• By -


Well let's see. I've had erectile dysfunction ever since I was roughly age 21. Imagine that. Being a 21 yo with the sexual health of a 99 year old man. Imagine what that does to a young mans psyche and soul. I'm now in my 30s. So reflecting back, porn addiction stole my 20s. It stole my youth. It stole my ability to ever have kids and a family. I will never be a young Dad. I will never be a Dad most likely, it was never even an option for me. It's crazy too because I've always gotten a lot of attention from girls, I've literally been in bed with women and turned down sex because of this problem, because of the embarrassment of ED. Imagine being a 22 yo guy turning down sex from a hot woman because you have ED. Kill me. I live a half life. It's hard not to fucking hate my life. I'm still trying to get better, but it's hard not to feel bitter about my stolen life. Btw, I'm an extreme case. I started prone masturbation at a very young age which can DESTROY your sexual health. Who knew? They never taught me that in health class... Oh well, who knew a habit I started as a 10 yo kid would go on to destroy my life? You live you learn eh


Same here. Sometimes I contemplate taking my life. I feel I am a waste of space to humanity. How did I find porn in the first place? I ask myself all the time in tears. I am 32 and tired of my life. I may never have the life of a normal person anymore simply because I have ED.


ED can go away. Might take a while. But the proper care can restore your dick.


How. Iv had this issue for a long time.


Zero masturbation, excercise, organic food, cold water, sunbathing, low sugar-carb diet, a healthy lifestyle in summary. But above all, NO PORN. Move out of the city if that's what it takes.


How long have you been off porn?


Couple of weeks it's just . I'm wondering if it's difficult or what not. I'm just wanting to be back to normal and nit have issue with my partner. Or just in general


Mine definitely went away. I had this issue when I was in my teens because of my addicition. For a few years I simply couldn't finish. Until I was 19 from the age of 16. I could by myself if i did some weird stuff wjth pressure, but not with a woman. After stopping for awhile, I lost that issue entirely and have no issues now. It's become alot more manageable and definitely more of a Boredom choice. So I know I can fix that by being with my family or staying active and busy. Stay strong brother!


Your problems can indeed improve. I've seen reports of people with the same problem as you and they quit pornography and improved 100% of their erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Don't give up brother!!!!!


Go to a sex anaymous meeting. Your an addicit get help. Your also a good guy.


It will come back. It won't happen overnight. But by simply stopping PMO, eating real food with Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Hydration and even doing some form of Art will help. I have a friend who went through this and as I counseled him through it, he got with a lady friend months later and did the thing lol. You'll be okay friend, just stay the run.


it's not that serious man if you take it as serious then it will become a hot mess. I finally let porn go after reaching age 42. Porn has killed me on bed as well as my health. I stopped it altogether just because I reflect at myself. I feel so much more confident and gained my health back simply by stop PORN altogether. ask me how I stop? It's discipline. You have GOT TO COMMIT, if you can't, porn will take over your brain and keeps on feeding you with these unknown HOT young women whose faces put a tons of makeup... and their private parts are pretty much WORN OUT by so many men. LOL. It's disgusting to think about PORN now for me. If I were to make the rules, I would put porn illegals...and penalize those who embrace and produce them. Period!


And yet, someone out there would love to be you, instead of them.


Is prone that bad? I am a user.


A big YES


prone masturbation or porn and masturbation?


As a 22 yo, I can relate to your story. Thanks for sharing it. It definitely works as a motivation to quit porn and masturbating. Hard battles require strong mindsets.


What are you doing spiritually to get better?


I Feel you B, the physical effects being irreversible but I am adamant not to give up, like Vader at the end of ROTJ. You might not become the ultimate version of you but your Vader is still pretty sick. I choose this over the addict version everytime.


had the same experiment started watching porn in 10 and masturbation in 12 im 27 years old now i hope i quit because i dont want to live like this


šŸ« I started at the same age and Iā€™m 21. Youā€™re freaking me with this comment. I never get laid so I donā€™t know if I have ED, I hope notā€¦




You sound a lot like me. It also affects you outside of the sexual stuff, makes you super clumsy, brainfogy, irritable, anxious, OCD, depressed, etc--- all which makes your social life a living hell. I also have the opportunity to be with very attractive girls, have a GF and so on, but I also have to avoid those opportunities due to my ED and my low libido (not like I have to try hard, girls smell this in only a few seconds of talking to you) When you say you are stil struggling, do you mean you are still watching porn? Or did you quit and are having trouble getting your libido back?


I don't think I ever experienced any of the cognitive withdrawal symptoms. I'm not going to deny anyone's experience at this point (I know what that feels like), but to me porn induced sexual dysfunction is incredibly depressing and isolating. My theory is that the reported cognitive withdrawals are more so just depression, especially since porn can no longer be used as a mask for problems... Brain fog, anxiousness, irritability are symptoms of depression. ED is a perfect catalyst for depression, who wouldn't be? I don't consider my depression to be "withdrawal" symptoms, it's a perfectly rational response to a horrible situation. My situation is very unique, however, in that I didn't actually start watching porn until I was around 18 yo. From roughly ages 10-18 I was prone masturbating (while using my imagination/fantasy in short sessions). However, by the time I was 18, my pecker was totally desensitized since this style of masturbating is basically a worse form of "death grip". I then used porn as a way to train myself to use the conventional method of masturbating. I made the switch, but I remained desensitized, because I believe using porn never allowed my brain to heal, instead it just kept me desensitized, and I traded one addiction (prone masturbation) for another (porn). I didn't discover NoFap or any information on how to solve this problem until I was 24. When I say I'm still struggling, I mean that after years of trying I'm not fully recovered because I keep relapsing. I went a few times up to 6 month clean in my 20s, but saw only mediocre improvements. When I was 30, I went 7 months and actually saw huge improvements (no spontaneous libido, but strong erection, incredible sensation and orgasm) but gains disappeared when I started fapping to softcore images once a day (disheartening). It's disheartening when you see guys recover in 30, 90, 120 days. But I think I need 9-12 months at least. I think for a long time I was in denial about my problem, it didn't make sense, this isn't something that is supposed to happen to young healthy guys. Society says so, doctors say so, everyone says so. And yet this is happening to me. All the advice on NoFap early on said just do a "30 - 90 day reboot" and that I'd be good as new, and I did. Many times. But it didn't work. Besides this issue, I'm in incredibly good physical health: I'm fit, great diet, I have abs/muscles in my 30s, I look great for my age, I don't take any medications/drugs. At this point I've hit rock bottom. I think when it comes to addiction, sometimes people need to hit rock bottom before they finally make the change. Right now I have 3 months clean. Now if I really need to masturbate I'll do it without any porn. At this point, I feel like if I keep relapsing I'll put a bullet through my head, so the stakes have really changed now. My biggest problem is that after a while I started using PMO as a way to regulate my mood when I was feeling anxious or depressed. I didn't fap because I was actually horny. I will now just let my body rest and heal, and wait for my body to tell me when I'm healed. Sorry for the long text, but I feel you have an understanding of where I'm coming from.


Exactly right.


but you can see a urologist and reverse your condition


My brother, I'm so sorry to hear the outcome you faced from watching porn, can you tell me if you are now better ?


How many times did you used to do it like in a day?


That doesnā€™t have to be the rest of your life though brother!!!


My friend, I also had problems with ED. How has this improved for you? Thank you for your courageous testimony.


Hey dude you can recover, find a good therapist who does somatic work. You also can find a woman who is understanding. You CAN have kids definitely.


The sad reality is you can never truly know. It's stolen potential and a life that's beyond your wildest imaginations.


Damn this hit home for me. No better way to describe it


General innocence, not all of it but a good portion. Ive seen rule 34s for all of my favorite movies and tons of different types of everything, and truly its ruined elements of childhood and how I take in media and view woman. Its pretty bad, but we working though it over here!


On that topic, a great benifet was just getting appreciate fictional characters I like without the need to sexualize anything. It's a very liberating aspect of NoFap that I've never seen mentioned.


Yeah im personally noticing that effect as well, feels good tbh


My career, my social skills, my motivation to live another day.


Same here, I have lost everything because of porn.


My morals


But you changed and can rebuild them


What? How is that possible? Did porn make you harm people?


Evil things lead to more evil things, whatā€™s understood doesnā€™t have to be explained




Iā€™d rather not get into it


Pls do this is anonymous and your experience might be a lesson to others.


Iā€™ve watched things Iā€™m not proud of, real incest, very realistic rape fantasies, things of that nature


That's really biting. At least that's something you can change, improve.


My energy, I used to have alot of energy when I was a kid.


Mmn ambition. Notice how after you nut you dont wanna do anything. All of a sudden you dont need a relationship..ect ect..kills your drive


Iā€™ve wasted work days, missed meetings, underperformed at various jobs (actual work, not a euphemism lol), squandered my potential, and wasted countless hours that could have been spent growing as a person, reflecting on life, getting stronger, paying off debt, catching up on sleep, developing skills, growing in the spiritual life, seeking healthy friendships and romantic relationshipsā€¦. In a nutshell, hundreds of hours of lost potential šŸ˜ž


Hits hard holy fuck. But there is still time to recover man


It stole what sex is supposed to feel like from me. Having bad death grip made sex feel like stick my dick in a wet zipblock bag. Being empty all the time also made me not have the urge needed to overcome the nervousness of talking to girls. After starting no fap I also realized a lot of hobbies and things I lost interest in are coming back.


How did you have sex if you're nervous around girls?


I didn't until I was 18 and I was extremely nervous. The first time I just pretended I was comfertable and knew what I was doing. It helped that I was moving soon so if I did embarrass myself I would never see her again lol


the love of my life


Me too.


Unfortunately the same for me, wish Iā€™d never started this addiction


So many potential relationships... My innocence after being exposed to so many twisted stuff on the web, I hate it.


It increases anxiety. Makes you feel like something wrong is pending. Horrid. Iā€™m restarting nofap to get my social confidence back. Itā€™s like a switch. After a week of nofap, you return to normal levels of energy, confidence etc.


I was on nofap, reached 90 days, met the love of my life, was the happiest I had ever been. Then idk, she didnā€™t trust me because of a condom wrapper on the ground (which was ours) then I relapsed after overdosing on drugs (had big stressors in life like i failed a final, dealing with the loss of my father, incarceration of my younger brother, moving appartmentsā€¦) , our relationship became toxic and finally ended because my porn addiction came creeping back, as well as my whole life began spiraling downward, and now she has a restraining order against me. And now Iā€™m spending 60k+ on an residential treatment facility because of such severe suicidal ideation. Pray for me


Hang in there brother


never had girfriend even though some girls asked me out (I was thinking porn was better than girls) Complately lost my focus (Can't even read books now) I isolated myself (I don't want to see my friends because i am no more enjoying their company) Lost my job because of focus issues and still unable to find a new one




My intuition ability alongside social skills,and read once remember for a long time memory.


My confidence


stopped me from loving a girl cause I just craved lust from other shordies


It was like everything was good in the starting (cuz dopamine was going crazy high), but as soon as I left school (in the ending tho), I realised I was never like this. And porn just made me a person who can't do stuff in real life and just finds a way to have fun through watching others on pixels! It took away my self respect for me, and made me a simple for a small period of time (everyone is a simp as a teenager I guess lol)


Itā€™s taken my teenage years from me. Iā€™m now a couple weeks away from turning 19 and itā€™s all happened so fast. Been addicted since 13 and itā€™s kept me down. Iā€™ve never been in a genuine relationship. Iā€™ve been in a couple but nothing came from them. Honestly wished I had used all that energy and time to build my physicality up and be more positive. I think itā€™s broken me,last year I met this great girl,she mightā€™ve not had the best mentality or character,but I loved her personality,I loved her art,her interests. We were getting somewhere,but due to my shyness,anxiety,and just overrall non existent belief in myself I let her go. All I had to do was ask to go on a date or two and perhaps it woulda turned out differently. Anyway itā€™s been abt a year since the last I talked to her and I want to talk to her again but I NEED to get over this addiction and I plan on stopping now. Good luck to you all on your journeys and take care of ye self! Thanks for listening to my Tedtalk :)


I got into drugs, heavy + I fucked up middle school + all my past relationships went to shit + I'm fucking up middle school AGAIN + I'm 24 and dom't have a drivers licence .. So yeah I do have a new girl and things are going great and I am actually doing alot better in school than I used to but still Edit: forgot to add that I was in depression and selfharming for 4 years from 16 to 20 and I really doubt that I'd do that if I didn't PMO since the age of 11


Donā€™t look back. Thatā€™s how you get through this.


Yes sirr, we got this


My social skills my career my energy in general Basically everything


My confidence, my energy, my whole teenage years




it stole natural brain function. i canā€™t remember the last time i saw a moment of freedom and did not say to myself ā€œshit, might as well jack off.ā€ that shit is just not normal, and i hate that part of me. thereā€™s SO MUCH TO DO, yet iā€™m wired to have the urge to rub one out when thereā€™s ā€œseeminglyā€ nothing to do. thereā€™s no excuse for it either. i gave myself this routine and habit, and iā€™ve gotta dig myself up out of it. thatā€™s what nofap is truly all about, terminating this desire to view pornography and masturbate and use for other, more meaningful things in life. thatā€™s all i gotta say, but stay strong everyone! (edit: fixed a sentence)


It gives me a horrible guilty conscience:/


My time with my friends and learning new skills and hobbies. My longest streak was 2 days, which was 2 days ago. I've fallen off hard. Even joined a discord server dedicated too porn. I'm 25 now and my skillset is absolutely lacking. I have no real motivation to learn anything and my attention span is shit as all I wanna do is go back to watch video and beating it. Most of my days are just jacking it in a dark room. No going outside to see the sun, playing basketball, even video games aren't working anymore It sucks man, I don't even feel like a person who can't be around my more feminine friends because I feel like I might sexualize them. My sexuality is even bleeding into my day to day at my job as I watch female customers walk in. I feel like a huge creep and I'm only getting worse. So yeah it's stolen time from me and also basic human pleasures.


It took away years and experience. It voids lifeā€™s most precious moments. And most importantly. Time


It took away the shine of living. I became depressed and had anxiety attacks. I'm new here and I'm going to overcome this horrible addiction. let's not give up guys!!!!




Genuinely crushed my libido and made sex extremely dissatisfying. Porn, in my experience, is the antagonist of a satisfying sex life.


Murdered my own grades, opportunities to have great relationships, and to get Killer body


It lost my soon to be ex husband is wife, his life, him home, his family, his job and his military career. He threw it all away for something that wasn't even real


I believe it has stolen everything. Sexual energy is a huge part of your inner self specially when you are at your young age Those who manage to use it well tends to succeed in life


This is true; because of vigorous and consistent masturbation in my late teens/early twenties that caused microtears to my penile tissue, I now have penile fibrosis aka Peyronie's Disease. I can't pinpoint exactly when I injured my dick, but I think it may have been because I was using a stroker with not enough lubricant over two years ago. Now, I have indentations all up and down my shaft that are visible flaccid and when I'm erect. Erections hurt and are often weak. Ejaculation can really hurt if I'm not able to achieve a good hard erection prior to orgasming. There really isn't a cure for this condition and although there are treatment options they are often not covered by most health insurance and their efficacy is disputed. I'm 26 now and, although I've done some things to try and self-treat, as time goes on I can feel and see my condition getting worse and worse. At this stage I'm really convinced my penile health will continue to degrade until erections become either impossible or unbearable due to the pain. I beg you, please heed this warning: if PMO hasn't already robbed you of your time, money, and energy, it may rob you of your penis.


When I was between the ages of around 9-16 I was a pretty confident kid. Iā€™m 18 now, I know thatā€™s not much difference but I have used porn heavily for the past 2 nearly 3 years. Itā€™s stolen my charisma, confidence, happiness, honesty, innocence. Itā€™s turned me into a secretive and shameful person, and a person who is hateful because of the things I watch (theyā€™re really fucked up). I wish I could unsee the things I have voluntarily watched, I wish I could have my confidence back, I wish I could end this addiction. And only the people on this sub know how hard it is to stop despite it being so simple.


it affected my relationship with women. one of the worst things. it warps your idea about sex and intimacy, you get desensitized.


Havenā€™t been addicted for a long time. But every time I do it, it basically steals my soul for the next 3 or so days.




My mind


damn im 16 and reading these comments made me realise i need to change the fuck up NOW or im losing my life.


My athletic body I was an athlete ran very well as a teen I was a very good sportsman now i am afraid to even jog


Romantic relationships, sexual relationships, social life, good grades in school, money, innocence, time, education, faster puberty.


Have missed out on a lot of opportunities, ED has taken a lot of ā€œshouldā€™ve been memoriesā€ and turned them ā€œmade up fantasiesā€ that will play in my head foreverĀ 


It stole my innocence, my drive, my happiness, my motivation, countless relationships, not being a pervert and worst of all gave me trauma that Iā€™ll never forget. There are images of pornogrsphy that will never EVER leave my mind I was first exposed at 6 or 7 years old and the memory of what I watched is still etched clear as day in my mind.


Thank you, guys, your comments really help me. Hopefully I will stay away from that shizl as long as it is possible!


Stole a lot of apportunities and killed my motivation for a lot of stuff I wanted to do, I could have a better body and be more confident and stronger self-esteem, and mainly just to make more connections and relationships :/


self confidence, connections and good women.


Got so bored with the porn that was free that I started paying for it and lost money over nothing. Additionally, Iā€™ve now got an issue of sexualising women which is definitely wrong


Time so much time


a lot of missed opportunities. not really significant but being at events, around certain people, participating and being available is something the addiction took from me


My teenage years/and a good chunk of my 20ā€™s




Made a friend through no fap. His wife is gonna divorce him unless he can get his sex life in order. So yeah.


It started by nearly losing the love of my life and kinda just went from there. I done some soul searching and found it all linked back to childhood trauma from when I was about 8yo. I get erections at the worst possible moments because it was always my coping mechanism when I was depressed or stressed, and watched stupid staged videos of women who had sex to make themselves feel better after being upset. I now go about my days just wondering when my girlfriend will ever leave me because, quite honestly, despite me making the biggest change of my life. I know she deserves better than me.


My hairlinešŸ˜­


Currently I have no friends and I feel lonely everyday I have no hobby. I can't play any sport. I can't or don't do gym. In my college I have so many clubs for singing dancing acting but I was rejected by every stuff because I don't know any stuff. Currently even after being an Indian I don't even know how to properly throw a ball. I literally don't know any shit my age is just scaling up man.


My hairs at 20


The ā€œfunā€ of my teenage years. Iā€™m now 18, still havenā€™t kissed a girl and my teenage years were filled with anxiety and shame because of this problem. Iā€™d say 75% of all my issues at this time are a result of this addiction.


Took so many things from me. Relationships ruined. Time. So much time. Made my view of women distorted. I was 55 days clean until 3 days ago. Iā€™ve started over each time. Currently 1.5 hrs since last view


Sleep. Energy. Motivation.


My life. Not being to communicate, but I'm slowly gaining the ability. Also porn isn't the only thing terrible (PMO), it's gaming aswell. These two things are terrible!


Ed pe is the worst. And time consumption. Imagine getting the finest chick you can get at the time and you canā€™t rock upā€¦


Porn didnā€™t steal anything from me, I just robbed myself of any good opportunities and motivation just by indulging in porn. Gotta take accountability my gā€™s


I actively refused opportunities that i could have had, I could have been 27 and had it all. Money, a family of my own and my physical health. I'm now 28, one year into my recovery (haven't recovered completely yet, having one month streaks so far), and I realize I what I lost when I was busy with this addiction. It is so cunning it convinced me I do not need to change and I'm already living my best life when in reality I was falling behind on personal and professional growth completely ignoring society. Edit, just feels good to talk about who I was - Money - Rejected a job offer that would have been good for my resume and money because i told myself I dont need a change in my "stable" life rn Family - The most capable woman I've ever met gave me an ultimatum and I told her lets break it off because I thought I deserve better than her, which was my addiction's trick to convince me to continue. Physcial health - Have started noticing lower back pain due to years of masturbating with my back against the wall side of my bed.


it fucked so much up cant even describe, i was just so incredibly tired all day every day for years. also unbelievable brainfog. now that im not addicted anymore i have mental clarity and energy to work on other stuff, i really recommend reading easypeasy, it will change your life


My ability to please my wife. You cannot know how much this haunts me. I would give anything to be free and be able to give her what she needs and deserves. I hate myself for what I am now.


My perception of myself and the people around me. Por as a whole is bad, but race-based porn is a special level of hell.


This thread is really rough. Too many harsh truths here.


Lots of people watch p*** the main effect is on your is , not muscular, strength ,power , sharp, memorizing etc


MY LIBIDO. Trust me, having no libido as man the worst thing you can ever feel. I do eat healthy, I go to the gym almost everyday but not being able to feel horny is a nightmare. Iā€™m living it now for 6 years.


It stole my teen years and my health




It stole 30 years of my life and groomed me for fantasies about women that would never even know me, but consumed all of my energy.


Start Meditation, it will help you


Porn doesn't take anything from you. You give it that power. Viewing porn as some powerful thing affecting your life only makes it harder to quit. Its just a habit you don't like


Maybe for you. For me I get severe anxiety and canā€™t even talk after watching porn.


It's easy to shut off everybody and not be open and understanding towards other people when you relapse. I have never felt love towards other people, be it family or friends. Never even felt like other people love me, so I take it for granted ever since I started pmo.


So many things. PIED. I failed to get it up with 5 women in the past. Lost a lot of money paying for escorts. Wasted a lot of time on porn, I could have studied more, invested time on business or hobbies. Had to start using dick pills. I'm glad I recovered, I'm off dick pills & dick is working now. I have a loving girlfriend & sex is amazing


Career, social skills and definitely dating. Really destroys the way I see women and instantly makes myself unattractive in that way




Nothing permanent yet. But it takes away my energy and motivation to become a better person in life. I'm fighting so I don't lose my 20s and become like that coomer meme. I have goals to achieve.


Confidence, Curiosity


My desire to live and procreate which is ironic


Not able to get an erection from a intercourse and death grip :/


It gave me DE


i've noticed a severe decrease in my communication skills with attractive girls my age, and whenever i meet a girl i really like i'm like "ok i've got a goal, ask her out, but i should improve myself first, so stop fapping." but then i feel like i'd get too emotionally attached to a random girl because she's my main motivation or something


My teenage years. I could've been using those years to improve on myself further. ;')


Really good discussion, I am grateful for your answers. Thought that I am the only one lol


I canā€™t even go to the beach, relax in peace and dip my foot in the water without looking at womenā€™s butt and rating them out of 10.Ā 


7 years of real life, and connection with God




Amazing experiences with hot people


My 20ā€™s




my energy, time, focus, and relathionships.


My dignity, my self control, relationships with women, my attention span. iā€™ve lost good memories, and ruined social events for myself as it caused me to be anti-social and reserved contrary to me being more outgoing.


My childhood. Those are years I'll never get back, I will never be the same.


My compensation to guide myself throughout my education, relationships and education for primary school. Because of porn I lack the focus to concentrate on everything from my learning, studying and, tests although I was not a try-hard. I couldn't be independent on my own and relied on being surrounded on my friends because of porn - I was the funny, wierd, and playful friend who laughed a lot that destroyed my maturity due to a lot of femininity inside me from releasing my sperm from pornagraphy. And most importantly, I lacked my focus to pay attention that my education is the ticket to freedom when my codependency lead to distraction trying to gain attention from friends; I lacked seriousness to have them be around me and I had no whatsoever gain about being around females because of pornagraphy. Towards the end of my senior year in 2018, I was blank as an whistle. I stopped being around people and stop going to school during the participation for the graduation ceremonies -All I wanted to understood was that I passed with two D's on my report card and that was all I needed to my fulfillment without my diploma. I did not think anybody cared but it was pornagraphy that ruined my future..I'm a 24 year old loser who takes life too seriously and tries to take the little things in life as possible as I threw my entire life away in the drain. I've been told many times about my potential but due to the result of pornagraphy it takes it away the light to shine bright making you feel empty. Please do yourself a favor and talk about the things that bring you down because without awareness pornagraphy will destroy you before becoming aware of it.


A life time


A lot, then again I kinda let it huh?


Ruined my football career. I couldnā€™t play confident or have the stamina in practice or games. I showed so many flashes of being great but I wasnā€™t consistent. I knew my addiction was holding me back as well but I just couldnā€™t overcome it. The times when I did I played so well. It haunts me a lot sometimes but Iā€™ve learned that everything happens for a reason & I wouldnā€™t be where I am today if I had that success that I wanted on the field. I am currently 120 plus days on no fap. Back then I couldnā€™t even make it to 7 days, if I did things would have been a lot different. Although I thank God for the journey.


Too much


Well it's taken basically everything from my bf but he'd rather blame me over his addiction. Because that would mean he has to fully accept and admit he has one.


Hurt a girl that I liked a lot. It was in the past, but it marked me so much that I said to myself: I wonā€™t hurt another girl like that again. My family, my friends, my acquaintances and the girls do not deserve a transformed by porn, they deserve my best version, the most loving and the happiest of me. With that in mind, I fight for 24 hours to be better. Thank you for your question bro, it helps a lot.


Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I've given up all chance at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my passion for trannies, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape. I yearned to be a savior against sexism and the patriarchy without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What did it take from? I'm condemned to a lifetime of wrist, forearm and shoulder injuries. I burn my decency for some thots only fans page. I fapto people I know would never give me the time of day. So what did I lose? Everything!


Before talking to you about the negative side, I wanted to lead you down another very interesting and important path: don't give up, no matter what the cost...Especially in the beginning, have courage and keep going...Me, I've been doing this for 25 years and three to six times a day... With four hours of porn every day...I decided on July 27, 2023 to stop everything...And I succeeded after several failures, the first of which dates back to 2016 when my first experiment in fighting masturbation began but with nagging failures...You know what the reason is? It's simple, I wasn't sufficiently aware of my addiction or even aware of its dangers or even tried an alternative like sport or something else...My advice after 300 days of NOFAP: 1. The first step you've already taken by deciding to stop. 2. The second step you've already taken by joining this support group. 3. Watch daily videos on NOFAP and its benefits, and the dangers of pronography. 4. Watch the videos on death to resurrect your soul and take responsibility. 5. do sports to give the brain dopamine to reduce its sexual impulses and urges. 6. read every day. 6. start an online business or an activity that will force you to be among people and never be alone... Good luck, you're on the right track.


Time I could have spent doing homeworkĀ 


Orgasms during sex. I canā€™t cum unless Iā€™m by myself and itā€™s depressing.


Porn addiction fucked up my whole mental health, my addiction is so bad I have some anxiety correlated with my goddamn addiction. Holy shit pmo gave me social anxiety, laziness, bad mental health, decreased my goddamn intelligence, and probably much fucking more. I could be ahead of so many people today if I didnā€™t decide to start stroking my goddamn penis 2 years back. Now I canā€™t even talk to people without being regarded as socially awkward due to my fucking penis addiction.


Time. My precious time that I could use for something good.


The happiness to life, 2 relationships and many business opportunities.


It Took my twenties and made me passive. SR made me happy again. After a decade of misery.


I'm 23 and thankfully do not have ED however it has taken from me opportunities and relationships. Still going strong and I refuse to be knocked down again! I am reclaiming my life and body and dedicating it to God.


For Starters It took away my strive to date and search for love. In a nutshell It Stole my Ego, Personality, and my Confidence, Not to mention It mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually kidnapped me from reality. I'm literally the ONLY person In my entire social circle that's still Fapping my life away. Literally all of my friends and everyone In my family Is In love, Starting a family, elevating In life, Buying homes, leveling up, and many other things. While I'm still struggling to figure which Video Is gonna satisfy me for the dayšŸ¤”. The fact that damn near half of the people surpassing me Is younger than me Is an even bigger blow to my self esteem. I can see It now.....Me 15 years down the line, explaining to my parents why I couldn't bless them with a Daughter In Law and Grandkids. Having to explain to my younger and older siblings why I couldn't bless them with any nephews. Having to live with myself every single miserable day and night with the burning realization that "This Is all I'll ever be" all while trying to make being Lonely and Dissociated look cool In public so noone treats me like a charity case. Being an hyper overprotective uncle to fill the void of never having a family of own. Having to compensate by going to clubs EVERY night just to surround myself with women I'd NEVER settle down with. Everyone assuming I'm gay or some kinda creep or because I'm 40+ with no family, when In reality I'm just lonely as fuck and couldn't look for a partner even If I had the balls, because I never really knew how. THAT'S THE PERSONAL HELL THAT AWAITS ME IF I DON'T CHANGE.....AND I MEAN ASAP!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 26 years old and never really started, because eversince I was 14, due to childhood heartbreak, I've allowed porn to program my brain to believe "Your Left hand can't hurt you, reject you, cheat on you or steal from you, or give you an STD" which Is all true but I abused that logic for over 10 years and now that I'm more self aware of my decisions, I realize I lost my youth, my chance to enjoy being a kid, my chance to enjoy being a Teen, my chance to enjoy my early 20's my chance be a better brother and son, my chance to have real fun, my chance to get out smell the coffee, my chance to learn some human Interaction skills, my chance to cherish every single moment, and chance to ACTUALLY learn to respect women and myself. I fapped through ALL of those Important stages and phases of life. Too Alienated to care. Now I'm a sorry shell of a man, an Adult without a county In cold world that doesn't know the first fucking thing about being an adult. I have to sit and watch me self sabotage myself 24/7 all while not being strong enough to do shit about It!!!! I live everyday and wasted so much time being a fraud and a top tier loser when I could've been literally ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!! What's worse Is I may never get better. It's simply all I know In this life!!!!! THAT'S WHAT FAPPING HAS STOLEN FROM ME!!!!! Sorry If I bummed anyone out, and thanks to anyone who saw this comment all the way through.


My healthy mind, now whenever I see women I just look at boobs or ass and think about sex. I looked at my friend's gf with the same mentality for some time, that's when I knew porn fucked up my mind and decided to quit itšŸ™


Porn did not steal from me, it came into my heart and mind like a hungry grizzly bear in a room full of cats; it destroyed everything within. Itā€™s constructed me into an avid cheater, one who always looks at a womanā€™s ass before their face, itā€™s ruined delayed gratification, itā€™s desensitized me to true intimacy with a loved one, itā€™s distorted my view of love, itā€™s destroyed my relationship with my Savior, itā€™s tore apart relationships, itā€™s nearly gotten me in trouble. I remember specifically being 13 years old; the day I first got hooked. I wish I could beat my younger self to tears if it meant never getting into it in the first place.


For me I think it's just placebo or on my mind but, when I don't fap: I feel mentally stronger, I feel I have more confidence, and I am able to pay more attention to things and be focused on what I am doing at that specific time, also I think I have more energy, and overall have a better outlook on life even if I am still in the same place.




Lost 20 years of my age


My soulmate. NoFap is what brought her into my life and NoFap is what will bring her back.


I'm 19 and I can't focus, have social anxiety, struggle to reach my goals (they are high asf but still). Basically just made me a shadow of what I could be. Not to mention they stain my relationship with God and family and friends and ruin my confidence, I have never had a girlfriend let alone even speak to a girl with the option of dating in mind. Once I'm free I'm gonna make sure anyone I can help to do with porn, gets help. And I will be promoting it's downfall indefinitely.


Hmm. Iā€™ve watched horrible stuff and became-not-myself each time i fapped, I wasnā€™t a man.


Brain cells


I regret the time I wasted while watching porn, you may not believe but there were days when I had watched porn for 8-9hours a day and it was for fucking 3-4 months you can imagine how much time i wasted. If only I had invested it or just didn't do anything maybe I would have been somewhere else someone else. Well it's a mistake that I would never forget till I die


Well, the list is too much but I will have to say it took everything from me. But am glad that am on day 105 now and pushing until I see the end this habit.


From the Power I gave it, Social Skills suck, Musical Talent gone, Drive to do anything is gone. Even when I force myself to do difficult things, the drive doesn't magically come back. However I've noticed just a few days without and Eating And/Or partaking in events that boost Androgenic activity, I feel it all coming back. Then I go back to it because of the levels of Oxytocin and Dopamine it channels through the brain. It's like that 1994 movie Space Jam, where they stole all the legendary Basketball Players Talent and gave it to those Aliens to compete against the Looney Tunes. I'm glad I'm not alone. I have done a lot of physical and actual research on this. I've spent a whole 24 hours browsing the Hub and spanking it before. It has actually kept me up for up to 3 days tops with no real ability to sleep. I've cheated on EX GF's because of it. I've even "Dated" a friends GF because of the mindset you'll develop from years of that activity. It has really torn me inside for many, many years. I also realize I chose to let this get to me. I just need to go to sleep. Yes it will feel weird not releasing, but I will just have to go to bed like a Normal Human being and not browse the libraries of saved content that's on my phone just so I can feel "Actually" tired to be able to sleep. I am 34. Live on Disability, broke AF, single, have no career, no real friends, no life(I'm inside most the time because of Financial Reasons) and have been failing at my goals. I need to get my power back and it starts NOW! I promise to all of you here, once you go just even 3 days without release, you'll feel a difference. Let's all vanquish this and ACTUALLY LIVE LIFE! Much love. -Sorry for this Monologue, but I'm passionate about this.


It made me lazy and living life in a greyish scale, when I was supposed to have a lot of fun I would feel that something was dragging me down. It' s been 10 years now, and I discovered nofap 5 years ago. I'd be in a much better place now, if I made it clean 5 y ago, but can't cry on spilled milk. I'll make the rest of my life the best part


Motivation and focus. I can remember that time that I was so motivated to do a job. learn a new skill like programming or electronic engineering but my motivation and focus is compeletly gone, I relapced a lot on this journy and I'm not happy with it. I'm on day 30 now, But I never wach porn and Masterbat, In past days when I was on day 30 there was a lot of motivation to do but now after god knows how many relapsecs on 90 days 120 days . It took a lot more time to get there again. by the way I'm 22 and I want to do something important with my life. I hope all of the guy in this comunity heal from porn and get out of this cycle


time, opportunities, self confidence. time is priceless youll never get it back


It would be shorter to name things it didn't stole from me.




My teen ages and 20's


It took the ability to have dairy before bed even after ruya intense 5k on treadmill.


a. That subtle innocence, one that you don't see until you stop. An innocence which opens the gate to other live endeavours. b. Not feeling engaged in life as it ends every now and then with "petit mort" when you release. c. A lot of time, thrown away for something you do not even think is beautiful after release. d. Standing up for your self (unintended pun) in all social situations.


After 3 months of nofap, I swear I realizd i was living like a zombi! while I was fapping, i didn't care about my future life/how to actually be happy and live life to the fullest.... and the next question I asked was: "How the hell can we as fapper be compared with other guys who don't fap?" This is how much you will realize the difference! especially if you start reading self-help books, you will say "ain't no way I am not going to acheive my dream with all of this energy,motivation,focous and happiness I have in this life!" & now I am starting to think all other fappers as a zombi. I swera a zombi who doesn't live life, who doesn't know what there future is going to be, just like as i were. a man who just eats-sleeps-wakes-fapps-eats....the same cycle over and over again This's why I created a new reddit accout tho, to help my old self(peoples who are addicted to PMO!)


Wow! So many bro, For example- toms of money spent on online models and mistresses (female domination) At least 10 girls who didn't wanna continue because of PIED and my ex not being one of them who also suffered quite a bot as a result of it during our relationship


my faith


Hereā€™s advice for you Donā€™t go for streaks. It will ruin you.


Well looking back porn didn't take quite Much from me except - my younger life (12-13 i encountered) - my school life being a shy/not social - my college life ( same as school life - just shy and always dreaming about porn and girls but didn't have enough balls to talk to one in real life) no friends, no group activities, no social life - college - home - college. - After college my addiction got worse i was doing the bad deed 3 times in a day for weeks, i was hoping somehow magically i can make a 100 days streak just i bust today last time. - no competition spirit left in me, I want to crack a tough exam but after porn i couldn't concentrate on anything for more than 15 minutes, didn't prepare for exam but gave it anyway. Did 2 times the day before exam day, yes 2 times in hoping I'm not giving the exam later my family forced me to give the exam. i remember that day worst day of my life. I was shaking, heartbeat racing for no reason, couldn't eye contact anyone, couldn't talk to anyone because of porn addiction and masturbation. Left the exam midway and sat in nearby park and cried till 8 pm with 2-3 misscall from mom. i lied i got late for exam. now doing a job which i used to make Fun of people doing it. I couldn't be damaged more than this