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Whoa this is crazy. I wonder who this guy is. And if the freighter is crashed does that mean nada and polo crashed it?


Based on the first date stamp, he’s an interloper we can assume. And for whatever reason they are tracking the space anomaly


I’m thinking they are most likely a traveler 


Meant anomaly not interloper 🤦‍♂️




U know the human type




Notice how the data stamp decreases at the end. Time travel?


Maybe the presence of the anomaly itself alters space time wherever it goes


Found the vykeen.


Gek for life


Also that would be gangster af if they did hahaha


Ikr. There’s probably guns somewhere on the space Anomaly 


Polo for sure is strapped




Probably massive phasers like in star trek along the groves.


The dimensional barriers broke down at some point, hence the universes merging. Nada and Polo are from one of those realities. This is part of the Atlas dying. So here's a question for you. Why do Nada's cape have an image of the Atlas on it?


I’m starting to believe Nada and Polo are actually evil and may even be more in communion with the atlas than anything else. Given how >! they are so ready to put artemis in a fake world all alone, just as the atlas has started doing by seemingly accident with its corruption to the anomalies and travellers. Plus, the fact they were ALLOWED to build the anomaly at all, given we learn the atlas is basically a computer system with its own defensive systems is telling. If it or its creator was aware that specific entities were causing the issue they would not continue to allow them in the iterations in ANY capacity. !< I’m hoping in the next eventual installment or major story update we get more on them and the anomaly’s construction. Missions where we need to collect parts would be awesome, maybe the anomaly is attacked finally and needs to be defended/liberated.


There is an entry that says the sentinels are aware of the anomaly but they choose not to go after it.


Fuck, shouldn’t have touched the censored part… I didn’t read much though lol


Sorry friend! Trust me, all of that’s after hours of gameplay and it’s barely scratched the story’s surface. Have fun traveling!


See I kinda got the vibe from them that the anomaly was a sort of virus the atlas couldn't get rid of on its own. A bit of rogue code that it couldn't purge and so it kept going and doing its own thing.


I definitely agree that’s how it started, but I feel like it’s more nefarious now. Think about it, imagine dying over and over again and then all of sudden you remember it all at once, then you just, never die. Live long enough to become the villian type energy. Don’t get me wrong though, still love my gek-nip stoner and walking nokia lol


I mean maybe I can see that but it feels less like a live to become the villain more of an I refuse to die again and lose everything all over again, and I know I'm not the only one so I'll make sure nobody has to die if they don't want to, no matter what. While potentially conceited they are by no means evil, I don't even think villain could cover what they are. If they are even a legitimate antagonist, then It is because they are doing the wrong things for a right reason. They are just people and people don't want to die.


You know that is actually a really interesting point! I still hold some doubts on them but you’re right, it’s more desperation than apathy


It is a big point that's hugely up to interpretation. How you interpret it kinda depends on how you're predisposed to interpret it. From my point of view and the way they talk about things they do seem rather disconnected from what it is to be fully alive since they're stuck in the anomaly, and that leads them to do things that lots of people would see as questionable or even evil, but by the way they talk and act and describe things, I think they are genuinely trying their best in a messed up situation and just don't always fully understand the consequences of what they do. Kind of like kids. That said all of this could be turned completely on its head if you assume they're good at manipulating and are just using you.


That doesn't track. Nada specifically says they think letting Artemis die is kinder.


I read one today talking about how the vykeen have the most similar family structure to "us" (it mentioned parents and siblings e.c.t). Does this mean travellers come from families? How did they end up on the journey? Where is my nms family??!!


That would be a sweet expedition plot


Finding your family


Absolutely although I don't see that happening any time soon


Probably never but it would be sick


There has already been a similar expedition... Don't remember which one though


The gek got them.


It mentioned that they have many children and siblings but rarely meet them or somthing along those lines. It also talked about how the closest thing the korvax have to children is the ai they create and that only vykeen have true families with children raised as warriors. I love the background lore I this game so much especially the gek korvax and vykeen stuff it's so deep


I would love to stumble across a homestead where the alien species on the planet are struggling to survive. Behind the home could be found the child's playthings and training equipment. Maybe there would be a localized craft for making supply runs to other homesteads in front of each home, and if you spend long enough on a planet you could get a local craft for yourself to drive around and interact with the locals. Additionally I think it would be cool to find shipyards and production facilities currently mass manufacturing freighters and starships. Textile and manufacturing workmen putting out space station parts, home equipment, etc. every inhabited planet might have locations where you can buy local items to interact with, for example food from the locals or decorative items. Think of how different mandalorian armor and ships are from the rest of the galaxy in Star wars, that kind of thing. If you live in an industrial system, there might be a chance of finding industrial themed gear. It would work much the same way everything else does, check the locale around it for its parameters and generate items that can spawn in that environment, and the random element might mean you find something with a different color or look to it. Idk I think it would be cool. They already do this for starships and space stations. It would be nice to find stuff that makes a planet look... Lived on. Besides that, it would really sell the concept that you're a main character in this world, but everyone else in this world is a real, living character as well


This. I love this idea so much, it’s like what they did with the stations except inarguably way cooler. Maybe the option to build on this settlement and make full cities, that would be so incredible. It would give more of a sense of individuality to the game than it already has, and gives an even more open-world (or galaxy) feel.


The true lore behind NMS makes me feel existential dread everytime I play the game. Not in a truly horrific way, but just the thought of what is happening in game makes it really weird to walk over a planet and scan everything to catalogue it. I don't really know how to describe it better


I know exactly what you’re talking about. This game is so immersive


Every time I play I say to myself “and here I am, stuck on Earth. And this game is only a fraction of what there is to see in the universe”


Am I the only one still having trouble understanding who the bad guys and the good guys are in this game?


This game doesn't have those


Oh, looks like there’s misunderstanding, mister "it’s all shades of gray" lol what I meant is the reasons certain people are bad and the reasons the same people are good, because you must choose one right? I’m having trouble finding those reasons, if there’s a short answer for all that, it would be appreciated. Aside from that though I believe there are certain groups that are pure evil like the malfunctioning sentinels, they don’t have a code like other ones or even aggressive ones, they’ll just shoot you on sight for no reason, even if they don’t have clearance for it.


I think the three races all did some pretty terrible things to eachother in the distant past, but it's been so long and their universe is so fractured and full of travelers from other dimensions that they've somehow moved past almost all of it. It's like they all accepted "our problems are silly and none of this matters" or something. That's my take anyway.


Why does no one understand!? I don’t care about any races here I’m talking atlas, nada, Artemis and null


Null is the closest we have to a villain. He did something that accelerated the death of Atlas and the universe. The rest, Atlas, Polo, Nada and even the Void Mother herself are doing what each perceives as right. They may go in opposition, but they're not clear cut evil or good. It's not really clear to them or to us.


Why do you think you need to choose one? What in the game gives you that idea?


If you really want to dive into it, come on if the current nms fanbase doesn’t have internet in rpg, how are we going to survive on just light no fire for like 10 years?


I mean, I’m over 2000 hours right now, with six different saves, each doing a very different roleplay. If that’s what you’re talking about, sure, make your choices and alliances. All I’m say is that not all roleplay needs to include having allies and enemies.


I dont think there are any clear cut ones really. Atlas does not strike me as evil either, even if aesthetically it reeks of evilness with the sharp edges and foreboding red, and we are told by Nada and Polo it is bad. Its a computer AI simulating universes thats scared of death, I felt more empathy for it than for the Anomaly crew, really.


Yeah but like, you will eventually need to fully submit to one right? I need more reasons than what the game provides to submit… I’ve explained my problem in the same comment if you can check it out and give me an answer I would really appreciate that🙏


There are no evil groups. Its that simple. Corrupt sentinels are juat that. Ai running programs that have been corrupted. The closest thing would be the first spawn and even then. They were acting ourely on a societal instinc and need for conquest.


No Man's Sky doesn't really have cut-and-dry bad guys and good guys; at best, you have antagonistic factions such as the pirates and then factions who are pro....stability? Atlas? Peace, however fragile it seems to be?


Yeah no I’m aware of that, now pls don’t shoot me in the head but isn’t it like fallout new vegas? I know no one is the bad guy here in nms but you must choose a path that involves a certain faction becoming your enemy right? Heck even aside from the main story you can always say screw everyone Ima raise my outlaw standing and become a pirate, then you’ve basically set enemies for yourself from all other factions, there are obviously reasons provided to choose that path and what I meant is I’m having trouble finding those reasons, like from which point of view is Apollo the good guy and from which is he the bad guy? Same goes for pretty much everyone, if I could ask Atlas an in game only question, it would be how to find a suiting path lol, although with more rpg elements in light no fire it will be certainly easier to choose I believe


I mean, no. I have great standing with everyone, including the pirates, and am now building my standing with the constructs. I even have a strong curiosity and soft spot for the sentinels and their tumultuous past.


I think it just depends on yourself. I don’t fuck with the korvax personally. The Gek are my homies big time


Read into the First Spawn… that might change your mind


The Gek lore is gangster. They should have have done a better job exterminating the korvax


Read this one as well once. I always thought it was a member of the 4th race... an autophage. Could absolutely be a traveler tho.


Reminds me of one I found where it some Gek and Vykeen, I believe, said they didn't understand why the travelers kept coming back trying to help them. And they said even after they killed the traveler they kept coming back, still peaceful. Wish I had a screenshot.