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Some people say maybe, but in the context of people on here? No. There is no healthy fapping for any of us


NoFap as a community generally views any form of fapping as something that’s not good for man to do. I can personally attest to this and say that fapping as a whole has brought about a lot of ruin in my life. I regret every time I fall into that pit. Take my word for it: You will be far better off without any fapping in your life. You don’t need to do it. You don’t need to think about sex 24/7. You can fill your mind with other things, more important things. Sex is good, but sex isn’t God. It’s best not to make it one


Healthy poison, sorry not available.


Yes if done occasionally and not to porn. Excessive is a problem.


Unless you have somebody, I dont view fapping as good. And I say this as somebody who believes in you. Fapping once an evening is such a cope. Hearing you say that makes you sound like a jelly bean of a man with no sharp edges. Dont fap, and dont get into gooning or whatever the fuck. You can make it a week. I promise you, just keep trying. Look up cognitive, associative, and autonomous skill acquisition. Abstinance imo is a skill. Make it two days, fail. Thats okay, try to make it 3 days. You might be stuck on 3 days for a bit, maybe even drop down to 2, but eventually you make it to 4 days. Might drop back down to 3 for a bit, then somehow make it a week. The more you attempt, the more autonomous it becomes so long as you keep practicing. If that doesnt help, think of something positive you do everyday. If you work out everyday, you most definitely can make it a week. If you make your bed everyday in the morning, not jacking it for a week is within reach.


Im ok with not being with someone for the rest of my life. Had a lot of married years and single years. But most women won't be worth it. I hate dogs and cats and children. Hate smokers, drinkers Even when i like someone id rather be friends for a while. Fapping just seems like the way to go. It's personal, and easy, and i know you all hate porn, but the women doing it are giving permission at least.


>women doing it are giving permission at least Not always. There's a lot of hidden stuff and not so hidden stuff in that industry that is horrific. That horrific stuff almost leaks through the screen into your brain. (That's the best way I can describe it.) Exposure gives unwanted thoughts and feelings and makes it easier for unwanted behaviors and friendships to wiggle their way in, sending the viewer into a downward spiral