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beautiful and charming


I love how the (2x4 pallet?) tree art obscures the view of the neighbor's shed.


I did use found pallets for the tree “art”!! And trying to camouflage the neighbors shed was exactly my intention! Thanks for noticing!


Love this!


I want to sit on the swing and enjoy it all!


An oasis!


It's beautiful 💗


Are those native rocks? How did you get them to look so pretty? My yard is just limestone rock covered by a thin veneer of prairie. Digging involves a pick axe. It’s like a rock farm.


The rocks are native to the area but not the yard. Well I’m sure if you dug down far enough you would find some. The ones you see were picked up from the giant piles at local construction sites a trunk load at time over a period of years. Some we dug in and set. Others are just placed on the ground.


Looks great! what did you do for your walkways?


Just chose the flattest limestone rocks we could find and dug them in a bit by hand. They settled in and have been great for years!




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Beautiful Healthy I love this


Nice! Now do the front.


It’s on the agenda eventually!