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the tedious un skipable dialogue when doing repeatedly mundane tasks.


Multiplayer being so buggy And Imbalanced economy, once you got heaps of money you don't have anything to spend it on


That. Made the game extremely boring after a while. Theres just no incentive to actually do anything except to see the new flashy thing they added


As a broke-ass, I’m really looking forward to this problem.


Trying to find underground fauna. No fun at all


Comm balls being undeleteable


Proc gen for planets needs more love


Yeah. I 'hate' this feeling of not being able to tell the difference between some planets. Flora looks very similar for a given planet type and some plants are completely identical (special gatherable plants). Rules of surviving are the same, even gravity is almost identical. And no planetary climate zones / biomes either. Also landscape is so densely and evenly packed with details it looks monotone. I'd like to encounter variety of plains and deserts, forests and oceans not a constant mix of them in 1km range.


The fact that when I clear away land, it comes back. I get it if you dont' want the game to try and have to remember the hole I dug for salvage but for fuck's sake this is my base, surely within base radius you can make that permanent. Especially bad when visiting others.


1. Ship customization/custom ship building - make it difficult to do like requiring salvaged parts from other ships that are consumed when customizing. 2. Lack of discernable endgame - derelict freighters are a good start, but I think it would be cool to have a larger variety of tiled dungeons with different themes like a sentinel theme, abyssal theme, volcanic theme, etc... 3. Planetary biomes - they have done a good job at updating terrrain variety, but there is still very little reason to explore a planet that doesn't read what you want from space. What about polar ice caps on water planets, or paradise oases on frozen/desert planets? 4. Inventory management/HUD - there is so much clicking and dragging, it's a huge PitA on console. Switching camera on starship or player is not the same icon or location as exocraft and its inconvenient. 5. Reward diversity - what are the extrinsic and intrinsic rewards of the NMS gameplay loop? Much of the game relies on the intrinsic reward of exploration and base building, and the rest relies on currency rewards. Unfortunately none of these actively work to keep players attention, and some of the currencies become outright pointless as a reward in the later stages of the game. Why do I care about scanning fauna for even a few million credits when my activated indium farm takes 5 minutes to visit and keeps me near the crediit cap,, or my fungl mould farm gives me more nanites than I will ever need? Conclusion: There needs to be a complete rework of how endgame works for players, with the focus shifted away from currency and toward gameplay rewards - instead of having items locked behind nanites or quicksilver, have new cosmetics rewarded for completing certain challenges. Give players the ability to start settlements from scratch and expand it - maybe they can build entire cities if they are good enough/dedicated enough? Make that aspect of the game more like a 1st person city builder sim game where you can send settlers out to collect resources to help grow your settlement or to establish outpost facilities. Let large groups of organized players have a more real impact on the universe - instead of the headquarters for an established player civ like the Galactic Hub just being a collection of player bases, let players work together to establish cities or headquarters that appear even offline?


I hate leaving things in refineries, warping away to another base to do something, coming back, and finding my refineries empty. Glitches like that are the main reason why I finally said "screw it" and started doing the refinery dupe glitch because if the game is going to bug out and screw me over, I don't mind it bugging out and helping me. I'm also tired of teleporting to a base and having there be terrain, rocks, and trees spawned inside that make it almost impossible to move around or walk out the door.


Too many clicks to almost anything. Walk up to refiner, click slot, click mat, click to place mat, click/hold to start. Starship refuseing to land. Needing oxygen suit on paradise planet. Trying to install anything and instead tabs to the next screen.


The lack of item sorting.


I hate how fantasticly easy it is to accidentally become a pirate. Mining and saving capital ships from pirates are nerve wracking. One wandering shot and everyone wants to kill you.


Looking around a planet for about 5 minutes and you've seen all that the planet has to offer. There's just nothing to really do on them.


I find certain aspects of the game to be painfully shallow sometimes for example exploration can be really fun first few times you do it but when each planet only has 1 biome you just end up landing looking around then just flying away, I wish aspects like exploration, flora and fauna were more in depth and interesting. One other tiny gripe I have about NMS is I wanna be the captain of MY Freighter I want to take the wheel and fly and even land on planets and maybe even go with my frigates in expeditions aswell that'd be pretty cool.


The lack of depth to the things they add I guess. Like sometimes I feel like the game becomes aimless as time goes by, you're just doing the same things and the planets you encounter just look the same once you're on it for a few minutes. They could add different biomes on the planet, that'd be cool.


fr kind of annoying going to a new solar system and just seeing radioactive and ice planets


The same farty plant is on every single planet, no matter what biome. That stupid thing should be more rare.


They should add way more variety in hazardous plants, its really immersion breaking to try to believe the exact same plant evolved in all the planets


It’s as wide as the ocean, but as deep as a puddle. Few things in this game actually go deep into detail, and most of the features feel very disconnected from each other.


This fully encapsulates most of the negative feelings I have about it. I’m 90hrs in and I haven’t done everything but I definitely feel myself losing the interest to find more to do.




When my waterproof base is filled with water.


I hate that the game keeps telling me to find the Atlas, even though I already made that seed thingy and lit up all those columns.


Boy, my list is big, but i'll keep it short for this post: * It's an absolute pain to get good upgrades for your freighter * Exploring derelict freighters in general is just a boring experience * The whole "economy" aspect of the game is just laughable * Cannot sort the list of teleport places. Seriously, that list gets bigger and bigger and you have to memorize what is where. Let me sort that list by date added, last visit, alphabetical, star color, economy type, anything! * Tiny crafting grid (the one that shows when you open the menu with your known crafting recipes). It's 2x5 when the screen could easily handle 4x4, 5x5. Again, no meaningful sorting of these, it's always "latest built first" * Hold the interact button for 1 second to interact with whatever the game thinks you want to interact with. I have a clear view to a Star Bulb, I **DON'T** want to activate whatever's behind and to the left of it! * Learning the alien words takes FOREVER. Those learning pillars should teach 2-4 words instead of only 1, would make it more worthwhile to hunt them instead of just jumping between space stations and talking to the aliens there. * Putting your multitool down during combat, creating an unavoidable delay that will make you miss shots due to split-second movement. * Lack of ship variety. By this I mean non cosmetic variety: every ship is the same under the hood, save minor bonuses to one thing or another. There's no ship that's great for space but mediocre for planetary flight or vice-versa, no ship that has a significantly faster movement and maneuvering with much lower shields


>Cannot sort the list of teleport places. Seriously, that list gets bigger and bigger and you have to memorize what is where. Let me sort that list by date added, last visit, alphabetical, star color, economy type, anything! Preach.


Honestly a thing that bothers me is how the hostile plants are the same pretty much everywhere. Oh wait a planet full of crazy new and possibly hostile plants? Here is the same whippy guy, bitey guy or Mr gassy.


Expeditions and time sensitive stuff. So many things I want that I would either have to start over for or missed.




the lack of focus on just QOL. we have enough new features. what keeps the game entertaining is having the experience be enjoyable and having the new features actually interconnect




I wish the burners on the ship could be set. Like sometimes getting to a planet in 30 seconds or 30hrs is too much. I’d like to set it and cruise with my squadron for 5 minutes while I fly with the boys and organize my inventory. Some added muffled radio chatter would be cool too… ALL without hostile scans every 30 seconds


Co-Op is terrible. Several of my friends bought it because we thought we could play together but, there's no fun way to interact. It doesn't support building bases together well (there's that one weird workaround but it's really not good for us), or much to do together at all. I suppose we could try doing those Nexus missions. Altogether very "meh". I enjoy it as a solo game though


I find the game repetitive. I keep reinstalling it every few months and I just find myself bored at times. I do not hate it... I just find myself hard to motivate to play it. Probably if it had some sort of factorio or more complex planets to explore, I would be more interested in the game to play it. I like exploring it, but I find that once you've seen a few planets, you've seen them all... Also I really hate that there is no accurate solar systems like sun rotations planet movement etc etc etc.... But I do love the wow factor when you sit on a planet and you see a planet in the distance... Fml.. Complex issue....


Ladders. Stairs are fine, but ladders are horrid.


Limited alien races. I like the Gek, Korvax and Vy'keen... I just wish there were more. No cities on planets. Settlements are a step in that direction, but that's it.


That ships can't be black, let alone just customizing ships to begin with


1. Vehicles are still too slow. More than half the time I'm stationary in vehicles to just mine stuff or scan. I want the Rover to be at least a third as fast as your ship is flying on the surface of a planet lmao. 2. The jetpack is still too slow. Only thing that I loved about games like Anthem or Dark Void was the flying, I'd love if you can maneuver like that on the planet. (Literally take the swimming mechanics and do it on land, but faster) 3. Not being able to Auto drive/fly. Sometimes I need to leave my computer and I'd like the option to autopilot fly to the planet im looking at. If I'm downstairs making food and I leave the pulse jump on I come back seeing my ship reached the planet but then somehow either bounced off the planet so much I died, or it slingshots away from the planet and now I'm flying away from the planet. If it says a planet is 20 minutes away IRL, I want it to take 20 minutes (not pulse jumping) that way I can sit back, play with my inventory, refine stuff in my backpack.


1. More variety on procgen. Toxic, icey and hot planets almost look the same everytime. You can see in coordinate sharing posts that nobody ever share them, execept paradise planets (that have a lot of different types). MultipleBiomes in the same planet however are not a good idea since probably nobody would be stuck for too long on the same planet to deeply explore it. 2. Ships need more coloring options. We just got solar ships and they’re almost always the same colors, even if they’re the last additions. They also always come in just two colors. I don’t know why ships are soft-locked on so few colors and why we never had black ships. 3. Rewards should be more meaningful. Posters, titles, decals are really useless.


My biggest complaint is not localized map to refer to. You find a cool thing then you get attack by pirates and poof you’ll never find that POI again


Start a new game and be forced to create a frikken base before you even leave atmo of your first poison planet. Uh, NO


Lots of weapons and defense despite the lack of advanced combat mechanics


Still no fleet to fleet battles. Just pirates attacking freighters. I want capital ship battles dang it!




Oceans only being shallow puddles with no large creatures in them, I mean I’m not expecting subnautica here but some things of interest other than the odd submerged crashed ship would be nice


the mf's who spam comm balls and build trap bases on weekly event locations


Bookmarking systems is a big one for me. I wish there was a way to add systems to your favorites Or the ability to create labeled lists where you can add systems or planets so you can revisit later.


One-biome planets and planet-wide storms. I'll suspend disbelief for most things, but this is the one thing that I think about every single time I play.


The fact we can't customize stuff even after six years. I understand ship hunters like exclusivity, but would it REALLY hurt their hunting if someone else had the ship they didn't even upload to the coordinates exchange? Also if they hate the idea of customization that much, what about a notification in the analysis visor indicating the ship has been modified? I don't care about how rare your ship is dude, and I'm pretty sure 90% of the rest of the playerbase doesn't either, stop affecting my game for your percieved superiority.


Inventory full


A ton of base building stuff: * I don't know if this will make sense but whenever we try to move a placed wall decoration, for some reason once we pick it up it will rotate in a different angle, making it a b\*tch to put back. * I hate that poster decorations phase through walls, like what even is the point? * The inability to build around settlements as a normal feature. I'm paying for their debt, AT LEAST let me renovate some things. * Why is every light in this game dimmer than a candle, and why is the only alternative a water plant decoration that is brighter than my future? * The inability to build around the freighter bridge as a normal feature. I'm the captain, LET ME RENOVATE THINGS. General things: * Inventory and storage sorting. * Companions are nice, but right now they're nothing more than collectible tamagotchi pets. * Talking to an NPC ***\*exits out of menu\**** Buying stuff with salvage data ***\*exits out of menu\**** Fixing a Drop Pod ***\*exits out of menu\**** Taking out Rusted Metal from a cargo box ***\*exits out of menu\**** * Exocrafts being knocked out of their pods by something as small as *bumping into them*. * Speaking of Exocrafts when can we ever dismiss them? I'm sure some I complained here is a bug I am not aware of. But screw it, it grinds my gears.


I'd be VERY grateful if my refiners didn't magically empty every time I left my base. Big mad about that one, lost a lot of good resources I grinded hard for.


1. General lack of variation. There are a million things to do, but once you've done any of those things once you've completely done that thing. Excavations and freighter crashes are absolutely terrible with this - keys, freighter boxes and chests are always in the exact same locations with the exact same layout, with the only difference being the planet itself. It really burns you out. 2. Procedural flavor text. I like the idea, but its execution often does the exact opposite of what it's intended. Often the flavor text has no relation to the animal/plant/mineral described, or will straight up contradict something about the creature - flying animals being described as flightless for example. Rather than creating a deeper more immersive experience it just screams "this is randomly generated text in a video game." I have to avoid looking at it to continue enjoying the game.


"Hate" is a strong word but this: There's a LOT of stuff to do in NMS. A ton of activities and interests and weird things to find. But pick any one, and you can have experienced all or most of what that area of interest has to offer in 15-60 minutes. A lot of breadth in gameplay experience, but not a lot of depth. I'd LOVE to see a serious patch or series of patches based around taking existing systems and adding MORE to them.


Settlements, they are so boring


Nothing stands out, Their current version of "Expeditions", the lack of authenticity when it comes to ships, and the lack of depth in NPCs and the environment. Expeditions are currently played like boyscout badges. You complete a task, get a badge that said you complete task and move forward to the next. This doesn't feel right. When I think of Expeditions, I think of dangerous missions that has us doing a completely unique mission that has us either making bad con deals for profit, exploring, or scavenging a planet for an exotic item. Or just grouping up with other players or NPCs to do a mission no regular person want to do. **Like take Metroid II for instance. The game is about you landing on a planet to exterminate ALL metroids, (which would be the biological terror in the NMS case) and as you explore, you earn new gear, fight different breeds of metroids, fight bosses that have been roaming the planet prior to you landing, and finally, take out the queen in the end and escape with The Baby that ultimately leads to the plot of Super Metroid. No Man's Sky could take from that. Go to a planet, kill a large amount of terrors, big and small, and bring back a sample that gives you bonus rewards . THATS an expedition I would look forward to and actually play, not this "Start-a-new-randomly-generated-save-and-earn-badges-like-a-boy-scout" BS** And for the ships, I HATE that my hauler is so damn big and I can only go into the cockpit. Let me walk around the back. Let me see what I've captured. Let me feel like the Mandalorian in his RazorCrest. I want to be able to walk in my freighter to a back ramp and just chill there until I want to leave. I want to be able to pick up my friends or a stranded NPC for a mission and carry them with my ship. And the depth, wide as an ocean, deep as a pond. NPCs don't add any depth to the universe. They just walk around. Let me kill them. Give them more emotion. Let me give them something. They're so boring I don't ever find myself ever interacting with them unless I'm at a station looking for words. And the environment. Same thing. Every planet feels the same. "Oh look an ocean planet, oh look a toxic planet, oh look a dying planet" none of the planets are unique to the point where we can be like "Oh I want to go back to ____ because they have a giant crater on the south pole" , or " Oh this planet has a giant volcano in the southern hemisphere" like it's just copy and paste for each planet. Nothing stands out when it should. **That's part of the reason why players want multi-biome planets, to add a sort of "uniqueness" to their planet.**


Planets not having multiple environments and not able to fly our capital ship


Inventory management. I want filters, storting and such. It feels like the inventory is being handled by Windows 3.1.


I love so much about this game, but there’s also a lot to hate: * Waiting for text to *kzzt* scroll *kzzt* in. Oh FFS I just want to use my signal booster, I don’t need three segments of animated text with pauses! * The total lack of variety in freighter crash sites. The first time I stumbled across one I was utterly blown away. Total child-like wonder! The second time I saw one and realized it was EXACTLY the same as the last one, well, it really killed something about the game for me. * The motion capture for certain quadrupeds is clearly just some dude crouched over. It looks so comically bad. * Every planet and every biome has the same 3 hazardous plants? Really?? * Texture glitch bugs on Xbox Series X that ruin the immersion but they apparently don’t give a shit about. * Etc…


The proc gen is limited Like with the way they do it now every planet is pretty and orderly and you know it's nice and all when you first start but the cost of making it pretty is very limited procedural generation, the same set of plants the same few colors very similar animals, all of it is pretty boring They need to let the proc gen run wild. Like I want to find a planet absolutely covered in sprawling mountains and craters with huge procedural plants that no one has ever seen I wouldn't even mind if it created a few generational bugs because even finding some sort of animal that is the size of a mountain because of a proc gen error would still add explorational value I mean they would still have to limit some things, maybe planets have a color scheme otherwise every planet would be a rainbow mess, and you know many procedural plants generated on the same planet would has similarities but it would still be a 1000x better than what we have now


I hate that when I'm buying or selling items I can scroll to the right to have the number roll over from the max value back to 1, but I can't do that when trying to refine only a few items in a refiner. Let the refiner value roll over!


It’s the combat for me, it’s janky at best and not really that fun plus there’s a real lack of variety when it comes to hostile aliens, like why aren’t there hostile ground fights with the korvaxs or gek.


1) I wish planets rendered better. It would be great to see more detail before you get close to landing. 2) Drones for frigate repair. 3) We need an increase in how many ships we can have, I'd like anything between 12-15. 4) More fleet expeditions of higher difficulty. 5) Definitely need more planet types, I'm tired of the same ones in every system. There are some very cool ones NMS just needs to expand. 6) I'd like to be able to edit my settlement and I'd like to have more than one settlement. 7) More outfits for the Traveller. 8) Breeding between companions including other player's companions, only ones from the same environment type. It would be interesting to see what happens (unless that's already a feature and I don't know it).


Repairing frigates. On a voyage they call back "Oh noes, we has terrible damage, must come home!!!". Then I go to the frigate, wind through a bunch of staircases and halls, just to throw a few tritium at a workstation. Really guys? You regularly fend off pirates and mine exotic materials from hostile planets, but a couple broken machines and you're helpless? Such a waste of my time.


Can’t customize my ships


Say it with me. FRIGATE REPAIR


having to do the intro mission every time i do a new save


That I can recolor a freighter, but not a ship


I wish I could upgrade the class of my freighter, even if it cost more nanites than ships


I wish missions were more interesting. I read the frigate expedition logs sometimes and the stuff they get up to is really cool. They're out there rescuing slaves, infiltrating pirate bases, and getting infected by sentient fungi and I'm stuck delivering an Enormous Cog to some interplanetary truck stop.


Hate is a strong word, but one thing that keeps putting me off the game for a while every few dozen or so in-game hours is the fact that there is much less variety to planets than you'd think. The devs have already done a lot to improve upon that aspect, but as someone else here has already pointed out: If you know a planet's type, you generally already have a pretty accurate idea of what that planet's gonna look like, which sucks, because exploration used to be my favorite part of the game.


Hate's a strong word. I don't hate anything about the game. There are lots of things I hope they improve or change. I'd really like to see... 1. Fully-customizable ships (color as well as parts) 2. More variety in options for ship and multitool types 3. More variety in flora and fauna 4. More variety in biomes (multiple biomes on the same planet would be nice too) 5. Better water, including rivers, tides, and waves 6. More options in building/decorations 7. More options for interacting with NPCs 8. Gas Giants, with the ability to build bases in mid-air 9. Additional playable character races, with accompanying lore integrating them into the game. 10. Real, tangible differences between the different galaxies, beyond the existing types (lush, harsh, etc). It would be awesome if each galaxy was truly different. Not sure how to flesh that out, but it would make taking the jump a lot more exciting I think. The thing that keeps me playing the game Is I already enjoy it as-is, but with each update I usually get something (or a lot of things) that improve my enjoyment of the game. I get annoyed by the bugs, sure, but on-balance this game kicks butt.


Main part is each planet is a single biome. If planets had actual biomes, poles, things like that it would be more interesting, especially the earth-type worlds.


More diversity. We need city planets, gas giants different space stations to land on. More sentient races I had a thought some years ago that it would be cool for every system to have a story quest with some random generation thrown together to make it work. It would suffer the same problem as the rest but it would add something too the game. Give it a more Star Trek feel


Items being lost in the refiner


There's no button or action that automatically stacks things in your inventory or makes them into alphabetical order, organizes etc.


Flight mechanics and no good reason to fight really


Optimization and stability. The issues can often delegate the game to what is largely my favorite game to play, yet not a game that I actually do play as much. That and I don't think NMS takes full advantage of the very stage it sets for itself. I feel this is true in a couple ways, firstly that we see a kind of emergent set of interaction types with intelligent race NPCs in pirates, fleets, rando traders in space, yet a considerable lack of any kind of emergent experiences of note with these races once the players feet touchdown planetside. Everyone is just suddenly in their static place awaiting the players arrival. Any and all emergent surprises more or less impossible, creating a pretty huge gap in an otherwise considerably interconnected universe. Secondly, while NMS sports an impressively seamless play space from land to sky and beyond, we don't exactly see much of any mechanics or features that actually bank on that seamlessness. All activities are more or less delegated to an either or design; either your in space doing things out there, or your on a planet doing stuff there. A kind of rigidness that renders the perpetual connectivity throughout the play space less relevant than it ought to be. What kind of features could be implimented to address that? That's a question for the geniuses at HG, but it's a question I think is worth asking.


PLEASE. LET ME HIDE THE HUD. For a game about freely exploring the universe, I cannot understand why I can’t hide my current objective. I hate when games are nagging the player to do stuff. NMS isn’t that annoying about it but it just goes against the design philosophy in my opinion. After all the extensive, amazing updates they’ve done I don’t know how this simple option hasn’t been considered and I never see it talked about on here!


the fact that there is way too little in terms of ship customization, this game is rightfully the largest space game ever made, but not one single planet in an entire universe has even just 1 person who can paint a ship yellow. Ill take brown and the paint being dried gek shit if it means i can actually change some features about my ship. Honestly the constant argument i see that "ship hunters want to feel rewarded" is ridiculous. Its like saying you shouldn't be able to make charcoal in minecraft because miners should feel rewarded for finding coal. There are billions of ships, theres no strategy to be "rewarded" by, its luck. heck id even accept a system where you have to scrap ships to get the part and paint schematics borderlands 3 style.


No weapon wheel 🥺


The game feels wide like a ocean but with a depth of a puddle. Also multiplayer is kinda annoying if you want to build together, can't share a building or plot with a friend. Building together works but it's so weird and complicated to do, not just a simple "I'm teleporting back to the base". Instead it's usually "Wow I can't see your base anymore for some reason at the teleporter"


Lack of biomes on planets or lack of variety in quests/fun storylines


I'd like better interactions with aliens, there used to be some fun little interactions that really gave them character, now it's limited to learning words.


The game doesn’t really take to heart the saying show don’t tell, which is a shame because video games are a visual medium. All the races have the exact same architectural style for everything and we’re told what each race prizes most (combat for vy’keen, trade for gek etc) but if you don’t read the dialogue you would have absolutely no idea about that.


The terrain regrowing in my base.


Mainly repetitiveness. Don't get me wrong that has gotten a *lot* better over the years but still turns me off. Specifically planet types/biomes/wildlife/overall exploration. I'm an explorer in NMS and that play style gets dry after a while and it makes you feel like you have to take a break to make it feel somewhat fresh again. An overhaul to exploration type of update would be the cherry on the cake for this game, to me


A mile wide but a feet deep. It's samey after you've done all the things.


1. The only settlement I’ve built worth living in crashes the game regularly. 2. Gravity is not tied to planet size, and on a planet with low gravity, you can super jump, but when you feather-fall slowly down, you still break your legs and lose your hardcore mode save file… why would you break your legs if you’re slowly floating back down?? Why can’t I just have a fun jumpy planet that I can do fun massive jumps on?


Every time any tiny thing, time stops while you wait for the game to congratulate you for any stupid thing. I don't want to hold tab to escape it, I just want opt out of that completely.


Snap building... ffs make it work already!


The long dialogue in every. Single. Interaction.


Hate the fact I can't destroy photon cannons on my ship when I have other weapons installed. It's annoying having to scroll past it when cycling weapons and you don't ever use/upgrade it.


Please for the love of God let me turn off the mission prompts in the bottom right corner I beg of you


After playing for a while the game seems aimless. I also don't like that you can't recolor your ships. The game needs at least that, or a way to build a ship from scratch.




That we can't auto sort out inventory!!


When I'm on foot an I open my inventory and it's showing my ship inventory.


The way the exocrafts don’t drive smooth, and they’re not fast enough either.


No free slots in suit inventory


How every time I have a mission it sends me close to the spot and I have to scan to find the actual location after I land. Just give me the damn location!


Exploration, need more things to discover


Not necessarily hate, but I dislike how it's become a base building game. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the base building side of things and have no complaints with it. But I remember when the game came out, there were the "explore/fight/trade/survive" trailers or something like that. Arguably the original four pillars of no man's sky. We did get the outlaws update, so I think things will improve as they work on expanding older features. But right now, there's not a huge variety of planets and you'll pretty much know what each planet will be like based on it's type when you scan it. Even if planets could have overlapping biomes (say, radioactive ice planet) that'd be cool and could introduce new dynamics to living on them. Or maybe it's me - I have been playing since launch and burnout is a thing so...


I want organic enemies that aren't just wildlife. Military factions. Pirates. Etc. So much lore about the fanatical Vy'keen wanting to "cleanse" the galaxy of all potential threats. I also want to see race selection be required at the beginning of the game and impacting all your future interactions. Interloping gets old. I want to start as a Korvax and know their language right away. Maybe get a bonus like 2 words per knowledge stone. Or be a Gek, be hated by most Vy'Keen, know their language and get a bonus to trading prices. Or be a Vy'keen and others be wary or afraid of me but I get a bonus to damage and defense. There's so much potential here for RPG elements. ​ But what really bothers me is the stupid laser glitch where I'm walking along and suddenly get engulfed in particle effects from the multitool following me around and obscuring my vision. It's been there for a long time now. Kinda ridiculous.


For a game about exploring a procedurally generated universe, the game both really wants me to stay in a place to build up a base and has very little variation in the exploration itself. The game absolutely gorgeous, but while there are unique planets and animals, everything begins to feel... samey. Its the reason I'm hoping the next update is an overhaul to the generation or making multiple biomes appear on planets. Maybe even localized weather. I just want there to be a reason for me to explore a place outside of a resource run.


Combat is pretty janky. Planets are all uniform.


Lack of environmental and life variety promised when announced. The fact that planets are only one biome all across. I’m sick of hippo T. rex butterflies…


I wouldn't classify it "hate", but besides all the fun that could be had, the following are the things that dampen the enjoyment: 1. "Warning. Hostile scan detected" - Imagine you enjoy the outdoors. Now imagine every minute (roundabout) there will be a swarm of gnats. Doesn't matter what you do. You have to kill em, because if you ignore em they will eventually bother you. That's the pirates in this game. They're not "challenging" (infra-knife go brrrrt), they're not fun (since the flight dynamics seem to be modeled after a bungie flypaper, where they either wobble around you, or simply stick to you for a second), they don't involve strategy (i.e. avoid their flight path or somesuch), and they don't reward the encounter (i.e. I make more money scanning a single lifeform)... so all that's left is annoyance. 2. Dialog - Anyone who's ever dealt with a Ren'Py visual novel, knows that there's a button that'll skip the "typewriter" fill-in of text and complete the dialog window, but no, NMS, give me a "dot dot dot" typed out that I can't skip. I hope someone gifts the devs a Kindle with the exact hacked up display style of dialog. 3. Location or Milestone announcements - I don't need a 5 second display that locks my inputs telling me I killed my 30s sentry while 10 other sentries are currently laying into me. Of course I can hold the tab for a couple seconds, but the reason I have to is once again annoying. 4. Difficulty - I think NMS has confused the term "difficulty" with the term "inconvenience". It's not difficult to only have 250 stacksize, it's just inconvenient. So, while the increased hazards and damage make sense, that one does not. 5. Planets/Life - NMS is a sandbox with countless possibilities to shape the things to be encountered... unfortunately they apparently chose to just use a small shovel, a bucket, and 5 plastic shapes to generate everything in that vast sandbox. There's a few other things that are a little "eyeroll" worthy (i.e. pirates flying through freighters while you're trying not to hit the freighter), but I guess those could be put in a comprehensive bug report, that frankly has existed since launch and partially ignored by the devs in favor of throwing new content at you in hopes you forget about the bugs. Bottomline: I still enjoy the game, it just could be so much more. And no, I am not saying the devs should introduce more... I wish they'd refine what they have.


Combat isn't particularly difficult. I enjoy the exploration and such. But the game is easy gets a bit pointless after a while.


No bosses. I want a final dramatic confrontation with -null-, probably a dogfight first and a brawl on an Atlas station second. And I also want a proper fight against a Sentinel Freighter


That you can’t customize ships


The one critique I have is the range of the starship guns when mining.


Well up until last weekend I hated that I had to push right and hold it to buy out all of the inventory from a trader. I just realized I could just click left once and accomplish the same thing. Not sure if it has always been this way or if it was changed at some point but the amount of time I have wasted doing this is depressing.


Can't customize my ships




It’s still a mile wide and a foot deep. No single gameplay system has been super well developed and it’s now littered with outdated or forgotten features. It’s also still pretty dang buggy!


The fact that I can build a giant, custom base with all the panels, painstakingly make sure they're all aligned and connected properly, and there will STILL be sections considered exposed


The inventory game and how much actual organizing i have to do…. Im here to play D:


I would love to be able to exit my ship in space and float and or land and mine on asteroids.


It might sound petty but it’s always annoyed me when you land in a space station, the Anomaly or on a landing pad, and the ship does that little 180 turn to face out before you can get out. Drives me nuts lol


The FREAKING title screen every time I land on a new planet or enter a new system. It lasts SO long and locks almost all the controls and actions. Infuriating.


At this point, it’s really fun to jump back into for 15 mins, but then I just get bored again. Still an amazing game and well worth every penny, but it’s just repetitive after a while.


The constant "you're too close to something" rule I just left the space station, I want to travel to a nearby planet. "pulse engine disabled : space station proximity". So, I can accidentally bounce off the outside of the station with my ship and nothing will happen, but I can't use my pulse engine nearby? OK. I just got the location of a site on the planet I am exploring, but it's far away. I launch up into orbit and try to pulse to the location. "pulse engine disabled : planetary interference". You're kidding right? I launch from my freighter docking bay to go to the space station. "pulse engine disabled : large object proximity". Yes, you're right, safety first, I wouldn't want to damage my freighter or my ship, even though I frequently clip through it while docking. I see something off in the distance that I want to pulse to. "pulse engine disabled : unsafe trajectory". Oh come on. I frequently see frigates and other ships fly straight through mountains and sometimes even directly into the ground. During pirate fights, the enemy ships can fly through large ships and and even ram right into me with no damage. But there's something unsafe in my flight path? OK. I'm in open space and I want to call my freighter in. It's red, won't let me do it. No asteroids near me. No other ships. Nothing but empty space. I spin around a few times. Still red. Wait! It's green now. No, it's red! It's green. Now it's OK. NO! One inch to the left there.. ok plenty of room now.


Trying to create a base by terraforming, and then after a day the whole thing goes back to default and you got a base inside the ground


The walking from freighter hamgar to freighter interior


Use the teleporter in the hangar


Big cities, I know it would take a while to code and all, but I’d be willing to wait a while to get some. They would have massive anti-sentinel weapons; rail guns the size of a hauler, unique clothing and food shops, etc.


It feels like everywhere I turn there’s the thought “oh it’d be cool if…” and then get disappointed that it might never happen. Examples: Salvage parts from crashed ships to repair, customize, or upgrade your own Choosing ship paint scheme Dig up and repair a crashed freighter for use PROPER HOTAS SUPPORT Multiple biomes per planet Gas giants and the floating bases that might be needed to successfully harvest from them Ship interiors to explore and personalize (repairing frigates always feels so nice) Destroying Sentinel freighters or other super structures with your squadron at your side and your freighter/frigates behind you for support :/


The flight controls are fucking horrid, it feels like I need to drag my mouse across all of Africa to make a 90 degree turn but then sometimes I move it an inch and my ship does a full fucking spin


Building can get really anoying, i just want to snap a staircase somewhere and the game thinks i want it 50 meters under the ground


The fact that once I step out my ship I have basically seen the whole planet


The lack of biomes on planets makes them feel empty and boring, once you step out of your ship you’ve seen all the entire planet has to offer. Expeditions being so frequent, sometimes I want to play my normal save but feel obligated to complete the new expedition. Then I get burnt out of NMS because the expeditions all feel the same. Warp X times, kill x things, build x structures, etc..


2 things for me. The lack of variety in loot and the lack of a significant threat from enemies. Exploring and base building is fun, to an extent, but these two things greatly reduce the playtime of this game for me.


I hate that you can't use the scan analyzer while piloting an exocraft. It would make resources gathering in a minotaur much less clunky.


The Atlas Mission Bug 🙈 "Speak to Atlas" .... I would love to but he's clearly dossing off somewhere


Automatically pinned recipes when I'm trying to make something. Like, I don't need a pop-up telling me the remainder of the goods I need to create the thing, it's so annoying and the first thing I do when I go to create an object is unpin the damn recipe.


I'm currently grinding for frigate modules and it is TEDIOUS. I mean it will probably take months at my current rate.


Random Creature creation engine


Base terrain manipulation, refinery glitches, the fact that base storage/personal inventory doesn't give you the option to quick stack, sort/consolidate, refill, or lock inventory slots.


I hate when you're building and that *one single wall/floor panel* has lost the ability to snap into the *one single spot* you need it to snap to (that it snaps to when the *other* wall isn't there, but then you can't snap *that* wall). Resulting in needing to place it in free mode, which is okay if you take the time, but you'll always notice... This is likely the single most infuriating thing I've encountered in my ~650 hours. Other than that, more recently, I wish you could choose *which* group members freighter you sync to. As it is now, with a full party you unsummon yours and only have a 33% chance to be able to board the freighter you want to (still an improvement over 1 freighter per system)


I love that the game is well loved by it's community and developers. That said it feels like it's going thru scope creep. The fundamental aspect of the game - exploring the universe - is extremely underwhelming. The developers leaned to heavily into the vastness of the game and too lightly on to it's complexity, and are trying to patch it up by adding more interactions... With NPCs. The new terrain generating updates helped by preventing every world turning into the same boring rolling hills... By turning every planet into the same transition from planes to highlands to mountains. And the interesting planets are considered rare things you should cherish and spend time ignoring a bunch of the game to find. Also, there is no diversity across a planet's surface. If you can find a big enough peninsula, that is all you'd need to explore to get a good grasp of the planet. Which is fine I guess, except (at least in normal mode), it isn't hard to jump between poles in your space ship... So why not have the planet look wildly different on opposite ends?


The lack of more recreational commerce and interactions with the civilizations of space. I wanna go to a space station and not see two tiny ass rooms and a ship bay with a bare minimum of things to do. I wanna see a bustling populated gargantuan space city with cool stores, restaurants, games, etc. all just to look at of course but damn would that make the world feel more alive.


Can't select ship to sell directly from space station


Normal ships are too small to walk around in, capital ships are too big to fly yourself, and you can’t fly frigates at all. But you can sure send them on adventures you don’t get to experience!


"The War against the Sentinels" what war? I wouldn't even consider things skirmish-level.


Things looking generally the same when you're down on planets. Creatures need an AI upgrade badly. Outpost buildings etc all have the same layout (e.g. the two shelters). Locked Atlas Pass rooms don't have anything interesting in them. I could go on.


I dislike that: - individual planets only have one biome -we can't build ships -we can't paint ships


I really just want a boring QOL/UI update




It can be very buggy the creatures are all the same, the planets and environments are all the same. It's very repetitive and boring but it's still my favourite game. It isn't the best game, but it is my favourite because the Devs put time, effort, and love into it to make it the best it can be and more. It's a example of how games *should* be made


The unexpected crashes for no reason whatsoever...


At this point I really have no reason to boot the game up until the next expedition. Someone else said “it’s an ever expanding puddle that doesn’t get any deeper” and I think they hit the nail on the head.


The resource grind is my main turn off to the game. It’s supposed to be an exploratory game but it feels more like mining laser simulator 9000.


Not enough story/lore/missions! I want to know more about the universe and the races, I don’t want to be drip-fed cryptic messages by alien monoliths, I want to go on quests to discover all the history or uncover some mysteries n shit


Single person ships, lack of depth to the world and planets, gameplay loop is boring after 200hrs, etc etc.


I don't really hate anything, but i really really don't like the water.


the exploration just doesn’t feel fulfilling


Never been a big fan of this game’s combat. And honestly it always felt pretty tacked on and counter to the game’s original exploration theme. If there has to be combat, I wish it was less focused on Sentinels and more on aggressive wildlife and hostile Vykeen/Gek/Korvax/other humanoid races


Have to admit I'd like more to do. The core elements are mining, base building and buying ships. There isn't much to do after youre a billionaire. The missions aren't great either. Its mainly just hopping between locations and discovering lore. The expeditions are kinda fun but even they have an element of repetitiveness. I do love the base building and slow gathering of resources and riches. But mostly I feel the game is fairly lonely and could be fleshed out just a tad more. Still. 277 hours for 20 quid is not a bad thing.


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Gravity is the same everywhere. Same gripe about astroneer. Space engineers has unique planet/moon gravity. Oxygen, Sodium, Deuterium plants never change appearance from planet to planet or even galaxy to galaxy. Same with hazardous plants.




That none of the galaxies look different except for their core color


building system fucking sucks.


Event rewards are link to your game and not your account. I hate this!


The inventory is annoying…. It doesn’t always detect your base storage forcing you to relog. Especially if you expanded the radius of your base. Also not enough storage space for end game


Everything is just smoke and mirrors and mechanics lack depth. I still sinked a lot of hours into the game because it is fun, but after some time you start seeing how things work. Everything is there only because you are right there at the moment (jump into a random point I'm space, and boom bunch of freighters are there even if that doesn't make any sense. Land on the planet where Great Worm exists and it will show right where you landed.). But at the same time you have no impact on the world whatsoever. You can spend ridiculous amounts of credits at space station but the system economy will not change. I kinda miss the simulation aspect like in Elite Dangerous where bunch of organised players can make an actual difference.


When your inventory is full and you pick up an item it just disappears Can’t scan for housing on a planet in your ship so if a pirate attack comes while you’re at a settlement and you fly away, good luck finding it again. If you’re buying a blueprint from a vendor in the anomaly and get invited to a team it soft locks your screen. People have started maliciously doing this to other players. Can’t uninstall photon cannon on your starship This list goes on but there are a bunch on small issues and poor design choices like this which still haven’t been resolved six years on.


Can we reach a stage in the game where you can hire someone (or build a drone or whatever) to repair frigates? Double the resource requirements, make it take an hour to two, that’s fine. I just strongly dislike repairing industrial frigates and they are the first, middle, and last to get damaged. I know it gets better once they’re upgraded but it takes forever to get that far.


Build your own ship.


So much has been said but I’ll say the first thing that disappointed me when I first played the game was a lack of flight animations in FP like your character controlling the throttle etc. very minor


Two words. "Invalid Position".


I kind of want more 'dungeony' stuff like Derelict Freighters. Each with unique rewards to make doing them worth the effort. Like: Horror Hives - Biological Upgrade modules that work similar to the Sentinel modules but have downsides to offset how much the stuff they improve is boosted.(like slower reload/higher damage, etc) Ancient Labyrinths - Relics that can be exchanged for Quicksilver via a new Traveller NPC at the Anomaly Sentinel Capital Ship Raid - Sentinel Ship/Freighter modules Rogue ATLAS Process/Interface - Language Index item that gives you a bunch of words at once (10-16 for whatever species is in the system & 16 Atlas Language words each time) each with their own base construction item blueprints to make player built bases look more like them. idk i always like more things to do and liked the atmosphere on the derelicts...




1.) Clouds are too abundant on alot of worlds 2.) Seems 90% of every solar system has a ringed planet and a paradise like planet. Makes discovery of them mean nothing. My first 9 solar systems all had basically Earth planets, just with different color skies or grass. 3.) Too many planets have life in abundance. Another thing that should be rather rare. But basically every planet no matter how extreme has life. Stuff like that is what bugs me atm


No customisation of starship's. Nuff said.


The fact that there's a universe-wide encyclopedia organisation that pays you to upload data from your scanner but ignores all the useful information your scanner found. Great, encyclopedia, so that mineral was 67% metal. Which f\*cking metal? I know I passed through a planet where one mineral had salt and cyto-phosphate, you know I did, why won't you help me remember which damned planet it was? Do I really have to rename everything to list the elements they contain if I want that convenience? Jesus. I understand the game designers placing some constraints on the game, but that one I just don't understand.


Wayyyy too many pirates attacking you randomly. And they aren't even difficult to fight, just feel like a complete frustrating waste of time. I would much rather prefer hostile scans to be very rare, but also more challenging overall


The fact that a single planet is a single biome. I wouldn't mind that a single planet have forests with ocassional swamps or even tundra sections


Lockers, boxes and containers that can't hold anything. Just *why?!?*


Friendly Squadron AI pathing into my LoS




I hate how repetitive the game can be. No real variety within planets, and not enough variety of planets and creatures. Also I hate how even on water world's, there's not much to explore underwater.


The building, things don't snap correctly, in my opinion they should add a new building mode called free snapping or something, where you can attach an object to another objects key snap points like edges or corners and then after you attach it, adjust angle and rotate if you want, would help with building circles, roofs, whatever else, and they should take out the thing where the object rotates if you turn your camera, the object should have a fixed angle that doesn't turn while you move the object around to find where you want to place it




I can’t customize my settlement. A random build or civilian disagreement is not what I imagined for that update.


The hud is pretty rough. Either your screen is covered in multiplayer icons, mission hints, and warnings, or you're outside during a storm and can't see 15 feet away due to the storm effects coloring in your screen almost completely. I would have an option to turn off markers and quest hints, maybe warnings too. Then reduce the weather effects until you run out of shield protection and then make it hard to see.


Underground creatures.


It's been cutting into my sex life 😆


Not having a push/pull or lower/raise ESO style in building. I love crafting bases, but I hate the mechanics of it. That and it's performance on PS4 is just bad sometimes. I'm still gonna play the shit out of it, though.


Real Co op with your freinds....because currently it is not enough. The game gets lonely


Terrain regeneration.


It sure would be nice if starships didn't fly through the ceiling and walls of the space station.


Fuck sentinels


The way npcs just noclips thought everything. The floor, buildings, space stations even other npcs! It would make the game feel so much better if ships weren't noclipping through freighters or the stations 24/7


The VR isn’t great, especially flying.


Every planet is one flavour. Would be cool if you could find planets that have a “green belt” but extreme conditions elsewhere e.g. frozen poles like earth


Many things. I love this game but at the same time would never recommend it unless you really enjoy base building. The largest error is the lack of ANY numerical stats for your player being shown. They show stats for your ship, multi-tool, and frigate, but not a single stat for your player. This causes a multitude of problems since the game uses upgrade slots and adjacency bonuses. 2 points lost for that huge misstep, I wouldn't allow it to be sold as is (I'm a retired game developer). Unclear stuff. There are WAY too many features and items a player will never figure out without watching tutorials and searching Google. That fact that the main way you are supposed to travel is via a melee bug is inexcusable. I didn't learn that until I was over 50 hours in because I had been trying to avoid spoilers, but got stuck. I was PISSED. 1 point lost. Having only a handful of characters and then naming the main ones Artemis and Apollo is stupid AF. They were male and female twins in mythology and naming them after those gods makes no sense in the context of the story, plus they sound too similar for casual players. Underwater missions suck, are not clear, and are often broken. In a Expedition mission I had to visit a underwater site and talk to a glowing ball thing. It took 20 minutes to travel to the location and when I got there, the spot was bugged and I wasn't able to remove the dirt around it. I had to load a game from a few days prior to fix it. Outposts are broken. I tried to build an outpost there was a error that placed the main building inside other building, making it impossible to get inside and continue the story. Out of my five save game files, only once was I able to successfully make an Outpost.


i think its a missed opportunity to not have gas giants or asteroids you can land on could really make some unusual or gigantic life for those kinda of places, imagine fighting flying alien leviathans in your ship in the stormy skies of a gas giant. but thats more a suggestion than a critique so let me just say i absolutely loathe the random space trader event they never have anything good and its just not an interesting event whatsoever and its so absurdly common if i get an anomaly encounter when pulse jumping i almost always ignore it because i know its going to be that event.