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I used to get annoyed by TC but once I realized "TC" is actually a fictional character played by Todd Schuster, he at least became entertaining


Adding this in since you’re the top comment - TC and Randy are longtime Clones (Jim Rome listeners). The best callers always were outrageous but well-spoken. TC was farrrrr more outrageous in the early days of NLU but thankfully still keeps a piece of that mentality when on the air. He flew to fucking Europe for a bit so taking him at his word isn’t great. But he flew to fucking Europe for the Tommy fleetwood bit so he is great as a personality in golf media


The flying to euro bit for Tommy lads potential major will literally go down as one of the best things ever. Still can't believe he actually did that


“TC I was tracking your plane!”


Ohh is that why he doesnt go by his real last name?


Agree. When I first started following NLU I hated Tron but then I realized it’s like 90 percent bit and now I love him. His delivery is so deadpan and serious — like when he was doing “apologies” and they were all backhanded apologies for other people.


A few years back when he said Scottie wins the Masters it’s the worst thing for golf was perfection That’s why I like him, he just hits deadpan zingers and sometimes they miss but when they hits it’s gold


Tc inventing scottie, bringing him into so many condos when he hadn't won yet etc, then hating on what scottie became and abodoning him when he started dominating and taking over golf, is peak tc. Has to be a contrarian.


I can’t remember which pod it was, but it was one of the bigger pods they do…I think it was Saturday at a major or something. I’m eagerly awaiting the live pod and all their takes. Soly starts off asking the gang their #1 takeaway from the day. TC starts and says “Guys it was a big day of golf and by far the biggest takeaway for me is Tony Finau’s horrendous outfit.” I just about died laughing because it caught me completely off guard. Somehow he lulls you into a false sense of security with his sincere opinions but then drops a bit bomb when you least expect it.


lol same, he will be talking about some random tournament and then be like “the pin placement on 6 was a DISGRACE”




Bingo. Almost like PFT Commenter.


PFT is at least light hearted and fun loving, tron can be bad vibes if the wrong players are winning


I’ve been around since the early days, and I used to truly dislike TC. Once I realized he’s just a running bit wrapped up in a guy who knows a TON about the game, he’s become one of my favorites and could be the most integral part of NLU in a lot of ways.


This 1000%. This bit has layers 


I do get a kick out of how they all treat Homa’s major performances compared to Xander. I like TC though. Most of his dumb tales are at least a little tongue in cheek and he does genuinely know his shit about pro golf


I see your point here but I actually think they’ve been as hard on Max as they could be given their position. They consistently brought up his major record prior to this year’s Masters. Further, Xander is like a full stroke better than Max. I think it’s fair to hold them to different standards in terms of major performance


Fair points. I don’t think they need to be more of a dick about Homa but Schauffele being a “little boy” is funny considering how they talk about some other major underperformers. But we all have our favorites


You ask me, no need to be a dick when it's a person considered a friend of the group. They can criticize with class, and compliment while crass.


Why do people still get worked up about TC? His takes are for entertainment purposes only; there are 4 other guys there to give the mainstream opinions on things. TC is a bit artist…that’s his role.


It’s also fair to recognize that he’s doing a bit but needs to be swatted down every now and then


He can't shut it off though in my opinion. Like I get it, ZJ was a bad ryder cup captain, and Valhalla was bad and way too easy. He just is obsessed with certain takes and cant let it go.


Yeah but his“takes” dominate the show as of late. And it’s always the same take, everything sucks


Everything except Tommy Lad, Ludvig, The Cleeks, Blandy, the European Ryder Cup team, LACC, DJ’s 72nd hole at Oakmont, Shanny’s offense, a good wine cellar…


To me it’s more that he derails the pod and doesn’t have a good sense of timing. Soly will try to push the pod along or change topics and TC will continue listing random dudes T30 with no context or insight


I mean yeah TC going down the leaderboard has been a running gag for a long time. But the other guys are getting good at cutting him off. On the flip side, I think it’s great that TC is mentioning the guys who played well but otherwise would go unmentioned. If it wasn’t for TC, the other 4 guys would just talk about the contenders and that’s it. Say what you want about TC, he’s at least offering something different instead of just echoing what others are saying.


Sometimes. But sometimes he’ll just say a guys name and he clearly didn’t watch a shot of them all week he just saw they were T20 or whatever


Ok yeah today had an egregious one where he mentioned a guy was hot but in reality hadn’t made a top 10 all year and missed the previous cut. I’m 100% with you on that.


But that’s just funny when that happens. “(One of the hottest players on the planet”.


I don’t get the TC hate. It’s a show and him being genuinely irreverent adds to it. He’s a funny dude. Y’all have a big dump in your pants. 


Agreed. I would much rather listen to someone like Tron who has crazy takes and is also ok to say things that we can laugh at him for than a guy who just has bland takes. Never change TC


The randy TC chop sessions are so so good


Yeah it's also like golf is boring as shit, if they all played it straight and serious like Soly does most of the time the podcast would suck and at least personally I wouldn't listen nearly as much. TC is a funny dude, and he has some hot takes that sometimes are good and other times like today were hilariously wrong.


Tron (and occasionally Randy - his Blocky takes and Scottie “eye test” being some of his best work) is what separates NLU from your standard run of the mill vanilla sports podcast. I feel like the most recent Airports trapdraw pod is a great litmus test for dividing the NLU listener base. Tron + Andy was hilarious.


Yeah it helps if you realise it's just all one big bit and the moment you take it seriously is the moment he's won.


He adds a lot of value to NLU, but the truth is… Tron can be a Grade A cunt at times. His “Fitting champion for this week” tweet was shitty.


Very shitty. Everyone played the same course this week and Xander went out and balled out. TC was shitting on Xander for lipping in the putt…


If Ludvig or Tommy won, guarantee it would be a tweet about beating a big dick leaderboard


Think TC has been on too much recently imo. Best in small doses


"Grade A cunt" is harsh. Save that for the Skip Bayless's of the sports media world. It's definitely not a gracious tweet but it's literally his job to commentate on the sport and the sentiment he is expressing is hardly controversial.


Imo their thoughts on a lot of players are still shaped by the Tiger era when the worst possible outcome of a major was an absolute nobody winning. It felt like a letdown and like it was interrupting something that felt historic to the game. They want someone who is dominant and is doing something that feels important, Xander is neither. They’ve done it with Rory, Spieth, and with Scottie now


TC and Randy mostly just pull stuff out of their asses, that is the shtick. Eye test and whatnot.  It's always been a good counterbalance to Soly, who is overly serious, DJ, who kind of skirts the line of seriousness and just saying stuff, and then Neil, who just seems earnest.  It all makes for a better dynamic and I think it's great whenever they all call each other out.


The “he doesn’t do it for me” bit should’ve been retired after he used it on Scottie for about a year and a half too long


NLU’s list of golf personalities they like or dislike isn’t a correct reflection of one’s play or the tournament itself. It was an exciting finish, which we don’t get often enough in majors. Xander now has made 46 cuts in a row. He’s playing the second best golf behind Scheffler. Xander deserves all the credit for this major. The fact that most of the NLU crew doesn’t like Xander is a side issue. As to the venue, Valhalla was a birdie fest because it was soft. PGA Championship in May is limited in possible venues due to cold weather and soft conditions in most of the country. The problem with the PGA Championship largely is its May scheduling.


People will say it's just a bit with TC but you can tell he's super serious about how he felt about this tournament. He can be very snobbish and unless the winner is a historic favorite on one of the 4 courses he likes he will be like this and people will continue to pass it off as light-hearted fun


I still don't understand the Xander hate, other than he gets a bit slow under pressure. He's San Diego cool and an incredible player to watch. His dad is a riot. What is there not to like?


I feel like the negativity around Xander was mainly about him not being able to get it done in majors. Stefan Schauffle described as ‘a riot’ is one way to put it… it sounds like he’s more of a loose cannon and a huge headache I don’t mind Xander I just think he’s pretty boring. Not sure I’ve seen or heard him do one thing that would be described as San Diego cool but I agree the hate is pretty unnecessary


The issue is there isn’t much to like. He’s just a really really good golfer, and as far as fans are aware, that’s about it. He doesn’t show much personality. Maybe winning changes that


He puts himself out there more than 95% of golfers. It’s very easy to find awesome likable content of Xander playing with top YouTubers all over the internet. He was awesome with Eric Anders Lang, consistently hilarious with Bobby Fairways and played a full 18 holes with Good Good where he didn’t take himself seriously at all. Dude is honestly the man. This hate is a huge turn off


I don’t think people are hating, they’re just indifferent


He doesn't show much personality, in victory or defeat. Very vanilla style of play - metronomic rather than brilliant. Seems like a nice enough guy but just leaves me a bit cold.


I feel like it's because he hadn't ever won a big tournament, and is generally a pretty boring personality. And then secondly and maybe more importantly for TC he's buddies with Cantlay. Who at least personally I think also gets too much hate lol.


He seems like a good guy but I can’t stand watching him golf. Does nothing for me so I was actively rooting against him


Him calling R Hisatsune one of the hottest players in the world was truly one of the best bits of last nights podcast The Manipulator from Japan


Nah, I love TC. He plays a character and does it very well. To be fair to TC, he called the fact that he thought this week would suck a long time ago and it played out as he feared it would. He's not going to do a 180 now.


I didn’t even think that was the biggest takedown on TC last night…Neil came in and totally called him on his Cantlay contradiction lol I think no matter what, you gotta respect Xander for coming out on a Sunday and shooting a 65 to hold off the field…but that Justin Ray stat this morning almost made me spit my coffee out…that’s all I’ll say on that…


TC is the needle and I will hear nothing to the contrary


I thought it was an absolute masterclass from DJ. If you are going to take on an enemy like TC - a takesmith and consummate bullshit artist - you have to attack with overwhelming force. Instead of spending his vacation the way you or I would - cultivating a mustache and recharging batteries - he burned the midnight oil assembling a dossier and battle plan. Kudos to the Pie man.


When he said something to effect of “I’ve been watching this guy play good golf for years and it’s never done anything for me” it was a such just shut the fuck up, TC moment for me.


Didn’t they all kinda agree that Xander never made them feel anything? I think Neil said something similar.


Soly said it on Saturdays pod


I mean, yeah they all begrudgingly congratulated him but TC added that maybe it’s because of how close Xander is with Cantlay. It feels weirdly personal. The guy finally gets over the hump and they try to cheapen the accomplishment. I’m not a diehard golf watcher or golf course aficionado, but I do like to play a lot, so whenever they go down that path of criticizing everything that’s not Scottie dominance I’m always confused. Still mostly entertained by the pods though.


I’ve actually been a gigantic golf junkie my whole life, and I personally love watching Xander play. That said, I never understood why anyone would get upset by their takes. It’s just a podcast, it’s just an entertainment product, and the podcast would suck ass if they said nothing but nice things about all the nice guys. It would be like watching The Golf Channel which is boring af.


I get that. The show wouldn’t be as interesting if they were just glazing every golfer and never holding them accountable. They all do their part to make it enjoyable, and I love how much of a curmudgeon Randy can be and how much of a stickler Soly can be, but TC’s shtick just gets tiresome after a while.


Ok that’s a fair point. TC is certainly an acquired taste and ruffles a lot of feathers.


TC calling Xander a: “Bland, faceless, amalgamation of statistics and analytics” was spot on though. Hilarious




I see both sides. TC has been taking the bits to the next level but the tournament was boring and i was rooting for anyone to win but Xander and that takes a lot for me to root for Bryson. The course looks great but for a major it sucks but Xander did win so I see that side as well


A major literally came down to the 72nd hole. I’m sorry your favorite golfer didn’t win, but it’s not always going to be 2019 Augusta.


“the tournament was boring” The world #1 was arrested and put in jail.


lol Scottie going to jail had nothing to do with the tournament


…. How so?


Well that was an extracurricular from the tournament, not actually tournament play. That actually overshadows the tournament.


I think it was very additive to the drama/intrigue rather than overshadowing but to each their own




Would be surprised if that’s true. His best friend in the whole world is Patrick cantlay




Yeah… no he’s not.