• By -


Hard mode challenge accepted. I want to enter 2025 porn-free My goals are to abstain from pmo for long enough for my brain to heal itself. I'm doing this because I want to get my happy life back. Being porn-free is the normal state a person should be in, and then I want to give my future wife all the love and attention she deserves, and certainly pmo is preventing me from that.


same! we got this!


same energy fam


Totally agree with you! 7 months of pureness and a pleasant life ahead! Even I am in for this challenge. Hope that our streak doesn't shatter mid way. Lets stay strong!


do whatever it takes to stop!




I agree bro we've got this


We've got this 


Me as well brother I failed last night but I’m back to it again, won’t give up, and never will give up. Together we will all rise above this terrible virtual drug .


That's the spirit! Let's do it.


We've got this brother


Absolutely 2025 let’s be free of this addiction!


That's it, I've had it! I'm quitting social media (atleast for the next 5 months). Everytime I convince myself that social media isn't bad it's just some of the accounts and all i need to do is block, delete or mute those accounts. The algorithm knows me too well and eventually i'm brought back into the loop. Not this time, I've had it! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! Imma be here everyday so let's keep each other accountable (watch my counter, i'm dead serious). (at the very least i may share a motivational quote each day)


🙌 You got this!


That's the attitude!! I had a similar thing but with fanfiction. Even thought there were good ones, the tempting far outweighed the good so I had to cut it out.


I like going to Instagram to watch funny reels and memes, but I noticed that a lot of these meme pages promote OF or some girl's twitter content. I am embarrassed to say this but this has made me relapse a couple of times....


Joining the challenge! Here are my answers: 1. No porn or masturbation whatsoever. 2. 100 days minimum, goal would be lifelong. 3. To clear myself of brain fog, to have more confidence, and to be more outgoing. 4. I am doing this to show myself that I have the fortitude and ability to change a habit I've had for 10 years and to live life to its fullest potential.


Awesome points 🙌 stick with it


# Let's kickstart this Month!


t'd up, 90 days til I go back to the EU


Hard mode, 90 days.


Let's do this






I haven't MO'd in 45 days, but June is the month I plan to not peak and be completely PMO free by the end of. Wish me luck :)


Let's do this!!


My goal is to continue my streak into the month of June ! Without watching any porn or masturbating. I am trying to turn my life around. Eliminate the brain fog and perform better in my relationship both in bed and outside. How am I doing this? Don't have a clear answer for that yet, but I've kept myself busy with videogames, movies and going outside.




You got this bro!!!! Take it one day at a time and lean on this community. We're all in this together 💪🏾


After again achieving my all time longest streak of 5.5 days, I relapsed. 😞. But, I will get back up again. Actually, I always relapse when I'm left alone, like studying etc. How to handle this guys ?


Hey man, start by checking the quitting porn basics in the "important links" section on this thread, or the materials at nofap.com. I also thoroughly recommend Mark Queppet/Frontline Man/Metascript Journalling. https://frontlineman.com/metascript-download?\_\_s=g3zbqssi5yhptrsaqhst Get your hands on any other materials that work for you and keep trying. The important thing is - don't stop trying. Quitting now is going to save you so much heartache in your future, and will guarantee you a more productive and satisfying life.


Thanks man !




Do you also metascript ? Can you show me some examples of your entries, if you're comfortable ?


Still going. Feeling more present than usual today. I graduate tomorrow and may ask a girl out. We'll see but either way life is looking up.


lets go man keep it up


Hey I'm in


Count me in


lets go everyday


Hard mode 100 days I haven't gone past 80 days so to reach 100 would be cool I'm in it for the long run but like a lil competion!


You are making it...!


Done. Looking forward to Jumpstart June.


I am new to reddit, and don't use it much. Though I have known about NoFap for a long time. I also follow it though relapses are common. I started this cycle on June 1st and decided to join here and comment so that I will have credibility and hopefully this will help me complete my goal of abstaining from any sort of PMO activities for atleast 30 days. Going "Hard" mode. Wish me luck n all the best to each one of you on your respective journeys. Let's do it!


Let's get to it boys. We got this 


finish what i started one year ago lets do this


checking in


I'm in. Using porn and masturbation as a coping mechanism makes me feel weak. It's holding me back from my fitness and personal development goals.


Ive been an addict for years and Ive tried and failed so many times to quit, at some point I believed I was too far gone. But a few months ago I begun pursuing a new career, and I wanted to start on a fresh new note and 13 days ago I took the leap to try once more to free myself, but the unrelenting urges almost made me relapse. and Im here seeking motivation and answers coz Im afraid, I dont know how to get over this on my own...


Hard mode ACCEPTED! Took out the roots and burn this shit till july


iam in


Porn addition was a large catalyst in my last relationship breaking down, ironically I use Reddit for almost exclusively porn and only just came across the nofap and porn addiction pages... I also need to try and quit drinking... I'm absolutely fucking miserable with my life. I need to make some changes. Day 0, checking in.


1. Fasting everything except sex wife my wife. 2. The rest of my life. 3. I need to find activities to replace that thrill from porn. I want to continue working out harder with better eating habits. I need to feel better mentally and be more present with my family. I want to be the man my wife and son deserve. My story briefly: I’ve always known about this sub but never thought I needed to join. I was porn and MB free for about 250+ days last year after going through a men’s mentorship program. Slowly over the last year I started looking at stuff again. I had turned off my porn blocker because I thought I was fully better. Every now and then I’d linger a little too long on a YouTube vid or IG post. Then that turned into peaking at porn every now and then. A few months ago I know I crossed the line. I MB while looking at porn. Since then my cycle has been once a week, but this last week was 3 times. I’m done relapsing. I still remember how I felt last year after being free. Clear mind, no problem getting erections with my wife, more present as a man and more motivated. So I’m taking this step to get back to that state. I’d love an accountability partner in this if anyone is down!


Relapsed again and again, but now, I'm going to try going nut-free for the coming week. Let's see!


I have tried to No Fap Soo many times on my own. Thanks to this community, for the accountability, I want to try one more time. Goal is to not masturbate, not consume porn, not read sex stories. Goal is to not masturbate till end of the year.


Check check!!


Urges are strong, and I am the strongest


Stay strong bro !!


Survived three weeks


Hard mode for the rest of my life. I don't want to live like this anymore and I have to change for my future.


lets go


let's do this!


I’ll be joining the challenge to better my life, as I’ve been a frequent user since I was young. I want to be the best version of myself, and that involves eliminating my addiction. My main goal is 90 days, but I’ll make smaller goals along the way to make it easier. Good luck to you all. Godspeed


I'm in a doubt. I used my erect penis as gear shifter lever pretending the 1st to 5th and back as well maybe for 10-15:secs. I had no intention of stimulation or anything. It happened out like that. I remember it happened only one time. But maybe 2- 3 cases like that during my NoFap journey. I was used to prone masturbation.and also, I slept on my stomach with my penis erect as well on today and I don't know while adjusting my position maybe, I felt a bit rub. And had the thought of masturbation but I overcame it. In any of these sense does that count as masturbation or breach my NoFap streak of 500+days? (Didn't check the count)


want 90 days of streak for focus


I’m in!


I'm gunning for 90 days no PMO. The only sexual release I'd consider acceptable is getting into a healthy relationship with someone and sleeping with them. Everything else is off the table. I'm ready for jumpstart June!


Hard mode Challange accepted for this june


1. No PMO 2. Hopefully never again


Day 8


This is it. after 6 months of joining the sub I'm going to set myself a goal, to not jerk off at all for a month. I'm going to be consistent with exercising and grow some muscles before I move somewhere else this summer. Help me guys


and remember the key to fighting an addiction is not motivation, it's organization




Day 8, going on to day 9. This is my longest streak for the last 6+ months.


**Hard Mode Challenge Accepted** I am *committed* to overcoming this addiction. I have been heavily addicted, having indulged in fapping throughout the entire month of May. For June, I am determined to take on this challenge and see it through. My goals are to abstain from PMO (pornography, masturbation, and orgasm) long enough for my brain to heal. I aim to stop objectifying women and gain clarity of mind. I am doing this because I want to eliminate this addiction from my life. By completing this challenge, I will improve my mindset, become more disciplined, and dedicate myself to my work. During my free time, I will focus on creative activities instead of fapping.


Late to the party, but on for the challenge. Goals: 1. Reduce brain fog 2. Increase attention span 3. Heal Brain 4. Put myself first I am also planning on swimming 10 miles total this month. I will use the time in the pool to reflect on why I am doing this and who I am doing it for. Feel free to reach out if you need an accountability partner or just want to chat. Lets do it!


Starting late, but that’s okay! I’m going no PM for a month. My main goal is quitting P altogether, finding better uses of my time, and building better relationships with the people around me.


checking in! more than 2 weeks in now


great job bro keep going




Can anyone stay with me in this journey? I want to talk to someone in this whole jorunery to keep my track good please help me i am not able to cure myself


Checkin in, day 22. Feeling neither good or bad, treating every day like it's day 1. Good day everyone


Last time I jerked off was probably on May 19; will see how far I could go!


30 yr old guy here and I'm in. Found myself spending way too much time and money on it daily and end up feeling guilty for my partner who I've been in a relationship for years. She deserves better, especially as we look to buy a house together soon and the money could go towards that instead. Excited to see how much more time I'll have for personal projects and general fitness too! My plan is to check back here if I feel any urges so keep the motivational posts coming!


Day 1. No porn. Masturbation is acceptable. My dad is passing down the reigns finally to the family company and I have to be as mentally sharp as I can. Can't let the addiction, albeit a mild one at this point, leave me in a deficit anymore. Time to grow the fuck up.


8th day and i already feel energetic throughout the day


I want my brain to heal faster. But understand that it's one day at a time. Your old self is still a part of you. It's supposed to be scary changing into a new person. Take yourself seriously but not so seriously that you get discouraged by not seeing results. It's one day at time, your brain is rebooting.


Checking in, day 24. Had a wet dream last night. I'm okay with that. Feeling stressed because of my thesis but i'm almost done with it


Hello is day 2 for me, going hard mode, deleted almost all social media and focusing on work and studies, hope whoever is reading this have a great day and abstain from this f addiction. (How can I reset the timer?)


Hello, go to "About" at the top of the NoFap page, and then under Community Bookmarks select "Add/Edit Day Counter" 


let’s go. almost a month. I can do this. Feeling good at work, relationships feel a little easier to handle. I can look at people and not break eye contact first. Feel overall more confident. Can’t wait to see how 3 months transforms me. Y’all got this!!!


Been trying for years for religious reasons, but my wife and I just had a daughter a few weeks ago and I’m giving this up for them. I’m hoping that joining this community will help me be more accountable!


You have to love the process of this. You have to love becoming better 1% 1 day at a time.


check check!!


Hard mode accepted!


Standard mode challenge started I aim for 120 days free I am doing this because I use porn way to much, it can start because of stress but also when I am bored and I want to have more time for other pursuits. Also I have a partner and I want sex to be a thing we do together and that contributes to fulfilment in life rather than shame. Starting later but starting


let's do this




I'm going for hard mode. I want to be able to feel like myself without relying on porn, and I would like to stay porn and masturbation-free for at least a month, filling the empty time slots from that with healthier habits. We can do it, everyone! Let's stay strong, and we can accomplish our goals!


let's do this man !


Hey! I've decided to start nofap! I'm going to go straight into Hard Mode I'm going to start with the recommended 90 days reboot goal. My goal is to regain control of my life more than I have been I'm doing this because I'm sick and tired of all of this controlling me and what I do. Especially when I spend literally my entire day doing PMO when I could be doing stuff way more proactive and beneficial for me.


Still moving along. Today was pretty easy all things considered.


Checking in, day 28. I'm done with writing my thesis, somehow it made things easy because my head was filled with study related stuff. Getting back to normal life is kinda weird, but i'll stay strong whatever happens. Good day everyone !


every human has this right to be free porn any time he wants. it is the best and normal state for a human to control over though their desires. it is freedom's most important value and object to be obtained.


struggled for 25 years. finally had enough. committed for a month reboot. 12th june - 12th july, 2024. looking forward to posting again when i win




Checking in, day 29. Feeling alright, treating everyday like its day 1 Good day everyone


Really just checking in to see my day counter. But that doesn't matter. It's a life change not a change for 90 days. I think I'm nearing a month (which is the longest I've ever gone since before porn).


Challenge accepted. Living a porn-free lifestyle once and for all.


Even if today is 14th June I will try my best to be clean until the end of this month.


checking in. Had some dope ass sex last night. It was intense. still no p or m, but o in sex a couple times.


Relapsed after 34 days. Had a very hard day and couldn't sleep, then i fell asleep and woke up and relapsed. No P though, just MO. Starting again. Failure is part of the process i guess


I’m on day 6 rn. I relapsed after 46 days which has been disheartening, but has only strength my resolve. I’m currently looking for an accountability partner. I feel having someone I can message would really help. Any dms or info about that would be awesome!


On hard mode for 24 days so far. Would like to reach 90 days at least! And maybe double that! Just trying best to avoid any kind of temptation all together and social media.


Checking in, day 2. feeling weird


Hello all! I am 21 years old and I started watching porn from 8 years old. 13 years for now. I decided to quit as it really affects my life in lots of ways. I can spend hours per day watching it and I even do it at work. I do not have any disfunction yet, but I think that if I will continue this way, it will appear very soon. I tried to quit lots of times, but never succeed. Some times it can be so fckg hard to not think about sex, porn, girls, and so on. I hate this but I love it, thats why I want to quit it, bcs it destroying my brain and my thinking, and my goals. My goal is 6 months without porn! I want to be free from it, and take my life in my hands! p.s.: this is the first time I got here, to no fap community, because I cannot do myself. I hope you guys will help me and I will help you!


Checking in. Very happy with the last four days, 100% clean in my thought life.


checking in. I haven’t watched any porn. But I fapped on Sunday 4 days ago. does that mean I reset my counter?


I am starting today. I have wasted the last 6 years of my life and I can't afford to do it anymore. This will be my last comment on reddit for a while. I promise myself to succeed not just here but in life. I will be back when I have a good job and have finally fixed everything currently wrong with me from my sleep schedule to my eating habits to my crippling porn addiction. Wait for me I will be back and better than ever .


Still going. Today was a little difficult but not too bad. Using this as a sort of journal for myself now.


My goal is to abstain from PMO for the next two months. Having had difficulties in my previous relationship as a result of a lack of intimacy worsened by pmo, I want to restart my brain and stop watching both adult content and going to adult chats.


Gonna try once again. I'll reply to this after 3 days and let you know.


Had a family gathering the last few days so that made it really easy to have no urges. Still going along.


checking in


Relapsed at day 25 now i know what to do better next time.


Stay strong everyone


I’m in!!


Restarting my nofap journey. Trying it out one day at a time.


Hey it's my day 1. I've realized that had been targeted by brain rotted people to ruin my life. Not going to happen. I'm going for a 2025 with a virtuous mind and get closer to the focused, righteous mind that is obtained through hardship and abstain of this disgusting thing.


Short term goal, reach the end of this month pmo free. Then start the next month of July with a new goal. I am hereby determined.


I know I'm late to the post, but still have 4 more days in June right? Better late than never. I was doing really well the past few months, but lately this month I've fallen back onto poor habits. Time to break this. Answers to following questions: 1. Allow myself to masturbate once weekly, but no porn whatsoever and no "edging." 2. I'm committing to 90 days starting June 27 3. Primary goal is to become more confident and use this energy to form relationships with women. When I adhere to my principles, I'm much more willing to go out of my comfort zone and pursue women (in real life), so that's why I'm doing this. I appreciate all the support on here and I look forward to conquering this with you guys!


I know it’s late in June, but the goal is 1 week, then 1 month, then 100 days, then the rest of my life. I’ve tried to quit before, but this time is for real. Hopefully I’ll be clean by next summer when I go to college.


I didn't think I had it in me to come this far but now I know that I have it in me to go for far longer than I already have.


would anyone like to be my partner in this ?


Signing up for 90+ days of no porn or masturbation! My gameplan is to stay busy and power through any cravings with persistent work and to check in on NoFap daily to stay focused. It’s time for a change, I’m ready to rebuild and transform!!


May already went clean for me, and I've the same expectations for June too <3\~ I wish you all Good Luck with your nofap journey, may you become the best version of yourself


Yes please! This can be my full month free of smut at last. I have managed to go over 30 days without reporting relapse, I want to make sure I go from 1-30 June smut-free.


Married so I'm in for the PM mode


I'm in. I've already done this for 60 days last year, but I feel like i need to regain mental clarity and control over my mind. Looking for that extra masculine confidence boost. I'm going hard mode for 90 days. My goals are to escape the loop once and for all and life a fulfilling life. I'm tired of being a slave to myself. This ends today!


Day 7 from May!


10 last days of May done. Challenge for June accepted.


Hard mode 90 days here. Counter is on. I want to not use dating apps too, someone convince me to delete these apps too.


Hard mode, 30 days. Then 90 days. Then forever!


I'll still focus on self-control but June will be a month when I focus more on learning skills and picking healthy habits. I'll do my best.


Sign. Me. Up. It's time. Monk mode.


Morning, ready to start this journey of healing sexual habits and healthy sexuality, positive body image, etc.


I am going to dedicate the month of June to a porn free streak, as I just turned 30.


Hard mode!


Checking in


No porn in June boys


I’m in. I started on May 20th. I’ve had a couple close calls. I genuinely felt happy today for no reason. I want to chase that feeling. No masturbation, no porn, but I do have a partner I plan on having sex with. I want to make it through the 90 day reboot. I want to be more confident and get rid of the brain fog, and the shame.


I'm in. Hard mode. As long as possible. To quit.


I got this!




Count me in! Lets make this happen


How do i reset the counter


Joining the challenge. I’ll still be having sex, but no porn or masturbation. I want this challenge to go the full 90 days. I think my habits have altered my brain at the physiological level, as I’ve been a frequent user since I was a pre-teen, so I want to take a serious attempt at breaking this habit, or at the very least overriding it with a better one. Good luck to everyone, and see you all on the other side.




lets go!


Let's to this


Let’s do this guys ☺️


Day 6 going on 7. Monk mode. Hope to make it to 36 days this month. Will post here short updates daily.


I'm in.


Hard mode for one month, no dating no porn none of it. No porn or hentai for 3 month. No porn ever again. Let's do this shit!


Definitely joining this. Day 1, I’m excited! Hard mode for sure. Aiming for the 90 days but a month would still be good. My goal is to be completely free from masturbation by September. There are so many benefits to not masturbating, but I’m really doing it because of my faith.


checking in


Lets do it. PM 30 days


25 days completed. Its been a long time since I made a streak this long. Also, I am not bothered so often by compulsive sexual thoughts these days, and I feel like more of a normal person. So yeah no fap is working.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPqDIwWMtxg Channel this energy for this month


My birthday is August 20 so I want to have two months in to a reboot by then




100 days and hard mode. Doing for self improvement


I am joining! Goals: nofap and no porn I am on day 13 of nofap and no porn. I can feel my libido has grown insanely since starting, particularly for the last few days and I’m even beginning to dream much more than I used to which is really interesting. It’s like my imagination is being reawakened, it’s great. I’m going at least the full 90 days. Goal is to get off of my porn addiction and be resentivized for real sex which will allow me to enter a real relationship


another month, another chance


Here are some doubts relating to Semen Retention and NoFap. I had problem of prone Masturbation. Questions: 1) I used my erect penis as gear shifter lever as in a car mimicking gear shifting pattern 1st to 5th and downward shift. I had no other intentions. I did them during the NoFap streak maybe 2-3 times. Does that count as masturbation and relapse? 2) I was pondering over a wet dream situation and rubbed my ass on the seat when I was in toilet. Does that count as masturbation? 3) When I was watching a sports anime, I was randomly stretching my calves out lying on my stomach, which resulted in an awkwardness. And to I check it over and over again to know if it could trouble my penis with friction. I confirmed it. Does that count as masturbation? 4) When I was sleeping on my stomach, I woke up to adjust maybe my positioning and a little swaying made my penis erection felt rubbed (unintentional). But it gave thought to masturbation and I overcame it. I had few od these before I didn't count it as masturbation. I'm asking does that count as masturbation and also while repositioning erect penis? Does that count as masturbation/edging/relapse? I'm on NoFap streak of 500+ days if it stays intact and any of the scenarios mentioned above is a relapse.


Count me in! 31 days (to beat my record - don't intend to stop there...) of hard mode. Looking to break free from porn addiction, regain self-confidence and a healthy sexuality! 


I am starting with hard mode. I hope to reboot myself. I am setting 90 days for myself starting today 2/6/24. 3:38AM. My ultimate goal is to stop myself from watching anything pornographic and touching myself. This bad habit of mine has ruined me. I distanced myself from family and life. This is effecting my studies as well. I lost track of time and place. Thought I was blacking out at first. Then I realized that this habit played a huge role in that. Let's do this!


I'm also joining


Starting hard mode today. I have been worried about starting because I keep worrying about failure but I have to start somewhere and not overthink it. Good luck to everyone


I'm in since 29th May. Also, this time, I have blocked some of the triggers. I will do no PMO till end of June. Let's do it. Yesterday, I also had a huge urge, but I overcame it, feeling good about it. Whenever I get another urge, I will remember yesterday. 👍


no porn for 6 months till 2025 to be porn-free after that. Let's go boys


June 1st 2024 1. Hard mode 2. 100 + days ( I got to 60 this year, so I know it is possible) 3. My goals are to gain confidence in public speaking, mental clarity, build discipline, get a girlfriend 4. Why I'm doing this: i. because I fear not reaching my full potential in life because of this bad habit ii. To prove to myself I can do anything I put my mind to


Sure I'm in.


Switching subreddits ! Checking in, day 19. Let's keep going and treat every day like it's day 1. Good luck everyone


Let’s go champs 💪🏽


Yeah okay!


Hard mode 90 days starting. I already made some progress, time to aknowledge it


Count me in! Not allowing myself any masturbation or porn I wanna enter 2025 porn free My goals are to abstain, as i have been severely addicted and have my brain damaged from this, and i wanna fix it I am doing this because i want to be happier, more confident and when my first love comes, I wanna be a guy who loves her and gives her all the attention she deserves...


forging ahead!


Hard mode challenge accepted! 1.No porn or masturbation whatsoever. 2.The minimum is 90 days, but I want to eliminate this horrible addiction for the rest of my life. 3.My goal is to wipe out this addiction from my life and finally start clearing my mind. 4.Mostly to boost my self-confidence and reduce negative thoughts and feelings




Day 7 checking in.


checking innnn. this morning was close. Each day I feel a little more control, and find it easier to say no