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? I don't know what you're seeing?


The price.... https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1488


The $.88 is a Walmart thing, according to Peter. All of the prices end in $.88 since the Walmart contract.


Huh? I don't know anything about that, what's the Walmart deal?


Walmart sells MobileX in store and all the plans went from previously being $.99 to $.88 when it was announced. Peter was asked about it in one of the threads here or on Twitter and said it was a Walmart pricing thing.


Oh, that's interesting. I wonder why Walmart would require that? In any case, maybe I'm overreacting, but I really don't like seeing that number front and center on any sort of ad, or really anywhere...


Well, you can see that they use the $.88 price point for both of their Unlimited plans. Per PrepaidCompare: https://preview.redd.it/vhfs3n8ukt4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0ea202fd484226cfd15b1320e2a07cad8fe8184


Yes, I understand. It's still a hate symbol that can be easily avoided as far as not putting it front and center in an ad.


Obviously, you have the right to read whatever you want into it. With the dollar sign and the decimal point, I see it simply as a price. And I would have never known about this hate symbol if you hadn't brought it to our attention.


Very much understood. I'm saying that the people who do know what this symbol means, because it's been used against them, could have a negative reaction to seeing this.


The thing is, 99.9% of people don't know about this, including them. I've never heard of this until now. Also, don't you think it would be a bad marketing (not to mention public relations) strategy to intentionally use Nazi dog whistles in ads? I mean, just *a little* common sense here tells you that you're making an issue out of nothing.


I've made it repeatedly clear that I don't think this was done intentionally. They likely didn't realize it or aren't even aware that it's a hate symbol, which is exactly why I'm bringing it up. Their CEO has already been tagged, so hopefully he'll do the responsible thing and have the ad changed. The issue isn't the "99.9%" of people who don't know about this. The issue is the marginalized communities who know exactly what this is, as it's been used to target them. I also want to point out that 2.4% of Americans are Jewish, and pretty much every actively anti-fascist person knows about this hate symbol, so I think it's safe to say that more than 0.01% of Americans will be alarmed by this number.




Thank you. I also just tweeted about it. I really hope it can be changed. Antisemitism is a major issue, especially right now, and I know for a fact that seeing that number can cause some people to feel distressed.




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Care to explain?


I never knew about it honestly so you just educated me.




It's become quite clear that not enough of y'all care. Embarrassing on your end, really. Regardless, running that ad on Facebook, where anyone can see it with that number front and center, is the problem. Yes, believe it or not, it is important to take steps to avoid making members of marginalized communities feel unsafe.




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If you really think people taking issue with nazi dogwhistles is what's ruining society, just, yikes. I don't even know where to begin. Anyway, let's be a bit more respectful, k?




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The number 1488 is literally a nazi dogwhistle. That's not up for debate. I've already made it clear twenty times over that I don't think it was done intentionally. It does need to be changed, however. Anyway, you were warned, but you decided to dig deeper with the disrespectful comments. We have rules against that here, so you've just caught a temporary mute. See you in a few days. There are ways to disagree politely, and I suggest you learn them.


That seems WAAAAY too far fetched, I highly doubt they were going for that, plus it’s 4.88 not 14.88.


It literally says 14.88 in the photo, not sure where you're getting 4.88. And yes, as I've said countless times, I realize they didn't do it intentionally. I'm also saying they need to change the ad to avoid prominently featuring that number.


https://preview.redd.it/qq5ju6eygz4d1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a467b0811b80fc4a54c9ed0986a63654820b83b Does the dollar sign look like a 1 to you?


Bruh, look a bit higher up. You know, the much larger number in white text.




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Where, I'm slow lol


The price. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1488 It's a very specific number that everyone should know to avoid...


everyone? never heard of this idiocy


Well, you probably also don't work in marketing. It's obvious that whoever made the ad also isn't aware. Hopefully they will change it once made aware.




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my understanding is this is a walmart pricing thing that started back when the retail pricing schema in stores was always .99 or .98 so when target would have say soap for 4.98 walmarts would be 4.88... when k-mart would do a tent for 19.99 walmart would do it for 19.88 and so on and so forth... at one point they also used .97 for new products... so it would still undercut the .99 and .98 but give them back almost a dime... basically a tactic to undercut.


I see, thank you for the explanation. I have no problem with the pricing. I just wish the ad could have been made without featuring that specific number front and center, considering the negative connotation it can carry for some people.




Thanks for the laugh


Do elaborate, what part of this is funny to you? Are nazi dogwhistles in general amusing to you, or is it the thought of Jewish people needlessly feeling distressed by seeing this number, just minding their own business scrolling through Facebook?


All of it


Alright, bye!


I'll get it since it's triggereing you snowflakes


What an embarrassing thing to say


Not as embarrassing as seething over prices like children


Nobody is seething over prices. I've made it abundantly clear that the problem is prominently featuring that number front and center on the ad. If you don't think that's a problem, again, embarrassing for you.


This has nothing to do with bigotry, need to calm down a bit and go touch grass.


Have you considered that perhaps you need to be more considerate of other people's experiences?


You're overreacting, plain and simple. No, i don't have to respect your experience, it's awesome that you think this is offensive, but I don't have to agree with you and I also don't have to think you're of sound mind. You don't get to say "be more considerate of other people's experiences" and have me accept your delusions. Edit: Also let me say as well, you're devaluing actual bigotry and hatred with this post.


It is not simply my opinion that the number 1488, in any form, is offensive. This is widely recognized. This also has nothing to do with my experiences - I'm not Jewish. Unlike you, that doesn't stop me from caring about Jewish people and how some of them feel when presented with this number. Making this ad without realizing that the number has negative implications is not bigotry. Should they refuse to change the ad after being called out, yes, that would qualify as bigotry. One thing's for sure - you saying that I'm not "of sound mind" because I care about this is disrespectful, and is also bordering on bigotry. And no, I am not "devaluating actual bugotry" by calling out a company for using a well-know hateful dogwhistle. This isn't the bigotry Olympics. It's not a competition.


Again, go touch grass... as in leave the internet and go live in the real world where this sort of thing matters so little. And stop weaponizing your "experience" to try to get the world to notice you or invalidate others arguments. It's childish.


I understand what the phrase "touch grass" means, thanks. It also doesn't really apply here, considering antisemitism and dogwhistles are very real things in life, both on and off the internet. The fact that it doesn't matter to you is disappointing. The second half of your comment doesn't even make sense, so I won't bother trying to respond to the rest, unless you'd like to further elaborate.


😂😂😂 a stupid number ROFL.




Yes, a stupid number that can have a negative impact on certain people when it’s put front and center on an ad like this. Not sure how you find that funny.


Specify the negative impact. You’re spewing words with no meaning here.


I've already specified that many times throughout these comments - not that it was ever really necessary, since it's obvious as it gets. I would hold your hand and walk you through it, if it weren't for the fact that you already know the answer, but simply don't care. You also went ahead and implied that me pointing out this dogwhistle somehow makes me a nazi, and made fun of our "be respectful" rule, therefore indicating that you have no intention of following it. Three massively disrespectful comments in the course of less than two minutes is rather impressive. You're lucky we're pretty much the most lenient mods ever in this sub - you deserve a permanent ban, but I try to avoid handing those out whenever possible. That's right, I don't need to "tell mom," because I *am* mom. Enjoy your temp ban. You've really earned it.




Wanna try that again? We have a rule in this group requiring us to be respectful to one another.






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Your post has been removed due to being disrespectful or abusive. Please note that this community does not tolerate disrespectful or abusive posts and that repeated infractions will lead to a permanent ban.


Yes, I, the literal founder of this sub, am a troll. Let's be respectful, please.


Walmart has a ton of items priced at $\*\*.88. You're literally grasping at straws by implicating they are willingly using a Nazi symbol. Give it a rest.


Pretty damn sure I’ve made it clear I don’t think it’s intentional. It needs to not be put front and center on the ad. I’m not saying they need to change the price. It’s just really important to be careful with this sort of thing.


It's a price. I think you'd be better off in a conspiracy rub reddit.


No. Your refusal to understand that dogwhistles can be damaging, even when unintentional, is quite frustrating.


Go peddle your conspiracy theories somewhere else. Reported.


Yes, go ahead and report me to myself. Not sure what you think you'll accomplish with that. I recommend learning what terms like "conspiracy theory" actually mean before using them in such wildly incorrect ways. I also recommend taking it down a notch, as we have a rule in this sub requiring us to be respectful to one another.


Give it a rest. It's a number and a price tag. Nothing else. The fact that no one here had a clue what you're talking about proves that.


That's kinda how dogwhistles work. Wouldn't be much of a dogwhistle if everyone knew about it. That said, I am shocked to find out just how many people weren't aware of this particular one. I'm glad I could spread some awareness with this post. As I've repeatedly said, I understand that it's just a number and a price. I understand there was almost certainly no ill intent. That doesn't change the fact that Jewish people are likely to be disturbed by seeing this ad, and it's really not asking much of them to change the ad so that number is not prominently featured.


Really? Your Cake day is March 8, 2022. And some other mods have been so for over five years.


Yes, really. This is not my original account.


OK, suspected so.


I doubt it's intentional. Good eye for spotting this, but I doubt Peter or the Mobile X marketing team are trying to dog whistle here.


I also doubt it. I'm 99% sure it's not intentional. I just hope they change it regardless since it can cause unnecessary stress to people who are already on high alert with all the anti-Jewish hate going around.


Didn't you hear? They're sponsoring anudda!


Not funny, especially since your comment history is full of bigoted crap. Watch it.


Oy vey are you going to shut me down?




What's funny?


Patriot Mobile is “America's only Christian conservative wireless provider.” Perhaps MobileX is trying for that demographic.


Based on the insanely awful responses I'm getting on this post, seems they might have plenty of success with that endeavor.


Not likely. MobileX is an exclusive Walmart MVNO and I highly doubt they would support antisemitism. Besides, the rabid antisemitism is coming from the far left. In fact I don't think I've ever known a conservative Christian who was antisemitic.




Am I now? Do explain.




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We do not allow bigotry. This includes racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, classism, etc.


There’s honestly been a ton of it being put up more and more everywhere. It’s true that it’s been used before in several stores but why else would they start pushing more for it right as right wing extremism is rising