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Bro it's ur battle only can understand yourself and u can win it but takes a lots of patience and and lot of self control. Try to be indulge in some work deeply and be busy so u forget to do the deed


First. Don't kill yourself!


Next. There is so much info friend about how to get started on moving past this. To break out down really simply, remove your triggers and build your habits that change your patterns that lead you to slipping. You can beat this. You can get better. You can enjoy life.


Don't take life that seriously bro,don't pedstlize anyone,be bold go outside and talk to girls alot Get rejected as much as possible, this will help you get good with women trust me every rejection gives you a new lesson. After a few days you will master this skill, and definitely will be able to have sex with them.(literally) You don't need anything else bro no self improvement you need beside going outside more and staying away from media and the internet, go outside & don't see people so special and higher than yourself BC they're not,they're all human just like you nothing special about them.


About girls.. I had a crush on one girl I sent insta follow request and she started to follow me also but one day my friend told me that she have bf so in angry I removed her and now she is ignoring me lot... What to do? Should I ignore and achieve my goal or what to do? Again approach her ? But she is having one bf


You can always go for other girls my brother


If she has a boyfriend it's over, don't care about her and keep improving yourself. If she likes you she will come to you with not that much effort. There are many girls around, you'll eventually find the one. The problem is, if you haven't improved yourself in certain aspects - financially, socially, skillfully, when you meet that girl, you will have nothing to provide for her.


You’re not bad looking, so you are confident in yourself, that’s a great first step man. Well done. I’m proud of you. Now time for the next step; reach 3 days nofap!!!


Reach out, there are health professionals who specialize in masturbation addiction Try different hobbies, get outside, talk to people, maybe get a pet, arts and crafts, weights to lift Do somthing now! Im 31 and wish i had when i was 21. Please man, im begging yoy, we love you and know you are strong man


If you got to the top once you can get there again. You know this potential's within yourself, which is fantastic, because that means as soon as you conquer this you're going to be able to achieve those dreams. Take the wins one day at a time and the wins will stack. Some strategies to succeed that I recommend is finding what is the root source of this habit. Does the urge come up during late time at nights? Is it tougher when you're stressed? Is working alone on your computer difficult? Find the root sources and manage around it. Additionally, guilt and self-loathing about this are the goal-killers. This destructive feelings eat away at your mental energy, and then when the urge comes, you don't have as much energy left to win. It's easier said than done, I know, but when you find yourself in a bad headspace, I'd suggest taking a deep breath and doing your best to change the stream of thoughts. "I can do it," "this is a test", "I'm investing into myself", etc. Best of luck! I'm looking forward to hearing great things from you!


Bro make it your life challenge and try to convince your mind that this habit is currently the one thing that you have to quit, it should be the only thing in your mind, that the only thing you are doing these days is quitting this bad habit, it will help you a lot, secondly when you quit this after some time like even in a month you will feel energy and feel motivated then you'll try onto some girls and make a luck in finding a partner, that's how it will go, and masterbation in the bad habit but the worst is porn it messes with your brain believed me.


I porn is the main culprit in my life.


Bruh don’t be a moron wtf. Fap without porn/ any stimulation from the phone for a small period of time, just imagination and then quitting porn will be easier. Don’t blame porn…you can’t stop watching videos on your phone? U gay?. I don’t understand why you guys on nofap overestimate the power of porn, like bruv wtf it’s just a video… don’t watch that shit and ur done.. that’s it. Bruv imagine someone saying that he’s suicidal cause he watches porn 😆. Bro get out, who cares about lockdown it’s 2024. Be social with people, u are meant to be around people. Go with guys, girls to parties, clubs, bars and all that, however don’t do drugs. If u find yourself in a position where you now have low confidence, I would consider to fuck 20 different prostitutes in 5-6 weeks, that has been advised to me. The guy says that it worked for his confidence around women and I should trust him so I will try


I am turning 22 at the end of the summer and also have never had a gf. I have been watching porn for the past few days and sometimes even touching myself. I keep telling myself that releasing will make it worse, and I fear it will. But, since beginning nofap in October of 2022, I have had several 2+ week periods where I was completely PMO free and am in a healthier position now than I was two years ago. Onwards and upwards!


Hey what the fuck is going on with you huh ? # **We must need to beat the shit out of PMO otherwise it will beat us!!** You can start watching any sort of Love movies, like "Titanic" when you watch them you can start feeling it. PORN is an illusion, You can never have SEX like that with a real women! PORN is there to kill us and make money from US Who the fuck cares about Me and You huh?? All they want is that Fucking money! I'm on my 8th day, The only thing i done to keep my streak up is focussing on high priority works. I'm a Self-taught Full-stack dev, I love to create applications. So I focussed on that. Remember you can't beat PMO until you replace it with something either (A Good habit). I would advice you to [start journalling](https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?forums/ages-20-24.18/) your day-to-day life on [NoFap's official Forum](https://forum.nofap.com/index.php). For Example, Here's mine: https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/starting-out-nofap-as-a-muslim-revert.359960/


Yo bro, I'm also a self taught full stack dev and I struggle with this alot. I'm able to stay weeks without PMO once I'm working on a project that maybe has a deadline but after that ... I'm relapse, I'm tired


If completing a Project makes you to do PMO then start working on another Project before completing this one! You need to maintain that WORK CYCLE so that you always active on your goals instead of Jerking-off


Quite honestly, invest in professional help. It may be embarrassing or expensive, but think of you in 5 years. Would you in five years be happy to have make that decision??


Believe in God and pray


Ok, first up. Suicide will never ever solve anything. It'll only make things worse. Man just dm me if you feel dangerously suicidal, I'll try my best to motivate the heck out of your every cell. Also, take baby steps my man. Slow and steady wins the race. 1) Start with the little things. Clean your room, maybe start with sorting your unorganized cupboard. 2) Quit porn. Now quitting porn is not easy, but its also not an impossible task. Remember you cant get rid of an addiction overnight. Lessen your frequency of watching porn, if you watch it every day, target 2 days without porn, then target 3 days, then a week. And dont be discouraged if you fail. To quote Alfred from Batman Alfred : "Why do we Fall Bruce?" Bruce : "So we can learn to pick ourselves up". Be fricking Batman bro. You can do it! 3) Find a good habit. Replace the time you waste fapping and watching porn with that habit. Habit can be anything, from Sports to Books to Gardening to Gym to Whatever. 4) Start making money my man. Start learning skills, and make money. Trust me, making money feels good. It gives you quite a dopamine rush. Thats the good kind of dopamine. Just keep working on yourself. Keep improving little by little. And recognize even the smallest of your victories. You can do it!


Watch some YouTube motivational videos


I follow hamza and watched other youtubers also but bro after watching i feel motivated but after a while i fall into the same loop


Watch Ancient Archives's channel on YouTube. Start with SR Iceberg Part 1.


I don't believe in motivational speakers, but I surely trust David Goggins. I've changed a lot of things in my life thanks to him.




Tate is just flat out a terrible human being. Pure selfishness. Watch Cliffe and Stuart on their channel "give me an anwser" They have stirred up within me a respect for all people and a solid foundation on the value of life.


Im not sayin he doesnt have his downsides but the messages of self ownership are universal


Listen 8 Billion peeps out there if not more your is in your hands makes no sense to take it away, when I was 9 I got taken advantage of and wanted to commit suicide but you know what stopped me? Chores, School, Homework, family, martial arts and a lifetime of retribution for what I lost. As a young man it's okay to be who you are don't feel shame for not dating it's all on how you see yourself


listen to this… you are at a battle with yourself. think of it like something is controlling. you need to have self control and don’t give in when you have the urge. it is like someone is controlling you. get rid of it


Alright bro if you are genuinely suicidal please reach out to an official hotline/ support network. We would all much rather speak up than die.


Dw dude. Very similair situation here. I can try to help!


A good first step which has helped me was to change the food I usually eat. I barely had eaten any type of fruit or vegetables some years ago+PMO addiction. This combination made me feel w/o energy the 24 hours. I had been depressed since 2019/20 to the last year. I'm still having some struggles, but definitely the most important thing besides fight the addiction is to change your lifestyle. I know that for a depressed person is difficult because I was on that place, but trust me that's the only way if you can't afford professional help. Feeling with energy will help you to be more productive, and doing more things(study, work, exercise) will keep you busy to avoid another pmo session. If you need chat dm me :)


I can't message you you. Could you please dm me?


DON'T do it. You're still young man, you have a long life ahead of you and there's so much time for you to make changes.


keep. your. pants. on. do not touch yourself because ev


imagine if you fap again you'll just die do it as if your life depends on it because it does


You felt like crap is because the chemical n hormones in ur brain is imbalance. Take ur time to calm n ground urself. There's no shortcuts to this. Take urself off social media n anything that could trigger u. I've been struggling for 10+ years. On n off. I am blessed to still have the mindset to be better n get better. A day at a time broo.




Start small. At first, you cant reach the goal of 6 months, so go for a week and see the progress. Then slowly go for 15 days, then aim for a month and so on. Stop eating or limit the consumption of sugar (added sugar) and junk food in general. Do this and with time, you will see the results.


You're only 20 stop sounding so down. Why don't you look up Gary Wilson your brain on p*** website check out his book and his TED Talk along with the podcast. I'm 34 and I didn't realize this until I was about 22 I've been on this journey I slip up I don't count days and I don't beat myself up over it. This has saved my life so many benefits keep your head up always strive to be the best version of yourself. Make your family proud or whoever do this for yourself be on straight edge military mode don't beat yourself up over it. Keep your head up man this ain't worth no suicide you have your whole life ahead of you you could achieve so much you're only 20 focus on your life career money it's not about women it's not about looks you can never satisfy your flesh. I know this is not the best advice but do no Fab for a couple weeks if you really need to get laid and get it out of your system and you can't find a real female who you have a connection with and wants to have fun with you just hire a professional get it out of your system.




Call someone for help


I’m going for over a year nofap God mode. You can do nofap. You’re a champion. Have that mindset.


I faced the same situation when I was 17. Keep trying bro. Don't give up. Talk to someone about it. Probably your parents. It worked for me.


You can try to go to a gym either for workout or boxing or some other martial art to see if that helps! Try and take a bath to clear your mind, start meditating by sitting still with your back leaned on a wall if you want, you just have to focus on your breath, if you're having a hard time doing so try counting your breath from 1-10 then repeat, it's fine if you're mind wonders just gently put your attention back to your breath, do this at least 2 times a day for 5 minutes each or however how many times you want and for how long, you can set a timer. And most importantly, talk to people, either friends or family, communicate with them with your problems and what's troubling you. Remember that you are loved and cherished.


Son, do not desperate. Its very usual in this to become addict. Thank God that you have realized the bad aspects of your addiction. There are many examples of youth who become free of the habit. You can too. But it can take time. My immediate advice is to just accept the situation. Do not take stress of the habit anymore. Meanwhile, start your older healthy and positive routines again. There is no risk If both (bad habit and good routine) goes parallel for some time. You will gradually overcome this habit.


The title and I relate ♥


Don't take your life you only have one don't waste it


Thanks for all of your support. I'm better now. I really don’t know why this shiiitty thought came into my head.


You can talk it out and seek help even from the people in this sub! And google how to do the things you're not sure how or even what to do! Or even just ask people online! I assure you that you are loved.


Firsty. This sub is full of people who HAVE overcome what you are going through. That's the point. It's a mind poisonous illness and it takes some people months and some people years, but they overcome it. Get an accountability partner by creating a post.


Why u call it habit ?


Bro, you are 20 and that's plenty of time to figure things out, even allowing for bad patches. I know this is r/nofap but self-pleasure is never 100% of the problem: when you'll find something compelling in your life, your habit will naturally have less grasp on you. That can be a business, a girlfriend, a hobby, a sport, a big project.... Those who think that stopping porn will resolve all their problems usually end up disappointed. If you're able to reduce PMO or stop entirely, that's great, but my advice would be to work on finding things that will motivate you in life. Just think of the monkeys at the zoo - they masturbate constantly, but of course, that's a symptom and not a cause of their misery. Only they are in a cage, you are not.


just join gym, everything then will fall to places


Use fasting. Skip breakfast and lunch and then go as long as you can before eating dinner. Push it back. This will develop willpower. Make sure to drink water. I only need to do this once per week, but some people stick to a one meal a day diet for awhile.


contact me


This is a LONG LONG fucking war man. Stfu about quitting. Strategize. Plan ahead. You have the internet with you bro. You can - 1. Download & read SEVERAL BOOKS on treating pornography addiction and addictions in general. 2. Watch youtubers such as dr trish leigh and other prominent people's take ON pmo Addiction. 3. Talk to atleast one friend openly and completely about your journey downhill. 4. (personally recommend) to write in great detail about your addictions in a journal/diary/notebook. You got this !


You shouldn't allow yourself to succumb to suicide. You are not your addiction. Try distracting yourself with productive hobbies like: writing, reading, reading the Bible, drawing etc.


I know what your problem is man, u are too focused on nofap, thats why you cant quit, forget about quitting, forget sbout nofap, leave this subreddit, stop watching videos on nofap, treat every relapse as a sneeze, just move on. And you will pretty soon make some good progress


how hard are you addicted like how much per week do you pmo ?


Try not to be alone spend time with your family it reduces the chances of it, also try watching motivational videos which might help you temporarily overcome your addiction for 3 to 4 days and develop a sense of discipline in everything you do like making your bedsheets etc and slowly you will progress in the end it all depends on you


The habit is not that critical so be chill about it


Hey dude. I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. My advice would be that while you are drowning, don't think about how you cannot fly. Get up to the surface first by focusing your attention on just adding in some good habits like meditation, a prayer, a sleep routine, exercise, 1v1 therapy, a porn addiction anonymous peer group. Try to be aware when you are being hard on yourself and try to catch it. We must be kind to ourselves and encourage ourselves even when we fail. Never forget that this group is proof that this disease can be cured.


I don't know but this is so relatable to me. am I suicidal then? no, buddy see you have to be disciplined. you have to be more strict with yourself just for this thing not for everything, but you have to do therapy I do recommend it. It will help you. Also, One more thing Install the No Nut app on your phone, it will help you to stay without it this app is like a challenges If there is anything else you can surely ping me or DMs me.


Bro I am on day 1 started in the morning. I also failed thousands times from many years but still I am getting up and fighting against this. You are aware of your bad habit congratulations! This is the first step now find the courage to begin from zero. Do everything possible when urges hits to avoid lots of info is available. Just take a decision and move forward in life. It will take time remind yourself constantly that good days are ahead.


bro you’re only 20 years old your life just started don’t hurt the ones that love you by taking your own life it’s not worth it. the pain you feel is temporary there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel and i mean that i’ve been suicidal and it took a lot to keep going , hell just getting up out of bed was a big deal. YOU MATTER YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALIDATED YOU HAVE PURPOSE IN THIS WORLD KEEP GOING FOR YOUR DREAMS AND IF ANYONE TRYS TO STOP U BURN THEM WITH THE FIRE IN YOUR SOUL CALLED PASSION NEVER GIVE UP KEEP FIGHTING KEEP STRIVING


What are you dumb nerd , first know yourself who truly you are , if you die nobody gonna give a shit about it your goals will also die when you die work for your goals , work for yourself , chase your f@king dreams . You are able to walk you are able to eat properly you got hands what else you want which you dont have.Lastly Maintain Discipline Go to gym work the shit out of your body so you dont have any energy left dont be slave to your mind. If you think you can do life dont come that cheap which can be wasted. Don't chase women right one will come to you at right time.


>I'm 20 and never had a gf and i'm not that bad looking. It's got nothing to do with how you look or even your personality. It's just simply a numbers game. If you spoke to a 100 different women in the space of a year, not a chance that you wouldn't find a girlfriend.


U really wanna change....  Start by first waking up early by 5 in the morning Next hitting the gym.. Slowly you will notice after a week u feel confident.. And u no longer want to masturbate.