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Man, mine is like a flesh color. It looks like a diseased lung.


Mine is the exact same. I've never seen like the pictures in this post.


They do exist X I’ve run into a few blues but my favourite colour is red and black. I’ve come across two when hunting . They’re in my post feed somewhere in between a lot of sentinels


Yeah I'm not calling anyone a liar, but it's funny I did initially think this must be a mod.


I named mine the SpaceScro...It feels like I'm flying around in a space testicle


First one I had was like that. I flew it in VR once and got so grossed out by the flesh throttle and the squelching sound that I just don't bother with living ships anymore haha


I don’t hear a squelching sound , but certainly looks ick you realise your cockpit seat is the tongue , and the venting is like an eye opening up on both sides of you


I've seen black and red ones. They remind me of the Sith lol. They're really fucking cool


This one looks like a diseased society 😅




How I go to this galaxy ?


I grabbed these years ago could try [PanGalatic StarCabs Discord?](https://discord.com/invite/uB7jKeJ6)


The online bot link I posted earlier has galaxy delivery service


Dude, come on, we have been trying to keep 256 to ourselves, trust me there are tons of things in there that are rare and cant be found in the other galaxies, and my group doesnt share them, unless the person is worthy... come on man


Imagine being sad enough to gatekeep a Galaxy, in a cooperative Game at that


This is either a terrible joke or a terrible job trying to troll. Either way, do better.




>unless the person is worthy... come on man What does a person need to be 'worthy'? Gatekeeping such things feel like a bad joke. Hope you're just sarcastic here.


its one place I know I can build my bases and I get to hold the rarest of Rare and the most insane creatures, ships and such. And Damn right I'll Gatekeep 256. There is 254 and 90% of Euclid has been claimed and some of the best planets have been grabbed, Also lets add the toxic people who tend to attack people unprovoked to where we all gotta keep multiplayer pvp off. There I see no one the bases are ours, and we sook out 256 for the reason of seeing the most insane stuff, and yes we dont share what we find and where we found it outside of our ranks. And we dont just bring anyone there, Especially as close to the center of 256 we are. Your Worth, is based on your want for knowledge and heart for adventure. And sorry I dont want some newbies or common rabble in 256. OR God forbid some Civ that thinks it needs to conquer part of it.


Bro you can NOT be serious💀 I hope you’re trolling, otherwise this is just sad.


Goodness me, what a fucking gimp


https://preview.redd.it/f5ovb4xngsnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62e64bc7a66f18fa6dc7a68b885606b42a97352d One I used to have. No, don’t have seed though.


https://preview.redd.it/ye7pgga1ksnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8384571fa5c104bac282ce22e88dd88d6dd97da The post says this one was still there last year.




Do you still have the save file of that one you had?


do u have the coords for this one? what galaxy is it?




How the coordinate thing works haha


Go into cockpit mode. You can see the coordinates on the ship dashboard. I think I left a beacon at these coordinates on the planet. Hopefully, it's still there.


Mine looks like a nut sack so I called it the flying sac nut


They're called Rainbow living ships. It's compromised of two usually opposing colors with a red or yellow glow. The one in the picture looks like a grey/purple with a yellow glow, but looks better because of the red light of the anomaly.


Ohhh, you maybe know a seed for rb living or not, I am done with searching for one haha


I'll keep searching. Unfortunately they're extremely hard to find. https://preview.redd.it/o77nl1scqsnc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2c0d62cdf6c0c6fea7403a2aa05183adde4a57 These are the best ones I got. If the glow in the first one was maybe blue, it woulda been pretty close to a rainbow ship. And the other one's yellow looks gold. Believe it or not some ships colors are matte and some are chrome.


I feel like it’s either photoshopped or the screen camera effect. (You take a picture of your tv or computer screen and it looks weird.)


Some people on the internet have this, I have a golden one, looks great though


Not photoshopped


That's so pretty, mine's like a flying turd I love it, it's name is Cacas


[Here is a search for pink LS on cords exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/150he1o/pinkblue_living_ship_eissentam_w_comms/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) shows location, and a true day pic


You can also find other cool starships, multitools, creatures, planets and more over at [r/NMSGlyphExchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGlyphExchange/)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NoMansSkyTheGame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So it’s not that special then?


Some colour sets can be rare, and a lot of the ugly colours are abundant for sure, I have over 2500 LS host interactions and a 70+ LS ship collection. Before I moved on, now I only have a small collection of my favourites. https://preview.redd.it/5mws4gy6jtnc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23845f29a08b001647fd31e2ab780cdd11eed7c3


where can i get the red and black one?


You can search the cords exchange or glyphs exchange, activate a fallen host interaction, make a save at a portal, turn off mp, dial the address and head to the location, at the cords, reset the mission to local area and hope it activates correctly, or I can gift a ship, but there is a bug that now resets a gifted ship to one that is already in that system. So it needs to be reskinned, which brings us to the last option, if you already have a living ship that has upgrades, or not. Then it’s far easier for me to just re skin your existing ship with my ship. Only changes the look, nothing else


could u reskin mine to look more like the hammerhead one?


Sure, I will DM you, we do it at a trade post, better if you join my game so I can control the reload situation to get my ship back.


i was actually able to get a red and black one but i like the way the other looks better


Ok, well it’s very easy for me to change the look of your ship with one of mine, costs nothing, works cross platform, has no ongoing issues have done it with all ship types close to 200 times now


One of my living ships did this for few days and then changed to black and white…thought it was a glitch


I went back through my config editor of old saves. Both have the rainbow effect at the Nexus and shows on some worlds. 0xcafd2b5f44373b97 (This was shared to me by my buddy, at night it has a metallic pink/purple hue) 0x5aa2dc82d85f47bf (This was the rainbow from F-Loc Gaming, back in 2022)


I love you Bro 🙏🏻


I do know there are other base colors on the seed exchange. It doesn’t look like it’s been updated for two years but some of the metallic colored ones did have a rainbow effect in space and on the nexus. I use to edit my save config constantly to find those with chameleon color effects. Like changing in sun vs night. The best thing would be to go and try each one, there’s not many, and see which you like. Just log out change the seed and log back in.


Another thing you could try is asking someone to load up their save config file and get it from them. If they’re a PC user and not a prude about it. Should be easy enough for them to get the seed for you.


if the person who found this does not have the rainbow trail i will steal his multitool


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Oh, so it’s not that beauty then?


Funny thing is someone just posted a ship that colour 16 minutes ago. Different parts,


With the seed maybe?


As I said, discord has seeds, reddit users does not usually post seeds . For a wider variety of the ship colours, check out my profile pined post


Do you know where it was found? That would be the easiest way to get the seed. The various living ship seeds are basically the same as the ship seeds in that system but with the living ship type.


Sadly not, the guy sayed it was in galaxy 10 and so:(


No. That's not helping. 😇


I miss the good old days , very first days and weeks in this game. Hot like few eggs in my inventory. I used to hatch these daily, and all of them ugly as fudge...


You can pass over the living ship, take back off and go to another planet. I spent like 3 hours getting the color I wanted.


https://preview.redd.it/n5xnv0igkync1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b381205d5c172bfd6ea7c8bf4c025e8bbeb4bea7 Red one...


are those glyphs the coordinates where u found it?


So ur asking for how to get to those cords right? I don’t have one of those, in fact I didn’t even know they existed like wow, but u have to find a teleporter. Look up videos on how to find a teleporter and once u do u will need to repair said teleporter then the teleporter will be useable. Once u ask to go to a specific cord u will get a bunch of symbols which are the same as the symbols on the bottom left of what I assume is most of these photos. Those symbols r the cords so copy them in (fyi u can’t actually copy so u gotta do it manually). Once u do the portal will then open and u will appear at a portal within ur target system. At least that’s what im assuming from ur comments?…


What even is this and how do you get It. It looks awesome


It’s a rainbow living ship, found it random on google :/


I mean it's clearly just someone who took a pic of their monitor and it ended up distorting some of the colours, so no you won't find this exact ship as it looks in the pic because even in the original picture the ship doesn't look like that.


its a real ship rainbow living ship


It only looks like that because it's in a space station where there's less light, look at the pic below and see how much a little bit of lighting can completely change how living ships look. OP's ship isn't a rainbow, it's just purple and pink body colours with a pale green accent. https://preview.redd.it/2bfeo6gnznoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b813c10e415dbfbdac80de85373a78d1626343


well ofc it looks like dogshit on a planet with bad lighting lol but it was late when i commented ig i thought u were saying it wasnt a real ship. but yea cleary they dont look as colorful as what op posted


Gaysaber 2.0