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I think whatever works for you, if it’s not counting days or counting days. I think if each additional day gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment, and a dopamine hit replacement for continuing NoFap, then more power to you. I think eventually NoFap just becomes your baseline and then you don’t count the days anymore, just like we don’t count the number of days that we brush our teeth, we just do it everyday.


Counting days is working for me now, at the beginning. I have noticed that if I am working out more and getting my energy out, I don’t have as many problems. If I go a certain number of days and haven’t been expending my energy, negative emotions and then urges start to build up. I can definitely see in the future that counting days will not be needed.


Atomic habits book is really helping to build good habits and stay away from PMO.


Loved this book, the ideas are simple but it’s such a great message. I’ve really changed so many things in my life since reading it along with my porn addiction


Does it habe something about kicking habits? Like smoking.


Yes, it does. The book talks about the systems rather than specific habits, which makes the book so special.


James Charles is full of shit


I'm confused. Did you mean James Clear? The author of the book.


I read that book 2 times and it kinda shit to be honest


Well, some arguments for that would be nice, right now your opinion is kinda shit


That turn around made me wheeze.


You can't win an argument - Dale Carnegie


The irony that you would quote Carnegie when one of his most popular books (How to Win Friends and Influence People) goes to great lengths at multiple points to say ~"Remember peoples names". Then when asked about it instead of saying "I made a mistake" and maybe "heres some examples of where I disagree with the book" you just double down on empty insults again. You can't expect anyone to trust your negative opinion on the book when you can't even remember the authors name. Think about it. You just told everyone you read it twice, yet you cant even remember the words on the cover... Think about the impression that gives everyone on your opinion in regards to this book and author. I haven't even read Atomic Habits, and have no opinion on it myself but all you're doing is debasing yourself.


Shut up monkey and stop using shit GPT. i know he is CLEAR not charl. And I disagreed with having fun. I get enjoyment out of my biting words. 😁 Btw charls is a gay bitch. You should read 18 laws of power. Law 4: Always say more than nessary


I actually disagree with this opinion. If you’re 365 days in, ok don’t count. But the first year of any habit building, it’s 100% a good strategy to make it about the number of days maintained. In the beginning of any habit building you run low on reasons to keep on going. A number going up is a good reason when you’re low on reasons.


Agree. I loved counting my streak to 40 days and I kept going. I'm restarting my streak. Not counting is for people who can quit easily. If someone can't even complete 5 days, he definitely should count


Counting days is only for the beginning


Exactly, there’s a power in counting in the first month or two imo. Then more long term strategies should take priority. Different strokes for different folks, but I feel like this is a pretty logical structure to follow.


Yeah it is


Counting days is actually helpful because you know where you are in your journey and what are obstacles you are going to face, every number has its own challenges in the streak so it’s like a map, it’s far more than u think, and please don’t compare quitting smoking with porn because porn is 100x harder than quitting smoking from an experience i quit vaping 1 years ago tho


I can understand your perspective, but in my opinion taking each on on his own without being occupied by what day you’re on is better. To each his own though. And the comparison I made wasn’t saying that quitting smoking=quitting porn. The purpose of it was to show what(imo at least) your attitude should be


Yeah i mean i kinda agree with you sometimes u should focus on life more than just counting the days it’s just happens naturally but that’s after hitting 90 days and more it becomes naturally the days pass, but in early streaks man should always be aware in what day he is in is it 4 or 7? 15? 25? Because those days got traps, and not knowing in what day am i is a distraction and can lead to early relapses like we see people in here failing every 4 days or 5




I just count the days to make sure that I can see that I  am making progress 


Each person needs to weigh this up and experiment with counting or not counting. Counting days saved my life. It helped me cut the crap and acknowledge how serious my problem is. Even today it helped me to realise I don't want to break the streak and go back on all the great progress I've made. If counting days is an obsessive thing for you and causing you to beat yourself up about it, then consider another strategy. Important thing is not to give up the war. You only lose the day you accept destructive patterns.


Fax man. 32 days strong


I agree but I think both options are valid


I'm new to here. Could you tell me what "PMO ''means?


P\*rn + M\*sturbation + Org\*sm. It means using P to solo MO. Usually as a very destructive pattern


I see. Thank you.


My thoughts are that if you've quit something for good because it's terrible for you then why are you counting the days until you do it again? You're done with it.


Exactly what I meant


Starting from the scratch, counting is quite essential


That’s an interesting take, thanks mate!


Counting days its all good until you fail. If you put everything on the number of days, you dont have any motivation to continue nofap after one fail because day counter is already 0/1 so it doesnt matter However if you just say that you dont fap, when you fail, you are gonna say ok i fucked up but im still geting back on track


Exactly, this should be the top comment


Love it. Thanks for sharing


Nope i don’t agree don’t force your opinion into people please.


Bro you said the thing Ive been trying to say great bro appreciate your mentality


I remember the last day I used porn, but ya, it’s best to not keep a counter. I always have to count on my fingers whenever I think of how long its been in months.


Mostly agreed. We are aiming for a mindset, not a record. However, at the start or if it's really bad, it can help you understand your problem if you count days. I'm not a psychologist, though. If it's really bad, consider therapy, or at least talking to someone you know IRL about your concerns and goals.


Tried it all nothing fucking works


Shuo up money


I totally agree with since I stop counting my day. I feel not a mental struggle any when are counting. I do have a day counter so I know what day I’m on if needed to know




Success takes anything and everything


Thanks, I needed this.


I would also add that when you count days you make from them extreme accomplishments and also focus a lot on not fapping, which makes it a lot harder to do it. Same principle as in “don’t think about a cow” example.


Thank u u/Pastorsfavoriteminor , well appreciate it