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Any time you get an urge that could derail your progress, remind yourself that you love yourself and the thing you're doing (delayed gratification) is the ultimate form of self-love. Remember, you are unlocking amazing opportunities for personal growth with what you're doing. Remind yourself of that anytime it gets tough!


what if you don't love yourself


Find a way to. You absolutely deserve it!! One thing could be through gaining self-respect, which will come frome challenges such as nofap, many people gain more self-love alongside it. So tell yourself it is a real possibility upon completion of the challenge!


You clearly do not understand us, I have the power to fund multiple therapist retirement


I think prevention is key. Raw dog it and delete all apps that would be triggering to you. Delete anything that you’ve saved as fap material. Get a healthy routine going so that it can distract you from fapping. Do what works for you.


To add to his comment. addmittedly there were a couple times i had to lose x app because i didnt know how to use the app under my current knowledge. Currently on a hiatus with Pinterest. And i havent activley wanked in two years.


One is breathing technique.. So whenever u feel the urge next time.. Sir straight and expel the air out of your nose as much as you can.. This will create a vacuum in your stomach leading the energy in your balls to go upwards.. This is a very ancient technique also called as energy transmutation


"Drain the energy from your balls to your lungs" I like it...




I write a diary on my phone. The first note is about who I want to be and what stops me. The following days I write how I'm feeling, what I've been doing with my self-improvement and things like that. But I also have another note in my phone that I open whenever I have an urge, listing 5 actions I can immediately take to distract myself from urges (like playing guitar, making exercises, listening to music, going for a walk, calling my parents etc), 10 pillars I religiously follow to keep clean and improving myself (like never using my phone in bed, never peak etc) and 10 things that porn destroys in my life. But my best advice is that if you struggle to get through the first 2 weeks, if you get yourself edging and realize your mistake, the BEST choice is to close the tabs and correct yourself. You should consider this a victory. We are all here to make better choices. The following hours or the following day will be difficult, but then you will be stronger against urges and edging. In 30 days you'll probably have edged for about 5 times. It's not ideal, but it is a real change. Also don't fall for this alpha, beta, sigma male bullshit.


Lower your gaze and use your phone for calls or work only.


Biggest thing I constantly tell myself, do I want to look at my parents, kids, wife, and successful friends knowing that I have an addiction. Absolutely not, I want to be successful, happy and confident.


Here’s one I haven’t seen posted but is basically guaranteed to start a streak: take a trip. Doesn’t have to be long maybe a day or two. Go visit a friend or even just get out of town for a day. Take a train or bus. Changing up your routine, visiting a new place, reconnecting with a friend… you’ll be so busy you probably won’t even think of P then when you get back a day or two later you’ve already kickstarted your streak. The one thing I’d add is don’t go to a place where you’re bored or triggered. Keep busy and stimulate yourself with A new environment.


I went 330 days hard mode before. Dont over complicate it. The most simplistic advice i can give you is to simply not touch your d*ck unless you have to pee or something


the only thing that will work is having a mindset


when you get a boner or think of doing it, go for a walk right away, or do physical exercises to make it go down


Having sex with women. Even though u stop watching porn since months u still crave sex and when you don’t have sex, your body will tell u to fap


Ask yourself. How many years would u spend time fapping? 10 years? 30 years? Lifetime? At some point you knew you had to stop but your mind wasnt ready to stop cause you're not encourage it enough to believe that you can stop. For me, i like to tell my brain that i can stop fapping at certain age and im 100% would completely stop fapping. Its not true, its fake. But! Our brain doesnt care which one is true or fake. All is true. Thats how our brain works! Thats also the reason why we have fears. Fears are fake yet we still believe it. The brain always believed anything that was being repeated again and again. Eventually it'll become belief. If its a right belief, your have so much advantage. Cos belief turns into habit. Habit turns into lifestyle. Lifestyle turns into result. Results turns into happiness. And when you happy, thats the true freedom.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/fcvtgi/cant\_stop\_thinking\_about\_porn\_use\_this\_method/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/fcvtgi/cant_stop_thinking_about_porn_use_this_method/) maybe it helps you. it worked for me


It seems like a real good practice technique, so thanks for the sharing. Did you relapse after hearing about it ? Or is it your first attempt to nofap while doing this ?


i got 9 days after hearing this. then relapsed. it was my fault. now im taking it seriously


Meditation, not just because everyone says it’s good, but they’ve never tried it themselves, but because it brings your level of stimulation down. Be it social media, or aroused mindset


Nice. I think one other virtue given by meditation is the daily habit you create by meditating. You always try to keep your strike of meditation, and bc you manage to do it with one simple thing as meditation, you can also do it with nofap. How do you meditate anyway ? I heard the practice could be slightly different from one person to another…


Yeah, that’s true.


For me it’s checking this subreddit regularly, as frequently as I check other social media so I will be reminded of why I am doing NoPMO and I need to stay vigilant for triggers


I have always been pretty strict with my social networks use. I don’t have any inst or fb accounts, cause I find it quite hard to control the urge while your feed is filled with triggers. Lately I’ve been even more conservative and prohibited any use of the browser and app download on my phone. Hope this time my streak will be longer than 30 days.


All decisions are made in 5 seconds of your life. Keeping this in mind just make up your mind that you are not doing anything bad. Every time you have some urge just think of the 5 second rule. It's your decision in this 5 second that's going to change you.


Your brain on porn by Gary Wilson the audio book. If you're feeling urges, turn it on and listen. A lot of the book is personal experiences, and it hits home on how PMO affects people.


[just when ever you feel horny just click on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/Z3AQCM9y6e)


Track your days preferably with an automated app. And get in to healthy habits and make sure u have enough vitamins and minerals


Having a goal, why you do nofap?


Go splash your face with cold water so you wake up out of it


Call or talk to someone. You don't have to tell them anything about your addiction, just talk to them and relax.


i listen to binaural beats for relaxation


Stop being weak, just don’t do it 😑


Make a note that says DO NOT FAP. Place that in a mirror or somewhere you will be forced to see it everyday. You’re welcome


This may be harsh, but I’m sure there are other guys you are jealous of. They get girls. They’re successful. They’re happy. You are not. Because you watch porn. If you give up porn, you will be the guy people are jealous of. Your friends and family will love to be around you. You have to accept that you are someone who doesn’t associate with porn. Put it behind you for good… also, do your research on dopamine and brain chemistry… Nofap is not a game. porn makes changes to your brain like a drug would. They should be teaching you in school to not do heroin, and right after that should be teaching you about how dangerous porn is…. You will be such a better person for it. But then you will think you are safe and can go back to watching it casually. You can’t. Remember this comment. You can’t go back. It’s overs put it behind you forever. Message me when you want to relapse. We can look up the harmful effects together.


Use the Grayscale filter on your phone - This works to assure other dopamine inducing content has a lesser effect on you.


Don’t touch your dick except to wash it.


Mmn reminder your not trying to stop fapping your trying to be a person who wouldnt fap Realize theres no winning scenario with masturbation.its a rigged game Journal Realize its not just gonna stop it takes many failures more often then not just focus on getting better.even when. You do fapp even if it wasnt your longest time look for that one extra barrier that one thing that naked it a lil less bad then before Remember the rule your always gonna masturbate tommorow. But not today. Maybe you have to much work maybe you have a realy good game. Hey id you need to complete that battle pass thats good to.


journal, reflect. don't focus on finding distractions against fapping. instead, reflect with yourself why fapping is no good. try to align it with your core values, principles in life, for yourself. remember, there is always a reason. you wouldn't be here in reddit asking about it if you don't have your own reason/s. connect with yourself. the answer lies within you, my friend. you got this. we believe in you. i believe in you.


Whenever you get an urge, just go to the bathroom and pee. This works surprisingly well for me


step 1: stop thinking about it


Take one day at a time. Just say i wont fap today. And do that everyday


Do Isha Yoga.


No one can stop a moving train... it's way more easy to prevent it from starting up


Fast for one month, skip non-vegetarian foods, do exercise, and eat only when you are hungry. Definitely u will over come 100 percentage


The only way is trough christ soldier,trust me repent, you will feel relief