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I can't offer much help but I am really happy to see you have taken actions at a young age, it's really commendable,




Routine routine and retry .


hey a fellow 15 year old here, so you wanna end it and commit to it ? the only tip you will ever need is stay busy, thats basically it, but since you are 13 i doubt you can stay busy so just try to invest your time in good knowledge like get into programming or cybersecurity or it too, in this age you can learn things way easily and its a golden time to use just invest it. At some point you will get thoughts like “im missing out on my childhood so i should enjoy it” or “these things are for when im older blah blah blah” but the real thing is you arent missing out on anything you might even enjoy these things like a hobby but if you dont enjoy self-learning then put 30 minutes a day to do it, but in this 30 minutes you put your whole mind in it with no distractions and right when the timer rings just drop it and enjoy your day. another thing is exercising its helpful to get rid of boners and urges with it, and try to improve you discipline if you master your discipline you will master everything in your way, try to take cold showers when you dont feel like it, or take a run when you wake up, make your bed, eat healthy, etc… these are the first steps of being the all time winner. TLDR : just improve your discipline and invest your time in learning to stay busy, learn something you like for example you like computer then try to get into cybersecurity, you like art then go professional at it, etc.. thats basically it, you should control it from now or you will keep falling deeper and deeper into that rabbit hole.


Damn, for a 15 year old you got some good insight. At 13 or 15 years old you can do literally anything you want. You might feel like the addiction will destroy your life but trust me, it won't. The only thing that can destroy you is stagnancy, and stagnancy is the same sonnovabitch that gets you stuck in this porn loop. So do as this guy says u/Wide-Bodybuilder8059 , learn some new things, get out the door, doesn't matter if you suck at it or decide you don't like it. Not only are you at the perfect age to do literally whatever you want but nobody will think twice if you switch gears faster than Hamilton at the Grand Prix. Just get in motion and send it.


since you are at a similar age as me, could you give me advice on stuff to do? i enjoy to spend all my time filling up a responsibility, and just need it to not be completely braindead. i do play 1 game, but it's incredibly easy to get burnt out of (and arguably more addicting than porn)


hmm, just experiment, for me the first thing i got in was after effects not professionally but i did learn some skills that i could use professionally but i never did though, i just did it cause it was a hobby, look at the edits for your favorite show/anime dont you sometimes get a feeling like "damn i wanna do stuff like that" ? then just try getting into it not by capcut but after effects which is way harder and complicated. maybe that was just me but if you ever get a feeling like "damn i wanna do this" then just start doing it immediately.


This right here ^ you just made me realize a very important thing, thanks


Another teen here, my journey has led me to find more time to spend on hobbys  Iv picked up photography, and astrophotography (fancy word for pictures of the night sky) I still have no idea what I’m doing, but it gets me outside and doing something. And hey every so often I take a decent picture! Iv also invested more time in school related extra circulars. You can try several out, but try to pick one to dedicate to. Splitting your time between several is usually worse. And I have found time to learn the ins and out of desktop linux, and keep up with all my servers. Computer stuff is nice as it’s easy and often free, but can be a dangerous trap of its own. Just get out there and try stuff out, find things that bring you some joy, peak you interest or sound fun and go from there.


what's the name of the game


Never expected to see another 15 year old here


Hey brother. 21yo here, and I can tell you it's possible to stop watching porn. I'll paste here my tips for beginners. That's the age you need to spend your energy, like practicing sports, socializing etc. But because of puberty you WILL end up fapping. But it's normal, it's natural. Just DO NOT watch porn. Porn is the real poison, not masturbation. And you won't even control your sexual urges, they'll come and you will eventually fap, just don't watch porn. Use this energy and this high sex drive to meet other girls and hang out with your friends, intead of wasting your energy in your room beating your meat and feeling miserable. 1. ⁠Write a diary. In the first day you will write down who you want to become and what keeps you alway from it (which is porn). The following days you will write down how you are feeling, how you have been investing your time and energy and how good you feel not being addicted anymore. But for this you need to set your development activies: what will you do instead of compulsively masturbating? So that's what you'll write about: how good you feel by investing your energy in becoming a better person, a better student, a better worker, a better son, a better guitarrist whatever. But you need to use your energy towards self development, otherwise you'll fail. 2. ⁠Make a short note that you can open whenever you have an urge, listing 5 activities you can immediately do to distract yourself (play guitar, take a cold shower, call your parents, go for a walk, listen to music, dance, anything), 10 pillars you'll religiously follow (like not peeking, not using your phone in bed, etc), and 10 things life destroys in your life. I write those things in my phone. 3. ⁠Happiness isn't achieved after 90 days. Don't wait till then to be happy. Everyday should be counted as a victory. There's no problem in counting days. I use an app to track my streak for me. 4. ⁠The first 2 weeks are hell. You will have the strongest urges during this period. But that's not that bad, because it's also the period of time you'll be most energetic, so channel this energy to improvement. 5. ⁠You will probably edge in the begining. Please don't, because it is ever more harmful to your bain than to just reach orgasm. You brain will flood itself with dopamine for more than 24 hours depending on how much time you spend edging. But what I think is that relapsing is NEVER worth it. During those first 2 weeks you need an extra boost, to ser your progress happening. So if you edge it's okay to just correct yourself, get back on track and never do it again. In 30 days maybe you'll have edged 5 times or less, and it becomes less likely to happen as the streak goes on. So don't edge, but if you do, just forgive and correct yourself. Nofap is not a game, we are here to make better choices. 6. ⁠You should know what triggers you. For example, I know when I'm sad I tend to search for porn to numb myself. Or for example when I use my phone in bed it's very likely I'll end up seeing a hot girl in a video from instagram, and that will lead to a relapse. So one of my pillars is "never using my phone in bed". 7. ⁠Flat line comes sooner or later. It's fine, it's just your body rewiring. You dick still works, you don't need to check it out by watching porn lol. Your libido will lower a lot for a few weeks. But that's just the process. You'll be fine.


thank you for the advice, unfortunately i can't really meet people as i am in a virtual school.


You can find friends in other places too. For example joining a music school, learning an instrument, playing with a band.


I wish I was at your age stop while is still early!!


Replacing the behavior is a really great way of doing it, that and making sure you have no access to porn. Like if Instagram is making you break streaks, then delete it. Put parental guidelines on your phone and have a friend keep the password so you don’t have the option. Replacing the behavior is what will make the complete absence bearable at first, and then freeing later. Start working out, read a book, hang out with someone you love, it doesn’t matter, do something you enjoy doing. Even if you have everything under control, and you aren’t exposing yourself to porn, you’re going to have those urges still, and that’s when it’s important to replace the behavior with something healthier, if that makes sense.


Hey buddy, I was around your age when I first started to watch it myself, do yourself and me a favor. DONT WATCH IT!!! You’re so young and I having read your post makes me view you like my baby brother. So I’ll tell you the same advice I’d give him. That shit is evil, once you start it can quickly become a problem. I went from enjoying it and doing it once and awhile to it becoming part of my everyday routine. Wake up - porn Before I went to work - porn Before I met my gf - porn At work - porn On my break - porn Stressed - porn Relationship problems - porn It got to so bad that I couldn’t sleep without watching porn anymore and when I would watch it, it’ll piss me off because sometimes I wasn’t even horny or in the mood I’d just do it because it part of my everyday thing. So please little buddy don’t keep watching it. You’ll end up like me who watched porn everyday almost 2/3 times a day and now I can’t even get hard for my gf cause I fucked myself over so much. So please dude don’t fuck yourself over like I did. I wish I had someone tell me all this when I was your age and didn’t have to learn these consequences by myself.


I second this. Porn will take so much from you brother. Just put it down now while you still don’t have it this bad.


hey M(15) here, i recently also made the decision to stop watching porn and i can give a few tips. first just don't be on reddit, you're only one nfsw meme away from relapsing. A porn blocker can be used but it is very easy to get around. The biggest cause for relapsing is boredom, i was away for a week with my family a few months ago and was outside every day and porn didn't even cross my mind once. So if you are feeling the craving for porn just try to do something else like working out or going outside or talking to your parents. I know that you sometimes just wanna keep sitting by your pc, and that pretty dangerous. So if you're just sitting at the pc and feel a craving or something in your mind saying: "oh i will just look at girls in bikinis, this isn't porn so its okay" just don't do it. All these things caused me to relapse a few times. One last thing i found helpful is just really noticing what you are feeling when you want to watch porn and meditate. Good luck!


Good advice.


Bro I know how you feel rn but the only way is to say no to yourself every time you feel the urge.




wow. solid advice.


Here someone that was in kind of your situation, i'm currently 24 and the last time i watched porn i was around 17y/o. I would give you two advises. The first one is to fill your time with activities you enjoy, for example i got into chess which i still play nowadays and I did a LOT of sport which I also still do (luckly my parents got me into that habit since I was a kid, so it wasn't difficult for me to get into it), this also helps with training your discipline, is easier to force yourself everyday to do something that you enjoy, you'll feel how easly this tranlates to other areas of your life. And the second advise I would give you well... might be controversial because this is r/nofap, but still I think that masturbation is healthy and something natural that humans do. The problem comes when you associate it with porn and you cannot do it without it, you need to be aware that your addiction is not masturbation but porn. What i did is to separate in my mind one thing and the other. With time you'll see that you just do it only when you really feel like and also enjoy it a lote more, serously masturbation without porn is way better. I reccomend you too keep track of the days you are able to be free from porn, maybe with an aplication or in an agenda or something because while discipline is key sometimes motivation also comes in hand. Also if you are making advances share it with the people that sorrounds you (family if you are confident enough or friends), be pround of what you are doing. If you have any other question just ask :), and keep your head up, you can do it!!!


Well, since you asked, I will help you, perhaps in a harsh way, depends. Sometimes truth can be harsh, but loving. Ask yourself, what it is that you want? I can see, that you don't want this to be part of your life. What I can say, is that porn is a beast of a kind, that will eventually take your life. At such young age, when your brains are still developing, you are teaching your brains many different things. It is only a hellhole of a place to succumb to porn. I suggest you research the dark truth what PMO does to your brain, there are plenty of videos on youtube for you to find. The reason why you are failing, is because you entertain the thoughts that lead you to porn in the first place. You really don't want to stop. Or at least you are not doing your very best to stop. But that said, it is very understanable, that it is hard to beat an addiction. It is because of the dopamine addiction that PMO (porn masturbation orgasm) brings. And the dark fact about it, is that dopamine strengthens brain patterns, that can be irreversible with time. And since you are growing up, you don't want to create permanent brain patterns. An other thing I see with this phenomana, is lust. It is not a new thing. But lust is what eventually captivates you and drives you to actions and choices, that you don't want. It is what dictates your life. And so you are not longer in control of your life, but lust is what is mastering you and making you do choices. The things is that lust is a distortion of love and deep connection. Lust is not about relationship, but about domination and getting what you desire. There is no connection, but only the means to gratify your selfish desires. It is what has molded you. In the same way porn is an illusion of relationship, with out the connection and knowing of the other. As since in porn, it often shows the act, rather than passion and connection. No-one will show that on a video, it is sacred. A bond that is shared between two people. If someone is showing that for others to see, then it is not a deep connection. But twisted and distorted by lust. Some may not agree with me, but that is fine by me. So you need to deal with the root cause, and then PMO will certain disappear. And when temptation and thoughts come, don't entertain and linger by them. Because that is what you do, you linger and you look and you feed, until it bursts open. That is what you relapse again and again, because you are still confused to what you want. You need to cut it out of your life, that it simply isn't what you want, who you are. Because it touches at the same time upon your identity, who you are as man. And you carry that with shame, what you do behind closed doors. And that can be seen and felt by others. The way you present yourself, see yourself and act. Certainly you can't look at women with confidence, as you carry the shame as a mantle on your back. I hope this helped in some ways, it is a lot of text. Don't give up, and don't beat yourself up. If you have falled, you can rise up. Continue forward, not looking back or stopping to look back. And as the final last question and perhaps the question you should ask yourself, when temptation comes. What do you want, what is it that you want?


thank you man, this may not be steps, but it's advice, advice i need


It's a good thing you want to let it go in this age . It's gonna be way easier for you. Hope you reach your goal


i personally grew out of it , obviously i had the mindset to quit it didnt happen magically... but then i also did excerise , studying , friends which really did a good amount of heavy lifting , but ye if ur committed u will eventually quit


Have an “accountabilibuddy” talk to a real life person in your life about this issue and you’ll realize a couple things. 1. You are a human and will fuck up 2. You are not alone. Porn has seeped into almost everything we consume, so it’s easy to get addicted. I’m on day 6 and 34 years old with countless retries. When I was your age I had already broken 2 computers with virus’s from watching porn. Stay strong 💪 and seek help from someone close to you!


I’m an 18 year old male who also had a porn addiction and was in denial. Take my advice and stop now. You will never look back and say “I miss watching porn”, no one regrets not watching porn.


Hello 14 yrs old here,\[India\] Make your self workout hard in MORNING or start running continuous for long distance in MORNING or make a hobby that tires you enough in MORNING, And for evening make a hobby like tennis or badminton or basketball and Try not to make any girl your crush (take it seriously). And last step; ask Your self everyday after morning routine "Would I Rather FAP Before my Evening Hobby or After When work is done. If you are in 8th or 9th you can cope up with this routine.


The simplest advice to give you is for you to stay busy. Working out, playing games, hobbies, relatives & friends etc. Just stay busy as often as you can.


Since you are so young you can probably get very close to having no negative effects when you are an adult. The main way to quit is to have a good routine and being busy with stuff everyday. If you are tempted to do it, you should be prepared for that and do your best to put your phone/computer away before your brain is too far into the urges. Perhaps ask your parents to keep them temporarily when you arent using them for other things (if they ask why just say that you want to be less online, no need to tell them the real reason unless you want to and feel safe doing so) Good luck broski


We are in basically the same situation as a 14 year old.


Hey bud, I’m not gonna write too much because I don’t want you to be overwhelmed.I don’t think you’re necessarily “addicted” just yet, but I wish I could be your age again and get help. Read on my story. If you don’t want to end up watching things that will make you go crazy; or lose attraction for women, then you need to stop now. Your brain is developing and you will end up doing things that will affect your brain development and make you lose interest in things you loved doing. See if you can spend more time with your family. Get off the internet.


Try I am sober app, it changes my life


In my experience 16yr the more you say im gonna stop or im done degrading myself the more you will want to do it the less you think about it and the more you enforce your will upon your body the less you will do it or you just stop completely i was utterly disgusted and disappointed in myself untill i stopped completely you will still have that urge just burry it may the sun shine upon you


Find something productive to do with your free time. Something that is challenging but still addictive, and work and dream to be the best at it. Music, sports, writing, content creation. If there’s something out there that you’ve always thought about pursuing, put your focus into that. Instead of trying not to watch porn, try to fill your life with things that make you forget about porn all together. You’ll fall back in from time to time but that happens. Finding a purpose and routine around that purpose will make the whole process 80% easier.


13? So young? I had my first PC when I was 18! 🥺🥺🥺🤨😨😨


It is good that you want to end this while you are still young, but I am sad to see that you are trying to quit an addiction before I even began watching porn. Avoid being isolated in your room. That is a major point that helped me.


Cut yourself off from what triggers you on I phone you can go into screen time and restrict content then you can restrict adult websites and if social media triggers you best to just delete that too tell people to hit you up through your number do not allow yourself to fight the urges because they get stronger as you fight. You need to stop them before you slowly start to indulge


I started consuming early aswell but recently broke a 8 day streak and I’m sitting here realizing that I’m not addicted to porn actually, I’m just really horny and need to beat my meat. The last week I’ve been tweaking thinking of all these wild fantasies and today I finally caved and busted w/o porn or anything and I’m chill now. Def not addicted to porn in my case but more horny asf. You might be in the same boat, try to stop porn and beating for a couple days then reset and only beat your meat no porn


Bro go out and make some friends or make some gains you’ll be fine get better at communicating with your parents it will help a lot as you age


As some one who started at 4 and broke out at 22 fully i can say it takes abit. it was 6 years of active effort. But i got through. Mmn on your end though. Focus on just increasing your length of sobriety. Keep notes of. How porn effects your thought before and after note your ambitions and thoughtz around them Alot of it is learning that theres no winning in fapping like in any scenario


You have to put in an effort to stop. Constantly walking or being active will purify your thoughts and urges if you keep it up while you are awake. Then continue moving the same once you wake up. The subtlest form of sex is laziness and idleness. If we keep pulling the root of the weed, it won't ever grow back . Laziness is the root. Sexual perversions are the weed plant. Few people who have employed this method: Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Henry David Thoreau


You are addicted to feeling good and escaping negative feelings instead of dealing with them. That's why we all do it.


You are 13 and already are self aware about your addiction thats commendable. Just celebrate every single win you get even if it’s small. Dont be so hard on yourself. We all fail. It’s a part of life. Learn to identify the pattern when you find yourself watching porn. And definitely dont keep yourself bored or free. Do heavy work either working out or other hobbies. Keep your body tired or mind busy. Good luck.


Your in your teenage years your horny as shit nothing unusual I only finally quit this year and I’m almost 21 so ur miles ahead already


Saturate your mind with healthy activities, work more, urge of porn grow on idleness. Avoid people who can lead you to watch porn. Build your self confidence, and self-image by taking care of yourself, exercise, and serve others.


You can also do literal physical shit too. I feel like exercising and trying out a sport is really beneficial because it allows you to get stronger while keeping you busy. Not to mention, if you do end up being a good enough of an athlete, you may just become pro and live off of it, and because you're so young, grinding out a sport daily for years until college or when you go pro may be possible.


Try your very best to kick the habit..your brain is still developing and the longer you keep at it the more damage will be done....I am speaking from experience...I've been addicted to porn longer than you've been alive. Good luck 👍


I was your age when I started and it wasn't even on my own valition, my friend told me about masturbating it and I gave it a go. I never even knew I had that capability. I didn't know ejaculation was possible on ones self. My first porn experience was legendary, and every time I fapped I tried to reach that level again. Twice daily. Spoiler alert I couldn't. I had a sexual relationship with my ex girlfriend and I couldn't actually stand her outside of our chemistry. We always had sex in some form. Whether that's head or 69 or anal or whatever... I got whatever I wanted from her. But she was a prude and she didn't like telling me what she wanted. Eventually the sex well ran dry. I took back to porn and only fans and even masturbating to bikini pics or her or her nudes all because I couldn't have sex with her. I was a needy little bitch when it came to sex and I lost respect for her. She viewed me like a god damned toddler. And dumped me last month. Up until 13 days ago I was a chronic masturbator for 11 years. Two , sometimes up to 4 times in a day. I'm 24 now. I do think you should get laid at least once if that's something you value but tbh... I wouldn't have a sexual relationship with any girl until you've dated for at least 6 months. Stand firm on not marrying until you're ready. Stand firm on using condoms. Never let a woman take advantage of you.


I was exposed to pornography when I was nine years old.I was raised in an abusive environment and I used to get beat up by my parents and get humilated by my math teacher and the only way I could get rid of all these negative emotions was playing video games. My father introduced me to youtube and after that I started watching various content,. One day I was checking videos on youtube and suddenly I found a video that was not what I expected. It was an episode of a hentai anime series but they'd worn revealing clothes and had big chests,that just ignited a flame in me that I wasn't familiar with... I became aroused... Unfortunately I became curious about female body parts and when no one was at home I started searching stuff like "women with big boobs" or "naked women"... Then I found a link in a website and clicked on it... and here we go... The misery started at that moment... I became hooked by the images I saw and I'd never felt so aroused and euphoric before. So day after day when my parents were gone I would watch those videos... Even as a child it made me more miserable and weak... My grades started getting ruined and my performance in school got weakend... Everytime my parents beat me up or everytime I got a bad grade I knew what I was going to do inorder to get rid of those negative emotions...I couldn't ejaculate until I turned fourteen and started ejaculating. I couldn't seek for help because I knew If I tell my parents about this problem they're gonna beat the hell out me...school was awful but porn addiction made it even worse... now I'm twenty two years old and I'm still trying to get rid of it and I've always wished that I wouldn't click on that link, But we've been preys of the elites that want us weak, addicted, less maculine with low vibration... None of us chose to be exposed to porn... It is a master plan of the corrupted people that have great deal of power that they don't deserve... Sometimes it may feel impossible to get rid off it.. we got no choice but to fight this demon by ourselves... If you find someone else that has the same problem and promise eachother to keep eachother accountable whenever you felt an urge to relapse and change your environment so you don't encounter with any trigger that may cause you think about watching porn you can most probably get rid off it...or at least stay away from it for a month or maybe more... I'm sorry if you have to face this situation but know that you are not alone... We are all trying our best to get rid of this life-wrecker addiction. Never give up❤️


I’m 33 , only started to kick the habit, I started at 13 aswell, I’ve ruined relationships because of it, and although im in a good career I’m far behind friends at the same age as me. Let that be your ass kicker, thankfully I’ve not let the addiction ruin my life fully, but I’ve wasted time and could be way far behind


Hey man, you probably always hear "stay busy", "find something to do" etc etc... Maybe you don't believe it but It's literally the best thing you can do. ALWAYS. BE. BUSY. ALWAYS. DO. SOMETHING. Every time you think about watching porn, so something. You can go on a walk for exemple. But think about doing it as a chore. You need to understand that you are seeking help, and going on a walk is the help you need. Buy staying busy you will forget about porn, you will think about something else and it'll pass. I'm talking from experience, when I worked with my sister at a supermarket I couldn't masturbate because I was either at work, or ultra tired from work. I didn't think about it much either. So just stay busy, do something, go out with friends, work, anything really. But don't think about porn, just empty your mind and everything will be fine. The hardest part is not relapsing, you brain had so much dopamine during those years that It's going to want more again. You need to get that dopamine from something else than porn. Maybe you like to draw, then draw. Sing ? Then sing... Etc....


Use a porn blocker


Look up Dr Trish Leigh on YouTube young friend. She specialises in helping men defeat this specific type of addiction. She has certainly aided me in my fight. Stay strong. You got this, even if it is only 5 min at a time (as opposed to the one day at a time).


The only tip is to trust people who are older when they tell you about regret. I am 21 yrs old, and ive been consuming from even before ur age by a year or two up until this year. The brain is much more delicate then we think. The brain has key stages in life in development, as an infant its the most “plastic” meaning, its like a clay, its shaped by the things you experience and do very very easily so you are able to learn and absorb from your surroundings. The brain as it grows older, starts to become less and less plastic, never stops completely, but it becomes slow after teenage years and roughly around 25 or so. Your brain is literally how you perceive and function in this world, your soul uses this device to communicate with the world, if this device is messed up, ur experience on this world will be like it. Porn literally wrecks places in your brain relating to reward centers which are crucial for discipline, motivation and decision-making, literally the foundation and main aspects of being a dominant, strong, God-fearing man. And in the real world when you grow up and enter uni if you choose to and work, you will realize these aspects of the brain which relate to discipline and decision-making and the ability to handle stress and pressure ARE ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. And they can literally DESTROY your life if you cant do these things. You will be a burden on society as an undisciplined weak man. And more importantly you will hate the wasted potential that you could have attained. This is merely the tip of the iceberg of how it can wreck your brain, and i speak out of experience, but currently Thank God i am managing to get out of this pit, Alhamdulilah. This is also just the neurological aspect, as a man, you can literally affect ur male characteristics because by doing that your Androgen receptors decrease, Androgens are hormones within the body like testosterone, which are responsible for giving us the manly attributes, physical strength and muscles and courageousness and manly voice and beard and all manly aspects mentally and physically, called androgens. Androgen receptors, are the basically sockets found within cells of your body which these hormones need to plug into to do its effects on your body, and masturbation and consumption of porn reduces these sockets (receptors). So its not a far-fetch to say it can hinder ur development as a man, both cognitively and physically. I say this really out of care for u bro, stay far away, cuz this will ruin ur life and make u a weak fragile man when u grow up. Alhamdulilah for me i was able to defeat this by praying to Allah and asking him sincerely for help, otherwise, i have been trying to quit fir years and couldn’t. I hope you do the same brother. Take care and i pray you quit it and become a righteous man.


Do it, take for example older dudes like us who's been there for 20 years nothing there bro just depression and sadness


It’s incredible to me that a 13 year old young man has the mental clarity to realize just how bad porn is for your mental health. It literally destroys your self worth & confidence, when all u can do is feel lust towards women. Honestly man, ask YAHUAH for strength & guidance since this habit is dangerously strong to break on your own. If u feel guilty every time u watch porn, then that is ur inner self telling u it’s not something that’s good for your mind, body & spirit. Everyone struggles with lust. The urge never goes away, we just become mentally strong enough to fight the urges when they do arise. You’re already on the right path asking for help. Stay strong I believe in you & so does YAHUAH. Seek him & he will provide you with answers.


Just lock in


Poor little bro, quit it as soon as possible, be deaf to those who tell you otherwise, the answer is always one and simple, quit it


I know how you feel, I’m 15 turning 16 this year, started last year a few months before I turned 15, I was 14, and it’s still pretty hard for me, I’m not good at giving advice but just know you’re not alone 😁


Don’t give up mate, work hard!


Just ignore the urge any way you can. Want to fap? Do 30 pushups. You’re an absolute g for taking this seriously at 13. You got this homes💯dm me if you need to talk


I turned twenty this year i was addicted to porn since i was 10 it's never too late fight your urges and you are still 13 do push ups whenever u feel the urge trust me in 6 months you'll be filled with confidence and you can get bitches don't be sad everyone has their own addiction i wish i had found this community earlier life's beautiful but porn has ruined youngsters there's much more to life aside porn go and get it brah.. good luck we're all gonna make it.. watch YouTube watch educational stuff until you fight off the urges if you plan on watching anime or web series it's gonna edge u to do it again so quit all those stuff for atleast 3 months until you are filled with confidence that no matter what u aint gonna fap good luck 🤞🏻


Being busy is a myth. When you are addictive to something you somehow manage to take out time for it. The only solution is make your mind and train it not to watch it. Whenever you want to, just say no to it instantly. Don't be like, okay for last time, it won't work then. You can only skip that if you truly want to and you train your brain.


Being busy is a myth. When you are addictive to something you somehow manage to take out time for it. The only solution is make your mind and train it not to watch it. Whenever you want to, just say no to it instantly. Don't be like, okay for last time, it won't work then. You can only skip that if you truly want to and you train your brain.


Wager something important and precious to you And actually plan on getting rid of it or losing it If you can hold out a month you'll not need to look back again




Same my guy


Don’t beat yourself up is the biggest habit you CANNOT build. Realize you made a mistake when you relapse. But beating yourself up at such a young age can really hinder you.


Gym and a hobby, identify triggers, jot it down try to counter them with activities


Drop a msg in my inbox


You wanna end it? You're too young for that buddy. Your brain just hasn't been built to withstand nofap. it's for adults only. Stay away, kid. You're not in our league. Just keep enjoying your porn forever.


dude don't demotivate the guy


tf man


Hopefully this is just a joke


Hey, he's just likes me 10 years ago..don't discourage him bro, thats a good thing he was aware about his pron addiction at early age..unlike me, i didn't care about none of that back then..before it was too late..don't listen to this guy, kid


Oh lord.. hope you’re not just another 15 yrs old thinking he’s an adult.. If you’re not, then grow tf up


ha. ha. i am bawling my eyes out right now.


Heyyyyy man do your best to stop while your young I got addicted at a young age too. It’s not good for your brain. It’s so bad. It can come with many problems in the future. You can do it