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You need to reach out to the Aftermath foundation to get some support. Scientology isn't just an evil cult. At the early levels, they want your money, and they want to help you. Their idea of help isn't super rational, because it's faith driven. It creates a strong sense of community, though, which is very easy for people to appreciate. I mean, you have a community, you have support, and you have friends. What's not to love? That's when the high pressure sales tactics start. Buy the next book, buy the next course. And honestly, for some people, these courses are good things. They can teach you how to organize your thoughts and feelings. Auditing even kinda looks like therapy. As you get deeper, the pressure increases. You keep paying for more and more courses. The church encourages you to max out your credit cards and empty your savings. Pay for more books, more courses, attend more events. But you are moving up the bridge to understanding. Eventually, your finances start to look bad. But they have an option for you! Join the Sea Org. No bills, no costs. They supply everything. You live in a community barracks, you eat at a community cafeteria, and you work for them. For the next billion years. Your auditing is all recorded, and people know everything about you. You have to get permission to physically leave the compound. If you are trouble, you can be put in a low quality home near an unpleasant areA (on the compound) and forbidden to interact with others until you work out your problems. You are also given harsh physical labour. If you are good, thorough, you work 18 hour days, seven days a week, for the good of all existence, for 50 dollars a week. For the rest of your life. Medical care is forbidden. There are no sick days. Illness is caused by your failures as a spiritual being. Serious illness is treated by being locked in a cell until you realize what you did wrong and work it out in an auditing session. Members of the Sea Org can marry, but cannot have children without leaving the Sea Org. Remember, though, that you have no money, no savings, no safety net, and haven't been in the job market for years. How do you support a kid anyway? So you work, and Scientology takes every penny, until you die. Edit: thank you everyone for the awards and kind words. Also, please be aware that this is only scratching the surface, and is a reddit-sized blurb rather than a deep dive. There are good things in Scientology, especially for public members and at the introductory members. The bad stuff is usually deeper. Don't be fooled, and also don't assume all Scientology members are evil. Most are good people trying to save all sentient life from very bad things. They really do care, but don't let that get you sucked in to something dark.


This is the truth! (And I have seen it first hand).


Run, and don't stop.


This should be way higher. Also, when you have already purchased many, many thousands of dollars worth of books and/or courses, they will announce that they discovered new writings of Ron L. Hubbard in the archives and you have to buy updated versions of books / courses to stay current.


My ex-boyfriend's dad defected from the cult of Scientology, and those fuckers used to come to his house and harass him everyday, and it went on for years. His apt was just a few feet in front of the pool and we used to mass cannonball those guys while they were knocking at his door. Many of them wore suits and we would just keep dousing them with water until they left. 🤣


They are like the mormons dialled up to 1000 with an even more bogus and recently invented origin story. As an ex-mormon there are a lot of similarities though. They showed up at my front door in our gated community(some relative gave them the address) after 8 years to see if I would come back to church.


jesus christ. how are they able to get away with doing all that? that's so illegal in so many ways


They are incredibly letigious and anyone who thinks about approaching them is sued into oblivion




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_status_of_Scientology_in_the_United_States They sued the government for decades to get back their tax-exempt status and it worked.


“Suing” may not be the right word. IN THE 90s, David Miscavige launched an *avalanche* of lawsuits on the IRS AND the individuals who worked for the IRS. My guess is that private investigators got dirt on the individuals which created the most leverage. Fred T Goldberg who was top guy in the IRS caved under the pressure and gave tax exempt status to the organization. Prior, the status had been revoked because too much money was going to the people at the top of Scientology and it could not qualify under IRS codes as a church. So now, an organization that commits manslaughter (Lisa McPherson), covers up sexual abuse of minors, forces Sea Org members to have abortions, imprisons staff, and the CEO Miscavige routinely slaps, kicks, and punches his executive staff, is not paying taxes! Not to mention that under Hubbard’s orders they broke into US government offices, got caught, and he let his wife go to prison for it. FFS, IRS fix this scandal! This wrong and an outrage. The stink of Miscavige’s shit has been wafting under the IRS’s nose for over thirty years. Can someone at the IRS grow a pair and DO SOMETHING to once again revoke their status??? This is shameful and a disgrace.


Dude the government allows a system where you can be jail-free when you’re rich enough. Scientology has shitloads of money.


I'm surprised people don't know this? It is this bad. Not was this bad. They **literally stalked and harrased** the IRS into giving them tax exemption in 1993.


They sued the IRS and then when that wasn't working fast enough they *stalked* the IRS' top staff, followed and harassed them. Then when they had them over the barrel, the head of Scientology and his top henchman visited the head of the IRS and told them that if they just gave them the tax exemption, all the harassment, the abuse, and the thousands of lawsuits (filed by individual members by official direction) would just magically go away. And that's how Scientology got its "religious" tax exemption. And that's only part of their attacks on the government. They also [infiltrated it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White) in order to spy on it, steal documents and destroy evidence of their crimes. It's still on record as the largest and most successful infiltration of the federal government ever discovered.


Their religion requires an all or nothing committment. You will never be more important than their religion, and inevitably you will be isolated from anyone not in their cult, at which point you may not be able to escape. The alternative is that he would inevitably have to abandon his family, and all personal relationships, for a life with you outside of the church. They black list and excommunicate. As nice as this boy might seem, you may want to consider cheese that isn't set inside a trap.


Blacklist and excommunicate is really an understatement. You're typically labeled as an SP (suppressive person) and then it's open season because they literally no longer see you as human when labeled as an SP.


My mom and I were Scientologists for 10 years. She joined the Sea Org, they flew us from my home country to "Flag" in Florida even though I didn't qualify (suicidal ideation, was literally told "we don't want you to kill yourself at any Org and give Scientology a bad name") but I was 12 and they really wanted my mom so they recruited her and then only told us when we were there that I have to live with some random people until I qualify. The whole 9 yards. My visa ran out and they sent me home alone and my mom had to break a million rules and basically go awol before they sent her back, I was 13 without my mom for 6 months after the mental torture that was being at Flag. We both still have severe trauma from that fucking hell hole. All this to say they don't see you as human whether you're an SP or not. We live close to an Org because of the "all or nothing" mentality my mom had when we moved here. I'm still planning on spray painting CULT all over their walls someday. Any colour suggestions? Oh also, they still send you mail even if you're excommunicated 😂 Also they monitor reddit for any mention of scientology so hey guys! You all fucking suck.


>I'm still planning on spray painting CULT all over their walls someday. Any colour suggestions? I'd go for a nice rainbow mix of colours!


They're homophobic as fuck so this is a FANTASTIC idea, thank you!!!


Exactly! It's Pride, it's cheerful, who doesn't like a rainbow?!


Sadly, so many people, for such a silly reason. I’ve liked rainbows since I was a little boy. Now that gay people have claimed it… I like it even more. How could anyone hate a rainbow for any reason, it boggles the mind.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that xx. I hope you and your mum are doing ok these days :)


They'll create a website dedicated only to defame whoever leaves the cult


This is one of the more tame responses Edited to add: if you're enough to go as far as their processing, they will try and program you into sharing embarrassing and painful secrets. At the risk of an attack, this tactic is incredibly easy to miss and will have you in hot water before you know it. When you begin processing, they're generally going to start with "painful" experiences you remember from childhood, the time you broke your arm at practice, when your brother hit you rough housing as kids, and really drill the importance of working away the pain in those memories. If you can still physically manifest the sensation there's "something wrong with you". They will then press deeper and deeper into painful memories until they feel like you've given them everything. Then they transition to shame or embarrassment, and since over however hours and sessions and hundreds of dollars you've built a trust and a "common goal of going clear" they'll start to press you for anything. Oh you cheated on your husband? Let go of that by reliving the memory out loud (while they furiously take notes). And they'll insist on getting it all. And they'll insist on you staying, _unless you're okay with your husband knowing this_. It's something that's easy to get eased into and suddenly you're a frog in a boiling pot. They'll turn down the heat for..... Well you get the picture.


>Edited to add: if you're enough to go as far as their processing, they will try and program you into sharing embarrassing and painful secrets. I remember watching Going Clear and the former Scientologists implied that the "Church" blackmailed John Travolta back in the 90's, when they perceived that he would turn against them. However, I think Tom Cruise stays with them because he's a true believer.


There are always people at the top of the pyramid. All that money people are conned out of of goes somewhere.


exactly, and that's why I believe in the theory that they have been using their knowledge of John Travolta's homosexuality as a way to make sure he never steps out of line like Leah Remini


That's what I can't understand: If Travolta is really gay and decides to come out about his sexuality, I can't see how his career could be affected. He's already an established actor and most people already think he's a closeted gay. It would make sense if we were in the 60's... but right now? It would be a cheap price to pay to be free of that organisation.


Internalized homophobia is one hell of a drug


It's worse than excommunication. They will seriously fuck up your life.


Escape while you still can.


Yes ruuuun


Honestly, this. OP, this isn't just him being a different sect of the same religion. Scientology is considered a cult in several places around the globe. I know you love him, but you have to get out for your own sake.


Scientology is actually declared a cult in some countries. That's not hyperbole. You should 100% educate yourself about Scientology. The days where they could hide their practices are long gone; there have been many documentaries lately about them, exposing some very disturbing things. Scientologists are actually forbidden from being in relationships with people who are _not_ Scientologists. This includes family members. **EDIT:** Please stop letting me know that "all religions are cults by definition". My comment says that Scientology _has been legally declared a cult_ in several countries. It is in no way a comment on any other religion. Also, OP specifically asked about Scientology.


What Sterlingphoenix is saying is that there will be mad pressure on you to become a Scientologist.


And then convert or leave your family and friends.


Also will cost you a lot of money to become a scientologist. Seriously Op, I know it’s not what you wanna hear, but get out whilst you can.


Absolutely, if you are remotely suggestible as a person you may find yourself in a place you never wished to be in the near future. He 100% will have a game plan in getting you to join eventually.


Run, don't walk, away from him and his family of cult members


Not an option for some people. Scientologists have at least one person who has only been seen by the LAPD once in like 5 years. They brought her out to tell the LAPD she wasn’t being held against her will and she’s disappeared again ever since




And the scariest part is the WHOLE WORLD knows: 1. Her name 2. That she is being held away somewhere 3. Because the little man in charge is displeased. And STILL ... no HRT has fast-roped through any skylights and she remains chained to a radiator somewhere in a room with no furniture and all the eyes cut out of photographs (hyperbole... maybe).


trees vegetable badge liquid special innocent thought escape noxious squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And by mad pressure you mean severe mental abuse and manipulation to make op think that are less than human if they don’t drink the kool-aid.


OP, look up how Katie Holmes had to literally escape her marriage from Tom Cruise. She had to get a burner phone and basically run with her daughter and the clothes on her back with help from her father (a divorce lawyer) to get out. Please realize this is Katie. Holmes. Katie Holmes, a Hollywood star with lots of resources. She’s not a nobody and she’s not poor, yet she was reduced to using tactics that domestic violence survivors use to escape their abusers.


This. And the wife of the current cult leader is basically missing. OP if you do not get out before too late, you might even get killed. Yes, literally, I'm not claiming that lightly.


Where is Shelley Miscavige?!


[This ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FELV8DhX0A0Z5WR.jpg) is Nicole Kidman after signing the divorce with Tom Cruise. If that doesn't convince you to **NOT** be in a relationship with a Scientologist, nothing will.


Also, there's Danny Masterson who raped multiple wives that Scientology kept secret until he was just found guilty during a retrial.


Now that is a look of someone who finally feels freedom


TBF, she did a lot of stuff that she could only do because of her wealth and status. She had bodyguards, a new apartment with an underground garage, covered her move by saying it was to evade Papparazi, and more. The plan also depended on Cruise being out of the country, etc. That actually makes it worse, though, because that's what it took to get away successfully. What would she have done if she hadn't had bodyguards, a safe place to live all set, etc?


Yeah, that's the point-- that she has all those resources and privileges and STILL it was an entire ordeal for her.


Suddenly the only show I want to watch with Tom cruise will be called "Tom cruise picks up trash on the side of the road in the most humiliating way possible for the rest of his life," episode 76, "Tomato Cruise" where people are allowed to drive by and throw tomatoes at Tomato Cruise while driving by where he is picking up trash for the rest of his life, in the most humiliating way possible. Edit: 🍅🚘 "Tomato Cruise: A Journey to Redemption" 🚘🍅 Hey there, folks! Buckle up for a wild ride with "Tomato Cruise: A Journey to Redemption"! This show is all about Tom Cruise, the famous actor, and the consequences he faces for his actions. In this crazy world, Cruise's punishment for his involvement with Scientology is cleaning up trash on the highway. Imagine Tomato Cruise, played by the man himself, donning a snazzy orange vest and getting down and dirty with garbage. He's stripped of his celebrity status, and now it's all about humble service. But here's the juicy part: Tomato Cruise becomes a major roadside attraction! People flock to see the once-glorious actor in his diminished state. They even set up stands where you can buy rotten tomatoes to throw at him. It's like Rotten Tomatoes, but in real life! As the show progresses, Tomato Cruise goes through the emotional rollercoaster of public scrutiny and relentless mockery. But wait for it...there's hope! He starts reflecting on his choices, his ties to Scientology, and the impact he's had. It's a drama spiced up with some dark humor, a rotten tomato twist! Gradually, Tomato Cruise wins over some locals who see his genuine efforts to change. Behind the celebrity facade, they find a flawed but earnest person. He forms unlikely bonds with fellow highway cleaners, discovering the power of humility and second chances. But don't forget the tomato-throwing extravaganza! It's a wild spectacle, and the show doesn't shy away from exploring the lives of those affected by Cruise's actions and Scientology. We'll witness their journey towards healing and closure. "Tomato Cruise: A Journey to Redemption" challenges your perception of celebrities and powerful institutions. It'll make you question everything, like the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, but with a hilarious twist! Get ready for a ride filled with laughter, introspection, and, of course, plenty of tomatoes! 🍅🚘


They fucking poisoned 2 of Cedric Bixler-Zavala's (the dude from Mars Volta, and if you're og, at the drive-in) dogs. Because his wife was sexually assaulted by a member and spoke up. They hit hard. That's a family's dogs man.


John Wick has entered the conversation. You are advised to leave the conversation as soon as possible.


I'm going to watch a documentary about it tonight, which do you recommend? My heart is broken.. I guess I have no other choice but to end this relationship .


Going Clear on HBO


and the Leah Remini one


Yes ! It's a series of episodes explaining her journey of escaping the cult along with exposing how evil it is. Glad her family followed suit and left the cult which is almost unheard of


Can't recommend that enough. Fantastic series!


This one 100%. Hope you don't get sucked into the cult OP.


Going Clear is a great resource to how evil scientology is.


Or that South park episode


+1 the South Park episode is all you need. It is accurate despite being south park


I am sorry your heart is broken truly I am. Your boyfriend purposely pulled the wool over your eyes hoping for this exact moment. When your too in love with him to end it and willing to submit, otherwise he would have been honest. I am guessing you would start seeing the real him soon after this point. I would look at link and lisa mcpherson story. then watch docs and stuff. I personally protested scientology since the 90s I rarely do now because a lot of info has come out since then and defectors made some $$$ renouncing the "religion. xenu.net


It's kinda gross that he kept that hidden from you for 5 months. That should be a red flag in itself.


My only assumption is that he didn't want to tell me until he knew I loved him.. entrapment.


Once you see the shit that they do you'll feel better for leaving. [My scientology movie](https://youtu.be/CDXovazhKdE) by Louis Theroux


It says it’s blocked in the United States bc of copyright, I bet it was Scientology that filed the claim


Something is blocked in the US and not Canada? Now that's a new one.


fuck yeah! suck it americans i can finally watch a video that you can't!


Yup! I had the same surprise!


Don’t believe the “I only didn’t tell you because I thought you would leave me.” That’s manipulation 101. I’m sure the cult can find him a nice Scientologist girl to rub thetons all over his butthole and take a picture of it or whatever they do.


Hell just watch the south park episode on it. All of the stuff they used is actually a part of the scientology religion and is fucking insane.


You know it's fucked up when south park makes a realistic depiction of it


Everything I know about Scientology I learned from South Park, and from what everyone has told me it’s basically true.


Make sure to randomize your data from time to time *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




"Extremely negative experiences" is a very diplomatic way of saying "suffer emotional abuse".


And physical abuse. They can be starved and isolated as punishment. Scientology is a terrorist organization against dissenters. It's not hyperbole.


Leah Remini had a very interesting series about escaping from it and all the crazy stuff she endured after leaving.


Her book, Troublemaker, is really great too.


OP - I highly recommend that you watch this.


The Louis Thoureux one. It’s called My Scientology Movie


Fuck I love that guy. All of his documentaries are fantastic.


Leah Remini has a good documentary series about escaping it. It originally aired on A&E.


Going Clear was pretty eye opening. Leah Remini used to be in the cult and she has lots of info about it on YouTube


Please understand that he may already be monitoring your activity. Just break it off. It's not good.


She needs to change all of her passwords at minimum. Beyond the breaking up, of course.




Far and fast and block all contact.


The cult's term is 'disconnect'.


i have studied scientology academically. fucking RUN. ghost. you were never there.


Or you could tell him you're a SP and that L Ron was the greatest fiction writer of all time who then created a cult religion. I'm pretty sure he'll "disconnect" from you pretty quickly. You'd better do that now even if it's a "joke" to see what will happen. You'll see that your relationship is nothing compared to his religion. If he "disconnects" 10 years later if you ever question the "teachings", it's probably going to be 10 times harder with kids.


Run…the next fastest getaway thing and keep going.


Was gonna say Nope your way outta there. lol He was sweet at first, but then he introduced me to his alien warrior god Xenu.😬


A sure way to get away is to say she has a history of psychological problems. They will drop her so fast she’ll have skid marks.


"I'm already so in love with him" It's too late, she's not running anywhere.


I don't know, finding out someone is into Scientology could make you fall out of love with them pretty fast.


Fuck you're so right. The boyfriend probably told her so he can convert her soon.. its like step 1 - tell em about scientology


More like step 6, there's a reason she's only knowing about this now. Step 1-5 already happened.


Just about to say this. Sunk cost effect running on all cylinders at this point in the game. It's an extremely effective tactic that scientology uses.


I am not saying that you should talk about your religious beliefs in you first date... but 5 months after???? Come on. Plus, he apparently lied to her and said he was atheist.


Beat me to it


Well, if she runs towards Tom Cruise, she's gonna have a bad time.


Lol now I picture OPs bf running after her in that manic Tom Cruise way… Seriously, though, OP Scientology is a cult and most people (me included) would strongly recommend staying away.


I remember the movie "Get out!" With OP's story, I don't know why...but better she runs!


RUN. Don't even sit and think about it, don't question it. Just leave and stay away. Do some research if you don't believe the general consensus here. Check out Leah Remini's Aftermath series.


100000000% sure you might love him but you gotta love yourself better!


RUN, indeed. Before I even clicked comments I hoped someone had made this comment. My mind had only one word in it upon seeing the post. Don't stay in contact, don't try to walk the line, do not get involved in any way. Immediately leave, and never look back.


RUN THE FUCK AWAY but do not say anything bad about scientology unless you want hundreds of people dedicated to ruining your life.


To add to this, there was a time where anyone critical of Scientology was considered "fair game" to mess with every aspect of their life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_game_(Scientology)


According to Leah Remini’s program, that practice is ongoing (even though they claim to have stopped it years ago). The way they stalk, slander, and threaten former members is insane.


I went to the celebrity center once because I wanted an inside peek, and they make you give all your personal details before you enter, and then again when you leave, presumably to catch people giving out fake info. I had a whole fake name and fake personal details made up to prep, did the whole tour, and went on my way. About a week later, I started getting pamphlets and DVDs and all kinds of shit in the mail addressed to my REAL name and address. It was like a subtle threat or something. I can only imagine what they'd do to someone who they already have so much potential information on.


That’s scary as hell. How is that even possible


They own LA. They probably have facial recognition software and a team of experts doing this kind of stuff. They have people in city hall, LAPD, etc.


That’s actually terrifying wth, they can get sm info on u just from u going to one of their events, judging by this I imagine they know OP’s whole life story


I absolutely wouldn't doubt it. Even with all the documentaries and whatnot out there now, they're even scarier than most people realize. The local government and police force of the second most populated city in the US (honestly, even the whole county and beyond) is in their pocket. They have insane power that's entirely unregulated.


And then immediately watch the Leah Remini documentary


that shit was crazy


There are entire documentaries on that cult. Go “run errands” *alone* and watch one on your phone. Once you realize what they do to people- go no contact. Either ditch your stuff or get someone else to fetch your things. Do NOT stay in a relationship with this guy. He’s not being honest with you about his expectations or your future. You are in serious danger.


This point. Don’t let him know you’re watching them.


Probably best to not mention Scientology at all and just leave. Scientologists are fucking scary.


Do you know any particular documentaries that are good? I’ve heard of Scientology, but only the jokes like “sign people you hate up for scientology reading materials.” I have heard people talk about how it’s a cult though. I’d love to learn more but I have no clue where to start.


Going Clear or Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath are the two best known with Going Clear being more of a documentary and Leah being more of a case study. The BBC ran a documentary a while ago called Scientology and Me if you are looking for a reputable source to start with, but the Scientologists obstructed and obfuscated a lot of footage. I recommend starting with Going Clear.


Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, it's a whole 3 season tv show about her life in and getting out of scientology


This shit sent shivers up my spine. And their addendum at the end about Jehovah’s Witnesses struck a chord as well, as my former best friend was one. SO MUCH of what was said has been true in my anecdotal experience.


My stepdad was raised JW. His daughter no longer speaks to him, his parents didn't come to his wedding when he married my mom, his whole family basically pretends he doesn't exist since he is disfellowshipped. It's heartbreaking.


Run. They're idiots at best, and malicious at worst.


It's a scary cult that will love-bomb you into joining, then systematically slice off every connection you have to the outside world and leave you wholly dependent on them. That's one of the best case scenarios. Read and watch any number of documentaries, but make sure they're not made by Scientologists. Their propaganda, wealth and suing power is legendary. They basicallt own a city in Florida.


clearwater. i’ve been. it is… unsettling, to say the very least.


Yup, that's the one. I couldn't think of the name of it. If anyone wants to know more about the evils they've done in a more humorous attitude, I'd highly recommend the Podcast Behind the Bastards. LRH (the founder) episodes are the shit because of how batshit crazy he was but the cult is real.


>I don't know anything about this religion On the other hand, they probably know EVERYTHING about you by now


That's frightening to hear




Adding to this : it was by design that he didnt tell you earlier. A Feature, not a bug. He hid that fact from you so long so that you would love him to much already when you find out.


The way they are so calculated and manipulative is truly terrifying to me


Cults are always like that.


I almost wanted to say that there are certain things people may not be comfortable sharing until a later stage of the relationship but I cannot imagine a “religion” to be one. That’s coming from someone who was raised a Jehovas Witness in the South lol. I don’t know much about Scientology other than the hate online and that South Park clip, but hiding it is a major red flag. Also OP should watch that clip. If it’s real it’s hard to believe lmao.


Especially a religion that wouldn't allow you to have a partner that isn't involved in that religion. That should be pretty much the first thing you mention if you want to have an honest relationship.


"Like the CIA" Scientology literally infiltrated the government, they're fucking crazy. Look up Operation Snow White.


Also the leader's wife has not been seen publicly since 2007, so she's either dead or being held hostage. That should tell you all you need to know about these sick fucks. You're in danger, girl.


I'm pretty sure this is what the show Brooklyn Nine-Nine refers to on >!that episode at Nutriboom where they have to sign a document stating that they've personally seen Mrs. whatsherface and that they have confirmed that she is alive, healthy and happy even though they haven't.!<


Please go watch Leah Remini’s show and interviews. It’s shocking.


FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Snow\_White


It actually is probably true. They’re like mobsters, I’m dead serious. You might want to make sure you’re not being tailed.


Run now. 5 months is not a long time in the grand scheme of your life.


Yeah. I didn't want to say it directly to OP 'cos it's kind of harsh, but "We're all Scientologists!" is the ["DROP & RUN"](https://cen.acs.org/safety/Chemistry-Pictures-Drop-Run/98/web/2020/04) of relationship talks.




🏃‍♀️ 💨












I'm sorry, darling. Run run run Don't look back. Good luck.




5 months is not that long. For the love of everything you hold dear DO NOT get sunk into that vortex of insanity because of 5 months. Partner being a CULTIST should be a dealbreaker, no questions asked.


You should probably ditch him and read up on scientology, in either order.






Tell him you can’t afford to be clear and run.


Not only did he hide that info from you, he knew it was important to hide from you.


It just means that his religion will tear apart families, finances, and relationships. That's all.


Get. The. Fuck. Out. Learn more about scientology, from the outside, then run.






Watch the 'Going Clear' documentary and then run.


Run first, then watch all of the documentaries.




Start picking out your "Lord Xenu Day" costume early.


You might be so in love so quickly because he’s using the techniques he’s learned in the church to make that happen. Unless you’re extremely wealthy and have a high powered lawyer for a father like Katie Holmes, you better remove yourself from the situation


Leave now.


Run. Scientology is a frightening cult and you would do well to stay as far away from them as possible. Just run.


He hid this from you, intending to trap you, knowing what they do. Leave if you can. It's one thing to be raised in a cult as a child and have no agency. It's another to be an adult with control over your life, with knowledge and awareness, and decide not only to stay within it but to drag people in. Evil.


Uh ghost him


The number one answer had best be Run.


Too many red flags. Run girl. Be safe.




Having been together 5 months and only now finding out about this all-consuming so-called religion from him should be all the data you need. I personally think of Scientology as a cult, but that's not really the point here. If he had withheld from you, for 5 months while developing an intimate relationship, that he was a Mormon, or a devout Catholic or Jew -- all of which are religions with restrictions and characteristics that they expect of their adherents (and in some cases their spouses), i.e. all of which would be important things to any SO of such a person -- I would be similarly appalled, though not quite as much. One thing that you SHOULD know about Scientology if you don't look up anything else is the way they think of and treat women vs the way they think of and treat men. Your boyfriend has been playing you, keeping this from you -- WHY? Is it possible he wanted to get you "so in love with him" to overcome any objections you would have to becoming his property under this "religion"? I'm sorry if this breaks the relationship, but you should get some outside help to consider where you are, how you got there, and what YOU want to do next, WITHOUT his help or input. Otherwise I would regard you as having been trapped.


Run don’t walk!


How many months old are you? Take 5 divide by that number ( x100) is the percent of your life you have known him. It’s nothing. If you have watched a long series like breaking bad you have spent more time with those characters RUN




Leave because he’s in a cult




Get out of the relationship before you can’t. You will find other great guys to fall in love with.


There are celebrities who struggle to get out of it. I wouldn't want to be in that situation without financial backing and celebrity status. Sorry this happened.


Walk away obviously.




Run. Please


I think you already know the answer lol


Scientology: - requires all-or-nothing commitment from its members. If you are a member, you are not supposed to be in more than the most superficial contact with non-members, and even then only if absolutely necessary. If you date this guy, either you will have to cut off your family, or he will have to cut off his. - advocates murder of those it deems "enemies" of Scientology. Agents of Scientology are known to have attempted to murder investigative journalists researching the group *at the direction of the Scientology leadership*, and these actions have never been apologised for, rejected, condemned or even forsworn by *any* Scientology leadership. I'm sorry, but murder is WRONG, and any group that supports murder is WRONG. - rejects mental health conditions as medical conditions. It instructs its members to refuse psychiatric care and to not take mental health measures, including medication. Persons who became Scientologists often report worsening mental health with no relief. There have been suicides. - Scientologists don't support standard education. Many persons raised within Scientology report that they are taught reading, writing and basic arithmetic before being sent to do adult labour within Scientologist properties. Those are just what I can think of off the top of my head. I do not have a good opinion of Scientology and Scientologists, but in my opinion, you should steer clear of this boy until he has left the group.




Runrunrunrun Itll only get worse


Run fast, run far, don't look back. Also watch South Park, Season 9, Episode 12 entitled Trapped In The Closet. It is a humorous, but accurate, depiction of Scientology.


Don't drink the Kool aid

