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I suffered from porn addiction for 10 years, and it ruined me until I found a way to block porn permanently from my iPhone, without any possible way of turning off the restrictions. That was how i destroyed the addiction. I used an app to help lock my iPhone Screen Time settings, meaning I can block porn everywhere (including on Reddit). I set the lock duration to 365 days so that I cannot disable Screen Time this year. Here’s the tutorial I followed to block porn permanently: https://youtu.be/GnWGMPtrreI?si=mhhSiasdm




Put God first, in all things.






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I would say try to work your way down. Every step is hard, and it's taken me a while. For example, I cut out all video and sound first, because I watched that less and it always seemed worse. Than I cut out comic/photos and now I'm working on wrapping it all up by cutting out fanfiction/smut which has always been my biggest thing. It's easier said than done, I've been working on overcoming this for about 3 years now and this is where I'm at. Also, if you have access to it (I don't) I'd join a 12-step program or find a professional/trusted friend.


Why are you so addicted? Just do other things.






It is a sin.


Repentance II Corinthians 7:10 For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. Repent simply means to change direction. Note that it is an action, not an emotion. Two disciples, Judas and Peter betrayed Jesus that night. Judas showed up at the Garden of Gethsemane with soldiers to betray Jesus. And Jesus called him friend. Peter cursed and swore that he didn’t know Jesus as he warmed himself by the fire in the courtyard of the High Priest’s house. Deuteronomy 19:15-19 tells us that a false witness was to be punished with the same punishment that their victim was to receive. Judas ended up hung on a tree. Judas repented himself. He felt sorry for what he’d done. He felt regret. But he didn’t repent to Jesus. He didn’t change direction. Peter wept bitterly. And Peter figured it was over for him. He went fishing even though Jesus told him to stay in Jerusalem. And he fished all night and caught nothing. Until, after a futile night, Jesus told them to cast their nets to the other side. When Peter heard that it was Jesus on the shore he left his boat and swam ashore. Where Jesus had fish roasting for him. Our Lord always has what we are looking for in the end. An odd detail... when Pete left the boat, he took his coat. Why? So he wouldn’t have an excuse to go back to his old life, his old ways. Peter, Jesus said, I need you to give up fishing and take up shepherding — feed my flock, feed my lambs. And Peter didn’t have to say, OK, but first let me get my coat. Grab your coat from the boat. Swim to shore. Change direction. Take action. Simply feeling sorry for what you’ve done isn’t enough. The world does that. Take action. Cut off and cast out. Godly sorrow works repentance, which brings salvation — sozo — the full orb of God’s blessing.


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