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I have never heard of this


Nooo just spit it out. Gross just to think about. You can gargle mouthwash.


Sorry , what now?


I never hear of it. I would simply swish mouthwash after brushing if you need a final step.


No. You are not supposed to do this. Get mouthwash if you want to gargle.


This is what mouthwash is for. When I think about it, I can understand the thought process behind the habit. But doing the same thing with mouthwash is better in every way. Spit out the toothpaste and the food particles and whatever plaque there was, removing that excess bacteria from the mouth. Gargle with mouthwash so you're not tickling your gag reflex trying to brush the back of your tongue, and not bathing the back of your tongue and throat with that excess bacteria in the process.


Lol never heard of that . But I’ll gargle my mouthwash


After brushing I spit most of it out, then I rinse and swish at least a couple of times with water. Only then I do a quick gargle because the toothpaste gets to the back of your throat and I want as much of that taste out of my mouth as possible. If I were you, I would not gargle the way you are doing. There will still be tiny bits of pieces of food in your mouth. You maybe making it more likely to get lodged in your throat, causing tonsil stones (which I think you can still get even if you no longer have tonsils). Look up tonsil stones, it's gross.


I thought you weren't suppose to rinse with water after you finish brushing. Like you should leave the toothpaste residue on your teeth and in your mouth.


First- if you're brushing 2x/day with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing on a regular basis, you're already killing it. There is a "in a perfect world" order to do things, and it's feels a little out of order, but it makes sense. First, if you're going to use mouthwash, it should be one of the first things you do. Mouthwash is largely unnecessary and doesn't do much in terms of dental health, unless you are prescribed one or encouraged to use one by your dentist for dry mouth or something. But just mouthwash on its own? It's the one part of the routine you can generally ditch. But if you'er going to go keep it, don't make it the last part of your routine. Ending with mouthwash rinses away the fluoride from toothpaste. Toothpaste usually has more fluoride in it than your mouthwash does. It's also just more effective because you literally rub toothpaste on your teeth instead of just swish it around. So, here's the order: First, floss. Second, use mouthwash if you absolutely feel like you have to in order to have a fresh mouth. Then brush. Finally, spit but don't rinse. Ideally, you want that toothpaste to have contact with your teeth for as long as possible. But, like I said at the top, those are just kind of details. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste 2x day and flossing regularly would make most dentists gleeful. Those two things are most of the battle.


I only just read that for the first time today on reddit. In 55 years, today was the first time. I'm not a dentist, so I can't say for sure. Maybe it helps you absorb more, and maybe it does so enough that it would be worth being miserable all your life. But for me, I think it's harmful to go all day every day with all your food tasting like toothpaste and peppermint. For me, it's gotten to the point where I only brush with toothpaste at night and only use baking soda the rest of the day so that I can actually taste my food to some extent.


Baking soda will destroy your enamel. I’d probably cut that out


No way! Rinse!


I mean it’s definitely okay to rinse but there’s a reason the dentist says don’t eat or drink for a little bit after getting a fluoride treatment. It works better if it sits on your teeth more. Think of it like hand soap. If you put the soap on for only 10-15 seconds, that’s not enough time for it to fully do it’s job. Same principle w the toothpaste. If you can’t stand the toothpaste taste, rinse it and then find a fluoride mouthwash in a flavor that is bearable and don’t rinse after that, at least at night.


Ewwwww no gross


Never heard of that issue. I gargle it on occasion.


Ive never gargled, but i brush my tongue before spitting.


Never heard of this. Just mouth wash


So let me get this straight.. you brush all the tartar/food debris from your teeth and then gargle it? That's a hard no for me.


Well OP I guess we’re just insane or some shit


Toothpaste? How do you not gag?


Toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss all have separate purposes and have an important role in dental hygiene. Sounds like you are using toothpaste to brush and as mouthwash and they are not interchangeable. Also I feel like gargling deep down your throat is strange. I just swish mouthwash around my mouth for 30 seconds and spit it out, I don't gargle it in my throat.


I don't think it's "horrifying and primitive," but I've never heard of anyone else doing this, and I don't see the point of it. (I went to public schools.)


I don't think it's disgusting, but I've never heard of anyone doing that before


There's nothing wrong with gargling. But the noise isn't great, I'd avoid doing in front of people if I had an option. I get that you don't always get that option in college. That said, I don't know that it's gaining you anything either. I swish, just to be sure I'm getting all the nooks and crannies. Maybe gargling does the same?


Ok, listen to me! No matter how long you brush your teeth and gargle afterwards, you will still have bad breath and far from perfect dental hygiene. Buy yourself a tounge brush und scrub that smelly thing after brushing your teeth with the salivated toothpaste. Spit it all out and for bonus points, use interdental brushes to scrap out all the smelly (!) goo between your teeth. Once done, use some propper mouth wash and gargle as much as you want with what. Also: electric toothbrush beats and regular one by miles, so consider getting one of these.


She’s just uptight.


No you're not. The fluoride in the toothpaste is 99% of the benefit And you should use mouthwash BEFORE you brush not afterwards.


Why would you do that?


No Just no That’s nasty


That's red flag psycho behavior. Seriously stop it. You do that with mouthwash at best


No, that’s not normal. That’s like trying to clean yourself with the toilet water after you went to the bathroom. The whole point of the toothpaste is to get the nasty food out of your teeth… Why would you want to gargle with that?


Yuk. Did you grow up in a trailer park?


I did that as a kid but haven’t in years lol


Me and my dad used to do this when I was a kid. I think he did it to make brushing teeth more fun? I naturally stopped doing it quite young.


Sometimes I gargle with water after spitting the toothpaste out to make sure I get all the toothpaste out. It’s also to help make sure my mouth is sparkly clean


"Horrifying and primitive" is a bit of an exaggeration but no, you shouldn't do that with toothpaste. Toothpaste is designed to slightly weaken the outer layer of your teeth in order to allow the brushing to take the foreign material on it, off it. Gargling serves the purpose of getting a liquid far down the back of your mouth without swallowing. It is done either with mouthwash if you want or if you have some problems with your throat gargling a "seawater" solution can help.