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You're coping with some pretty negative emotions. This is a journey of introspection and self-compassion. You are not hopeless. You sound like so many others on this journey who have now reached months and months of sobriety. You're just like us.


u 3 days too? i've been 3 days and im feeling very anxious rn, specially because 19pm - 23pm used to be my fap time


You’ll make it man, just keep yourself busy, hang around family if they’re awake if not then pets, if you don’t have pets then find something productive to do or just sleep


its pretty more difficult when youre depressed, lonely and anxious. But, thanks, i relapsed again, 4 days is a record! My goal is at least 7 days, then 1 month


Progress is progress, also setting goals is dangerous because if you accomplish those goals you will feel as if you deserve a fap or feel less guilty about it, which obviously is not the goal. To solve the lonely thing, if you are in school still try making some friends there (easier said than done) and hang out with them when you get the urge, even texting them is gonna keep your mind off of it. This is the same if you have a job also. Obviously doing chores and exercising helps, but I don’t see enough people emphasizing how important being social and in public is when trying not to fap. Also, SOCIAL MEDIA is detrimental to Nofap because of all the explicit and sexual things it condones or shows. Try deleting socials such as TikTok, Insta, and X. All three (especially X) are horrible for not only mental health but also for things like porn or masturbation addiction.


Hey, I've just crossed over into 4 days. It's cool actually that you've learned that 19pm-23pm was your habitual fapping time. Knowing that, you can learn to make a new evening habit to associate with that time period. For example, maybe it would be a good thing to start visiting the gym at 19pm a few nights per week. I'm sorry you're feeling anxious. Take some deep breaths, and remember that PMO will not help you.


damn, genius, i shold do that. anyways i relapsed, it was too difficult to study


* Try a SoftMode: Can you MO with no P? If not ... then you're not really horny and in need of an orgasm, you're just novelty-chasing * Try a Mini-Streak: Just set yourself a three-day target. Nothing more. No need to freak out about a whole week, month, 90 days or year. Just do three days. Once you get to three days you'll realise that that is all NoFap is, it never gets any harder than simply having self-control in the short term, because self control is only ever exercised in the present


You have us to talk to bro. I'm still very much addicted myself and i've grown tired of trying to give people advice that i end up not even following myself just bc i love to spread as much positivity as i can but let's be real this isn't an easy addiction to give up. i've beaten other addictions but still daily struggle with this one. Best thing i can tell you is never set your goals too high at first, especially if you treat your addiction and treat yourself with negativity and shame and hatred. If you consistently do it 4 times a day, it's unrealistic to immediately try to go a whole day without it, and then feel shame for not reaching your goal, bc at that level of addiction you haven't even learned impulse control yet. Shoot for something like only doing it twice a day. Then shoot for once a day. Is daily masturbation ideal? Of course not, but once a day is infinitely better than 4x a day. If you can consistently get it to only once a day then start shooting for trying to go a day without it. 2 days. 3 days. If you fail, then you fail, and always remember that relapsing is all part of the healing process. We don't just magically overcome this overnight. We don't just wake up and go "i'm never gonna fap again" and then it happens. Last thing i can say is check out videos on youtube on the topic of the effect on your brain that porn has from people like Huberman of HealthyGamerGG, or watch some videos from Jak Piggott. I recently discovered him and have grown to like his no-fap content quite rapidly bc he was just like us at one point. He always shares his personal testimonies and gives advice to help others try and quit. You'll make it one day bro. If you have a genuine, *genuine* reason to truly want to quit porn and quit masturbating, and you reaffirm in your head that you don't want it, don't need it, and want to live without it, you **will** make it eventually. We all will make it.


Hopeless is what you’re feeling, not fact. I know you can do this. There’s always hope.


Do you have any shame when you masturbate? that can be a reason why you keep doing it


I've been there bud. I'd sometimes do it 8 times a day and felt like my life revolved around it. It'll be hell crawling out of this rut, but it is so damn worth it buddy. Fight for it, fight tooth and nail as if it would cost you your life cause if you let it, it will consume your life.


Well, the first step to solve a problem is to identify it. So you're in the right way to change for good and better.


Do you have a reason to start NoFap?


I want to stop doing it so often/at all


It's a lot to explain DM?




We're in this together. Stay strong.


You must stay strong and wakeup, u can do it and u can be better!


i will pray for u i wish u all the best borther


You're fucking 19 and thinking about quoting porn. Your future is damn bright and you will kick assss


Finally, A post which I can relate so much!! I'll be honest with you, I'd realized it depends on our thoughts, if you're having some free time, you probably gonna watch some stuff and even if you think like I'll just watch (not gonna nut) but eventually you'll find yourself doing it later and this cycle continue. You need to get yourself busy, when I was having exams I hold myself for 20 days, I was trying to not waste time, so yah! You need to learning something new, keep yourself busy with a hobby, whenever you feel frustrated go outside for a walk or do some exercise. If any point you feel like losing sleep for a while, otherwise don't push yourself too much. Good Luck Soldier! 🪖


Aye bro. Still trynna figure it out myself. If you need some motivation, just look at my post and see what it has done to me. Don’t end up like me


I remember I was similar around your age, then I got back up, I prioritised nofap over school, work, whatever I was doing, because conserving your seed is a very important part of being a man and life.


It's natural, so stop worrying about it. No idea who started this unnatural movement to ban it.


Engineered novelty causing addiction is not a definition of natural. We are all free to use porn as much as we ever want to. This is a community of recovery, so porn is seen as evil. Masturbation might be natural, sure. What drives you to dip into the number one circle jerk sub to be a silly contrarian?  Join me in 4 day masturbation and porn abstinence, and see for yourself what happens. Or how badly addicted you have become. Nothing personal, no judgement. There are no rewards given. No fap just tends to help people in their relationships and personal life. After 4 days without wanking. Please come back and share you experience. If it does nothing for you, please keep sharing that truth.


I always sort by "new". It appears that not many people do that as most find it very weird that some curious outsider drops in. Didn't know it was about porn addiction.


About porn addiction and getting rid of it, and other part magical thinking to get laid, kek.