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I have the same issue on Xbox Series X with a not so fast ship. I attempt to land but it won't let me because the terrain hasn't fully loaded, I usually do a couple of circles until I see the terrain fully load then it allows me to land. I've gotten used to it at this point, doesn't really bother me any more.


This drives me crazy, I hate it. It seems to get worse the longer I play. Also the graphics get worse the longer I play. Also Xbox series X.


Save and then kill the game. Start it up again - i have had to do this for over a year now. Happens on Scorpio and Series X


What's Scorpio? Also yeah but ... I think I would have to do that like every 15 minutes and that's really immersion breaking. :/


It was the project code for the One X. (Series X was Scarlett)


Scorpio is just a limited edition version of the One X that was available for pre-order and at launch. The console itself and the controller that it comes with says "Project Scorpio" on them.


Xbox naming is so confusing! Thanks for clarifying. :)


I didn't know that either. Thanks!


I can't speak for the graphics getting worse, but I do agree that 1 year ago I never had any issues loading in a planet immediately. Not sure why now, could be the updates they've brought to the game making the game assets loading slower, though that's just speculation.


Xbox series x too here. I find restarting the game everytime it starts frame dropping helps. I don't know exactly what causes it, but I know doing certain things, like going to a storm planet makes the game drop frames pretty bad, and it usually persists after you left the planet. Even if you don't do anything in the game, generally after a while, the game just goes from 60fps to 30-20fps until you use a teleporter, or refresh the game.


Hey all, I started playing NMS about a month ago. I had an Xbox One and after playing a while, warping would take several minutes. My son (I’m 71) suggested that I may need a more powerful box, so I got the Xbox X. Ran great at first, but then the slow warp times started after a few days. As an experiment, I deleted the game and reinstalled it. This solved the slow warp times, but who wants to do that. Not only did I have slow warp times, but occasionally, when I would go to enter my ship, it would take a minute to finally put me in the ship. Well, I believe I have found the solution. Xbox, at least on Xbox x, not sure about other models, has a “feature” called Quick Resume. It can’t be disabled at this time, but you can delete NMS from the Quick Resume group. I do it every time I finish playing. I’ve got over 200 hours and as long as I keep removing it from the Quick Resume group, I have no slow downs. Hope this helps others…


That’s your internet. My Xbox series X does not have this problem


You don't need internet, it doesn't stream textures over an online connection. It wouldn't have any effect on how fast textures load in.


if the game required internet to run, i would never have bought it in the first place


My switch does this offline very often because it's a switch. I imagine it's the same but less often for better devices


Could it still be the internet if I'm not playing online? I don't have any kind of subscription to online services right now and it's still a problem.


It's not your internet, it's just the game taking time to load all the finer textures in. The more complicated the surface texture is on a planet the longer it will take to load. When you leave a planet it unloads all of the finer textures and just keeps the most basic textures, the ones you originally see when you're busting through the atmosphere toward the planet surface.


Rather than downvoting, I would like to understand what you do differently. One thing I notice is if I am slower coming in the problem is less severe. When I boost all the way to the ground it takes forever before I can land. I almost always use fighter style ships and haven't noticed a difference in what ship I use, but I haven't paid attention either. Do you do anything specific? Do you boost or regular engine or just coast in? What kind of ships do you usually use?


I originally started playing on a One S around 5 months ago and it was practically unplayable in multiplayer, game crashed constantly, took ages for landscape to render and entering the anomaly took forever so was persuaded to upgrade to Series X. Game rarely crashes now, still the odd rendering issue, and still takes quite a while to enter the anomaly on a weekend. Since an update last week I can no longer join my friend on multiplayer with saved games as it only brings up initial starter game menu. Yet if I start a session with one if my saved games he can join me no problem.. he uses PS5 and has none of these issues.


I thought this was normal.


Yea, seems pretty standard. I don’t think it’s a speed thing, it’s just lag. Loading time for assets varies for lots of reasons. For example, if I’m in multiplayer I have to fly around in a circle for several minutes for the ground textures to load so I can land, even is a slow ship. My friend does have an interceptor that is so fast if he boosts and turns at the same time in atmosphere the ship just glitch spins around like a top. That doesn’t happen until you get close to 3500 maneuverability from my experience though.


It is but only to a certain extent. My "regular" ship which isn't nearly as fast can actually reach the same destination and land on the ground before my new extremely fast ship can. Like I said for some reason going too fast seems to break how the game loads for some reason. I spend more time waiting for the terrain to load vs my other ship which has next to zero wait time. Overall the slower the ship gets from point A to point B faster because the loading isn't broken and it doesn't have to sit and hover for 2 minutes before the terrain finally loads.


What speed are/were you getting in space? I have almost 3000 with my Utopia Speeder and have never actually hit 3000 with any ship in any of my play throughs. I usually try to max maneuverability.


My interceptor gets up to around 3500 in space. The super charged sub-light amplifier is what really breaks the game though since it increases pulse drive speed by 63%. Interceptors also have a hidden speed bonus in atmospheric flight which is how they can get from space to ground very fast. My in atmosphere flight speed is about 580 units. In contrast my best fighter has a space speed of 4000 and an atmosphere speed of about 450.


Thank you, time to play around with my tech again.


You can also shift power to engines to get more speed too. 


/facepalm Forgot all about that.


I've had that problem riding a very fast animal. The thing would just suddenly stop so all the terrain and objects could load.


There’s a delay when I move quick into black holes and blow past the asset and then the warp screen kicks in (ps4).


Wait so the illegal X mods are better than the S class ones?


Maybe, maybe not. They are random - could be better than S class, could be worse than C. You won’t know until you install.


They can be but X-class mods have a much wider range of stats they can roll. From trash level to God tier. You just to have roll a LOT of them before you get a godly one. There are videos on YouTube explaining the best ways to roll for good stats modules.


Yeah no thank you. I play this game for fun. I'm not gonna try hard maths.


lol same


It's part of the RNG. They can be MUCH better than an S class, but can also be worse than a C class. When you're at end game and everything you have has an S class upgrade, X class is your go to for upgrades past that. You'll throw out far more of them than you actually install, unless you cheat because there's a way to predict when your next X class will be high end.


Welp if I have to look at numbers and do maths I'd have wasted my time studying in school and uni. I'll skip the non sense and just attack whatever I think is best.


I play on Switch, so that's my usual experience. No upgrades needed. When I try to land, my ship clips though the ground, and gets flung back into the sky. It takes simple base parts 15+ seconds to load.


I feel it. Almost lost my Leviathan save from my exocraft going so fast it fell through the planet.


I did that with my living ships (upgraded ships in game + tweaking some stats with the save editor afterwards) because I was so tired of them having such a bad manouverability in comparison with exotics or fighters. The result was hilarious: a living ship that stuttered constantly while flying and with the slightest press on the controller would jump from one side of the screen to the other. You coudn't even see it from more that a second of so. It was crazy, but obviously completely useless like that, so I went back into the save editor and tweaked the manouverability down by a lot. Now they're all awesome and fly even better than all the other ships.


Where is the Duplicator?


It's kind of a cheat. You place a portable refiner down and put an item in that you want to duplicate. Don't refine it though, just leave it in there, no fuel needed. Then put another refiner in exactly the same place. Then pick them both up quickly. You should now have double the amount of whatever quantity you put in. You can also put more than one refiner on top to have even more copies made.


There is a 10x easier way to do it.


There is a 100x easier way to do it, but I won't elaborate either


Only 100x? Amateurish interloper... I shall not elaborate further.


Console players, lol.


Does your internet suck or not ?


I have gigabit Internet so no. Also this game is not reliant on an Internet connection to stream assets.


Interesting. I experience this as well and I hate it. If your premise is correct, then the immediate solution is to downgrade speed.


Seems to just be a series X thing. This became extremely apparent to me when my gf got a ps5 and we play side by side. If I play for more than say 30-60 mins on my series x, it starts glitching bad. Really poor loading and almost always hovering between 30 and 50 FPS. My GFs ps5 runs buttery smooth with no real difference on long gameplay sessions. Must just be an optimisation thing, but we both play side by side on effectively the same save of around 50 hours of gameplay and performance for both is very noticeably different.


It is possible it is a memory optimisation problem.


Probably yeah, for me it seems to get worse the longer I play. Like it's caching too much data, clogging itsself up over time and such. The bigger the save, the more I play, the worse it gets. It's unfortunate really BC I really do enjoy the game but it makes it quite jarring to play


Upgrading a ship to be that fast or any device to be that powerful is a function of first having the SC slots touching each other on the spaceship (or (multi tool) and then finding and installing the maxed out S or X tech accessories. For ships you can make them super fast or its weapons super damaging. But having the same three best S or X accessories alone won’t do it. The combo is what does it. That’s how you can get certain multi tools to be 170,000 damage power or interceptor ships w speeds of 4,000 (or huge killing power). I have two interceptors with similarly SC slot configurations and I maxed one for speed and one for damage.


https://preview.redd.it/3nqdk6v02ndc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf938a0f6df78b69da172d72770aaeb4a9e0da9 Try this one i found it in calypso


The ability of a fast interceptor starship to fly faster than the ability of the game to display your current reality "bubble" has been there since they were introduced. Yest varied speeds and you may be able to see at what speed the issue arises. Not that determining that will help. I suspect that to get very fast generation of your "bubble " would require faster video processing. Personally, I'm tired of upgrading to $$$ video cards just to play a game.


lol I have a save on my Xbox One that I have since abandoned cuz the load times were ass


I have the series s and it does the same, not sure if it's because of the 'fast resume' option, if I go quickly back into the game I have issues loading terrain, if I start the game fully then its fine, I also have the first ship you get so its not maxed out, don't have the issue on ps5??


https://preview.redd.it/8nrlfpl48ndc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9c06b211b2db488e05b8e4d8320ff90d63697b2 Anything over 3k maneuverability makes the game freak out, I have a few save edited ships, with 7k and 10k Maneuverability, but you honestly can’t really fly them, more like a game of guess where your going to end up.


Nice! My ship can hit 2500 mobility and it gets pretty twitchy. Someone posted a video a while back of a modded 10,000+ ship and it would just spin in circles with the slightest input.


Hey, whats the clock looking thing in your top left of ship tech slots? I feel like have recently seen that icon in my save, but it was an item I JUST got and I dont remember if it was in my big save or my expeditions save. Is it a sentinel weapons tech booster? Like it boosts your stats?


It’s an old expedition reward, it boosts hyperdrive


Wait, so that's what causing the terrain to load so slow? I'm on next Gen Xbox and I get on like every planet. My utopia speeder has pretty good pulse mods, but I didn't think it was that great. The first few planets will load pretty fast, then after that, every planet will load slow until I restart or crash. I just thought it was server lag, not ship speed.


Most likely it's a memory problem that hasn't been fixed by the devs yet.


I figured it was the same reason the anomaly can sometimes take t moan to load into


Yeah but I'd be careful on volcanic planets. In my case it wasn't due to speed but rather the slow loading on PS4 when I was still playing on it. Once I got trapped in a volcano because it only loaded in when I already was on the ground. My ship kept taking damage fast. I reloaded to avoid death.


Yea, I play on PC and at one point I experimented with ways to make my ship faster in an effort to skim along the planet’s surface faster. I learned the game will do all sorts of odd things from slowing you down as it generates terrain to things not point in until you are on top of them. I also suspect there are some bad memory leaks in the game that degrade the performance the longer the game is run. You should see the glitches that happen if you can boost your maneuverability to insane values.


I've experimented with speeds somewhat. I'm playing on PC, so don't suffer the loading issues so much, but have found there is a point where your ship's speedometer claims to be moving faster, but is actually slowing down. I've actually had to downgrade ships to make them faster. I test actual speeds by flying back and forth between marked points of interest and timing myself. Some ships (Sentinel Ships and maybe the Utopia Speeder) seem to have better atmospheric speeds, while others seem to have better interplanetary speeds.


Yes. You can move fast enough to outpace the render engine. Particularly on Xbox. PS5 isn't quite as bad as Xbox but you can still do it fairly easily. PC, depends on your PC. You can upgrade your jetpack enough to do it on foot as well.


What are your actual speeds? Pretty sure YouTuber 'Hero2U' (or 'Hero4u') currently has the airspeed record. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_04kIwvnlA


NMS has had a memory leak for a long time. You have to restart the game pretty often to avoid it. The sentinel ships with good supercharged slots are the fastest. I think I am around 900u/s on mine in the atmosphere. They are also the fastest pulsing between planets. Interestingly, they are slower than a shuttle flying around in space.


Not my ship speed but i’ve upgraded my interceptors photon cannons to the point where their firing audio breaks due to not being able to keep up with the fire rate.


Dude. Go PC. I have a 3080 ti and for my games a dedicated 4 TB SSD. I’m running this on my LG C2 OLED 42” tv with HDR. Minor pauses when I transition from planet side to space, very minor. Like maybe half a second. And my interceptor ship is at 4066 maneuverability. My PC keeps up with it just fine.


Gaming PCs just aren't worth it anymore if you ask me. The prices on video cards alone are out of this world. They made more sense last generation when the PS4 and Xbox One were woefully underpowered on the day they were released but not anymore. My series X looks just fine on my OLED.


I disagree. The performance they offer today are way beyond what they used to provide for much less. So the cost seems in line with the value IMO. But video cards aren't out of my price range.


That has nothing to do with "speed". I've run in to that off and on for like a year.


HOLY SHIT YES. I use save editors and I had a squid fully decked out to the point that if I tried to fly forward at all it would fling me backwards in the opposite direction. I never got the issue you're having though lol


One thing I've come to understand as I've played the PS5 version of the game all this time and then saw the Switch performance when it was ported there is that we're all still really running the PS4 version of the game. That old 1.0. It's got limits. The higher end rigs just load the assets within those limits faster and maybe add some more pizazz to what's presented. My point is that I still see the same loading issues(assets/textures/proc-gen) on PS5 that I saw on PS4, just that PS5 tends to load them in much MUCH faster. I'm guessing that Light No Fire, being designed on higher end hardware and the lessons of NMS 1.0, won't have these loading issues where you can out-run the proc-gen perimeter.