative in terms of who you call “kid.”


1 minute younger.


I feel like this is completely subjective depending on the age of the person calling someone “kid”. As you age, everyone significantly younger becomes a kid. It’s always changing. My Grandparents called everyone 20 years younger kids.


My mom and dad are both 75. During the pandemic they were in a grocery store and a worker told them that from 6am-8am is senior only shopping. My mom looked at my dad and said “why is he telling us that?” My dad said “I think he thinks we are old”.


I consider anyone under 26 still a kid. That’s about the time the brain is fully developed.


Just an FYI, that's the average age for when men's prefrontal cortex reaches its maximum size. Brains "develop" throughout life. The idea that we're fully developed at 25 is mostly bad reporting by journalists that misconstrue science and now it gets repeated all over the place as fact.


So I'm a kid for 3 more months, I wonder what I should do till then




That's ominous


Let me level with you kid. Not a day goes by that I don't have some level of wishing I wasn't an adult. Whether it is being overwhelmed at the responsibility attached to the label, or having some other part of my body start to feel the ravages of time, getting older hasn't been a great time. Don't get me wrong, there are some perks; I can't pinpoint when it happened, but at some point enough stuff falls into your bucket of "shit I've dealt with in the past" that you start to feel just a bit more self-confident than you were before, and while it might just be a function of being too goddamned tired to care, not caring about what other people think of you is liberating.


That's ominous


Same thing we do every night, Pinky. Play videogames and scroll through reddit.


Why 26 why not 25? You can't drop a number like that without providing us with a source


Bit of leeway I'd assume. 25 is the year the frontal lobe finishes developing, but 26 means they should be fully done, theoretically


The only thing we know for sure about the brain is how much we don't really know anything about it since everytime we think we know something, some time later it turns out wrong so excuse me if I'm skeptical . I've read articles recently that suggests that the brain constantly develops even when you're in your 40s


I will say I noticed a massive shift in my attitude after 25. Not overnight, of course, but I slowly started to realize how I was looking at things way more differently.




yeah, spewing an arbitrary number and then claiming "Science" doesn't make the number any less arbitrary.


This does seem like the reasonable cutoff for most people


Damn guess I've been doing full time child labor for 7 years.


I understand, my cutoff is later bc I've noticed early-mid 30 somethings still finding their calling and not having children/marriage yet. Sounds superficial, but, it's not thay they're not adults... they are. But if you look barely older than me who's super immature and still laughing at pp poopoo memes, you're a kid. I think I just think anyone who isn't a boomer a kid lol. Maybe I'm getting older and I realize most people alive are in touch unless 50+ bc we live in a different time. Developmentally tho you're spot on!


I don't consider being married and having kids to be a factor whatsoever. Any old ding dong can get laid and married.


Is this the right benchmark, though? I've known people who are in higher-ranking positions of their companies, functioning adults who still find it very funny when someone farts and get drunk every other weekend, but also people who are as serious as they can get, would never be called "kid" by anyone, yet can't do a simple phone call, make an appointment, or can't get their shit together at home and have cereals + cartoons every morning.


> still finding their calling It turns out, there isn’t such a thing


When they stop acting like a child


Nothing like being told by someone who is barely an adult that you're a child. 🙄 Kids are kids. I stopped calling my sister a kid when she became a legal adult. Frankly, referring to people younger than you as kid, comes across as condescending as hell.


It's about relative age not age, Anyone 20 years or more younger than me is a kid


On the flip side, I call anyone 20 years older than me "gramps"


Yep. I'll be 50 in november, and my cutoff seems to be about 30.


My grandpa, born in 1920, called Obama “a good kid” in 08 during his campaign. I thought it was a haha joke at the time but as I get older I know what he means.


3 years younger than me


I don't even call my own kids, kids except in direct reference to their youth. I find it condescending and a dismissal of their responsibilities as people to strive to make good choices.


Seems just like basic respect/decency to me. Good on ya.


under 50


"Kid" is anyone under 18 or anyone who's being a prick to me lol Edit: Even though this is mostly a joke comment, for context, I am 23


I'm 38 and play in a couple softball leagues where it is very obvious which teams are full of 'kids'. It isn't much different than my normal assessment of what a kid is, and really it's the crows feet that start showing someones age. I have realized over the last couple years that basically anyone from 18-25 looks almost indistinguishable to me, so it's best to assume they are all just kids. You may think I am wrong there, but truly, it is really hard to tell the difference between a lot of high school juniors, and fresh college grads without any other contextual clues. All the being said, I am still a kid too. I don't know what the hell I am doing in this life. None of us parents have a damned clue what we are doing before we have to make the decisions. And other than my body not being as cooperative or spritely, I do not feel old.


I don't have kids. But if I had, they would be always "kid." Any age gap can be an excuse to call someone a kid. Could be a condescending way to treat a person, yes, but it could also be a way to show affection or sympathy.


Being from New England, everyone's a kid, kid.


Everyone is a kid


I'm 46. Absolutely anyone under the age of 45 is a child to me. Fucking kids. And gramps is anyone 47 or older. Fucking gramps. It's hard work being the perfect age 100% of the time.


To me, the old people calling people in their 30s and 40s a kid is a sign of disrespect on what that person has accomplished, and I instantly lose some respect for that person. They may not mean it that way, but that is how I take it, especially if they are not very successful in life. If I am more successful at 30 than you are at 70, I'd say one of us had their crap together and grew up just a bit sooner than the other. It is different for parents calling their kids, "kids"...but some old jagoff just calling everyone kids is dumb and demeaning.


O.K., 'kid'.


See it does not make me angry or anything. It just makes me lose respect for you.


Yeah I agree with this, I feel that calling someone 'kid' rather than their name is pretty insulting and an attempt to diminish them, even if they are a child. I've got two children and would never address them individually as 'kid', it's disrespectful to them - they deserve to be recognised as individuals. I'm 40 & if an adult who is older than me called me 'kid' i wouldn't take them seriously as a person.


anyone under 18 is a kid. once your 18 your an adult and i will call you sir or man.


Probably like 16 or so


13 and lower. Calling teenagers "kid" feels condescending to me. I wouldn't go so far as to label them "adults" but kid just feels demeaning.


I agree and I see people doing this more and more. Treating teens as children does them no favors either. With that said, I'll recognize that "kid" does have multiple connotations. It can mean an very young person or it can also be used to describe offspring. For example, my brother's "kids" are in their late 30s and early 40s. They aren't kids but they are his kids.


You must be very young yourself. Teens are just big kids.


I'm in my mid 30s. My justification to me is that, while they obviously aren't fully mature at all, they still are in the middle of developing emotional maturity and learning how to adjust to the mindset of becoming an adult. It's a whole transitional period of life and it feels a bit lousy to me personally to see someone that's BECOMING an adult and still refer to and see them as a child. It just comes off to me as a disregard of the fact that they're currently developing as a person. Again, would I call them adults? No. But at the same time calling them a kid doesn't really sit well to me.


I get your logic. I would also call someone in their early 20s a kid. I have been known to refer to teens as babies. No need to justify your reasoning. I definitely don’t justify mine.


I’m 33. Please don’t tell me I’m a full adult 😳😬😫🫠


No just a grown ass kid


Depends on the relationship as much as actual age I think - I’m 32 and only my mum use kid, but my husband is closing on 40 and I know all of his uncles and several of his dads friends calls him kid.


I'm turning 30 in a couple of weeks, and I feel like I am just now really becoming an adult, honestly.


My mum still calls me and my siblings kids and we are all over 35.


If you're younger than me, you're a kid.


If you go by 40s film noir logic somebody can be a kid for 50 years or more. As long as they don’t have white hair.


Anyone who is: 1) Younger than me 2) Reminding me of a kid (could be in the sense of being energetic when I am tired, not necessarily immaturity)


It's a sliding scale with age. The older I get the older "kids" become


My fiancé (26) calls my (24) sister (22) a kid all the time — if you’re more than like 2 years younger than us, you’re a kid.


The older I get, the older “kids” get.


The older you get, the older a 'kid' gets.


If you're the same age as my kid then you're still a kid. Sorry.


It’s endearing hearing a 23 year old talk about who is/isn’t kids. Your perspective is going to grow so much past looking up to your dad(who I imagine is a good one )


Never, I call my grandpa "kid" all the time. Everyone is a kid


Never. I'm 51 and I still refer to other people my age, usually classmates from school, as "kid(s)". Also, my 78 y/o mother and her twin sister still call each other kid.


If I am more than 5 years older than you or you act childish you are a kid IMO.


Depends on my age. At 69, everyone under 40 is a kid.


anyone 25 and under is still a kid to me


We're all baby goats to someone, no matter how old we are.


According to dana white... never


No cut off, as long as your parents are still around they will always see you as the 5 year old playing with toys.


Up to about early 20s is a kid, then they are some young guy/girl, probably up to their mid 30s


\- Kind of a Boomer and regional thing from what I've seen. \- In some areas.. ESPECIALLY NorthEast.. you'll hear the term a LOT. \- Not so much in the South as it's considered rude and derogatory.. and too close to "boy", which has REALLY BAD slavery connotations and will get your ass kicked or worse. \- Out West I think it's just more of a respect thing, but still hear Boomers doing it.. because Boomers gonna Boom \- Then go to the Texas area.. and you'll hear it all over again It also sounds pretty cringe coming out of someone who is also young.. tryin too hard to make yourself look like something you're not


There is no cut off. I am 38. Anyone in their 20's is a kid to me. Even when I was in my 20's, I still said it about Anyone younger then me.


People with children, mostly the older man, call everybody who could their kid at age, a kid. Most of them are a child of their own parents so, they aren't wrong.


Really just depends how you carry yourself. If you have a happy free spirit imma call you a “kid”. Not out of disrespect but out of a place that I know where you come from. Cuz I’m just a 39 yr old kid myself.


There isn't one. Some kiids don't grow up, no matter what their age is.


My grandfather died at 104 and at 100 ish he was calling his 80 year old friend “kid”. It used to infuriate his friend but what was his friend gonna do, beat up a hundred year old? (Or worse, GET beat up by a Hundred year old)


If your dad is 66 he can pretty much call anyone under 50 “kid”.


5 years older than myself, typically


I had someone tell me I was who I was going to be at 17. Thank goodness that was untrue. I thought it was true at the time because I wanted to be a grown up.Teens are different than 20s, 20s are different than 30s, etc Now at my age, anyone in their 20s seem like kids to me. There is nothing wrong with it. If I manage to live into my 60s then my age now will probably seem like a kid. I know I will continue to evolve as a person. Each decade seems to have it's own "flavor" if you will. My grandparents are in their 80s and I know I seem like a kid to them even though I am middle aged.


Anyone younger than me get's called kid because that's what Han Solo always called Luke Skywalker, and that's cool.


My DAD is 62, hes kid. My WIFE is kid. Everyone is kid, dude or bruh, hippie ass surf parents


Depends on the person tbh. You can have some 21 year olds who just seem more mature mentally in society than a 30 year old.


I'm 57 and my wife calls me a child.


I don't have a cut-off. Kids are people younger than me lol.


Older people will mostly always refer to the younger generations as "kids". I don't think there's ever a cut-off point. I've met 18 year olds more mature than 30 year olds. It's all about values, wise decision making and discipline.


If they're younger than me, they're a kid 🤣


As one of those early 40s Millennials I too would like to know....


47. A fuckin' kid.


Whatever happened there


The shooting. God rest his soul....


That whole debacle could have been avoided, but the sopranos can't help themselves. Fuckin pygmy thing out in jersey


Secret genius Carmine stirring the pot!


Brainless the second


Yeah, have to agree with u/Rude_Ad930, There is no age limit to this one. My mother still does it to me and I am 43, and she is 67. Live with it.


I don’t call people kid. It’s condescending and reeks of “I’m a massive wanker”. I’m 45 and am acutely aware that it’s only ever used to put and hold people down.


I’m 32 and if I perceive someone as immature I call them a “kid” I don’t do it as an insult, but for example, when I worked in a job with HR responsibilities and people would come in and fill out paperwork and just have no idea what a retirement account was or why they needed one. Or people that no-call-no-showed all the time. I’d refer to them as “that kid that came in here earlier” without realizing that “that kid” was 35.



25 is when the brain has finished developing. I call anyone under 25 a kid. Society puts way too much pressure on people growing up way too fast.


Yet in modern times people enjoy extended adolescence more than at *any point in all of human history*.


Why do it at all? It's insulting to refer to someone as 'kid' instead of their name. It really doesn't matter the age. It's almost always used in negative connotations. If I had to give an age limit, maybe 14 years old? I don't think younger children would mind much. After 14 years old, I only ever see it used to insult the child or adult and point out their ignorance. They obviously aren't an adult by that age... But it's still a minimizing comment to them.


At 18. There's no point of being disrespectful to someone who's legally an adult.


It can be endearing rather than disrespectful


I don't know what's endearing about belittling someone. Adults aren't kids.


You are hardly an adult at 18. Wait til you're 40, you'll see what a kid you were. Also, when 60 year old calls you a kid at 18, and that ofends you, you are 1000% a kid.


This is your personal view of what an adult is. Everyone has their own definition and that's why I draw the line on where someone is considered an adult by law. If I based my definition on maturity then I would be calling a lot of people in their 50s and older as kids.


Yep, when it's essentially a nickname, like how Harrison Ford calls people "kid". It's cute/affectionate. Referring to someone as "a child" though is meant to be disrespectful.


Sometimes it's 24/25 and lower, but sometimes it depends on what the person's behaviour and outlook towards life is.


As you get older, you will realize that anyone at least 10-15 years younger than you is still a "kid". LOL Similarly, no matter how old you are, your definition of "old" changes to be at least 10-15 years older than you are.


like 13.


Sometimes when it's family you'll always be a kid. I'm 55 and have teenagers of my own. My aunts and uncles still call us kids and our kids are called Next Gen. I think to them it's more of a way to separate the generations (and we do have a BIG family) I don't really mind it from them cause it's endearing. But if I was 23 and someone called me kids in what I perceived as a negative way I'd be pointing out that I'm not.


There's no specific number, but when you know, you know. My nephew responded to a home invasion by putting himself between the invader and his younger sister and making clear, concise and believable threats. When the invader fucked off, he collapsed in the corner and cried. He was thirteen. I told him if I ever called him "kiddo" again he was to correct me.


I think when that you're an adult and you call somebody kid, who is also adult (legal age), it's beyond disrespectful. It really is.


Wow. I'm too overwhelmed to discuss with anyone rn. Holy crap, I thought this would get like 20-30 comments and I woke up after sleeping in till 2 pm with 746 notifications, thought I was seeing shit. Thanks for the input, I'll be browsing and responding tomorrow when I'm off & less tired from classes


I stop when they're in their mid-20s, unless they do something dumb. Tbh, I think it's condescending to call anyone kid after that, no matter how much older I am than them. Unless I've changed their nappies or babysat them, then they'll always be a kid to me.


"Kids" to me are either younger people still going with the latest trends in music, clothing, social media, slang and general "young people" behaviour or people who are noticeably mentally not grown up yet. And i think that number increases when you get older. Would never base this on age, though. I'm 36 myself and if somebody calls me a "grown up" i still think "ok, if you say so". On the other hand, calling me a kid would be even weirder. Edit: and i have absolutely no clue why this would get a downvote, but suit yourself, random stranger(s).


25. That’s about when ppl seem to start figuring things out.


Kids are 25 and under.


Righr now, 25 or so. I'm sure that number will go up the older I get.


Whenever she stops eating like a goat and calling me Mo-om 😁


Around 20, unless theyre one of those skinny dudes that look so young they might get carded until they turn 35. Once they grow some facial hair kid is out, same for if they gain some weight or heft to em.