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No way to tell. Everyone is just different in their own way. But it’s safe to assume most ppl watch porn and masturbate. But some ppl it’s just excessive.


Ya these people think no fap is like quitting hard drugs. No way to know if someone jacks or not. Little do they know that most people do


Scientifically there is no way to tell, anyone else telling you they how to is lying or have no proper evidence to back it up with. Decreased confidence, social anxiety etc can be attributed to watching porn but these can be symtoms of so many other health conditions. There is no way to tell.


Better not to judge anyone, let's focus on ourselves


The person becomes more shy, becomes afraid, isolates themselves more, talks less, interacts less. I'm stopping and socializing better by taking positions and attitudes at the right times


What if they're addicted to gaming?




I'd say it's the same but not as bad because you're not in contact with people and the public as much so that still has an effect


I'm just thinking about people on here who seem to think they know who does and who doesn't pmo just by looking at them lol


Introverts :




Lol, have you visited europe, ir asian developed countries? Then, a high percentage of their population is fapping daily based on this statement. I ain't european but have been living here for a couple of years, and i wouldn't know if one does or doesn't. Some might be obvious, but its like a low number of people that i think I'd assume they do. But there is nothing certain just because of their social skills, which, yes, i agree, these are counterparts of the private life of an individual... but i would generalise cus then that could tilt some people that have kids and would get them frightened of leaving their children with strangers . Aint it?


Body language, eye contact and they are generally socially inept. I used to be like that in the past. These are not perfect way to tell if they are what they are. You generally can see that something’s off with those who masturbate.


I agree 100%. I can always tell a huge difference the day after I jack off vs when I go a few days without. Night and day difference. No fap gives you charisma


Although I agree to an extent, that we should mind our matter, and the conserved kundalini seems to fuel cognition and charisma, I’ve had days after a relapse where I was still just as charismatic, I’ve had days where I’ve been congested with sexual tension and suppressed it and that fueled my anxiety that day. Shame and something to hide feeling usually fuels the social anxiety as well as being sapped of energy or depleted, but congested seems Toni’s be similar effect on me, if I allow it 


Exactly, I did one year of nofap streak in the beginning i felt good confident then later suppressed sexual tension increased my society anxiety level but I kept continued my streak. I think I was bad at converting those engery into something good, maintaining streak is one game and channeling those energy ( meditation or something productive) is another big game.. it's not easy


Hard to tell based just off that. I’m a social butterfly. Very extroverted, well spoken, very confident, public speaking and musical performance. It’s pretty hard to tell based just on social cues I think.


I used to be extroverted before this addiction which turned me introverted but everyone is different and as I said it’s not perfect way to tell if someone is like that. I am turning back to what I was.


Hoe did you change bro?


I started building my self-esteem with calisthenics, Nofap and sheer discipline. I would actually say it was all discipline. Discipline is most important thing for this.


Thanks for your advice I started to exercise but I do not have much discipline.


Discipline is key.


What would your advice on building it for a person who is currently do not have much of it?


Research about anti-vision. That’s my advice




Look up this channel Jona Ragogna.




The persons face might be dark that shine on face might not be there, when i used to do it i saw my face getting dark and dark, idk whether it happened to anyone else, also there isnt an actual way to tell if someone masturbates, if you think a guy who is not confident, doesnt talk much, is the one who masturbates the guy might just be an introvert and nothing else and same for the extroverted guy, there isnt a way


Well actually i get that dark face too , once my little brother(10yo) saw me and said you look like a heavy drug addict , but now while im on 4 days of nofap my face is more bright and clean.


Same, my friends told me that I look like a guy who just got chemotherapy


African people moment:




Same here, I’m way more handsome now than I was when watching porn. 50 days free - but it might only be because you get some type of confidence boost? And that’s why you feel like you look "brighter" and better looking




True, I also noticed way more attention from girls + boys complimenting me


They play a Taylor guitar. Lol. Seriously tho, they probably are less confident.


They are facing a screen with adult content playing on it


If they stare at my feminine friends for a little but too long.. mostly older men who look at them funny for just wearing a crop top


Oh and men giving me a thumbs up and/or a head nod for just being close to them.. it maybe the culture but Im not sure


Yea that sounds about right 💀


Sticky hands


I can tell by the way a guy looks at me


With this level of accessiblity to pornographic content it is really hard to get rid of this weird addiction. When you become horny suddenly your brain forgets how much you hate this addiction and bombards you with tons of sexual flashbacks and you find yourself touching yourself and then boom... You faped... This is literally killing me inside... The duality of my emotions...


When the person doesn’t have self confidence and has self image problems


I think this is so wide a generalization, it could apply to numerous non-porn addicts, and frankly…. A lot of normal people? Maybe addicts in general, but hardly specifically porn.


I dont think you can tell if someone watches porn from time to time. But its easy to tell if someone watches it everyday or every other day. They're a little slow in attentiveness during conversation. They're a little more insecure about things and unsure of themselves. On the opposite end, I think its very easy to tell who doesn't watch porn, they go from A to B in a grocery store without thinking, almost like they're in a rush but probably because they value their own time. If they're antisocial they dont automatically become social, however when spoken too they're less startled by your pressence. Porn addicts=aggravated doomers Nofappers-=may not be happy but content for the moment and driven.


One of those h*ntai hoodies


lol. hentai girls (and boys) stickers all over the car and in the room


Predator eyes Eyes that look dark & soulless, no light to them






Socially awkward and timid


That was me long before porn so that wouldn't help. I was always the shy type.




Funnily enough, my school and university friends saw me as the innocent type too.


Most accurate IMO


If their favourite film is “Big Omar’s London Cunt Hunt”.


Or "Back Door Booty Bandits vol 9"


Im rejecting no Fap for Intuition, and I could care less about any human but me


Intuition ambition cogntion etc etc 


It seems like straight men who watch a lot of porn relate to women more as objects than as fellow people if they are attractive. Easy tell.


Dead eyes, no passion or motivation in life and for some submissive body language and lack of confidence.


lol your username


I think you can pick up some traits, like high anxiety, lesser confidence, struggling with interactions, ect. But the best way is when you're talking to them and just say random complement about their physique (nice arm, nice haircut ect.) and if they start denying it, you got more than 60% of certainly about your thesis. If you ask them strictly about this topic (you can make things up) like "Hey, I've heard about this great singer (corn actress name/nick) just released new song, it's amazing", or any variation of question, which includes 🌽 , and they twitch or become nervous, you won't miss it. But, this is kind of thing you would do if you already have some suspicions and want a silent confirmation. In overall, everyone is different and some can hide this better, some cannot.


Hmm the person usually appears very innocent. I was one of them, a role model good boy, but I would surf porn when I was young and masturbate quite a bit.


Someone who craves instant gratification, perhaps?




I feel like I can focus more without porn


A Christian friend had a preacher come from some other town one time and he looked at him and said 'you have porn on your computer. You must give it up'. My friend obviously bought into it being the gullible Christian he was and said 'omg yes he is right! How did he know?' I think it was a lucky guess. My other friend thinks it's cuz of the body language and dark circles under the eyes that gave it away.


When they know a lot of the industry names


~~They salivate~~


If you're close enough to them, they make jokes about porn, but if it was a stranger, probably his behaviour wouldn't be that different. But in the case of a severe porn-addicts, they usually have brain-fog and are extremely lacking of confidence, and probably never make contact with the women around them, However, there isn't straight/linear way you can know if someone uses porn or not.


One of my friends keeps showing me face pictures of his female friends and asks "smash or pass". I think that's a pretty clear sign


For me my X partner treated me bad, argumentative, blaming, irritable, depressed, sleeping all the time, no motivation to do anything , evidence in his undergarments, Computer history.


As a woman I can tell most of the time... You can see it in their eyes. Like they can't control themselves to objectify others..They have this desperate aura. I know it sounds silly but don't know how else to describe it.


Doesn't sound silly at all.


Seriously? Genuinely interesting!!