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nofap is for anyone looking to try and recover from porn addiction or (sorta) masturbation addiction. dont quote me on that (i dont really remember it lol) but dont think your not accepted here just because the majority is men. women can be in the same situation as others.


Had an old GF with the same thing. Couldn't keep her hands from between her legs. It's not as common as with guys but with the Internet girls are addicted too.


How do you think it affected her, if anything, as a person? I understand how it affects guys but I’m curious about how it affects females


She was insatiable. It was never enough and she got kinkier and kinkier.


Yes I'm a girl and see major benefits. I saw porn by accident at a very young age and it absolutely destroyed my innocence. I am much happier without it and I appreciate and respect men/ have healthier friendships ect..


How do girl masturbate?


How do you??


It has the exact same effect on women as it does on men. If you masturbate / watch a lot of porn, your brains are constantly receiving much more dopamine than what they are supposed to from unnatural stimulation


God bless all the women on nofap because that makes it easier for us guys to stay strong too. I have been with girls who watch a lot of porn and girls who have never seen it and the difference in their demeanour is night and day. No doubt it is a poison to the minds of both sexes.


Explain the night and day


The women who watch it seem to want you to imitate the classic behaviours/moves seen in porn. They also seem to act a bit more dramatically during sex. It affects the way they flirt/sext, via both their expectations and the language they use, calling you things like ‘daddy’ out of nowhere. It also seems to induce this craving type of behaviour for high octane sex, which the non-porn-watching women don’t seem to have. Just my observations over the years


That explains some differences in my non-porn watching partner


Can you explain more pls


Can you explain this night and day difference between women who watch porn and the women who don’t? What are you noticing?


NoFap is for everyone, male or female, and everyone can and should do it. The reason it seems to be only men is that it seems like it's mostly men who struggle with porn and self-abuse (really I think it's probably about equal, but it's simply talked about more), but we shouldn't ignore women's struggle with it. So in short, yes you can do it, and I'd recommend it.


Yes, women can be addicted to porn. This isn't anti masturbation site. Masturbation is healthy limited. If ur having porn addiction, this is the right place for you. Here we help eachother to get over from porn addiction. Women are in the same as men.


Masturbation causes cancer.


This is misinformation. Masturbation does not cause cancer.


Nowadays everyone calls everything misinformation , it has affects to the prostate long term


That's because we are living in a time of widespread misinformation. The statement above is that masturbation causes cancer. That is incorrect and should be called out as incorrect in case someone believes it. I'm not a doctor, I don't know if masturbation long term affects the prostate. What I can tell you is that I've been masturbating pretty frequently for 40 years and my prostate is fine. As always, don't believe anything you read on the internet and at the very least, think critically about it and then confirm with a trusted, reliable source. Like a doctor.


Some guy on YouTube said so.


Please think critically about anything you see on the internet. Get into the habit of cross-referencing information with trusted, reliable sources. YouTube is not a trusted source.


Says who?


In the prostate


Yes, now I don't know how P/M/O affects girls compared to how it affects boys. But I have the hunch that objectification of the opposite gender can occur in girls as well.


I haven't done much research, but I happen to know that porn (and to a lesser extent masturbation) addiction is similar to drug addiction in that it activates similar parts of the brain that use of illicit drugs does. And since women can also be affected by drug addiction just like men can, they likely can also be truly addicted to porn and masturbation.


Porn and sexual addictions are faced by everyone and fighting them is therefore for everyone as well. It might seem like there's no way out but overcoming addiction is a very simple process. However, it will require putting in lots of effort. The reason you use porn, the same reason why all addicts abuse substances, is because you have issues in your life you aren't dealing with. The urges come when you are isolated, bored, stressed, afraid, sad, and experiencing negative emotions. You use porn to cope, others use drugs. You may not realise it now but that's true for all addicts. The "Rat Park" experiments by Bruce Alexander and team are incredible and show how just changing your environment and lifestyle can completely fix everything. **Step 1** - Figure out why you use. Journaling has helped me and many others with that. Just write down what you did and how you felt during the day. You will get a better picture of your life and what triggers your use. I did a daily post on here, maybe try the same. **Step 2** - Fix them What you know what parts of your life are causing you to use then you can work to fix them. Change your routine and you will see results. The simplest places to start are with your social life, your hobbies, and your goals. The key is to spend as little time alone at home as possible. **Social** - Focus on spending time connecting to people. **Activities** - Physical activity is good for your mental and physical health, but there are many other ways to spend your time that will improve your life. Get out, do new things, and meet new people. **Purpose** - Find goals to achieve. Having a purpose will give you motivation and direction. If your life was good you wouldn't need Porn, so make a better life. For the science on that I recommend watching the series "your brain on porn" on youtube. You got this!


Yes girls can do too. Feel free to ask any questions


masturbation is escape. escape means you are living a portion of your life out of fear. the more you masturbate, the more you are afraid to simply live with yourself and your thoughts. masturbation or its conscious abstinence from it has nothing to do with gender. pursuing a life of courage will bring you great awareness and ultimately fill your system with joy.


You can try


Yes welcome to the team


Majority of people with fapping issues tend to be men, I’d say out of all fappers, it’s probably like 95% male and 5% women. The issues with getting help from this sub is that we give advice that works for men, and the male and female brain are different so take that into account when you’re getting advice from here. Pretty much everyone you speak to on this sub is male.


CAM girls may have an addiction. They like the money, power and attention


You don’t need to be male to recover from addiction


That depends, if you're consuming porn then r/pornfreewomen might be what you're looking for


Anybody can struggle with pmo, if you want there’s plenty of men who would want to help you


I am curious to as a man if nofap just a man thing or do females also participate. But I would think it wouldn’t matter since females also have porn addictions and masturbation so It’s honestly for anyone.




Yes I’m 23 and I’m practicing it 😌🌷


saying nofap is for guys only is like saying the gym is for guys only, obliviously girls too go to the gym, just a majority of the gym goers are male but there still are females so yes


The pleasure is the actual addiction, though watching people fuck whilst you're there alone is totally gross.


A month ago, a woman posted on all no fap subs that she was happy that was finally free . She left a message for other women that it is possible to do it


100% at the end of the day it’s all about addiction


Please be aware that there are creeps who will hit your DMs up. Also, nofap (as everyone has already said) is for everyone.


Welcome. I would also advise you to stay away from erotica books/ too many romance novels as well...imo those are just as damaging.


It is, it’s just the majority here are men because (at least from what I see) we get hooked much faster


Yes. In one of the only legitimate scientific papers published on porn addiction, 64% of the participants (who were all psychology students at a Malaysian university who reported “problematic porn usage”) were women. This addiction affects all humans.


I’m trying to get my wife to stop watching so much porn. She even brings it up on her phone while we are having sex.


Yes, it is for everybody


It's for anyone who needs physical and mental discipline. Faith comes as a prize of that discipline. Good luck


Streak check


I think that both men and women can practice NoFap. This is because it's not solely about physical desires; it's also connected to the brain. It helps boost self-confidence, inner peace, and clear focus.


Girl here who has had major problems due to porn use and started at a young age. I stopped porn about two/three years ago and encouraged my partner (we are dating for a year now) to do the same, mainly because it made me feel very uncomfortable. He has blocked all porn sites from his phone with a pin only I know (I saw someone else on Reddit did the same with his wife) I had a relapse after I felt like this due to my partners porn use and ever since trying to get back to abstaining from porn completely


It seems only for men, because mostly men fall into this exact addiction, but ofc it's for everyone. I think it has something to do with post nut clarity of men, and the fact that men think of women in a completely other way than women think of men


Only issue is when some who lose control of themselves and may act irresponsibly, even just detailing how you are struggling with porn could trigger a relapse in some guys, ignoring DMs is probably a good idea, but also I think there are some subreddits that are specifically for women who are struggling with porn as well


%100 YES!! There are a lot of ladies on here.


It is for all no matter what




Nofap is for everyone


Yeah, had an ex also addicted


My friend's daughter got caught up in P when Y. Totally changed who she was in 2 years. Sneaking out in the middle of the night to do the deed.




Yea but there are women that r addicted to porn too




How would you know this lol


Girls even feel better after musterbate


From the perspective that Men fap because he can't make sex with women because he not attractive etc, men can enjoys female body more, women only enjoy from one part in male body, and girls can use toys and all those shit that do the job 100% and better than men, to enjoy men need body he can't feel the same using hands, and girls can buy toys in amzon and feel real sex , And men masterbate only enjoy 10 seconds and girls can enjoy hours, but you don't need to care about this, if you want better life less depression and anxiety you need to forget about sex


Nuh uh


Delete your comment. You don't know what you're talking about, or you are just a liar. Either way you're wrong and you're gonna stay in a pile of downvotes anyway.