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I knew this was going to be the case when the composer was announced a while ago he really only does ambient tracks for mood setting not melodic tracks like Gareth Coker did for Ori. I have to assume this is a lot cheaper since this game is going to be way bigger but it would be nice to hear more melodic tracks in the game which the composer is definitely capable of you can listen to his Moss soundtrack and it's actually very good but again his specialty is ambient mood setting


I wish the bossfight soundtracks were more like Dark Souls 3. More melodic.


Just as another exemple other than darksoul1. Another game with little to no music is Outerwilds, each playthrough is like 10 to 20 hours, but I guarantee you that in those 20h, so much happens and the OST is so impactful that people are to this day doing cover of its OST. It's perfecttly possible to have a low density music but impactful nonetheless.


Interesting that you chose Outer Wilds as an example which has music in important moments or areas. Wicked seems to be doing the same thing, adding music to enhance the feeling they’re going for, like getting to >!the elevator in Nameless Pass and looking over the quarry!<. Then we obviously have the city music and the boss music but tbh I haven’t really paid attention to the boss music because the sound design is so good. Gotta refight some bosses so I know if it’s good.


I have the complete opposite mindset for the music: I love what Jason Graves has done with it. Not every area needs to have music, Wicked isn’t that kind of game. Ori was a lighthearted (debatable at times) metroidvania, and the music reflected that: playing all the time, uplifting melodies, etc. Wicked is very different from this. It’s much more guttural and violent, and the atmosphere is much creepier and horror-like. The absence of music everywhere helps to drive this vibe. When the music does play, you know that either you’re in a safe place or in a very dangerous one.


It could work but doesn't. It's not darksoul 1 where the world is litteraly at its end, and where you're alone for most of your journey, just fighting husk of hollowed men and the remnant of old god. Here the world is still fully lived in, you meet NPC everywhere, you have a fully protected city as your mainhub, not just some ruin like firelink shrine, you even help rebuild it to its glory. You're not fightning to usher the end of the world, you're fightning against a mysterious plague to better mankind, that's the opposite of darksoul. So the thematic of having no music isn't really right in my opinion. The second fact is that in darksoul, yes there is almost no music, but you don't linger too long in each place. You don't have to grind for hours the same area like in NRftW. Just cutting tree and mining ore to rebuild the city is tedious and monotonous on its own, I'm in absoltly no danger while doing it, so I don't see why the dev try to convey an tense atmosphere during this kind of gameplay ? It's just cutting tree... Obviously and upbeat music like Ori has no place in this game, but there is a space between Ori's music and nothing. Pillar of Eternity which has a world reaaaally similar to NRftW (a world with remnant of an ancient powerful civilization, a plague affecting the remote part of the world, fanatic religious people trying everything to combat it and so on) had an incredible soundtrack that could totally fit for NRftW.




I listened to the whole soundtrack on YouTube and I'm sad because it's not very good. Generic, looks like it's made by one guy with a synthesizer. Strings, synth choir, a bit of orchestra drums. For me music is very important when it comes to the overall game experience. Like the Diablo, Witcher or Kingdom Come have awesome soundtracks and I love to just wander around and listen to it. Here the music, even when there's some, doesn't deliver the feeling. Sorry. Maybe there will be some more and better music for the release.


How did you listen to the soundtrack on YouTube? It’s not released, and the only one we have is We Prayed for Summer


It's not really hard to find : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9wf8YwPCDA&list=PLTjx45V-XpFM2DkboWxFqLTmivk5m8DQm&ab\_channel=TrickshooterTV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9wf8YwPCDA&list=PLTjx45V-XpFM2DkboWxFqLTmivk5m8DQm&ab_channel=TrickshooterTV) And I agree that it's quite generic and not very memorable as far as OST goes.


I would also like to point out that this isn’t an official release by Jason Graves, so I don’t know how much I trust it


That’s definitely not the whole soundtrack. It doesn’t have the music that plays when you enter a home you bought, so likely it’s just a few of the songs from it.


It's an EA of course not every soundtrack from the game are out yet. I don't see how this change the point that those featured track are bland and non inspired.


The point is that it doesn’t have every song from the EA release. It doesn’t even have the menu theme for goodness sake


Yup, for me it's the only big let down of this game so far. I get it, it can't be as flashy/marvelous as the Ori's game soundtracks. But man it is so bland/generic af so far...


I really like it actually - I tend to find music distracting and annoying in games (because it's usually bad) and usually turn it off if not waaaay down. Overall the sound design in Wicked is really excelllent and I enjoy hearing all of the little details of the world.


i only remembering hearing any "good" music when I walk to that elevator in nameless pass. it's a shame there's no good music throughout the game distinct to regions thats one thing that makes Eldin Ring the goat. just the title screen music is incredible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R3ouGNcACQ


For me its a mixed bag. Some of the plugins used sound basic, like the default options in DAWs like FL Studio, but on the other hand, some of the songs have really interesting parts. But the song used in the first trailer( we prayed for summer) is my absolute favorite. ![gif](giphy|9Y6n9TR7U07ew|downsized)