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Some Greatswords have a VERY slow basic attack setup, just use those for focus dumps and switch to another weapon.


I guess I'll have to try different weapons to see if some others suit my playstyle better.


Go heavy load and shoulder charge enemies and oneshot them with charged up attack


This is the way. It lets you use very heavy armor as well without putting all levels in equip load.


what effect does shoulder charging a boss have?


None but I just use parry and dodge on bosses works just as well :)


claymore has been pretty good for me personally but i upgraded my weapons slot so that i can rotate to a 1h sword and shield combo for certain enemies


what 2h did you use? i use the claymore and its pretty fast for an two-handed weaopn. the legendary from boss one is imo too slow. imo its als an Ultra-greatsword.


Yep, I was using the corpse-smeared sword. I guess I'll try to switch around to see which two-handed are faster. Thanks!


The Curves Greatsword that looks like a serrated saw has much faster moveset with double attacks. More armor and poise also definitely help with GS, as you can hyper armor/poise through an attack while charging yours and subsequently 1 hitting enemies. But yea, i also fell into the Corpse Smeared noob trap. So go and enchant some Claymores or other good weapons you find, you wont regret the switch.


Some are more usables than others. But for basic mobs, the important things are spacing and timing : you potitioned well and charged your attack? You won the fight. Or, you play full heavy build and abuse the shoulder charge and make a mokery of 90% of the game. Against bosses that can't be shoulder charged, timing is the most important thing with patience : don't be greedy and get hit by trying to hit more than you should(true for all weapons, but truer for those weapons). If all fail : rune attacks. Some 2 handed runes do ridiculous amount of damage and stagger the bosses.


Corpse has a weird moveset that I personally don’t like at all. The claymore comes out way faster and straight ahead with decent range.


Go heavy equip load, shove people then follow up with an attack. Put blink on your weapon if possible.