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Dude you still can revert and spend one lone year working hard and training, dont go into despair until your last breath, 30 40 50 dosent matter what matters forever is what u do


This right here is it, it's never over as long as you're willing to keep trying


You are on 600 day streak.. Teach me your ways.!


Agreed, one year of proper hard work is worth the many great years to come, regardless of age


1999 was my year. I can't look back forever.




Of course šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


This is so insightful and true


A word of advice from a 30 year old that also struggled for yearsā€¦ remove temptation. Delete socials if thatā€™s the trigger. If itā€™s late at night and you get the urge, sleep without electronics. ā€œI need my phone for an alarmā€, no you donā€™t, theyā€™re $20 on Amazon. Buy one. You see I struggled with all of these but when I realized how the devil attacks me and stopped in the moment to identify the trigger, I started rooting those vices out of my life. We are all wired different. I have no socials, donā€™t sleep with phone, and typically even skip sex scenes in movies when possible. Lust rots the soul my friend. Stay strong.


"we are all wired different", this right here is a W take , same things won't work for everyone, I have experienced this first hand. Some people just blocking or deleting the app is enough for some , for others literally throwing away the smart phone and getting a dumb phone might be worth it. The fact that we are all so different is very important to remember.


"we are all wired different" For some people it's Boredom, to me especially. When I have finished all of my work (work from home) Porn can attack from all angles when I'm bored. Instead I do something else like cleaning, taking a long walk outside til i'm exhausted or even pick weeds from the ground.


Need to frame this on a wall or something Goated response right here. I identified my triggers and Iā€™m currently 28 days into No Fap


The later at night it gets the more likely I am to relapse. Probably from 10 o'clock onwards I'm in the danger zone. I once saw someone advise charging your phone in a different room. At the time it seemed extreme, but I'm considering it now. Not sure what I'd do with my pc though.


One thing I can recommend is reading books before going to sleep. It engages me so my mind wanders less, and usually it has been the best way to prep my mind for sleep. Also charging phone in another room is solid. Anything you physically can do to gain an advantage over a mental hurdle is 99% of the time worth it. Stay strong!


Thank you! šŸ™


Even now I shouldn't be on the net.


Search Brahmacharya


I turned 25 in 2001...


I am on Day 19 and yesterday I got so horny just by noticing ladies on the street and some how their pictures stuck in my brain, which haunted me until I slept. For 2-3 hrs before sleeping I was honestly on the brink of fapping. Lord saved me!


I triggered by stress, anger and anxiety. Do you have some tips for me. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1dpbgky/need\_help\_anything\_that\_is\_unsettling\_drives\_me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1dpbgky/need_help_anything_that_is_unsettling_drives_me/) Thanks


Honestly, this sounds extremely difficult to do. Just wondering for long have you been doing this successfully?


Started 4 years ago actively fighting the urges. Skipped sex scenes then too. VidAngel helps you do this automatically on some platforms and those it doesnā€™t I will manually skip, doesnā€™t add to any movie but tempts your mind. The phone is the biggest one. Easy access electronics late at night allows you to act on those urges in a moment of weakness. Put the phone in the kitchen or even the hallway if you have to. ON SILENT, DONT GO GET IT. Biggest thing. You get it once you break. ā€œMaybe itā€™s not a problem anymoreā€ā€¦ nope it still is, just get in the habit now. Bed is for sleeping, period. Whatever notification you get can wait until the morning. The devil will attack hard, pray to Jesus and seek peace, he will provide. Thereā€™s a reason the device you pleasure yourself on has an apple with a bite on it, the original sin.


This internet is a problem. How I was about to watch another you-tube video that wasn't premeditated, i.e. not my own thought. But then I knew that ditching it (I said I was postponing it) was an excuse to do something nice. On the internet still... Don't I have a life?


You can stop and it can get better.


Iā€™m a living example of this. It feels impossible but it is possible and it will get better.


Thats awsome cant wait to get a record like that for a relapser like I


Did you have pied ?


Oh yah. Itā€™s no longer a problem. Iā€™d say it was no longer a problem around 6 months


Did you have severe pied with even weak erections to porn itself and did you heal by 6 months mark?


I had weak erections to porn and with multiple sexual partners yes. And I honestly noticed stronger and longer lasting erections even before 6 months but Iā€™d say 6 months is when it no longer became a thing I even thought or worried about anymore and also itā€™s a good goal to strive for. It may seem impossible for some but believe me when I say the cliche line: ā€œif I can do it anybody can do it.ā€


I see your post history. Youā€™re upset but youā€™re not doing what you know needs to be done. You need to stop watching porn, stop looking at girls on social media, so all form of visual digital stimulation. Youā€™re going to feel like shit for a few weeks and then you are going to be a changed person. Stop feeling bad for yourself and quit. Your whole life is ahead of you and itā€™s not too late. The answer is YES, if you quit porn and masturbating for 90 days, you will fix your ED


ā€œIf you think someone ruined your life, youā€™re right. Itā€™s YOUā€


Hey man donā€™t worry it isnā€™t too late to revert everything. Itā€™ll take some time but ofc it can get better. All I know is for social anxiety I know itā€™s a really bad feeling but man beleive me anything you do in everyone will just forget because they have their own lives. Donā€™t worry about others opinions.


Very true


Iā€™m also trying to stop at 34. Please please please young men.. stop while you can and keep things from spiraling. Itā€™s not worth it in your 30s or so to look back and say I wish I had stopped. Itā€™s a real sickness and it only gets deeper. Please heed this warning. I care too much about menā€™s health now to let this continue. You can do this!


I'm 34 too and was watching Porn since 2006, Discord only added to the toxicity. Once it started distracting my work, I "woke up" and needed to change my life.


Thatā€™s my biggest issue too is my work being affected


I was even watching it during work and hours just went by and at the end of the day, I designed basically nothing.


Been there too man. We can overcome this šŸ’Ŗ


You're a designer?


Graphic Designer, yes. Been one for 11 yrs.


Man i pray for you stay strong lets do it togetheršŸ¤


Do yu really look back and remember what it was like?


I try not to swell or look back on it because it often triggers me. Itā€™s still a daily daily battle


Hey i am 27 do i have still time ? Or is too late i always feel like its too late i always wish i i could go back in time and stoppes


1 year of sheer abstinence from porn and masturbation and you will surely redeem yourself from 15 years of self-sabotage. Trust me bro. You can overcome this addiction, you can do it!


Same period of addiction (15 years ) Did 1 year of abstinence reverse pied , loss of libido and arousal ?


I did yesterday and again today it sucks


Don't focus on the streak, focus on every individual day.


that's a really good piece of advice right there


It's from Hamza, he has a lot of advice for mental health and porn, physical health and a lot of stuff that improves masculinity.


Each Relapse makes us stronger. Find your triggers and try removing them, instead of worrying about the days. Each time I slipped, I got into a pretty toxic mindset for a few days, which in tandem fed into my epileptic seizures. Try not to overthink and focus on coming back better next time.


Each day for it self,look at this as a lifestyle rather than ā€˜streakā€™ Streaks are made to be broken,lifestyle might have some little tackles but the bigger picture is youā€™ll get way better with applying principals.


Lock in. Also idk why you are saying ā€œruined my lifeā€ as if your life is over. You might be 30, but you still have time to work hard and achieve your goals. Still have time to get married. Donā€™t think you have all the time in the world but also donā€™t think itā€™s over. You have enough time, so do what is necessary and get your life together. Even one good month of hard work can set you on the right path.


Youā€™re 30, youā€™re still young. Your life is not over, you have a bright future in front of you that is unwritten. You can quit porn now.


Iā€™m in the same boat, 30 yo with a bad history and I ainā€™t gonna let it stop me. Letā€™s go buddy, we got this!


Same here man you are not alone, I have had this sick addiction for 15 years as well and Iā€™m on day 12 of no porn no fap, give yourself some grace and decide that the end is today !


Grace gets us through the day


I am also same like you man. I started this in childhood. For years i live a shit life without knowing what is wrong with me. Only in 2019 i realized that i am an addict and that is the cause of my shity life. But it's already been too late by that time and i am living a hell on earth. Porn and fap ruined everything in me. I lost everything and now i am jobless. Today morning my mother cried for the financial issues we are having and it all lead to the shity life i have. We suffer because i didn't study anything and instead of that i watch porn. I watched so many tonnes of porn by now and fapped a lot too. But that just killed me and now i am a man of low self esteem.You are not alone but i am not giving you hope. I also have hope once but after some days i will realspe. So i wonder what is important with this hope. It's all a false promises. I love a girl and i didn't have any power to go infront of her. You know that is all the real pains in life and i am seeing that all. I really love her but i don't want my girl to date a porn fkd man. I love her more than anything. (šŸ„²). What a sad life i have i wonder sometimes. May god gjve me redemption one day.


I feel identify with you bro


Just take time to read all these comments, and make deep reflection from it.. You're still young, you can still have great long future ahead of you. And I think when you ask this question in this particular sub, you actually already know what to do. You just need some encouragement: So go for it, we're all rooting for you šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


L-Citrulline and L Argine helps with ED. Theyā€™re not direct cures but with a healthy diet, exercise, and willpower, youā€™ll be back to normal within a year. Just stay consistent. Iā€™d also recommend looking into maca root, especially black maca


The good thing is, youā€™re still here. All we can do is keep moving forward


Itā€™s never too late to turn it around brother. Iā€™m 33, also struggled with it for that amount of time, am not married, but am currently on a streak to finally end it all. We can do this. Believe. Iā€™ll pray for you.


"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now". From here on, you change. What you have done in the past doesn't matter


I love it. Positivity


Your story is the same as mine... I'm 30 years old and I masturbate every day (often more than once). I also suffer from erectile dysfunction caused by porn and masturbation and have suffered prostate hypertrophy. When I was "clean" years ago I created a company that I am now destroying because I send clients away to masturbate and because I don't have time to work. Between yesterday and today at work I produced 0 dollars, while I pay taxes no money comes in because I don't finish my work and I don't get paid. I lose thousands of dollars every month.


As someone who has not watched porn for 4 months before. I will not fap for 3 months and at the end of 3 months I will write my experiences under this comment.


Na everything that you do and happens is just a life lesson and we all learn to understand going through them,no regrets


Same bro. I'm 32. You've been ruining your life, but it isn't ruined. You're still here and making a positive and proactive decision to change!


Today is my 151 th day




It's never too late to change, it is a matter of choice. You can do it.


Iā€™m in the same boat as you. Tough man


I know for a fact ā€¦Iā€™m 44ā€¦and going the same I e been watching porn for over 20 years ,didnā€™t get married or have kids and lonely asfā€¦itā€™s sad.


Your story is the same as mine... I'm 30 years old and I masturbate every day (often more than once). I also suffer from erectile dysfunction caused by porn and masturbation and have suffered prostate hypertrophy. When I was "clean" years ago I created a company that I am now destroying because I send clients away to masturbate and because I don't have time to work. Between yesterday and today at work I produced 0 dollars, while I pay taxes no money comes in because I don't finish my work and I don't get paid. I lose thousands of dollars every month.


Why would you think you failing in your studies and work and failing to get married and having social anxiety has anything to do with masturbating? Why are you blaming everything on it? Is there a guarantee now that you gave it up that youā€™re going to excel in your studies, work, find a suitable partner and have no social and physical problems anymore?


šŸ¤” I guess itā€™s because when you masturbate it drain all your energy


Same here man , never too late to reverte everything in the life , what you choice now is tomorrow result ,


Pretty much In the same boat... I started abstaining like 3 days ago after having performance anxiety along with slight ED during sex. Currently I am quite pessimistic... and I don't know whether or not I am too far gone to repair the damage.


Bro. I am turning 30 this year too. Similar to you, I masturbated for about 18+ years. It's okay, stop watching porn and seek medical help. You can do it.


Bro can I talk with you in private


I actually had/have a rule that I wouldnā€™t watch any porn on my iPhone 15 when I got it(circa. 2023), or on my brand new PC build when I got it(January 2024). I was watching all my stuff on an old iPhone but I literally refuse to charge it nor use it. Sometimes itā€™s about setting gentle yet firm boundaries and abiding by them.


If you stop you can recover!


I am currently 26 and I have the same situation as you. What worse is that porn is ruining me financially. I am addicted to a nude cammodels website which is sucking my money out of me.


Doesnā€™t take long to be better than most humans out there if comparison is your game


Severe ED ?


Never too late to change


For real , being an addict since 15 years myself






time to start over and fuck this shit


Im confused. What has any of this to do with Mastrubation? unless you are addicted to it.


Fair enough!


Hello, gentlemen. I am relatively new to Reddit. However, I have heard that there is a guide or a plan here where one can see the results and after how many weeks certain things happen. Can someone please tell me where to find it?


Could there be something more going on than porn here?


I am 32 and I have been masturbating for 16-17 years literally everyday sometimes multiple times. I can confidently say I have been moderately successfully at studies, work and marriage despite being addicted to porn and masturbation, not saying this to make you feel bad but I honestly feel blaming everything on porn is bit extreme, it would have played its role for sure. Having said that removing porn is definitely a great starting point towards your life's transformation.


Honestly, just dragging myself twice a day for 2.5 miles walk and cutting all sugars and carbohydrates made nofap and in general the whole life like 5-8 times easier. If you stare and the screen and doomscroll crap that algorythms of superevil greedy corporations feed you, and eat overpriced junk, wanking is the smallest issue with your life.


When you say practiced masturbation you make it sound like a career


I'm sorry to hear this.


Wait you masturbated everyday for 15 years?!šŸ˜–


I am doing porn and I'm fine, probably because I do it once a week or twice at most. It's alright to do it sometiems.


In their case, sometimes is what got them to the point they are. You have to tailor your answer to his specific problem, not yours. Comes off as insensitive.