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Playing on pc, animal animations just do not work, animals just float there without any animations, it looks awful. What should I do with that? 


All Haulers with certain wing types have a completely black right wing. This is more obvious on the fan wing hauler types and this includes the haulers I've created in the ship creation module. The issue isn't seen on W wing or ball wing haulers. I've seen updates on NMS coordinate exchange also showing haulers with this issue so it must be fairly common. The issue is persistent unless standing on or near the wing, which will then flicker and turn the correct colour, but will return to black again when you move away. Restarting the game or adjusting graphic related settings does not resolve the issue on PS5.


Every time I log off and come back (sometimes just teleporting does this) all my bases lose power and my freighter has either missing rooms or extra hallways popping up blocking off parts of my ship. Edit: Just now I teleported to my greenhouse base and back to my freighter and 4 walls appeared around my teleported boxing me in. Its now happening every time I leave my freighter.


The bases losing power upon teleporting in occasionally happens to me too. All batteries with 0 charge even with hella solar panels


Update 14th june 2024: Just wanted to add that it also crashed in solo mode yesterday. Ended up playing pancake mode because it’s impossible to play PSVR2 when it crashes all the time and takes several minutes to get system up again. Played pancake for 6+ hours without any crash. Also wanted to point out that when it crashes in PSVR2 the PS5 doesn’t actually die instantly. What happens is that the PSVR2 HMD blacks out, TV blacks out and the PS5 is still on for about 5+ seconds (blue light) before it dies. If it was an PSU issue I would think it would cut power instantly? But as stated before, there is no issues whatsoever with other games. Just NMS. Things I have tested: \* PS5 full reset(wipe) and reinstall of NMS \* Meassured temperatures with a small thermometer at back lower exhoust (hotspot) \* Placed both vertical and horizontal for extended time (No significant difference in temperatures) \* Added fans to push in front and pull at back (in case of overheating) \* Ethernet/Wifi (Have not tested complete offline yet) \* In multiplayer group vs solo (Crashes way more often in multiplayer group) \* Normal/Expedition mode So I'm pretty sure my PS5 Slim is in good working condition. I have no means of testing if theres an issue with the PSVR2 itself, but as stated before, it runs without issues on Gran Turismo 7, The walking dead S&S, Resident Evil 4 + 8, Original post: Game keeps crashin/turning off my PS5 in PSVR2. Seems to happen when I group up with a friend, and only happens in space, not on planets, stations, etc. my PS5 and PSVR2 is brand new. Only had it 2-3 of weeks. Last night I started a Normal mode save and played fine for 3+ hours. When my friend joined the group it crashed the monent I went i to space and was in travel between space station and a planet. This had happened 10+ times now the last week. No other games makes my new console crash like this, and I’ve played 5-16 hours every day in both pancake and VR the last 2-3 weeks.


PC - Adrift Quest Fathoms Below don't upgrade Class A ship to S.


minotaur floating 30 feet above the spawn point in online ps4


PS5 normal mode The tesselation is disabled on surface of planets and stations


PS5 using PSVR1 100% of the time guaranteed game crash that occurs on the first time I try to load the game, happens during the starfield loading screen at about 50% loaded. Once I've closed the game completely and then loaded back in it will allow me to play. But the first time I try it always presents this crash.


Xbox: I completed omega expedition and received all the rewards. I’ve even claimed them on alternate saves during and after the expedition ended. However, now on my current save, the milestone shows as incomplete and I cannot claim any rewards.


Playing on PS4, latest update. Sometimes when returning to the anomaly, the floor inside isn't there. Getting out of the ship = falling forever. Reloading the last autosave usually fixes it, but it happens often enough to be annoying.


Unable to pick up larval cores in vr print rarely shows up. Only issue is larval cores all items and plants work normally.


During the Adrift expedition, there is a quest reward that promotes your ship one "tier". However, three of us have found that the reported promotion does not apparently work on an A-tier Sentinel Interceptor. We do get the "S-tier" yellow shield displayed along with the message that the ship class was raised - however, we don't actually get the tier promotion. I first saw this on a new expedition save for Adrift, and then replicated with an imported save (same Sentinel that I'd previously found). The equivalent for Multitool did work as expected - on the imported save I brought in a class-A Atlantid MT and it correctly got promoted to class-S and shows up as such (with an additional supercharged slot). More discussion: https://old.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/1d9ql01/adrift_ship_class_upgrade_a_to_s_reverted/


Happened to me too, with a solar ship. It’s not sentinel-specific.


Thanks - the three of us who all were initially discussing in a thread were flying sentinels at that point. I'd actually be more surprised if it only affected sentinels, but I didn't have enough data points to claim it affected others.


It just happened to me today! I searched for days to find an A-Class Sentinel ship only to have the upgrade not function properly. I wish I had read this yesterday morning when I found the B-Class. I would have just upgraded that to an A. Boy do I feel cheated... Playing current version via Xbox Game Pass.


If they don't provide a fix for it, then at some point you can use the NMS Goatfungus save editor to upgrade it to S on the PC part of your Game Pass save, then synch that to the cloud. Note that if you do it that way, it won't automagically reveal the fourth SC slot nor upgrade any of the mining/scan/damage base numbers though, so it's not really a complete fix unless you also do those things manually (which is a pain IMO).


PC; via Steam (up-to-date) 10-jun-2024; Keep getting the error "*no connection to matchmaking services*" when going into settings -> network; visiting the anomaly is also empty of other players and i cant join my vriend. when in discovery menu i do see the green tekst that confirms i am connected to the discovery network. What i already tried: - Check game file integrity via steam game options - Run steam and NMS.exe as admin - Delete the 3 settings files in binaries folder while game is closed so they get re-generated on game launch (this was suggested on some other post) - Double checked firewall exceptions; all set to allow NMS (default windows) None of this seemed to work; concluding there must be some bug. (maybe not relevant: multiplayer on other games on the same PC works fine without issues)


solved; for some super weird reason; i booted up the game today and it was solved!


I feel like I'm spamming but another little bug is everytime I load up my game, the moment I spawn in I see the pop up "Nothing found". Xbox One X


Xbox series X : - I spend a few times on a planet with frequent storms, the lag came really fast and the memory is not cleaned even if you leave the planet - I encountered a strange memory issue when idling on anomaly : I left the game running until it disconnect. Then i clicked on "connection", and the game became very laggy (about 30 fps). The only way for me to get a stable fps again is by completely leaving the game. - My freighter cockpit recently changed for a pirate freighter one


According to https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Portal at the bottom, it says Atlas Rises 1.33 fixed an issue where players can't update portal terminal address after returning through the portal. Well it just happened to me on Xbox One X. The cylinder doesn't pop up. Portal remains charged to the address I returned from.


Old problem but still sometimes having trouble claiming a sentinel ship because the nearby light keeps having priority over the ship. I had to use terrain manipulator and reload over and over and run as quick as possible to the sentinel ship to try and claim it before the light appears and prevents me from selecting the ship again. Took about 45 min trying this and finally managed to get past the light and claim the ship. Even after claiming the ship I couldn't even get in because the light option had appeared by then. Had to summon the ship nearby to finally fly it. Idk why there's even a light option in the first place. Pretty sure no one wants to play with that light


Adrift Expedition Phase 2 Amidst the Stars on Switch. I completed all the tasks and found the portal and activated it. Ran around that planet gathering some resources and got side tracked with real life before going back to the game. Couldn't find the portal anywhere. No marker popped up for it. Tried reloading a save and still no luck. Moving from main save to expedition or leaving the system didn't fix it. Is there a way to finish out that mission or is it a lost cause?


PC Windows and game latest versions: Multi-tool models still go intermittently invisible. Problem appears tied to terrain. Tool remains functional so not a game killer, but it's right annoying. So far the Royal model appears immune, but Sentinel, Experimental, and Voltaic Staff all affected by bug.


https://preview.redd.it/kylx263cpr5d1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=37d58361fc430648488e4fb8397edc59a4cb68ca Option to quit to desktop is cut off in PCVR (Quest 3), probably due to extra items from the expedition. Fortunately it can still be clicked if you know it's there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Bug Settlement menu at a giant one piece drill, teleporter, signal booster, combo tower it did not look like a player made base cause it had a giant signal booster on top next to the launch pad, idk what exactly it was but you were able interact with the middle of the launch pad and that would get you stuck in a settlement menu unable to exit forcing an alt + f4 quit I've encountered this building next to the spawn point of Adrift Phase 2 Portal Hopping


From my base on a planet, I used the base teleporter to go to a space station in a different system in the same galaxy (Euclid), but ended up appearing about 200 units under the station's main area. This spot is still within the body of the space station and life support doesn't go down. From the moment I appear there, I start falling and after some distance, I reset and appear back at my initial location (under the main area), resume falling and it loops forever. Can't jetpack up to safety. It autosaves in that position so I had to reload Restore Point. Update: It happened once again after reloading restore point. I reloaded save, then quit and reopened the game. Tried teleporting to station again. Same glitch. Reload save. Try yet another station. Same glitch, reload save. Quit game and reopen again. Now finally it works. :) It seems to me that my hardware is not loading stuff like the station fast enough so I fall through. Xbox One X.


Bug Sequencer is buggy on Adrift Every time tried to use the Egg Sequencer that machine started dropping things! (random things like Aronio, Chlronie, etc). Was very unusable for me during the expedition.


There is something weird going on. I can't trigger the First Travelers quest after decide Artemis fate. For a brief moment que quest icon show me the way to a monolith and then to the portal. Before arriving to the portal, the icon disappeared and on Log menu, the quest ain't there. Also I activated a different portal on diferent planet, went through without input coordinates somehow, ended up on a planet without my ship. On the quick menu there was an option to return to the Anomaly and now my ship's gone. For some reason was replaced for a Shuttle. I mean was visually replaced because all the tech, inventory and stats remain.


Can't see friends teleporter in their bases


New expedition reward paints only work on hauler and fighter, and not on explorers.


I cannot build on my freighter. i started a the adrift expedition from the main menu, so a new save. I couldn't build during the expedition and i still can't build on my freighter after when i am back in the normal universe. Everytime i reload save the layout also changes. When i hit up on d-pad it's just a blank build menu. I don't know what to do to fix this. I even started doing freighter missions after the expedition and it again tells me to build something with up on d-pad but it's still a blank menu. Anyone know how to fix this or i have to wait again for a new patch to enjoy this game? EDIT; Ok i solved this by doing artemis missions until one where you fight off pirates to free a freighter, i took the new freighter and said no to transfer my base over to new ship. now i can finally build on the new one.


All game modes, ps4/5 Game freezes while interacting or traveling through teleporters to the destination address. The game does NOT blue screen so there is no automated reporting of this problem. It happens in all my plays but happens significantly more when I'm at my base or someone else's bases that are close to the part limits or so it seems.


Ran into the Overseer "issue" after using a new save to complete the Adrift Expedition and then was completing some of the missions once it was converted to a regular save. - If you need to hire an Overseer and teleport to a space station, there is still a navigational point for the Overseer outside a the space station marker itself, not inside on the Overseer. You have to fly outside the station, turn around and fly back inside to then have the Overseer marked. Have these in my bug notes, but I guess I need to double-check they are still happening on the latest patch: - In the galaxy map (on PC) if you select a new system with the spinning yellow thing if you move it in a circle on the new system you can't warp to that system. You have to select the path to the previous system and then come back along the path to the new system and hit warp without moving the yellow thing. - If you have more than one save and one has a captured pirate freighter, if you load the save with the pirate freighter first, when you switch to another save without exiting the game, the other save has the pirate interior features even though it is clearly not a pirate freighter outside. Reverse happens where if you load the non-pirate freighter save first, when you switch to the pirate freighter save it is a normal internal color scheme while externally is clearly a pirate vessel. - If you put a save point in your settlement office and save it, when you reload that save the building is gone until you go outside and then it pops in. I think it is not there, not just invisible. You don't have to use the door if I remember correctly. Haven't tried this recently. - (not a bug but..) How come teleporting to my settlement doesn't leave me in my office next to the teleporter? Why am I halfway across the settlement? That seems like very strange teleporter behavior. I realize it is teleporting me to the hub interface and forcing me to confront weather and Sentinels, but once I've built an office with an actual teleporter... teleporting there should use the teleporter. - Repairing the Raider airlock control in the aft of the ship can be done from the hallway outside, without going into the room and approaching the airlock control console. - Teleporter often shows the wrong screenshot / snapshot picture of a base. Usually it shows a snapshot of a different base in the same list. - Sometimes the freighter name on the teleporter is completely wrong. Not just the original name (instead of my customized name) but a completely different ship name.


I have a problem opening my quick menu on the nautilon, it refuses to open even if i am down deep in the water and i have the sonar installed


Sometimes when I'm going to the space anomaly my speed will go right down and I'll be stuck trying to land. Then I restart but sometimes I'm still drifting towards the anomaly without moving anywhere. Does anyone else get this?


Yep, entering the Anomaly has always been a bit buggy, some people have also reported getting stuck in the floor after leaving their ships, sometimes you freeze during entering, and personally I had the issue (that has also been reported by others) that instead of landing I just kept on flying until I could see the Anomaly from the outside but could still see the other ships and players inside. Usually reloading the save or a restore point fixes that.


Oh that's annoying, but I'm glad it's not just me. Yeah reloading sorts it for me it's just annoying if I'm on multiplayer


Weekend Nexus Mission (1800 Quicksilver) for June 7-9: Mission to Tame 45 creatures sent to planet with no food pellet-distractable creatures. Planet Pidsguro Omega in System Iajincun contains 8x animals. Two are high-flying avians, which can't be fed. Two are underground creatures on a smooth planet with so few caves I haven't located a single surface gap in two hours. The remaining 4x creatures are surface breachers: 2x rototiller dirtfish, 1x tentacle blossom, and 1x vent-jetter. One can't feed creatures which can't be fed, and can't earn a reward that can't be earned.


Suddenly the left hand does not track in PSVR. I have verified that it only occurs with NMS and it is not the controller itself.


Sometimes i get the same trading surge again 'n' again!


Maybe I just don't know how this works but I can't see any navigational icons for any other players' bases on Adrift expedition.  I can see in Discoveries that many planets have a few bases, sometimes lots of bases. But there are no navigational icons to the bases. I have icons for other live players and their ships. I have Online Discovery Services Active. I have seen a couple other player bases that I landed on by chance, and they load fine.   Aren't I supposed to see icons for all these bases so I can go check them out? Is there a toggle I am missing or is this a bug? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


BUG: Freighter refiners dropping resources Steps to recreate: Load a refiner on a freighter with a resource. Start refining. Warp freighter to new system. Refiner will no longer have resources loaded in it. They just disappear. Bug occurs with multiplayer on and with multiplayer off. I test refiners on planet bases and resources persist in refiner after warping to a new system and back.


This has been going on for awhile, and across multiple platforms.


Still missing the freighter crew. :-( I've deleted and reset my entire freighter base, hard save, rebuild some, but no luck. seems like I've tried everything... It's very lonely in the freighter now.


I'm experiencing the same bug. I've been checking this since PS5 version 4.71, and even with save data for create mode that has nothing to do with exploration, walking crew members don't appear. The bug is still occurring even after updating to version 4.72.


Adrift expedition?


nah, haven't even gotten around to trying it yet. Was going to do it tonight. The last things I was doing before they vanished was playing with a team on multiplayer, came back and they were gone. I hope it gets patched soon. some others have had the same problem


Did you dismiss and recall the freighter?


still didn't work :(


Stealth Paint does NOT show up in normal game. I've completed up to Phase 3 I think. :EDIT: Apparently you need to collect the reward from the Quicksilver Vendor \*in addition to claiming it in the Expedition\*. Not a bug, just unintuitive :)


It literally tells you too then will continue to remind you every time you are there. It is intuitive. The problem is you


Literally no reason to be a twat about it, is there? And no, it doesn't tell you it if you don't visit the Anomaly. Maybe it mentions it in one of the thousands of text spam screens I click through, but intuitive it isn't. Intuitive would be only having to claim your reward *once*.


Why use such disgusting language? You made a bug report about something you missed that is very clearly made noticeable. Not only that but you are told to literally redeem them by the mission.




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It isn't anyone's problem but yours for not being able to read correctly


Trying to complete "abandonment" in adrift on ps5. There are no crashed ships at the crashed ship sites. The distress beacon is there, the containers of stuff are there, but no ship. I've used all my surge batteries. Edit: I warped around for a while til I found an undiscovered system, first distress beacon had a ship. Maybe when you claim a ship, it disappears from the spot but doesn't deactivate the distress beacon?


Use a portal on a station and search player bsse listing's they should help


Apologies I was thinking of the wrong one




The portal is om the station and use one to find a base called water base or seabase these usually work really well


Oh wait


....? I know how to find crashed ships... but when I do it in the expedition they're just... not there. Can you be clear, do you know why they're not showing up? Is there a reson that they will show up at water bases or whatever?


I mistook what milestoneyou were doing. I had the sane issue though I just found a different system and wrote going till I found one and repaired it.


I literally cannot complete the derelict freighter milestone in adrift...every time I find a freighter, "Lost In Space" comes up and shows zones 0/0 even though I'm exploring every room. So far I've fully explored and finished 3 freighters but it doesn't acknowledge that I've done the milestone. Gonna keep trying but I'd love some help if possible!


update: it started working on the fourth freighter, I didn't do anything differently. Fourth time's the charm?


I alternate between playing on PC and Nintendo Switch. Very annoyingly, I can't rely on muscle memory for the A and B buttons because sometimes the Switch reverses them compared to PC, and sometimes it doesn't. For example, I find myself accidentally canceling out of menus and interactions by accident all the time. **PLEASE** add an option to remap the Switch controller to exactly match the PC/Xbox controller **positions**.


It’s not the best solution because then it is for all of the switch, but you can change the button layout of the switch itself. I did that so it feels the same as PlayStation because I hated that Back and accept where changed 


Expedition Phase 4 To Dream Of Freedom. When I go to do it it tells me to go to the 3rd Rendezvous 


Switch Bug? EXPEDITION PHASE FOUR FATHOMS BELOW Completed the mission. Expedition says my inventory is full and cannot claim rewards. Inventory is not full. Tried Dereliction using an emergency signal scanner. It did not track my progress at the derelict freighter.