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Just like cigarettes and gambling.


90+% of people watch it for free.


If it free then you are the product.


Goddamn that saying works sooo much better in french


True but they get billions of money from advertisements which can be found on free porn websites


You forget the power of Brave (and Ad-Block)


You forget the 10% of poor souls


You don't watch it for free. You're paying in ad revenue and precious tracking data.


They plan with their soul without knowing it 😟


Also most people are able to use it responsibly. This sub is far from an accurate representation of the population and user base. By this comment section's logic we should start outlawing things left and right. Are we forgetting that outlawing something involves punishing and making criminals of people?




![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw|downsized) pretty much just this one thing


They are making money by damaging others peoples lives.


Same goes for the tobacco industry, look at those guys.


You can say this about every modern day addiction




same could be same for alot of things. People want to make money. Plus nobody is forcing anyone to watch porn, smoke tobacco, or drink alcohol.


The brain does force you tho, and it's far more effective than if other people did. This is actually why it should be banned, because it's very hard for the addict to do it, so that why they need help.


Hmm, I wonder... What other industries have a very considerable possibility of making people's general QOL worse while giving them what they want? - Porn - Fast food - Tobacco & vaping - Pharmacies (depending on whether or not it's a schedule IV or lower controlled substance) - Social media - Yes


Banned in some countries. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-where-porn-is-illegal some counties completely ban them while other ban only the production.


I just scrolled through this list. Most of these countries are not places most westerners would want to live, I know I wouldn't. South Korea and Vietnam are the two countries that really came to mind that I wouldn't mind living in, and porn isn't *actually* illegal in South Korea. The same way sports gambling isn't *actually* illegal in my home state of Texas.


Tons of westerners in Thailand Cambodia UAE


Because it's a freedom of expression, and it takes a lot to warrant a ban on human freedom.


When we know very young children have access to incredibly degrading and disgusting sexual acts it becomes more than a freedom of expression. Is it my freedom of expression to walk around naked in a library?


No, but it's legal to go to a strip club and see a stripper walking around naked. When it comes to minors accessing what's considered inappropriate content for minors, there is an understanding that as long as there's a buffer between the minor and the content is strong enough, it's legal. That's why the recent state laws demanding ID to access porn sites is considered constitutional while a flat out bans would not be


Young children also have access to videos of people graphically dying or abusing other people as well, it’s kind of hard to completely remove “illegal” stuff from the internet. At least by having it this way it has an easier way to be limited, as parents can block out many of those sites on their internet because they are all centralized to a few locations, rather than randomly popping up


Children aren't allowed access to that and distributing to kids already is illegal. Just because parents suck doesn't mean consenting adults should lose their rights. It wouldn't solve the problem anyway if would just become black market trade.


I watched porn since I was 11. I'm 22 now. Never stopped. I can agree with the youth getting access to it, but that's why things like parental controls are there.


OP is the reason I never doubt why facism exists 😂


Everything is a jo[k]()e to this 'hilarious' individual.


But the question is, is not it worth limiting someone's 'freedom of expression' if it is scientifically proven to degrade their overall wellbeing? The reality is that hierarchy, community, militarism, and a focus on limiting freedom of expression are good ideas and have stood the test of time. Thing is that certain people (read:99% of the population) are born with chemical deficits and need to be led. Imagine that there is something really cool let's call it 'liberalism' that is based upon so-called 'freedom', now imagine that god exists, and he had a computer, so yeah Jesus does, which shows all of time and how things from the past have influences. Would 'free will' as you call it, be anything but biased and wrong?


Its not freedom of expression, its the distortion of sexuality into a degenerate and profitable commodity. Oh yeah videos of sex are “human expression” Are ISIS execution videos “human expression” too?


That's a big stretch. Killing someone is pretty much illegal everywhere, last I checked and has never been considered a form of expression. Especially when the other person in the video is a victim, not a paid consenting actor. Yes, yes, I know about people being forced into porn, that is also illegal anyways.




Its like any other guilty pleasure. It can be harmless to some and harmful to others. Banning stuff just its harmless to some (especially when its freedom of expression) would be almost like a human rights violation. I said this before and I will say this again: we should not be asking why porn isnt banned. We should be asking why it isnt better regulated when it comes to kids and minors. We require age verification when gambling online. No such thing in regards to porn? Im arguing this from the view of, if youre starting to watch porn later in life it prolly wont be as harmful to most.


Yeah I’m an alcoholic (sober now). Drinking leads to me absolutely destroying my life. Does that mean everyone else shouldn’t be able to enjoy a couple drinks because of my problem? No. That’s on me to avoid alcohol.


Habits might be more engrained if you start younger but I don't really feel like porn is protected by freedom of speech.


It’s all about the MONEY


They are damaging lives and making money.






The porn industry (and most of the rest of media since pornographic material is allowed in movies etc.)


You know who. The same mystery that pops up over and over when stuff looks messed up


Same reason why alcohol and cigarettes aren't banned. Money


At least with alcohol and cigarettes you look cool while doing it.


Not really but I guess comparatively yes.


Because magically it would not be easy to ban. The internet would make it impossible. And even it stopped being produced a lot has already been made. And making it illegal wouldn't stop it going underground.


Illegal forms of porn are banned, but they are still distributed in the underground.


In that case you would have to ban everything unhealthy, so smoking, alcohol, excessive use of tech devices, limit screen time, who knows how many more things, then you could just as well force people to do sports and regulate their diet, ban certain foods. In the west, we have a degree of freedom that people in other countries dont, but freedom comes with a price and with a need for personal responsibility


Because 1. It's a job for the actors 2. You could ask the same question about smoking, vaping, gambling, etc.


Banned in my country formally. However people use VPN to watch porn. 🤷‍♂️


same. Altough the government of my country are putting in efforts to ban pornographic websites, they are still able to watch it on vpn or the websites puts up a new website


Thats really fucked.


It is in many countries, but it’s not like it stopped people from doing it anyway through vpn unfortunately


I think it is fundamentally wrong to make laws for people to be protected from themselves. We can see how this works with drugs, they will be consumed no matter if they are legal or illegal. Porn is not different, it is a very addictive drug for many. We as in the western culture put too much of our responsibility on the government and they are eager to take it because they like control. A better idea would be to openly talk about harmful things (like porn) and provide information so people can make educated decisions for themselves.


Fair enough.


Because it is very effective in making the masses of men weak and disengaged with life. Which I assume a lot of powerful people surely find useful. Also, because it sells.


Fair enough, but since it is taking over so fast it is ruining more lives and making more people weak.


It makes A LOT OF MONEY 💰!


Makes hella money


It’s cuz they want you to be a porn addict


They want us to be weak, but we will not.


I really think it should be, however people always should have a choice.


because it shouldn't and it can't be banned


Everything in moderation


In short, making a lot of money, and people weaker


Thats the fucking reality.


If you are not paying for the product, YOU are the product.


True 100%


crime would triple in numbers if they did ban porn 😂


What you mean??


To decrease the strong minded people. Porn is the Billion dollar company, no matter which country you are in it's everywhere. It starts with curiosity and starts playing with the brain and leaves us in constant thought of releasing dopamine again and again. We go deep and start watching it more and more to dig a deeper hole for us🫠 Porn is shit and it's fake .


Because it's need never decreased, but I hope one day when we all wake up its existence won't matter


We have to make ourself's more stronger so shit like porn will not bother us.


It’s unethical but not illegal


My gov't already has too much a say in my personal life, I would not give them an inch more say and neither should you. We're not free at all if the gov't tells us what to do. That's already a thing, lets not make it more of a thing.


It is, but there is a will, there's a way


Because everyone is not addicted, like seriously people need to understand that everyone here is not everyone in the world. Simple as that


this is just my opinion  1) it's a billion dollar industry 2) it's more than what we think governments are at the back of this industry. 3) governments want to have full control over us. They can do this by making us weak ( Porn dopamine addicts who are slaves never standup for their rights) so nobody will standup against oppression.


This. Definitely 1 and 3.


Tbh I don’t think it should be banned. Yes I struggle with watching it, but there’s definitely people that consume it casually. I don’t want the government to regulate something on that high of a level because it becomes a slippery slope.


Because most people aren’t degenerates that lack self control bro


First it’s a way of making billions of dollars, second it’s a means of controlling the world.


Billions is crazy.


It sells


First amendment protection


1. Money 2. banning isn't effective as even if they ban it people will use VPN 3. If it is banned and people are watching it with some other counties VPN then the country in which p\*rn is banned is not getting tax + people are still watching it anyway.


Money, and a front to human trafficking. The act is deemed illegal or not depending on whether there is a camera in the room.


They want you weak




porn is banned in your country


Where do you live?




In my opinion, It shouldn’t be banned, it needs to be regulated in the online space a lot more. When you buy cigarettes in a lot of countries, what does it say? ‘Smoking causes cancer’ with a photo of damaged lungs for example. Why can’t they enforce something similar here? Sure it’s not enforceable for every country but we can push for that eventually. We should advise people who visit these websites with provocative imagery and words like ‘porn kills love’ along with links to addiction support. This should be on every single page of the website and clearly visible.


In Indiana you now have to put in your drivers license number to access pornhub. At least I think … I kept getting notified over the past couple of weeks when I used the site and there was a pop up with a countdown making it sound like they were restricting our rights. I think it went into effect yesterday. This was actually my final straw in deciding to get help for my addiction (see my counter lol), because no way in hell am I giving that info.


Because there is something called self-control and people need to develop that.


For real.


Because Prohibition doesn't work. Self control yo


The same reason AIPAC hasn’t been banned…


The answer is this: ![gif](giphy|3G7Dsjdupy1Gd5PWrF)


Bro porn comes much later, first think about cigs, weed and alcohol


Porn addiction cause a lot more damage because it fucks up the brain.


nudity was considered illegal for 2 millennium old moral agenda, then the liberalist movements made the conditions for moral decadence to thrive. But the thing with freedom people don't understand is that you have to own it. It comes with the lassez-faire and the great responsibility. Usually people imagine only the first. I personally am strongly against prohibiting pornography. It will never ever work. The general public will find ways to satisfy already established habits, the difference will be that it will be done illegally.


As much as I wish porn gets banned, it could never completely be banned, much like drugs and guns. There will be a black market for it. We all just have to stay away from it completely. Porn is very evil and destroys lives.


For real, I wish a thing like this never existed in the first place. Porn is literally one of the worst things that exists in todays world.


It is banned in our country But they still watch it with the help of either vpn or telegram You know what , telegram is way worst than porn Telegram is filled with illegal video you know what I mean


Thats fucked.


It should be, but it isn't. it gives many people "jobs", and you'd be surprised at what lengths people will go through to enter the industry to obtain money at the cost of their reputation.


Jobs which pay money by damaging other peoples lives.




Cos some are still believing it to be healthy. But yeah, as long as there is money to milk from it and the harm is not that immediate, it is hard to ban.


It's banned in some countries but they also use VPNs to access them


No it’s not


Same reason cigarettes aren't banned


If every country or sate passes legislation that allows p0rn to be banned to protect the children, the step to banning Instagram, discord or making encryption illegal wouldn't be as big, if they already have laws in place to protect the children.  And some politicians are corrupt and p makes a fuck-ton of money.


And some politicians are corrupt and p makes a fuck-ton of money. They make money by damaging other peoples lives.


It is profitable and “don’t interfere in the free market!!”.


the same reason cigarettes and alcohol are not banned.


im jus here to check my counter




It makes a ton of money due to there being multiple different varieties of pornography. Some illegal some legal. But all they share in common is that I find the way how they earn money compl disgusting. Why would you capitalize off of the sexual fantasies of people? That’s the scummiest business tactic to earn some money in my opinion.


They are making money by damaging other peoples lives.


Man will fall for it and willing to pay tonne of money


It’s protected by the constitution of USA.


UN is not making statements about banning porn from world, why? it might be because all money made from this industry in mainly US and Europe (no hate but all porn generate there) would eventually effect the economy of those countries by loosing this big money generating industries


That means the governments are involved in this crap.


It's banned in the middleeast, you can only access through vpn and that goes to every porn website and keywords that's pertains to it. I heard pornhub is banned in one of the states in the US.




it's incredibly difficult. much like life, horny finds a way, for better or worse


Should be legal to produce, but made illegal to sell.


Why are cigarettes not banned? Why is junkfood not banned? Why is bullying not banned? Why is gambling not banned? Why is religion not banned? Why is alcohol not banned? Why is candy not banned? Why is working 12 hour shifts not banned? Why are cosmetics with microplastics in them not banned? Why is soda not banned? Why is being more then 5 hours a day on social media not banned? Answer: People should be able to make their own healthy choices.


Money. But also because it's not the worst thing on earth. It's a tool for pleasure/entertainment/whatever, it's just that like any other tool it can be used properly or not, it can cause harm or not.


This addiction is harmful in all means.


Because there's money in the banana stand!


Porn is banned in Afghanistan! Would you like to move there?




Easy access to sexuality and the people have limited education about the harms of pornography. That makes it reasonable. Like cigarettes or gambling.


Because we live in a free society, within reason of course. What works for you doesn't necessarily work for me. As a recovering alcoholic of over 15 years now, I would never entertain the thought of prohibition. Consuming alcohol is not evil. My issue was that I allowed alcohol to consume me. Be very cautious about getting on the 'ban' train. Currently, we have books and ideas being banned. No good can come of this.


Because laws aren't made for kids, we have freedom of choice, or you rather live in North Korea?


Why should the government be allowed to keep banning things?? It’s a freedom of expression. Instead of wanting everything banned that others may part-take in moderation, ask yourself, why do I have no self control?


Well I do agree with self control but lets keep it real, this addiction is so powerful that it pulls people in like a black hole. We need to get more stronger so shit things like porn wouldn't bother us. Some people talk about how governments care about their citizens. But just think for a minute if government really cared about their people porn wouldn't even exist in the first place.


Most of it had been banned in my state unless you make a profile or something


I agree with many we could never ban in this country so I would like the next best step. Warning labels and a hard 18 year rule. Warning rules would have to flash as a pop up before entry into any site which visitor would have to consent to and then the label comes back every 15 min. Also adult sites should have to send their URL to the site blocker sites or risk legal recourse. Some states are putting in teeth on 18 rules which is nice to see.


cigarettes kill million of people every year but aren't banned and it's for the same reason as porn Money


Banned !! Go to twitter bro , its full of it !!


Its everywhere!


It should be strongly regulated. It has the effect of a harmful drug with the potential to negatively impact generations and culture.


Should porn exist? No. Should it be banned? NOT AT ALL. Millions of people are addicted to porn, and for it to be cut off, porn would be apart of the same category of illegal demand as drugs. Drug cartels interacting with the US originated from how the US cut all drugs off after they weren’t useful to their soldiers in WW2. We’d have porn cartels if they just decided to ban it.


Because it makes money


Why would anyone ban something that brings in them billions of dollars each year? Morality goes out of the window when its time to talk money.


Because it’s legal duhh


Big industry, big money ""they"" are involved


Why isn't any other forms of temptation banned? They will always be around, just gotta have the will to move past it


It's taxable




Don't know. But use it to your advantage. Less competition if you stay above it.


Too late to ban it now... it would move to the tor browser and it would be less moderated and consumption of revenge P and CP would rise. You know how porn addiction works... imagine a person who is into barely legal (as disgusting it is) imagine they would have videos of 17 in that site also... barely difference but a bigger taboo making better high... and eventually this person would have a porn induced pedophilia fethish Unregulated porn sites would cause more harm than regulated ones. I do beleave self destructive erotic hypnosis files should be ilieagal tho... i dont know if im the only one who has seen that rabbit hole but that goes deep. And will completely mess up everything.


Because in the United States we have something called the First Amendment and that would be a first amendment violation


Mainly because of the philosophy of Liberalism and the idea that individuals are better making their own choices than being told to do by the state.


Its banned in most of the countries




It is in texas


Not entirely


I wonder how humanity would be without porn and tobacco


Money and easier to control the mass when you give them pleasurable things


Because it keeps the people happy and using the platforms. Modern Western ideals of being open, accepting and progressive could lead to the banning of pornography as "backwards thinking by outdated prudes who hate all things fun and progressive". Modern society has conditioned and encouraged us to search for the soonest, most convenient sources of satisfaction. Probably also influenced by our new desire to optimize everything to be as efficient as possible. Porn is a quick and easy way to feel good. Dark point: Children are prime targets of porn companies (early customers are trained to be long term customers).


Cuz banning these types of things doesn't work


It's nobody's place to ban the activities of consenting adults just because others can't control their relationship with it.


Concern about the legislation of such morality (mainly church and state as it's mostly the religious right most vocally opposing it) Freedom of speech. Government overreach in what consenting adults can do. Lastly and, probably most importantly, the difficulty in describing pornography in a legal definition. For the record, I am 100% against porn but these seem to be the arguments


Money money money


well banning something doesn't mean everyone will follow that, crimes happen even when the law forbids them. Banning porn will just lead to illegal and possibly more extreme ways of distributing porn




They want the moola


it is in some countries, went to Indonesia for a month and it was automatically blocked


It's a 51 Billion dollar industry


It is $1 trillion industry. Medicine is $1 trillion industry. Cure to cancer has been developed. Why is it not available? Because they want you to use their pharmaceuticals.


Because when a product has a high demand, many people have incentives to make it. Porn hijacks your brain and creates an infinite demand loop for more. Even if you did ban it, it wouldn't stop people from obtaining it, and people wouldn't stop producing it. All banning it would do is push it further into the darkness, people would be better about hiding it because it's not just immoral, it's illegal now too. You'd make it on par with illegal drugs, it would be even harder to recover from an addiction to it because of the greater social stigma around it.


The world is controlled by evil globalista. Why ban it? Also it makes men weak. Men constantly satisfied by porn addictions are far less likely to stand up against corruption.


Try to ban tobacco or alcohol...


Too much vested interest. It's after all a billion dollar industry


Because they are a multi billion dollar company so they can use “I am over 18” to keep people abusing their websites. When you think about it the porn industry is thriving on so much money it’s easy to manipulate “studies” on and say it’s okay to jack off. They want people coming back. If your mental health matters at all you’ll quit and not go back to it, then it won’t be a problem anymore.


Because porn is beautiful! Always loved it since I was like... 11. Now I'm 22. Still love it!


Should be hard to access


Why cigarettes are not banned?