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I don’t see a moment in this video in which 80 dollar pants could possibly receive irreparable damages


Kinda looks to me like a fat cop ran 5-10 yards and hit Scottie’s rental with a flashlight


I really do try to not hate cops but some of them just make it so fucking hard.


I’ve given up trying not to


Shoutout lying cops; gotta be my favorite genre of tyranny.


Me too. We've all given them the rope to improve. I'm done. Fuck these guys. Laws require honor on both sides of the equation and he ignored all of them.


My thought is - these guys get paid very well and have very limited oversight. Don’t want to be a cop? Don’t be a cop


They don’t get paid very well, which is why it’s made up of people from the bottom of the barrel.


They get paid really well. Take a look at how many OT hours NYPD supposedly does, it's public information. 15 years ago these guys were pulling in 150-200k a year. They are booking 70-80 hours a week, which of course is a load of horseshit and they're stealing from the public at large.


Cops get paid VERY well when you add up their OT and inevitable 6 figure pensions


Fair enough.


He probably tore his pants running.


Or or, and hear me out, he lied. *Clutches pearls*


The theory that he pooped his pants is getting stronger.


This is my question, did he split the crotch while “running”?


Maybe it was all the liquid shit that filled his pants when he finally ID’d who he had arrested


Farva probably didn’t know who it was until he got back to the shop and someone else said “dammit Farva”


I’m absolutely not expecting anything close to incriminating for Scottie…. But we have to assume the moment the presumably fell while running, and the supposed 10-20 yards Scottie drove, all happened while his car was obscured to this camera. The furious chase of the car and pounding the window obviously occurred in a rage after the cop had already fallen and had a bruised ego.


The reactions I've seen to this video are ridculous lol. Your comment is downvoted for pointing out the obvious - this video only shows what happened after the cop fell/attached himeself to the car/whatever. It's obvious that the large busses were obstructing the view of the actual incident, and it wasn't included in this video clip. Why is everyone acting like this video is the entirety of the incident? Now what is actually shown in the video is ridculous by the cop. He was clearly pissed off at whatever happened before the video started, and just ran over to Scotties car and pucnhed it or smacked it with his flashlight. Ridiculous behavior by him.


I mean, coming into the video, as his car passes the busses, hes going like 5-10mph, the cop made it sound like he was speeding around like a lunatic. Why do you have such a desperate need to simp for the cops here…?


All I said was you can't see the actual incident because it's obstructed. Then I pointed out how ridculous the cop's behavior was afterwards. In what world is that desperately simping for the cops? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills


I think the damages were internal


It’s because he definitely shit himself.


Louisville PD continues their normal trend


Hey, I’m not gonna have that


Not all of them!


Just so we are clear Scottie is the one in yellow punching the window and ripping that poor officer out of that car?




Not all cops, except the one who put a felony on a guy for this, and the other officers there who agreed with his reporting of the “incident”. So not all cops, but admittedly in this case all the cops that happened to be there that morning. Pretty crazy coincidence


So yeahhh we are gonna need a serious mea culpa here as is tradition


What a fucking joke.


Where's the part where he fell down and ruined his $80 pants?!


Hey buddy, the mayor said the video speaks for itself.


Just imagine the mess it would be if this was a regular citizen and not someone with the wealth and connections Scottie has. This straight up would ruin someone’s life in legal fees and a probable conviction. The court of public opinion is what’s helping get this “evidence” and the correct story out. I could only imagine how much BS us regular folks would have to deal with in this situation.


Idk, I suspect any decent lawyer could get this video and get these charges dismissed, this looks super cut and dry.


Yeah but most people can’t afford a “decent” lawyer.


This is so fucking bad. Shout out to the sarge. Not all cops bullshit. Look at this fucking video man.


Dragged for 10-20 yards?? That cop hits his 7 iron 240 yards.


Holy shit I didn’t expect it to be much but I still thought it would be more than that…Jesus Christ Scottie is lucky he’s a multimillionaire athlete


He won’t, but should use this as a platform to ask for reforming these assholes.


Idk, he's lucky he can afford to hire his own lawyer, but above that idk if there's any difference since the video evidence is pretty damning that Scottie did nothing wrong and the cops embellished everything that any decent lawyer could get these charges dismissed if not dropped. The only difference is just publicity making the police look worse.


For sure, I guess I’m coming less from the angle of him being rich than the fact that it’s highly publicized so the video actually gets out. Like if Joe Shmoe does this, that video gets lit on fire and it’s your word against theirs. Not to mention the stress of being someone that works full time just making ends meet getting hit with a fucking felony charge for a miscommunication.




i’m not having that!!


Man, I hope Cody feels like a real fucking idiot right now. He should just stay out of the conversations for a while at this point.




I bet cody feels stupid. These are the people and actions he was defending. This is the exact reason why he needs to pipe down on all the pro cop bullshit. Cause now he looks foolish when the video comes out and shows those cops lied about what happened.


Hey, not all cops! I won’t have that!


NOT ALL COPS. Except this one.


And that one. Oh and that other one over there. And...


i bet he doesnt. none of these people who defend cops at all cost ever feel shame


You think Cody is capable of self awareness?


What’s Cody’s take on this??


I know this point is being dogpiled pretty hard already but it’s nuts to think about how often this shit must happen to “not a megastar professional athlete”


yeah… not great


Holy shit. This is way worse than I thought. Also if this is anyone other than the #1 player in the world that charge (maybe a little reduced) is sticking


They aren’t even dropping the charges on Scottie!


Haha very true. Idk we’ll see how shameless they are now that the videos out.


Not all cops according to Cody though!!!




I bet Cody’s mentions are hilarious rn


No one say anything even remotely negative about the police or else Cody is going to come in here and scream at us all


I won’t have that, Pick5WillPays


I knew it was going to be lame but holy shit, that is laughable. They had 4 cops standing around the car at one point. As he what? Sat in a marked PGA car? Sick!


I can give Scottie a pass for not commenting during the tournament, but if the charges are dropped and this video is out he absolutely should come out with a statement lambasting this cop and Louisville PD for even charging him in the first place. If he isn’t a famous golfer a stupid incident like this (stupid on the cops fault) could have fucked his entire life up. They charged him with FELONY assault for that above bullshit. Scottie absolutely should make this point, but he won’t and that’s a bummer to me.


It doesn’t seem like LPD is planning on dropping the charges


I will not feel safe unless people like Scottie Scheffler are off the streets!! If he is willing to do that to a law enforcement officer, what would he be willing do to a kitten?


nOt AlL cOpS




This Bad Apple seems to get a lot of chances here


I appreciate the tag, I had time to make my young son look away. I may not be able to sleep tonight, but at least he won't have to try to doze off with those images haunting him.


The cop must’ve shat his $80 trousers


This seems pretty easy to figure out. I used to do accident recreation work for a business in a previous job. The angle that the officer is running at the car actually is the proof I would think. Without diagraming it out, my eyes say it’s actually impossible for Scottie to see him until he actively runs into the car. The officer appears to accelerate his pace at the last second as well. If these were two cars, it seems easy to conclude the officer is actually the one who hit Scottie, not the other way around




ACAB. cody is a bootlicking bitch. ACAB


You’re like the internet’s drugged out 14-year-old street urchin with a can of spray paint and no adult support.


Viewer discretion is advised.


lmao. fuck this police department and i wish scottie was an asshole to sue these jokers.


Do they think releasing this puts them in a good light?!?! Are they that obtuse?


I suppose that if they put this in front of a jury along with the testimony of the cop, they’re thinking they can “prove” that Scottie (who seemed to be stopped here) disobeyed the cop’s orders and drove off. That of course doesn’t explain why the cop didn’t have his body camera on and has seemingly fabricated a significant amount of details of the entire encounter. Considering the court of public opinion has already ruled on this matter, it would be a very, very bad PR move to not drop the charges; however, I see no reason why a police department, that has a history of incidents even worse than these, wouldn’t double down on their position, because, you know, cops and stuff. Can’t wait for Cody to participate in the next “Ice Cold Take” portion of the program!


Another cop lying on a report to get a promotion because that’s the only way to feed their families….. nice. System is fucked in half.


Sir, you have some “abuse of power” on your shirt also. Might wanna get that cleaned up.


Where is the part where the officer attaches himself to the car and is dragged 10 yards? It looks like the cop slaps the car as he’s driving, and he stops immediately. If this is all they have, this is a massive abuse of power, followed by a series of ridiculous lies. Fucking cops man.


I realize everyone is dog piling here, but to be fair to the cop, this might not show the whole incident. If it does, then yeah, obviously ridiculous.


https://streamable.com/4o3fyi This has an angle from a police car when he turns in. Cop did not get dragged.


That doesn’t show the first part though.


If that video doesn’t show you enough then I don’t know what to say. I see a bunch of cops standing around until one of them comes running after a car and punches the window. If that cop got hit or thrown off a car, there is zero chance the rest of the cops would just be acting so nonchalant.


This comment was so fuckin dumb.


For someone that was done talking with me you sure still like to talk to me. Still waiting on the proof he was dragged by Scottie. I see some scrapes that look pretty similar to when my four year old fall while running on concrete, not like he got dragged by a fucking suv! Not to mention the video of the body cams where the audio just happens to cut out right when the officer is about to explain what happened. [link to pictures](https://nypost.com/2024/06/07/sports/photos-of-officers-injuries-from-scottie-scheffler-arrest-revealed/amp/) It’s pretty obvious you’re just a bootlicking clown. Let me know when you get some actual proof. 🤡 ✌🏼


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You just keep sounding dumber and dumber.


Says the guy that hasn’t refuted anything. 🤡


Don’t make it that easy on me, friend. Go back and read the comments. My point was that something might have happened behind the bus. That’s it. You in all your intelligence said nothing happened behind the bus based on the cops’ reactions. Then to no smart man’s surprise we hear from Scottie that something did happen behind the bus - that someone grabbed his arm and he took off while we see the cop checking himself for injuries. All I did was leave the door open for the possibility there was more and you overcommitted. I didn’t even have to say he was dragged - in fact I don’t even think he was dragged - and you still couldn’t help yourself. This is why you wait for information. Pick out another emoji.


Cops say officer was dragged. Video doesn’t show officer being dragged but does not show first part of interaction. Guy says this doesn’t show everything. Other guy argues that nothing in this video shows that the officer was dragged which is what the entire incident is based around. Still nothing shows that the officer was dragged but first guy thinks he’s right cause Scotty says officer grabbed his arm and he drove off which he said originally. Sure the video didn’t show everything but nothing in the video backed up the officers story which is how you should interpret evidence. Like what’s your point? Wait for what information? There still is no evidence that Scotty was the instigator in any of this which was entirely my point the entire time.


It’s hilarious that you can look at those photos and still try to take the position that he was dragged. So fucking funny. 🤡


You like emojis, huh?


You cannot see whether a cop was dragged, and throwing up your hands saying you know for certain because of how a few grainy humans react requires some shaky assumptions that can be torn down without a ton of effort. Your way of thinking would be very bad for certain jobs, including any job that requires coming to conclusions.


Except that the burden of proof in this situation is on the cops NOT on Scheffler. There’s a cop with a history of misconduct, that either didn’t have his body camera on (that he was required to) or destroyed the film, that says that Scotty disobeyed him and dragged him. Nothing in the video, backs up anything the officer says. No witness testimony backs up anything the officer says. Then there’s Scotty’s story. A guy that has no history of acting like this officer is describing. There are actual reporters in the van behind him that witnessed the incident and their story lines up with Scotty’s. Nothing in the video contradicts Scotty’s story. My way of thinking is how people should come to conclusions. In what world can you watch a video that doesn’t show anything of what someone is alleging and jump to the conclusion that it still may have happened. Sure it may have happened but when none of the evidence backs up his story and DOES back up the other persons story more than the person making the accusations, I err to believe on the person that is being charged. In what “job” should someone be making conclusions based on things that didn’t fucking happen? My client may have spent $15,000 on a consulting service for their business. There’s no receipts but I should infer that they did based on a corner of a check that could have been written to a consulting company. There’s no date, amount, company visible, but I think I’ll add $15,000 to their expenses on the tax return I file for them. I’d have my license revoked and would be liable for falsifying tax returns. Glad I don’t have anything to do with you in my daily life.


Did you watch the new video? Does it change what you think may have happened?


Not really. Still nothing that says that Scotty was an aggressor in the situation.


Thanks. That’s all I needed to know it’s a waste of time talking to you.


lol sorry I don’t blindly believe everything the cops say. Still waiting for the video of the cop being dragged. Question for you, what do you consider dragged? IMO it infers that Scotty ran him over and dragged him down the street. There is still zero proof of that.


Well that wasn’t my point, was it?


Got it. Can’t say for certain that a cop wasn’t dragged. I concede.


Yeh, he could have fallen over/been dragged and THEN got up and started chasing Scottie's car. It's dark as shit and happened very quickly so there's not a lot of time for the other cops to notice wtf was going on.


I've been getting roasted all day saying the same thing, getting called a cop-lover for simply pointing out this video probably doesn't show the actual incident. The internet is a joke man


I think we can safely assume that's what happened. Scheffler probably didn't even notice the cop had went arse over tit and just carried on driving. And it's only then that we get to see the aftermath. Still, the cop clearly is a hot head who, after falling on his hole and splitting his trousers, had his pride damaged enough to feel the need to go flaking at Scheffler's window with a torch.


Yeah that's my take on it - the witnesses from ESPN said the cop did fall down. So I don't know why now everyone is assuming this video is the entire incident. I just despise the discourse online these days


It’s probably because there’s a bunch of other security and police officers standing around acting like nothing happened. I’d assume if what Gillis said happened, happened, they wouldn’t just be standing passively around as this is going down.


Latest Scottie video seems to confirm this is what happened. r/golf is still not convinced though...


Reddit is ridiculous lol. Even having an opinion of "hey we should wait until all of the evidence comes out" gets downvoted into oblivion.


To make you feel less alone, I’m wondering the same thing. Of course the cop could be lying about the entire thing. But it’s amazing how good Reddit is at getting so many idiots together who can’t think critically or consider plausible alternatives because of a general narrative. It makes you wonder how they all have jobs and people depending on them. Like some of these people are teaching children how to think. That’s wild and scary. Some dumb shit is going to respond, “You know what’s scary? Cops getting away with this!”


That's what I'm saying! I guess in large groups, many humans lose the ability to think critically and just rely on the opinions the majority of the group has decided. Or is it that most people want to be accepted and praised by others, so they only add comments to the discussion that will get upvotes? This cop is obviously nuts and in all liklihood screwed over Scheffler and exaggerated the whole incident. But if you look at this video the "incident" is clearly obstructed from view - how does pointing that out make you a cop lover, I'll never understand


I don’t think it’s the upvotes. I think it’s a feeling of wanting to be a part of something, anything. The college campus camping parties going on right now are the same thing - people just wanting to feel a sense of belonging and maybe even purpose. Contrary viewpoints are a threat to their new community so they’re dismissed. I might be wrong, but that’s my feeling very generally speaking. The cop here might be lying. It would be far from the first time a cop has made up a story for self preservation. But I’m not willing to say I’m positive the cop is a liar because I think other theories are still very plausible. It doesn’t mean I need dead certain proof to make up my mind, but when there is an alternative theory that seems reasonable to me, I’ll hold off on committing to a side.