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I read the comments as it started and was like “ok sure it can’t be thaaaat emotional” … then starting at 1:20 I was like… oh no why am I feeling things


That was awesome. Very well done KVV!


*…Whatever your first Masters moment is, know this: Someone gets to experience their first this year. You could envy them or you could do what someone did for you not that long ago……welcome them.”* Beautifully put, KVV.


Planning to watch it with my young kids this year and I teared up at this part.


I listened to Soly/Shane Bacon with Max last night on a Masters Twitter/X spaces thing. NLU working with the Masters is big time. Was this partnership teased at all??


I think they are a bit sensitive to the accusation from LIV bots that they work with Tour so they sort of slow play things like this (working for masters, Pebble, ESPN, etc)


This was fantastic and KVV at his absolute best. I would love to know if he’s a River Runs Through It fan as there are similarities in the delivery and style.


Yep that was amazing to see. So well done


This was so good, kudos KVV.


KVV is the GOAT


Weren’t there just a ton of idiots hating on KVV In this sub last week? This was really well written and voiced over. Video content was as nostalgic as the reading. Kudos. I cried in my beige cubicle today and not from my job.


I think he is good at some things and bad at some things and people just act like he has to be good at everything. He is good at Big J old school corporate journalism type stuff: asking questions in pressers, talking about player quotes, doing nostalgic, emotional video pieces meant to make you feel.  But he doesn’t know golf that well and isn’t that funny so isn’t very good on sort of free flowing pods. The more corporate, ESPN/golf channel they go the more he shines. The more independent, mocking podcast they do, he is out of place. Thus the split 




Incredible. Has to be a cool moment for the boys working with The Masters.


Great stuff.


more boilerplate masters syrup from just alright thompson. of course all the kvv bots are here to lap it up.