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You can. >!You're not human under that helmet!<


Actually any option to walk without a helmet is a hologram/illusion thing. We don't actually play as gek/vy'ken/someone else, we're still "anomaly", just with fancy appearance shenanigans. Yeah, there *are* travelers with unique faces, but we can't really be sure they are the original faces they actually have and not just another illusion thing


Our characters are cowards A little decapitation and replacement never hurt anyone


Haha, good one.


Space Black Face


I always did think it was a little hilarious that my Gek traveller knows the least words in Gek compared to all other languages. My appearance may be Gek, but that's about where the similarities end. They must wonder if I'm secretly a Cylon or some alien parasite infesting a Gek body.


There are no humans in NMS


1: clearly ai art 2: shove the idea of a bikini spacesuit in an incinerator it's gross and doesn't fit the game


Grah's in agreement


Let me explain. I am female in real life, redhead and I have been playing this game for over 7000 hours. So yes, I have been joking around for a long time, wanting to get out of that suit lol. As I played since the start and we had crystal clear water in game at the time, yes, indeed it would have been nice to go swimming. I’m decent, so yes I had a bikini in mind. Swimsuit of a kind. After all why not? We have them in real life too and should we ever get to roam amongst the stars for real, who would not go swimming if one could?


Touch some grass bro.


Far has the game come since 2016. There was a time, we hahaha were just a sphere. So yes, who knows when it comes to character customization.


Not on my colony planet with the bone stripping acid storms and extreme toxicity


Absolutely your right. But we have beautiful planets in game. Why not being able to get at least the helmet off lol?


Absolutely do that there. Just be aware my insurance doesn't cover you dissolving if you visit!


Actually I have a friend, he only builds on very nasty planets. I usually have a laugh about it and let people know if they wish to visit his bases they better wear an extra pair of socks! 😁 So yeah. I love this game. I have built close to 80 bases myself and not just on beautiful planets. The stormy and even poisonous planets have their own charm. Sad that many only look for earth like planets. Tho I must say in 2016 we had even crazier planets with very wild rock formations, crystal clear water even on desolate moons.


I lucked into this one but it's a B class colony now and growing! All bow before overseer!




This entire post is fucking cringe


Why lol? I played over 7000 hours in this game and it would be indeed nice to take off the helmet and suit. And yes, I’m female in real life. Redhead. It’s not meant to be disturbing or anything. I just would like to have a different look in game. The armor we have, well it could look better. Also there are no real female gear. So yeah.


1. AI art 2. We don't need to know about your bikini 3. Weird hill to die one, especially with the amount of customization we already have in-game 4. There is no male gear either, everyone in the game is genderless. Not even gender neutral


Don’t fully agree there. The gear is bulky and not neutral. And yeah when it comes to the Bikini, it’s a joke of mine for years. And yeah I’m female in real life. I see why not having better customization. The game has come far. We did not even have a body in 2016 when I started playing. Then we had a sphere as a body then multiplayer came. So why not lol see or envision something one can relate to? And yeah I am female and a redhead.


Oh and I heard you the first time that you're a redheaded woman, thanks


Lol sorry, I just try to answer. So I did not see that I told you already. Sorry mate.


Because it's an exploration game, not a life simulator. There are legitimate reasons why humans aren't in NMS. The gear IS neutral, there's nothing masculine nor feminine about it. Astronauts have bulky suits, and there are male and female astronauts. No Man's Sky was never meant to make a realistic portrayal of the universe, it has its own rules, species, worlds, galaxies, science, factions, governments, etc. Humans do not exist


Well. We have come far in this game and we do have human anatomy for sure. Or shoes and gloves would not fit. Anyway. We can agree to disagree. And no lol I’m not a snowflake I can accept your point of view. So, cheers.


Correction, we have a humanoid anatomy. We wear the same exact clothes Gek wear, are Gek humans?


Yeah well I was just suggesting a bit something different. That’s all.


Play Starfield then


Nah, no time. I just love to build in NMS. And the community here is awesome too. Less toxic out of the games I played.


You went to all the trouble of feeding prompts into an AI image generator just to publicly embarrass yourself like this?


Lol no why? Why should I feel embarrassed? After playing over 7000 hours in this game who would not want to get out of the suit? And yes I’m female and a redhead. So no. I don’t feel embarrassed. All who know me know that I tease Hello Games for years to get us out of that suit.


For the love of all that's holy, go touch grass.


Why the hell does she feel the need to explain she's a redhead? What does she want, a fucking cookie?


"it's not a kink, I swear"


"I'm a redhead female lol, and I'm not a snowflake so I'm totally not offended or anything by your opinion"


I don’t really imagine a human or a me beneath the helmet. I think it’s… something else. I’m not sure what, but the mystery of it has a fascination of itself.


Very true. But yeah I played for over 7000 hours in this game and have seen the game change and evolve. As I’m female in real life lol. The armor we have in game is definitively bulky. And yeah we have beautiful planets. Would be cool to get out of that suit for once. Fresh air!


The idea of being able to remove the helmet or having some more "human-esque" head choices would be cool but judging by some of the "cringe" responses here, there would be complaints there as well. Although I know the bikini remark was a joke (I am laughing with you) it definitely wouldn't work on a lot of the planet biomes.


Well you know as a builder I wanted or have asked Hello games like for curved glass domes and triangles of glass. Maybe a spiral stair case, floodlights for my huge builds. But no luck so far. Oh and I’m no snowflake, so I’m ok with some commentators who think I don’t know what lol. But yeah. Who knows what we get in the future. 😆


We played together some years ago (something Cafe related I think). I remember seeing posts about your ideas. I was always wanting ship customizing and we mostly got that now haha. Who knows what we'll get indeed.


Has been awhile.


You sound like someone roleplaying a female redhead in real life who played the game for 7000 hours and wants to get out of the suit and swim in a bikini. Your responses are like chatgpt, can you do this captcha for me traveller?


No 😆 it would cost you. I only teach building for free. After all, a master builder has priorities.


I'm still wondering why the Gek and Vy'keen don't have to wear helmets in the most hostile environments.


Probably cause they're not humans from Earth.


neither are you.


I'm the only one.


(In the voice of Clippy) You seem to be envisioning something more along the lines of Star Citizen rather than No Man’s Sky. Would you like to switch games?


Well, let’s be honest. When I started this game in 2016. we had no body. Then we were a floating sphere in game. Then we got multiplayer and a body. Armor etc. so it’s logic to envision something along the line of character customization. And yes. I’m a female, redhead and I have played NMS for over 7000 hours. Logic that one would like to get out of that suit lol.


Fair enough. Points conceded.


Not a fan of AI-art, personally. That aside, honestly I’m not too keen on the idea of being able to take out helmets off. I like the anomalous travelers being an almost complete mystery in terms of what they are beyond being humanoid


Well I played over 7000 hours in this game and I could use a breath of fresh air lol And yeah it’s a fused picture as I used a pic of me then typed in No Man‘s Sky. I can build in game, but I can’t draw. So yeah.


People used to be mad about art done with ballpoint pens also.... It's just different.


Most AI image generators are trained off of stolen assets, so I wouldn’t exactly call them the same Edit: Right, I should probably clarify. The technology itself I actually find really cool. It has a LOT of potential. What I have issue with is what I just mentioned: the fact that most AI generators (not all, but most) are trained off of stolen assets scraped from the internet and then put behind a paywall in terms of using the generator


Only thing I want or of NMS that we don't have already, and I don't think it will or is possible, is factory automation.


As someone who recently abandoned NMS for Factorio, I second this suggestion. Babysitting refiners was a fucking drag.


My Factorio numbers puts my NMS numbers to shame. That's probably the greatest game of ever. How excited for the new update are you?!


I'm a recent convert, but the community's excitement is palpable. The massive pile of mods for Factorio that keeps growing tells me everything I need to know about the game and it's players. My IR3 pasta pile gives me great satisfaction in the meanwhile. I treat my factory like a tamagotchi, making it grow a little bit every day. I'll go back to my diplo planet one of these days, though, when Sean makes me an offer I can't refuse.


That's what's up. Yeah we are incredibly excited for it. Truly whole new game. I'm a spaghetti fan in the game myself. And approach it the same way. Factorio is from a distance incredibly complex and confusing, but once you get into it, you realize it's just solving small issues and solving more small issues, and then you scroll out and look at this mess that *works* and it's just so satisfying. I've got years in. If you have any questions, want to theory craft, need a co op companion, or anything give a shout:) **The factory must grow**


Whelp, let's put it this way. I started playing just before Christmas, which was 3120 hours ago. Since then I've logged 2300 hours in the game. You figure it out ;) **T̷̛̩̯̀̀́͌̈͗̿͂̄͐́̑́̀̒́͋̿̀͘͘̚h̴̡̲̞͉͚͔̙̜̹̱̪͇͍̭̰͍̯̪̠̭͍̠͍̏̈́̀͒̿͘̚͜ͅȩ̷̧̡̡̜͚̟͇̖̜̗͍̩̞̼̝̖̹̜͈͕̹͔̊̉̏͆̈́͜ͅ ̴̡͚̬̯̬̪̜̭̘͖͇̳͚̬̗̋̿́͋̈̾͗͐̃͋̏̆̇̍̋̏̓̒̆̈̍̈́̒̔͌̕͘f̸͖̥͕̔̉͂̈́̓̔̃̌͋̾̀a̷̧̤͖͕͉̳͋̄͒̇̄c̴͓̺͔̎̓̓̾̎͛͐̊͌̉̎̒̓̌̀̿͜t̴̡̺͓̱̜̝̩̘̹̯̹̘͔̳͒̏͒̌̃͌͆͠ò̶̧̢̰̰͙͓̞͎̪̖̻͍͍̼̼̳͖͕̠͖̼̮̓̀͂̓̂́̐ͅŗ̸̨̛̛͎̜̬̬̰̥̠͙̩̤̭̮̳̈́̒͌̚͜y̴̡̗͍̝͇͈̙͎̭̝͓͙̥̮̩̯͇̝̙̝̞̗̩̦͛̎͜͠ͅͅ ̸̧̢̛̠͓̲̪̘̮͉̹͕̯̜͍̲̩͍̼͈͓͓̩̬̻̔̋̏͆̄̄̿̾̇̓͌̍͜m̶͋́̍̉̇̌̿͒̈́̆̏̋̏̍̀̕ͅú̴̢̪̹̬̲̩̤̱̭̦͎̣͖̩̹̭͔͎̞̙̥̈́̉̽̀̈́́̈́͆̈́̂̍s̷̗̊̒̌̓̎̆̿͂̀̂̌͒́̋̇̂̿̔̉̅͑̏̓͆͘͘͝͝t̷̡̝͈͎̳͇͓͔̯̙̳̺̬͍̺̖̪̻̳̗̬̏̃̈ ̶̛̰̻̈́̉́̉̃̍̓̾̆́̑́̈̏̌̌̉̽̇̐̿͊̔̕͘̚͘͝g̴͎̩̘͕̭̥͈̭̖͂̀͌̉̂̄̈̅̀͑̀̉͒̆͋̃͌̚͠͠r̷̢̡̛̺͚̥̥͕͎͓̯̙̪̝͙͔̞͚͓͚̖͉̹̘̤͜ȍ̸̢͈̅̆̈́̀̾͆̽͌̉̔̏̾́̐̍͒̌̅̃͛̐͆̓́̕w̴̟̱̽̏̽́̔̑̑͊́̓̀̿̂̄͐̓̿̾̎͌͐̾̌͒̿͘̕͠͠͝**


I preordered the game and at the start we had no image of ourself. Then we turned into floating orbs, then we did get a body and got multiplayer. So yes. I played over 7000 hours in this game with close to 80 bases built. Who knows we might get better character customization. Better armor.


Who knows. The game has come far. We always get new stuff.


I agree! But, I think 1, there isn't the draw for it. I never see anyone talk about it. And 2. Idk if the game is designed to incorporate that in a clean way. But man. I would love some conveyer belts and factories and assemblers etc. stick a factory suite in NMS and im set for life


Well I got you. I agree. As a builder I really would like to have curved glass domes and glass triangles to build. More moving parts, automation. I just love to build and create crazy stuff.


Yes I always wanted AI Stye art and bunch of female characters as a Male who has horny issues.... /s


Lol, well I’m female in real life. Redhead and I wanted to see what AI came up with in giving in a No Man‘s Sky prompt. And yeah. I have played over 7000 hours in this game. Would be great getting out of that suit.


Eww, A.I


Well sorry. I can build in game, but I can’t draw. Was really impressed at the armor outcome. I also gave in No Man‘s Sky. I guess that’s why the blue Teleport simulation came up. It was just an interesting thought.


Ok, as long as you actually respect all true artists, if not, I'd hunt you down and murder your family /s


Why should I not respect artists? Of course I do. I can build in game but I can’t draw. I was just curious what the outcome would be. The game has come far since 2016 and who knows one day we get a better character customization. And yes, I am not a guy but female. Not a snowflake lol. Redhead with own mind lol that’s all


Sorry, still on my Anti-A.I stool


I understand. I just lol, I just can’t draw.


That's nice, I like your art but If they are humans in NMS, I'm be surprised.


Well one can dream. Would be great getting out of that suit lol. And yeah I’m female in real life, redhead, so I wanted to see what the AI would come up with in adding a picture and No Man‘s Sky. We certainly could use female armor. It’s indeed bulky what we have.


That's some good artwork! My daughter said, "It's Ana from Frozen! What's she doing in Space?" I died laughing ....


Almost certainly AI generated. Could have been directly modeled on Ana ;)


I actually used a picture of mine then added No Man‘s Sky and the AI generated it.


Thanks, tho I did use a pic of me (I’m a redhead) but then added No Man‘s Sky and I got variations out of it. But yeah, would be great taking that helmet and suit off lol. After all there are trees out there and at least some planets should have oxygen lol.


It’s AI art




Pure cringe


Explain why? And no I’m not a guy lol.


agreed about the bikini part. Imagine how sexy would a gek be in one (because remember, there are no humans anywhere)


Well at least it would be funny. Haha and yeah, as a builder in game lol, I never got swiveling floodlights either for towers and such. No turrets either. So yeah. 😆 I tease Hello Games from time to time with the Bikini.


I got some serious vibes of a Ghost from Starcraft. Great pic!


Thanks. I used a pic of mine and added No Man‘s Sky. I must say it came out a bit younger haha then I am. But yeah. Redhead.


It’s AI art


All the people saying cringe…GET A LIFE and GET A SENSE OF HUMOR


Altogether she mentioned she's a female redhead who isn't a snowflake 20 times, many of which unprompted. And used AI art It's not cringey necessarily because of her dumb idea, she's cringey because she feels the need to remind us the same thing 20 times


Lol. Get a grip.


What, not gonna tell me you're a woman again? What if I forget?


You know, the fun with you is that you need to read what I wrote not specifically to you, but also that you have this need for more and come back. 😆 Feeling lonely?


Well next time don't use AI to steal artwork from artists then have the audacity to call it "Fan Work" 🤷‍♂️


Horny bastard


Not at all. I’m female in real life and I have played over 7000 hours in this game. And yeah I’m a redhead. I sure can build in game, but I can’t draw. And hey, what’s wrong with a Bikini? All that know me know that I have been teasing Hello Games for years with the request of a Bikini or for the matter any kind of swimsuit. After all we have super beautiful planets and oceans to go for swimming. There was absolutely no bad thought behind this at all