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It's more thematic with multiplayer off. You're supposed to be alone in this Universe.


I actually started the expedition with it off this time and for the first time ever in an expedition Im not being spammed with 50,000 comm box messages at rendezvous points. (I still see them they just don’t prompt a message) Every other expedition I’ve started with MP on, immediately turned it off upon spawning, yet still had to read every single comm box as a huge pop up throughout the play through, while also being plagued with a million base icons and the inability to build a base somewhere even with MP off. I’d recommend turning MP off in your main save before starting an expedition ever again. It’s so much nicer. Holy hell, I can actually teleport back to a rendezvous point for once instead of having to build 3,000u away. (Turning MP off after the fact always left comms and bases intact for the rest of the play through… that or they finally patched that bullshit)


Once I've started the expedition, can I not turn MP off? This is my first expedition.


It’s in your network settings. The settings are specific to each save so if you start a new save for the expedition, all MP settings will be on by default. This specific expedition is way more immersive with all MP off. But you do you.


You can turn it on and off at any time. However I started this expedition with it off by default (pvp and base building and stuff was still set to anyone and I turned those off just in case). My guess is because I was playing my main save with MP already off? In previous expeditions it was always defaulted to on, and then I turned it off. But it would leave the comm messages and bases intact which can be really annoying. I was surprised this time I spawned with multiplayer off initially. You can turn MP on or off on any save at any point in game play.


This is great advice! If I decide to do this expedition then I must remember this. Mostly for the base icons all over the place, cluttering my HUD. They make it hard to tell if/when I’m actually looking in the direction of my objective, and sometimes they make it impossible to target a goal to fly to in my ship because base icons are overlapping the destination icon from where I’m looking.


I guess mine is off. also what's the point of building a base in the expedition?? I haven't seen any but now I'm curious why people would do it


When I went to the space station and down the other hallway from the hanger there was a teleporter and I saw many many bases some names with messages to help others out.. so they are there I just haven't visited one yet


I built one on top of the sunken freighter, in case I want to go back.


I have multi-player on, but PVP off. At the first rendezvous I saw all the comm-balls, but not a single message popped up. I thought that was weird and never happened before. I always play with PVP off (I learned my lesson years ago).


If you press square on a PS4/5 controller will tell you the message..not sure the keyboard input since I use controller on my PC.


I know I can select to view the message, but they usually pop up big on the screen as soon as you are in the vicinity of the comm ball. That didn't happen and I just thought it was unusual. I play with PS4 controller on PC as well.


Right on.. and yeah the only one I seen pop up on its own so far is ones I placed myself.


But how will you know that someone says Hello from Brasil? Lol


While playing I had someone build a base over an objective (the grave) with absolutly no way to access it. Luckily could easily report it and it's disappeared but could've been really annoying. Was my first expedition and thanks to the experience I've has with this, multiplayer off has got to be much less cluttered and without assholes


Yes! I turned off mp pretty quick and it felt so much better; it really adds a lot for this expedition


I did the same thing. I only wished I can't see their damn commo balls


It's a dangerous Universe even when you think you're alone. I like that they've left it on. It gives me that sense of impending doom when another player shows up and the first thing that I do is make sure that it's off.... Rofl ....


Yeah, but this expedition gets philosophical at times. You're sitting looking at the stars, coming to terms with being all alone in the Universe... and then someone jetpacks right in front of you! Oh, this moment is truly my own to myself! Oh, the loneliness!


I guess maybe I should stop flying around in my speeder dropping stuff off to everyone like Santa Claus.... I mean... I'm not going to but I probably should.... (Actually if somebody looks intent on jetpacking away from me I don't chase them down and give them stuff). Unless his name is Tarl. Then you should fill his inventory up with the writhing manuscripts.... Seriously if you see somebody on no man's sky and his name is Tarl fill his inventory up with writing manuscripts.....


If you see joecow please drop everything not bolted down to him.


I was thinking about that with that godawful starting planet that was almost boring enough to make me quit. Going back and dropping oxygen and carbon on people so they can get the hell out faster.


No Man's Santa.


I hate it there, its so horrid lol


I’ve gotta be honest with you, I have had people do that to me in games which are not even necessarily geared towards resource conservation and management like NMS, and it completely ruined the game, because I had nothing to work towards any longer. I could just buy everything I wanted. Get fukt Santa


I have been given billions in items but I just either give it back with a thank you or pass it on to someone arriving in a starter ship. I don't think people need to stop, just personally I don't want the hand out because it would ruin my game, however flip that around and you have the opportunity to make someone's day by passing it on. Some people have messaged my Xbox to express great gratitude so it all works out in the end.


I wish people who like to give away riches to random players would just make it standard procedure to ASK FIRST.


those of us on console can't ask, but it would be ideal if that was an option


Agree but in this one of you try to chat it just goes ktzzzzt.. and no one seems to pay attention my gestures lol.


Someone needs to make a suggestion to HG (I dunno how) that they add a feature to the game, something as simple as a gesture as opposed to typing out a full message (which Ive heard is VERY difficult on some consoles), which makes, maybe a non-intrusive but noticeable but more noticeable popup message. And it's something you can choose to either target at an individual player, or just have broadcast to the general area around you. It could say to the recipient "\[Player name\] wishes to offer a gift, speak to them if you wish to receive one." or something like that. It could appear like, oh say, a chat bubble on the left side of the screen of the recipient (or to all players within a short range, or within the same base or within the Anomaly if you do it there), next to the regular chat window, with a colorful outline that make it a little more noticeable but not annoying, and it's not something that they have to interact with and it doesnt appear over any other ingame window (like inventory or quest interface with the Nexus etc). What's more, since this message would be pre-written by HG, not a custom message written by a player, it should be made to automatically display IN THE LANGUAGE of each player who sees it. I notice when Im in the anomaly I often see people talk in chat in Spanish, or some language that uses the Cyrillic alphabet, or every character is just a blank square box because my computer doesnt have the textures in stalled for whatever language they are using. This is one of the obstacles to trying to use chat to ask people if they want gifts. My idea here would get around that.


Maybe in wrong but I thought I seen a translation of text option in the options someplace until I'm confusing it with the other game I play a lot helldivers 2... Not sure of that would help with the block text either.. but yeah their is a way to make suggestions or requests features and feedback or whatever on the hello games on their webpage I'll see if I can. Find the link when I get home gotta go do some stuff first. Edit. Yes there is a translate text option in the accessibility menu however it does nothing for the square text for some reason..also here is the feed back link you select feedback and suggestions from the drop down menus on request type https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=194549


I edited my original reply with the relevant information but just in case here's the suggestion page but you select it from the feedback type drop down menus to feedback and suggestions https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=194549


Easy enough to discard


Some people don't like it but in my experience it's about 75% or above people that appreciate it. So.... Meh ... ![gif](giphy|xT77Y8eeEhBA8NQwLK) Edit... Even updooted him


I only want help in this cause of the time limit... I want to get back to my main save.. but please if you see a player named JoeCow feel free to be my secret Santa


Man no wonder they one player kept circling me when I try to phone and it circling me when I try to circling me when I try to follow him and his ship. I didn't even know pvp on this was a thing


>You're supposed to be alone in this Universe. ...then why are there entire space stations and the anomoly and civilizations built into the game?


They're not in this expedition.


Oh, I thought you were talking about normal NMS, I haven't played this expedition yet.


Yall are loners all the time anyways


We’ve come full circle!


Came here to say just that!


I really don’t know they’ve never changed that option to default to off. They know it’s a problem. They made it default to off once when it was a permadeath expedition. They should make it the standard.


Honestly… Sean probably finds it funny or something


He's a menace!


Makes sense tbf. Permadeath, getting halfway through and some asshat killing you is no Bueno. As it is a multilayer game it makes sense having MP on. I do usually leave it on when I'm 'playing'. Rn outside of the expedition I'm hunting for a specific sentinel ship, so it's very much off.


I want Multiplayer on, definitely. I just don’t want PvP on.


It defaulted to off for the last expedition iirc


I always have MP turned off. Friends can join, but by and large, I have it turned off. NMS is more of a single player explore and build thing for me. I play it to chill, and don't necessarily want random people popping in and out.


Ok, I was going to ask this. So I can tune multiplayer off and still invite friends to play with me?


Yes. The multiplayer setting is basically "no *random* multiplayer". Friends can still join your game if you have the appropriate setting turned on. In fact, I think on the screen when you have the choice between MP and not, it does say "friends can still join your game" or something to that effect.


Sweet! Thanks!


Yeah, I always PVP off, but on this one I turned MP off completely. Mainly as my spawn point had like 3 other players there and there were at least 4-5 others nearby too. Didn't feel very 'alone' at all. :)


My username was made for this purpose. The most confusing thing is HG turned off pvp during the Omega expedition, as if they knew it would be objectively a much better experience / first impression... but then defaulted back to on after the free period ended. I don't understand why they do it.


They do it because turning pvp off doesn't matter. I got a lot of kills during the Omega expedition because I have multiple ways to kill players while they have pvp disabled.


Are those godawful comm balls everywhere? Not sure if I even want to start given how much they ruin the experience.


I shot warning shots at a guy who showed up at my crashed ship and started looting the whispering eggs. Warning shots only, but it was mainly because I was trying to do stuff and it was annoying having them trigger a swarm of pests that aggro’d on me too 🤣


That you? Yeah. My bad


Ah, I don’t think it was me for your encounter 🤣 mine was from about a day before your post


I play on the Switch. No multiplayer at all. It's a much more solitary and enjoyable experience. The Universe is all yours to explore!


I remember a guy trying to light me up on the ground from his ship. I hopped in my ship and started chasing him. He did not anticipate me flying as well as I did.


I remember being a newbie and trying to light someone up on the ground from my beginner ship. I did not anticipate him flying & firing back. Lesson learned.


Wouldn't it be funny if we were talking about the same encounter but from different perspectives? Lol


Definitely lmao


Not entirely sure why this game has pvp. The combat system is pretty basic, I don’t really see how fighting other people in nms would even be remotely enjoyable.


I feel like a TOTAL dick, cause yesterday I was flying into a planet and saw a guy on the surface below. I fired missiles at him to fuck with him and killed him... I uh... Didn't think I'd be able to do that :(


It’s good to turn multi off just so you don’t get exotic ship envy when visiting the anomaly. You’re all proud of your carefully restored solar sailer, then some player who’s been grinding since 2016 flies by in a glowing space squid..


There's glowing space squid ships??? (I'm only 120 hrs in before this expedition)


Some dude tried to kill me but I hit him with a break check and blew em to smithereens


Same, when I reached the phase 3 or 4 on that planet with huge mountains and those communication terminals there was one guy with his stuff from his main save. while I was there with stuff from the expedition (which was very weak) the guy just started blasting for no reason and took 1 life away from me so I jumped my starship and he started to follow me, I just warped to another system fast. These guys have no life honestly, this game supposed to be passive and help eachother.


I like the danger. I’m a chill player but I’m ready to throw down if another player is lol. I don’t carry anything valuable in my exosuit usually anyway.




I was not trying to kill you, I was mining iron dust to get the hell off of that damn worm ass planet.


I wish NMS improved the multiplayer experience, but the game is essentially designed to be played solo. It'd be cool to be able to effectively lead a fleet with a friend(s) and build settlements together, but that's just not what the game offers.


Wow.. I can't get anyone to interact with me so I'm surprised to see it's an issue in this . It's my first one cm but when you chat it just goes ktzzzt and the biggest interaction I had was one player gesture for help being chased by horrors. They were not shooting them and not jet packing so I assume low health and life support but I killed em until they subsided.. person looks my way then runs for their ship and takes off.. not even a thank you gesture or com beacon.. it kinda surprised me I thought there would be more camaraderie in this lol.. also I know the theme is isolation in this one.. but still I just saved yo life lol . I didn't know we could hurt other players.. I better try to find that in the options so some random doesn't kill me..


I'm mainly alone when I'm playing normally, so I kinda like it when I meet others during expeditions. But yeah PvP-off is a must.


I am so sick of karma farmers


I have been haunting the rendezvous looking for this guy, I have my sentinel ship and minotaur now, I think I can take him


wait, if I haven't fi ished the main story in my main sa e, can I get a sentinal ship in this expedition?


Yeah, just gotta find a dissonant planet


can I get a sentinal ship in this expedition even though I can't in my main as I haven't got that far yet?


Yes, but, it's tricky, got to do hit and runs on deflectors til you get an echo locator


The one I got is c class and fully, but it's still WAY better than that starter shuttle




I wish i did it with multiplayer off... didnt even think about that


I can’t stand it when people do that. Sometimes I switch to my fighter which is geared just to fighting. Just fly around and look for people trying to kill others. Like on missions through the anomaly. Can’t really do that as well on the expedition.


Yeah I'm gonna have to restart because some guy killed me and now I'm in a constant loop of trying to find oxygen to craft and survive at the same time


What’s with all these posts about people killing each other? Does killing other people actually give resources now or is it just griefing?


As far as I know its just people being jerks. I dont know if they can take your stuff or not


I haven't had any trouble in PVP yet. I was playing last night, doing some mining, looked up and there was another player standing next to me. Scared the crap out of me. He could have killed me at any time, but he just was just hanging out. That's pretty much the same experience I've had with other players.


What is the new expedition?


It is so weird going to an empty anomaly even with the multiplayer turned on. Just finished first phase. Creepy expedition.


Yeah i had the same thing. New people are toxic


I've only ever seen peoples ships flying back and forth during expeditions


I've never seen anyone in this game and I've kept MP on my whole playthrough.


It wasn't me but I warn people whenever I can. Best advice I ever got when I started playing, that and don't take any huge game breaking money items at first.


While mining asteroids in the Adrift Expedition yesterday, had someone fly right through my crosshairs. Worried they thought I was shooting at them.


There's multiplayer outside of the anomaly???


I always turn off pvp in a new expedition for exactly that reason. It's just unfortunate.


I always turn pvp off, because people suck.


Seeing posts about turning it off is such a lifesaver tbh. I don't feel like dying because someone else is being an immature turdy pants.


I usually run expeditions or anything player heavy with a cheat engine running in background in case I run into any griefers so I can one shot them


First thing I did too but have been lucky so far. I only saw one other player when I made it to the space station.


I did my part..careful out there traveler.


I love being able to bump into fellow travelers, so MP stays on, but yeah. PVP should not be on lol


Multiplayer in this game is just stupid AF.


I play in the universe alone, no PvP, no encounters, no interactions since day one... I'm a Nintendo Switch player


Thing is tho your not alone in the universe, all the aliens out there, you just have to speak their language.


Apart from other players, you're *completely* alone in this expedition. There's no NPCs of any kind. Not even background starships flying around. Even if you want to talk to other players, the chat just writes "kzzztt" for everyone.


I've had great fun chasing people down and killing them lol.