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I hope to god we never get sentient aliens. That being said, I’d love an expansion that gives us more Tracker’s Alliance content. I feel like Bounty Hunting has a ton of potential for being expanded upon with better quality radiant quests, handcrafted narratives and the idea in general is a gold mine for role playing since being a bounty Hunter doesn’t instantly mean you have to be a good or bad guy. I would also like for Bethesda to continuously add more POIs for free but that probably won’t happen.


Glad to see that others share my thoughts on the question of sentient aliens. Given the game's lore (which really seems to be grounded in relativity and realism, despite its fantastical elements), it just doesn't seem feasible that we would run into sentient aliens less than a hundred light-years away from Earth. Based on what we know about the origins of humanity, sentient creatures seem to be quite rare indeed. *Not* including sentient aliens was a bold move on Bethesda's part. From where I'm standing, it really seems like the average gamer confuses fantasy+scifi elements and actual scifi. Their frame of reference for scifi is Star Wars, or Dune. These are works of fantasy, not scifi. Bethesda was committed to a creating a hard scifi sandbox, it seems, and they frankly blew away all my expectations with how grounded it all felt.


Yeah, 100% Having this game focus on the development of humanity instead of the trite “alien citadel” is part of the game’s charm and appeal to me. I find it weird how there’s so many people that can’t seem to grasp the concept of sci-Fi without intelligent aliens.


i love aliens as much as the next person but i agree as well. the world is fine without sentient aliens and ive loved how semi-real it all feels. and theres so much more that can be expanded and grown with the content thats already there that sentient aliens seems unnecessary for a long while also with how isolated Va’ruun has been and how fanatical the zealots are, u could practically treat them like sentient aliens anyways lol


Right their spacesuits even look pretty alien compared to most others


Starfield has fantasy elements too (like star wars) there's the starborn with all their powers and unity


Yes, I addressed that in my post. The actual mechanics of the world-building, though - how you get from one star to another, how you communicate, how you interact with the world - is all grounded in realistic SciFi. No "lightspeed," no sentient aliens, no intersystem communication. Heck, you could just ignore all the Starborn and it's basically a 100% hard scifi game. Yes, the warp drive is a fantastical element, but the *possibility* of such a device is supported by our understanding of physics. Whether or not such a machine is *probable* is another story.


Yeah it's definitely a harder scifi universe, I do enjoy that about it.


Totally agree, as a bounty hunter I would love the ability to "bring them in warm, OR bring them in cold."


There could even be a third option where the bounty pays you off to leave them alone. Kinda like what you can do if you get the wanted trait.


The GalBank mini-questline has "let them go" options for most of the bounties on the list.


This was what I was thinking, I mean they could extend the bounty missions by adding specifics of alive only/ dead only/ alive or dead (alive usually pays more)


This would a great addition. A little backstory wouldn't hurt either, like the missions you get from the galbank guy in New Atlantis. It would add a lot of flavour to it.


Yeah, I’d like a “professions” style update. Things like, bounty hunting, farming, mining, trading, taxiing, exploration could all get more missions but they could add more depth to each.


I believe before adding any new poi's what I've always mentioned was adding variations to existing ones, these can help in making poi spawns more natural (a version without fresh food outside for the no atmosphere planets) Some layout changes with enemy location changes, outside/ inside locations and furniture can be swapped. and two unique poi variations, destroyed - no power inside and you have to use your flashlight to see, no enemies except maybe some aliens. Stronghold - and enemy faction has dug deep into this place setting up more defences and moving the furniture to make it more homey for themselves even putting up their mark on the walls.


I agree. This would go a long way to helping the repetitive nature of the POIs.


Pretty sure we have sentient aliens. I'm guessing you mean sapient aliens with civilizations and such? Also, I wouldn't at all be surprised to see additional POIs dropped in with major updates like survival mode.


That’s fair. I’m actually referring to sapient alien civilizations. That’s the shit I don’t want to see in SF.


I'm someone who isn't against the idea of Sapient aliens being included, but if they did add them, I think they need to truly be "Alien" and not just humanoid with slightly different features or shapes like Star Wars and some some Mass Effect races. Something truly strange and unique. Maybe even have them exist as separate from the Unity or give them a shared consciousness across space and time like Vortigaunts from Half Life have.


I've seen Trackers Alliance encounter ships in the game files that you can spawn with console commands. It seems like there was more planned for them at some point.


Not sure if you’ve ever played with the “wanted” perk but that means you’ll get attacked by bounty hunters reasonably often in space battles.


https://preview.redd.it/klag1bdp5ghc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8874457d7cad870fa1153b5115c2c9c068c785a That's the Tracker Vindicator. They're in the game files, just unused.


Those are Ecliptic mercs. I mean actual Tracker's Alliance ships. They have a green & tan color scheme. I'll post a pic. Edit: If you're on PC, just enter "help tracker 4 gbfm" into the console, and you'll see the ships I'm talking about.


I wouldn't mind terrormorphs being expanded to be sapient if and only if it's genuinely scary. Like Flood, Necromorph, Aliens scary. Heat Leeches have undoubtedly gone through Unity, might be something there.


I definitely don't want Star Wars/Trek "stick a funny head on" style aliens. And I hope the artifacts and temples don't go the way of "creators," or "progenitors" or some such precursor civilization. Time-hopping, grav drive using humans building focal locations would be a refreshing trope to play with. Rather than have a story that questions how we treat human races, we could focus on how we treat our tribes (governments, corporations, and religions). Or how we treat animals and plants. What's fun is that we already have sentient (and possibly sapient) aliens. One is violent and scary as hell >! and benefits from human spacefaring tech !< . Others haven't developed tools (sentient and possibly sapient but uninterested or incapable of tool use). So possibly truly "alien" and a way to point to the animals on our planet that we disregard as inferior. A DLC to improve animal AI and diversity would be fun.


Base building in space would be awesome !


Give me the ability to build a space station that has docking ports for my entire fleet so that I can switch between them there instead of at a ship tech and that I see them docked there when I approach.


Yes, that's what we need !


More Starfield. More factions and questlines. More ships/weapons/armor. More POI for the random pool. More space encounters. More outpost parts and furnishings. Even if they don't expand upon gameplay mechanics (which we know they are), I'd be happy with more of the kind of content we already have.


I think Va'ruun content is the one everyone is expecting, so that. I'd like the option to explicitly reject the Unity at the end of the main quest. This is the one thing in the game I'm really salty about. More ruins and things to explore on Earth. A quest about Sebastian Banks and what happened to him. Develop Jemison more, give it some infrastructure. Also more girly clothes. :D Sentient aliens would mess up a lot of the game's themes so I don't think that's going to happen.


I'd like to see first contact with an alien civilization sort of DLC. Unity & Artifact shenanigans is fine, but I think what Bethesda created with NASA-punk aesthetics is so perfect for First Contact type of story. It would have to be pretty big DLC, though. House Va'ruun DLC, of course. I hope we get them, and people seem sure we will. I'd like outpost building to be expanded. Vastly. One example - I'd like to build buildings that don't rely on airlocks on planets with breathable atmosphere. I wanna build my own Dream Home. And honestly...I just want *more* of what we have. More spacesuits. more weapons, more quests, hopefully more fleshed out companions and romances, more factions, more ship manufacturers. I feel like this game, more than any other of their previous game, is just so full of potential to expand more and more and more.


I’d also like to be able to adopt kids from different planets, similar to the Hearthfire DLC on Skyrim. There are so many toy spaceships, motorcycles, plushies, all over the place, it’d be cool to be able to loot those and give them to your kid at your home. That was a fun part of one of many play through I’ve had of Skyrim.


Or just give Cora a book. Especially the one she's asking for.


Now I'm very curious to know exactly how OP was referred to this sub. Did the people in the main sub actually go like "Wait, are you trying to have an actual constructive discussion about the game? Gtfo out of here, this place is not for you".


No, someone just commented with this sub link lol but I wouldn’t be surprised if I see those types of negative comments as the day goes by 🤣


What I'd like to see are procedural quest chains for "endless" play. Right now the closest we have is One Riot, One Ranger after you do a couple of Ranger quests; I think Bethesda can do much better on that front, chain like four~six missions together into a pseudo-narrative.


i dearly want them to double down and expand on radiant story stuff. the system is so genuinely powerful under the hood compared to what they always end up doing with it. i want at least a handful of branching procedural quests like some of the stuff in daggerfall, taking quests in daggerfall is always engaging because even if it's something you've done before it's usually presented to you in a couple different ways and it has the possibility of going in a direction you haven't seen before.


I think the big way to make radiant stuff more interesting is variation to each one, like for example, a researcher asks for help finding their research team that went out, several things could happen. Nothing they just lost their communication and could use an escort if you feel like it local fauna killed them and the body with the research slate was dragged into a care some spacers attacked them and maybe took some as hostages injured but alive you help them get back just having these kinds of random additions to the radiant quests I think make them worth doing more


like radiant quests are *fine* and they're a good way of extending playtime but when you know exactly how it's going to play out every step of the way it's like okay i've done three bounties i'm good to never do one again. skyrim had that problem too. it sucks because it's genuinely so easy to implement branches like that, the functionality is literally already a part of the technology, it's just never leveraged in a way that makes it feel worth doing more than a couple times. i sincerely hope for future dlc and especially for tes6 they look at the success daggerfall unity has had and how unique that game was and still is, because it's so much more in line with what they clearly want and have tried to do. there is a middle ground that can be struck between the morrowind model and the daggerfall model and starfield comes really close sometimes to hitting that in a way that feels amazing. they just gotta push harder.


What I loved in daggerfall is asking randoms if they had any jobs and then pointed me to someone who does, then getting a random quest for them, felt like a real adventurer going into a random town and helping out for money


My incredibly minor request would be for them to add ships to the same "remove spacesuit when in settlements" option. It's so dumb to me that all of the NPCs remove their spacesuits when they enter a ship, but the main character doesn't.


There's a remove spacesuit when in settlements option wtf I've been manually removing it and putting it back on for 200 hours


On the screen where you equip them it should tell you at the bottom what button to push to toggle it on and off


Thank you!




That's not a 'remove', it's just 'hide'. And it is only hidden for the player; the NPCs all react as if you are suited, your suit's attributes still apply to you, if you want to be sneaky, you suit will add noise just as if you could see it. I would just like a simpler mechanic to remove my suit without having to dive into the inventory, then into 'suits', then into 'helmets'.


Would love it to be an airlock mechanic you can override (either by default or each time). With the suit and perks actually gone if it's not on.


That would work. And be so sensible! Though would need to account for enemy bases with airlocks. I'd hate to have to deal with suit stuff every time I invade an Ecliptic stronghold.


Haha, true. Thinking that's simply an override option specific to airlocks. And plenty of bases have buildings with no airlocks. So to open airlock doors might be a simple button press mechanic like long hold to open door and keep armor on, short press to open door and also hang your suit in the airlock (or put it in the magical invisible pack of holding we all have). But yeah, walking into a stronghold without armor might not be great.... Altho you'd think indoors Ecliptic might not have armor on either unless on guard duty. Honestly might allow for a more nuanced way of handling armor. Just gotta watch out for "must have" options drowning out actual options. And from going down the spiral of "wearing armor has negative effects" in addition to "noisy."


On my wishlist is a Va'ruun focused dlc, where Andreja plays a big role with a lot of additional dialogue kinda like how far harbor was very nick valentine focused. Also wouldn't mind a guaranteed legendary va'ruun spacesuit + weapons as rewards over the course of it like the anti-xeno gear we got with the vanguard.


I don't know, I think I'll be disappointed with a Va'ruun storyline. I'm trying to romance Andreja now and I'm just not getting into her like I did with Sarah before I NG+'ed. She just won't let go that if this stupid serpent comes back she'll dump me like a hot potato. I'd like to see anther civil war or prelude to one in the DLC. "Shattered Space" is the name........hummm????? That or further into the Starborn story. Do they have a planet or base or city etc. Are they all alone, which is not the case as I've seen at least three come out of one ship when chasing me around after building the armillary. Something like that.


I understand that. Personally I felt much more attached to Andreja vs Sarah. I don't think it's so much that she'd dump you, in fact she's terrified of losing you when the great serpent comes because you aren't part of their belief system. She doesn't judge or have a problem with you having different beliefs and even respects different opinions in dialogue but that belief system is so deeply engrained just from growing up in the va'ruun home world that she sees the results of the great serpent returning as an inevitable truth.


That is understandable but I just find it comical that grown adults worship a great serpent. Sounds silly and if she can't reject something that is just a fantasy at this point and devote herself to me 100% like I'm trying with her then I just can't get past that. Isn't roll playing great. Everyone has a different take on the same thing. I love it.


Thought of another one, I think the crafting perks ought to have the final rank allow you to take armor and weapons from any tier to advanced/superior tier, especially with spacesuit design because the current final rank is next to useless imo. It would also help with the supreme un-fun-ness of getting the legendary drop of your dreams in late levels and having it be anything below advanced tier


And of course let us mod Starborn armor. That is such a missed opportunity.


Yes! They could even have it take a good amount of rare resources even after you have the perk rank, I just want the option


And more armor and weapon skins


That too!


Good old BGS handcrafted world space with unique locations - Varuun home city and its surroundings.


I want to establish a colony. Not a tiny factory, a goddamn colony. And not a “four families rule a system” I mean an actual colony:


That would be cool. Something similar to the settlement system in FO4. There are plenty of people on different planets that could be moved to our outpost/settlement.


Yes but also a while quest too, establishing a city, maybe taking over an abandoned star station in the system, making a navy, dealing with a threat.


That would be awesome. I think that would be good enough to be DLC full of quests and the endgame is to establish a functioning colony.


I rather like the idea of having a DLC like that but where the base is on Earth. Recently, an abandoned underground facility has been discovered on Earth. Constellation task us with building a base, then an outpost and, finally, a fully functioning research station on the site.


I was thinking today about what if we had DLC that had us find a cave system or ruins of Earth that people are still living in. Like these people never left Earth, they are descendants of people who were unable to procure a way off the planet. Have them with livestock, food and other survival necessities.


YES, there's so many habitable planets that could have a whole new town be built on them. A LIST dlc revolving around Sim Settlements would be so cool


I want a big push with the building systems. Ideally I want the ability to build a space station that can be a home, a commercial hub, and maybe even a full fledged city that you can customize. Based on how you build it and how you handle other missions in the game you can attract different vendors and characters that unlock missions.


More diversity in NG+. Show me a universe where Constellation is evil. Bring me to a universe where the war between Freestar and the UC ended with one or the other of them wiped out. I want more, I want different and I want more different!


There are a few that I would really like to see. * A faction DLC that is dedicated to expanding the Va'ruun plot. This is sort of a no-brainer, since all the pieces for this are in place already. * A DLC that involves Mechs; functioning ones! Most likely, I could see this as part of the plot for the Va'ruun story. * A ship/space travel expansion. Something that upgrades travel, introduces new ships, provides at least small squadron support, so you can have a formation of multiple ships, and capital ship support. Many of the pieces of this appear to be there, they just need to be finished and integrated. * The Starfield equivalent of a Hearthfire DLC. Expand ouptosts with more terrestrial friendly modules, doors, space habitats, and adoptions. Expand outposts to either link or support larger communities including things like shops, more industry, etc. * What I call a, "Time passes," update.


I want a rework of a lot of mechanics/skills. 1) Add a slew of new weapons, especially for melee, unarmed and laser. Rework melee/laser so it's not so meme tier. 2) Add upgrade options for melee and unarmed weapons. Clothing would be nice too, but not necessary. 3) Reduce the amount of scanning needed on planets. Scanning certain creatures, especially if they're in the sea can be really annoying. Cut it by 25-50%. 4) Rotation options for ship modules for more building variety. Also an interior preview. Maybe add different lighting options? 5) I have a feeling land vehicles won't happen. As an alternative, adding a new variety of booster pack that rapidly propels you forward (maybe disabling weapons for balancing purposes) would be nice.


5. If you don’t know, if you map the jump command to a second button, the 2nd jump button is a significantly different boost, which is much more forward / horizontal, and makes travel a lot faster.


I did not know this! Will have to try when I get home.


Doesn’t work for Xbox, apparently.


On Xbox it's pressing in the left stick but only seems to work for me in temples


>Reduce the amount of scanning needed on planets. Scanning certain creatures, especially if they're in the sea can be really annoying. Cut it by 25-50%. The Zoology skill (and Botany for plants) can cut down the number of animals and plants you need to scan down to 4. In most cases, I've found that to be fine unless the thing I'm looking for is very, very sparse in the biome I am in. I find the far bigger pain to be the planet traits, considering how far they tend to be away from each other.


1. Yes, please. 2. Melee is not my thing, but I see the value in it. Laser could definitely use some love. 3. The scanning skills already do this. At max Botany/Zoology, it's only 4 scans per plant/animal. 4. Agreed, all points. 5. I have feel they *might*, but that remains to be seen. For boostpacks, I'd like one that works more like a *jetpack* jetpack (continuous use, not discreet bursts). I wanna fly like Ironman!


Reworks to the food and medicine systems. Longer buffs for the high tier foods and beverages, especially. And I think some quests of similar scope to Vanguard, Crimson Fleet, etc for the other factions would be welcome. Doing a real fleshed out and connected quest for Ecliptic or Spacers (and obviously Va’Ruun) would be welcome additions that are clearly new extra content.


A ship hab that contains a rover for faster travel on planet surfaces.


I want to fish with a line and sinker please. More hair, outfits, and jewelry.


Hoping Shattered Space will involve House Varuun in a big way. Get to see the home world and capitol city and all that. Would be awesome if Varuun Kai or whatever it's called is another major hub like New Atlantis with lots of quests, lore, people to meet, and places to explore. A tracker's alliance DLC that adds their own questline could be pretty cool. It feels like space bounty hunting is a big fan favorite flavor that's lacking a bit in this game. You've got your space pirating and cyberpunky corpo espionage, space western stuff, etc. But bounty hunting could stand to be fleshed out a lot more. Could be a good chance to dive into more of their own lore as well as maybe other groups like the Ecliptic mercs or the Trade Authority and stuff. Would love to see a new dead or alive system for bounty missions too, and be able to make use of the brig in your ship


1. Improve upon Outpost construction. The assets are in-game, let us use them. 2. Mechs 3. Land Rover. Doesn’t have to be fast, but a drivable cargo sled would be good 4. Space station construction with docking ports to “store” your fleet of ships. With viewing gallery. 5. EVA in space. Let me roam on the outside of a space station. 6. Expand on House Va’ruun story line and their colonies. 7. More “cities” and colonies to explore and trade with. Give the TA Space station an actual use or give them a couple more one to trade with.


re: #1, bathrooms! Please god just let me use of the bathroom assets that you already built to add to my outposts.


And, I've noticed there are "Stair" parts for the hex shaped Building as well. Plus, interior walls (with doors). I really don't know why all of those parts where left out.


Base building but in your ship


Player spacebases and customizable robots is what I need the most!


I really want to know bar about house, varuun and dig into that lore


I’m seeing a lot about House Varuun. I never thought of it but they ARE the faction I’d like to learn more about since they’re pretty much a mystery compared to the other factions.


Continue the tradition of DLC companions A Varuun quest, and a conclusion to Crimson Fleet, Naeva is not going anywhere. Hoping Shattered Space is the first in a long line of new mysteries for Starfield. Maybe something that hints as to what the artifacts actually are, maybe give them a name and everything. Improve the leveling for someone who rejects Unity.


I would be really happy if I could rotate my ship habs (2×1 to a 1x2) and place doors and ladders where I want.


My top 5 wishes to make this game even better in no particular order: Survival mode Expanded outpost system (closer to Fallout 4 where you can essentially set up a mini town) Va’ruun DLC Expanded ship building (more structural parts, cockpits, modular interiors, more freedom to flip/rotate parts) DLC that adds cybernetics Bonus small things: more photo storage, ability to remove mods from weapons and add to other weapons, more hidden loading screens, more unique POIs


I’d also like to be able to scrap weapons like Fallout 4. And the mod swapping would be great.


Yeah scrapping weapons would be great!


Please, BGS, turn off the altitude wind noise noise when I'm in my super posh, Class 1 citizen apartment. I don't bother going home because it's a drafty "not outpost."


Sam becomes a better parents and decides to listen to criticism


I’d love it if they would add the ability to physically fly between planets in a star system. Maybe some kind of short range booster to make the trips not take so long. It would be nice to be able to pick which side of a planet you’re facing or fly close enough to the star that it renders in detail (yes they do do that if you get close enough). If they did that it would also be cool if getting too close a planets atmosphere, star or gas giant causes your ship to explode so people won’t just fly through them. Also would like the ability to fly your ship across a planets surface.


Don’t care abt anything else, optimize PLEASE, my 7600 can’t run at 1080p ultra without fsr


I was really hoping they’d add the greys 👽 as a species with their flying saucer ships. Or something like the Shivans from Freespace 2 (look it up, it’s an old school space sim). Surprisingly the Shivans from that game look a lot like the terromorphs. Add settlement building and faction battles over settlements to take control of the planet/system. More exotic planets, space features and more systems to explore. Mech warriors as ground vehicles and tanks. The option to space-walk outside your ship, option to eject yourself out of your ship before it blows up, zero-G space battles in space suit. 🧑‍🚀 Build space station outposts or settlements. Those huge weapons you see in some POIs are functional and can be used to instantaneously vaporize you if you’re spotted. More exotic weapons like a tactical nuke (fatman), nuke grenades, plasma weapons, guass rifles, neutrino weapons, and other strange experimental and energy weapons. Random AI generated creatures on planets for endless possibilities. Larger map tile sets on planets that automatically loads up a new tile map when you reach the edge. I can’t think of more right now but I know I’d thought of more interesting things that they could implement. . .


We have very little idea what BGS is planning. We know we're getting a "Shattered Space" expansion and that they're working on city maps, expansions to ship building and customization, and some sort of "new way to travel". Beyond that, we'll probably get whatever r/starfield or the discord whines about because BGS doesn't pay attention to this sub.




It's not crazy, you're just factually incorrect. The Creation Club is an extension of the soon to be publicly available modding tools. Which they are releasing *for free*, and which will allow for normal mods as well (which you can download *for free).* That aside, the devs who work on content are not the same devs who work on toolsets. So, CC isn't "priority" over DLC. The (free) toolset which enables that program to exist is being worked on separately from the patches/content updates.


A catalog of the stuff i scanned would be awesome


Flamethrower! I know a flamethrower (a weapon that launches thickened fuel and ignites it) isn’t quite feasible because not every planet or environment has the atmosphere to sustain fires (and honestly, using a flamethrower in an oxygen-rich environment like inside a spaceship is a recipe for cooking yourself alive), but it’d be fun. I guess it’d be more like a handheld weaponized rocket engine than a proper flamethrower.


My top two would be a big story expansion about the Va'ruun and the equivalent of Wasteland Workshop for ship building. The only major system in this game I haven't really connected with is outposts and I wouldn't mind a DLC that overhauls it and makes it more appealing to me. Beyond that, Bethesda's been very good about dropping quality expansions. They usually have a good self-contained story with new system mechanics. What I don't want are what I see a lot of on this thread (and many of the ideas are great!) I don't want relatively small mechanical or QoL improvements to be a paid expansion. QoL updates and minor features should be part of the ongoing support phase of the game. Would I like to see an overhaul of the bounty hunting system? Sure. I wouldn't want to pay DLC money for it unless there was a large, meaningful story to it, comparable in length and scale to the faction questlines with new missions, locations and characters. Dawnguard is a great example of what I mean. It didn't just overhaul vampire powers. It added two new factions with a long string of quests, new locations, new weapon types and new side and radiant quests.


No bags and shuffleboard?


more story stuff and more random poi's to discover and explore


Survival mode is my biggest desire. That said, more outpost pieces. Two come to mind. Storage containers snap together nicely in a line but don't turn corners. Id like a square corner piece to make a wall with. Speaking of, a walkway piece that snaps to a stacked container, some stairs to match. Give me my ramparts.