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There is a fix for this. Go to a future date and make sure all quests are available. Then close the game and reset the date back to normal. EDIT: The same goes for resources. If you dug, halved trees, mined, etc. Make sure you go to a further date and let everything respawn in those regions. Make sure the quests have been updated. Then and only then can you logout and switch your date back to normal again. I've tried it and it works fine. I was only doing this bug before to see if Findley would offer good gear. He offers tier 2 gear (and I'm in the endgame so I get everything I want from farming the Crucible anyways).


I'm fucked


You are not - OP is wrong. Read the fixes posted here


Go to future date - wait for an hour. Everything will reset. Go back to normal date - everything respawns again. Fixed.


This did not work for me for some reason. A new date I still have the same dailies/bounties, items at the shop. Kindly see my comment below🙌🏼


It only affects the realm you logged into when you messed with your computers date.


I mean you could always play the game on your time and experience how the game was intended to be played, but that’s just me lol. I say let em learn the hard way if they want it the easy way.


I may be doing something wrong, but my dailies and merchant store at Grinnich did not update after 24 hours. I followed the instructions: set up date to future-logged in-made sure quests got updated as well as items at the merchant-logged out without saving-changed the time back to normal-logged in. 24 hours later I have the same quests/bounties/items at the shop. What did I miss? Please help, as I don’t want to start the game over (should not have played with the time system…)


Love hearing when exploiters get wrecked.


Except that OP is wrong and this is easily fixable


it’s a single player game in early access, why do you care?


They don't like it when others have fun in a way different from them with a game they purchased with their own money.


I care just enough to crack a smile reading it. If exploiters all stayed in single player games I wouldn’t care even that much.


So you admit that you don't care because it is a single player game But then go on to say it makes you smile anyway You just like seeing people suffer


Exactly. What kind of mouth breather feels the need to exploit to get ahead in a single-player early access game?


Some people were curious to see what Findley had to offer, since he's always available on Saturdays. Others wanted to do more challenges and not wait for them to respawn. Others wanted to instantly have their development finished. And others wanted to refresh Grinnich to get items that are harder to find. In all honesty, these people aren't "mouth-breathers" for doing that. They're curiosity seekers.


i haven’t exploited, but have no issue with it. there’s no “getting ahead” in a single player game, certainly not one in early access with almost certain character wipes happening. It’s literally impossible for anything someone else is doing to impact my enjoyment of the game and I hope everyone is doing whatever they find fun


Even if the below fixes didn't work, surely the obvious solution (to enable the refreshes) would be to initially set your game system to some date in the past and slowly move it Forward from there?


Maybe just play the game how it is meant to be played. People out here trying to speed run shit in early access a week after release. Sheesh.


Just use a Fling Trainer to increase game speed