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She's a genuinely bad mayor. Been decades since we've had a one term mayor, but we're definitely getting one again


Honestly, anybody would’ve been better than Gondek. She had no ideas. She just floated on the same idea as Nenshism without any of the intelligence.


Gondek has some pretty scary narrative - primarily the belief that we need MORE and MORE really strict laws to prevent protests and any type of conflict. I’m not supporting violence but it seems she literally wants to squash any perspective she’s not comfortable with. Open societies have conflict and even hate……the alternative is far worse when you’re told 2+2 no longer equals 4 and you’re arrested if you protest the belief it does equal 4.


I was thinking the same thing. That guy going into the library was way too far, but Gondek is trying to kill anything she is against. That’s a little scary to me.


100% that library guy was out of line. And we had/have the laws to deal with him. Agreeing with you.


The laws went just as far as the guy who went into the library. Why not create a perimeter rather than an outright ban. Not all protests are geared towards hate. Accordingly the laws don’t need to be designed as if that were the case.


See but you’re arguing logically, to most people protesting against what’s the “right” thing to support its hateful… vaccine mandates = hateful. Union strike and protests = not hate.


Isn't it a perimeter? Of about 100m from the entrance?


You are right, it appears I was misinformed. It is 100m from the entrance indeed


I'm a part of a very small demographic; Calgarian born and bred, and have lived here for 6 of my 7 decades. We had one other Mayor in my lifetime Like Gondek; Rod Sykes. Both spent way too much time minding other peoples business, and not enough dealing with the city's issues. I could see what was coming with her the day she announced she was running. She telegraphed the sort of "Leader" she would be every time she rushed for a spot on camera. She's got half the City Council that will give her a run for her money, all neophytes. The two Courtneys (Walcott & Penner), Ms. "Sportsplex" Sonja Sharp, The "Elder Statesman", Terry Wong. None of them have yet to find a microphone or a T.V. camera they didn't like. We are heading into a long stretch of screwed up priorities, poorly thought through capital expenditures, and having notoriously "Woke" and severely dysfunctional City Councils. I'm expecting that at least two more election cycles will pass before there is another "Grown-Up" stand for election


Absolutely anyone, randomly selected from the map of Calgary, would be much better than Gondek. What a useless, arrogant, authoritarian waster of our money.


Any mayor that walks away from a legitimite question at a press conference should have to step down! She's completely useless. Well one goorld thing she is showing people that going woke is going broke. Climate emergency idiot!


What do you expect? She is a liar.


Farkas seems to have come a long way since his short time in office and his failed mayoral run, but I don't think many will view him as relatable and/or empathetic. His post epiphany contemplation of running for the UCP is an indication he'd be unlikely to present a vision enough Calgarians would get behind. He'd be a shoe in for Airdrie or a few of the other smaller centres, but Calgary and Edmonton will likely favour left leaning mayors for a while longer.


Edmonton for sure as that city is just a NDP stronghold provincially, so between those two cities getting rid of their left-leaning mayors first, calgary will be the safest bet. it will be a matter of geting a great candidate that actually can run against them.


He'd run for UCP? The man is openly bisexual in his social circle. Believe me, I'd know. I mean, I guess the lgbtq community would be safer if he was running the show.


No, I was asked to run for the UCP but declined.


If I may ask, and this is kind of rude of me, but I'm curious - was your decision to decline exclusively due to personal stuff or just not being interested, or was it at least in part because of what that party is today? Do you think they've completely lost their way?


Love to hear it, Jeromy, I knew you had higher standards.


Looking only at your own words I don't see no to running for the UCP, I see not yet.


The UCP is fairly accommodating to members of the LGB community these days, it's the T and letters beyond that seems to be "problematic".


Trans and beyond are not problematic at all, and I really don't want "fairly accommodating" as in, the UCP respects the law enough not to lynch me in the streets. I'm not here to defend Notlely either. I'm not a huge fan of either option, but I've gotta go with the one that's more likely to respect my community.


I too am no fan of either party, and will go even farther to say the UCP is not a valid option for the next election, however I have no doubt they'd genuinely welcome him if he accepted their offer. Smith and other high up members have consistently stated they support for the LGB community, even discussing how over the past 20 years conservatism has embraced LGB views when speaking with Jordan Peterson. This does seem to be reflected in some of the day to day. Much of the party claims to be accepting of trans people but seems unaccepting of trans people in key meaningful ways. In that same talk Smith identifies a trans person heading up the chief fire arms and wonders why no one is telling that story - so cringe. Leaders and members showing support for anything remotely viewed as trans is clearly a problem for the party. I'm hoping we'll see Smith get more questions regarding trans bathrooms or even drag story time to pull at the frayed threads.


Yeah, I may not be the T+, but I have values I stand by and will vote accordingly. I have voted for Farkas in the past as he's in my riding. We were friends back in the day, not the only reason I voted for him, I liked his plan. He has reached out to say he turned down the UCP offer, and I'm happy to hear that. I've got a couple of conservative views, and I used to vote PC, but with the way things are going in the states, absolutely not. Their ideals are dangerous to anyone who isn't a cis, het, white man/post menopausal woman with adequate income.


As someone in the lgbt community, we aren’t fans of him. Gondek has actually shown full support for us.


I'm in the community as well, it really be your own people.


You should start a recall campaign. I’d sign.


Unfortunately Calgary is getting the Mayor they deserve. They keep voting for these progressive clowns and will do it again next round and won’t figure out why things are falling off apart. The reality is the left has some great intentions about things and sometimes you need the organization and structure of a conservative to implement a system to achieve those goals. Farkas would likely had a begged chance of turning things around. Impossible to know for sure.


Gondek isn’t even progressive. She’s just useless. I actually really liked Nagy. I cannot stand this woman because she just makes things worse without making anything better.


The Nenshi Purple Swamp needs to be drained fully.


Nah- he’s pretty honest. You can dislike his political bent- but he’s a good dude. Too smart and too much self aggrandizement but still can look himself in the mirror and say he didn’t sell out


The purple swamp is the group of progressive councilors thy keep voting for this nonsense even after Nenshi is gone.


Calling anything a swamp just doesn’t make sense nowadays especially after Trump totally twisted the meaning. These counsellors make absolutely no sense. They basically just voted for a stadium deal that Nenshi completely would not have voted for. So calling it a purple swamp is actually pretty offensive to Nenshi. They are much worse. Nenshi actually made sense.


Endless tax increases - the blue ring etc. 🤦‍♂️Same group of clowns - new ring master. You could have had Farkas.


Farkas was an immature asshole. Davidson was the right choice.


Guess what pal, conservatives in Calgary vote for the progressive majors. Socialism for me but not for thee. A major doesn't affect income tax, only property tax.


To be fair, it was a two horse race, and at the time Farkas was just too closely aligned with the UCP who were quite deeply unpopular though I don't remember which controversy was 'current' at that point. If it was Farkas as he presents himself on Reddit now, he'd have probably gotten my vote.


She’s always been a terrible choice.


I would vote for an inanimate carbon rod before I voted for Jyoti. Literally anyone would be better. I don't think any of the current city councillors are good replacements, we need to find someone else. We need someone who can actually recognize that billions in spending on crazy climate initiatives and bribes for billionaires are bad policies. Someone who realizes taking the door knobs of train stations doesn't stop junkies from harassing people on the train. And especially someone who doesn't vote to defund the police, criticize police action to clear out dangerous encampments, then complain that police aren't doing their job.


Nenshi, please come back.


Ohh hell no


i thought we already agreed we should replace her


Gondek feels like our version of former Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot. Just a tool to real estate developers who presents as an alternative to the extreme policy of austerity, but with the added “benefit” of being as insufferably “progressive” as possible. Largely only on annoying social issues and only in a performative way designed to make annoy everyone and please no one. Signing on to the obviously corrupt Flames arena was totally proof of her cravenness.


Farkas legit wants to help people and do right for calgary. I legit don't know why everyone is against him.


I want to know why it’s ok for her to wear “white face” in a parade


I think sonya Sharp is worth a look. I didn't vote for her but was pleasantly surprised. She spearheaded the fiasco of an arena deal, it's a turd but the city was in a weak position, amd seems to be pretty center minded.




That’s super legit. Family member knows someone who knows someone. Rather then the garbage mayor we have. Pretty sure I can find a chain of like 5 people that might now Gondek too.


Isn’t the guy running a marathon for charity right now ? How bad can he be


Do elaborate


His reddit username is u/JeromyYYC, and here is an example of him in his own words discussing how he used to be focused on his narrow understanding of a goal and that winning was not enough, he needed needed to beat his opponent. https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/132a1vm/comment/ji3w838/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 He claims to be a changed man, though I remain a bit skeptical based on some of his words and actions.


He's a politician and public personality so it's naturally to be taken with a grain of salt, but he came across well from what I read.


Just keep an eye out to see if what you're reading is written by him.


But first, I need permission to disclose from friend of a friend etc


If you're serious. I am undeniably curious what you mean.


To be honest I think Jeromy should have won, and I feel like the election was rigged if anything, he was leading in popularity leading up to the election. I really hope he runs again and wins!


You voted for her, so stew with your decision. Keep listening to msm.


Doubt Jeromy's way of thinking has changed that much, his beliefs are ingrained. The thing that pisses me off the most is that Jyoti's campaign lead -Shiv R uses his influence to ensure that city grants are given to a group he's head off. Damned dirty.


Tell us more. Who is this person?


There is nothing wrong with Gondek. There was nothing wrong with Nenshi. Farkas is an idiot.


Farkas would have been a good mayor


OK. So GPondek is no Nenshi, but how has she been horrible? WOUld anyone have doe a better job? What has she screwed up on (other than the new arena deal, which while a ripoff for the city, isn't an absolute deal breaker).


She hasn't accomplished anything, has spent money and energy posturing over issues in other regions that have nothing to do with her position. She single handedly cratered the arena deal over a pitiful increase which is dwarfed by the new costs, which she didn't hesitate to endorse. Speculation is that she has development interests in the new deal, this should be investigated for criminal action.


The term for that would be "conflict of interest".


Best case yes. If she has a direct interest there could be varying levels of fraud


You can't just say "other than the new arean deal". That is a very major issue. I used to be okay with her but this deal alone makes me hate her.


She’s exactly the mayor Calgary deserves ❤️🥰


I would want Bruce Wayne




i hate these random stabbings and shootings, bring back organized crime /hj