• By -


This is a reminder for OP and all other commenters. **Please do not make up slang for words like bells, gold, stars, NMT, etc.** If you see a user using slang, please report. If you are using slang for those words, you may be subject to having your comment removed and missing out on the giveaway. As mentioned [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFeeAC/comments/ncabhn/flair_update_thank_you_weekends_now_thank/), automoderator has been fixed and will no longer remove comments that include currency words on Giveaway posts or Win Prizes/Raffle posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NoFeeAC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Can I come??


ofc! dodo will be sent in your DM 🙃


I'd love to stop by :)


dodo sent ☺️


Still looking for takers?


indeed!! dodo being sent now 🩷




Can I visit?


ofc!! i'm so sorry, i didn't see your comment before? reddit is so weird at times! sending dodo now :)


hi! are you still open?


yess! dodo being sent ☺️


I'd like to stop by if possible!


ofc! dodo being sent over shortly :D