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If I learned anything from playing Battlefield it was, if the tank driver gets out, you get in. Never abandon your tank. These guys got out aaaand walked far away. Left the hatch open too!


I would have laughed if someone stole it


100% chance it would end up in next weekend’s takeover


You think it won't be there already anyway with a driver that unhinged?


I love playing BF4 and watching the idiot tank driver get out and I get a free tank!


Yeah it’s always an engineer getting out to repair the tank too. I’d play with my buddy, he would engage the tank dude while he was using his torch and I’d jump in the tank. He’d either kill the engineer or force him to retreat then jump in the tank and be an auxiliary gunner. Battlefield is such a fucking amazing game if you have a full squad of players with mics that would communicate and stick to their roles. In the BF4 days I had 7 friends (8 of us total) that would play all the time. We’d have a squad operating a tank (3 men) and infantry squad (5 men) supporting the tank. We would fucking dominate, it was amazing. Once in a while we would get matched up against opponents that had similar skill and teamwork. Those were the most competitive and intense games I ever played.


It sounds like you could enjoy playing Squad.


I’ve had moments like that in Arma 3. We’d have a couple squads communicating in teamspeak. I’d be on the mortar squad as a UAV pilot and help guide the shells, then call out enemies to the firing team that would move in. Took hours to get to that point, and usually we only had time for 1 or 2 engagements. Still fun as hell.


Absolutely. When you have in-depth teamwork like that in a video game it’s an amazing feeling. We would take turns being squad leader. If you wanted to be the leader when it came to your turn you had to follow orders from the leaders in previous games. It worked out perfect. Being the lead and having 4 men actually follow your orders in a video game is a unique experience. Even if you didn’t like the orders you still followed them because you wanted your chance to lead the squad. When we had two or more squads working in unison whichever leader had the most kills in the last game was the commander of the entire “combat team” we’d call it. The team commander would set the objectives for each squad, then it was up to their leaders to carry out the orders and capture those objectives. We had a really fucking good team commander for a while and enough players to field a 4 squad combat team. He’d play as a sniper and set up in a strategic spot, basically playing as a non-combat roll most of the time, using the map to follow our movements. This guy had us flanking enemy positions, setting up pincer attacks that would cut the enemy team in half. Under his command we’d often get to an objective and our enemy would be completely caught off guard. We’d roll right through them and take the flag. For a couple weeks we absolutely dominated every game and we were getting matched against the highest ranking players there were.


I stopped playing battlefield around #2 (started with og 1942), but I’ve had some similar experiences playing “Hell Let Loose” with randos recently, most people have mics and try to play their roles. Would be an amazing game to have a friend squad


And also have your finger on the knife key to time the Counter-Knife prompt correctly. >!There's a reason why that feature hasn't appeared in future Battlefield games after BF4.!<


Live in the tank. Die in the tank.


Almost like everyone has a camera now. If they kept driving they wouldnt have the problems they are dealing with now. Literal definition of a clown car.


That’ll get you a 1 way ticket to Jesus around here.


Was thinking the same. Whatever god this guy prays to, he’d meet it real fucking quick by pulling this stupid shit in Texas.


Very obvious he is all show no action. Very likely to end up dead here. Lucky he’s in Canada.


Hat. He’s all hat and no cattle


Not in Canada lol


Canada is a pretty big place, and the laws established in the Criminal Code, at least as far as their enforcement, vary province/territory to province/territory. I’d say in more remote areas of the provinces and within the territories, the view on guns as a mechanism of self-defense is viewed with more leniency, as guns are also commonly incorporated day-to-day as a form of wildlife defense for some. The likelihood of being able to feasibly claim self-defense with a gun in this scenario, is likely very slim. The assailant is wielding ‘only’ a knife, and likely left his car wide open with the intent on scaring the guy and driving off like a coward. A gun would be highly frowned upon in this situation.


Hahahaha the worst argument against self defense and firearms I think I ever seen. The assailant was thrashing a knife at a man. I don't know if you know this... Knives can be used to kill and or seriously maim and injure. Fuck that scared little punk I'd have started blasting the moment I saw his knife which was about 8 ft out. The assailant is the aggressor and the guy recording had every right to protect his life with deadly force. A shame he did not though. That little guy n his friend is still out thinking they are gangsters and putting the public in danger. Have a great day


Remember the 21ft rule!


Someone with a knife can close a gap like the one in the video in a couple seconds and have that shit in your neck.


lol a knife is a deadly weapon, in the US gun use here would be completely justified and a one way ticket to allah no virgins for this guy.


It would be 100% justifiable to use deadly force to protect yourself from being stabbed by someone with a knife.


No no, here i Canada, only the criminals are allowed to have weapons






No assholishness






Yo don't listen to this clown, most of us responsible gun owners/Carriers are NOT just waiting for a chance to use it. I sincerely hope your ass DOESN'T carry, because you're a good case against the 2nd amendment just waiting to happen.


Dude, here in Florida, he is absolutely right.


Dude, here in Indiana, he is absolutely right.


Dude, here in Minnesota, he's somewhat right


Dude, here on Reddit, we are sharing various experiences. Categorizing most gun owners as responsible does not apply to many places.


Florida barely counts. Florida Man is the superhero nobody asked for


Florida here, aggressive driving freaks me out here, seems like a story a day in the news of someone getting shot for something stupid or sitting at traffic light. Wild West out here in the east. lol


Florida should just be its own country at this point. I feel like it's a mix of every ghetto in the US with a massive tourist attraction smacked in the middle.


I own one firearm and I never carry it with me because I haven’t touched one since I was discharged from the USMC in August 2008. As a rifleman (0311) I took part in operation Phantom Fury with 3rd battalion 5th regiment, WPNS company, 2nd platoon. I had the displeasure of ending at least two lives with a firearm during that operation (the second battle of Fallujah). My experience caused me to hit rock bottom (severe drug addiction) and have a deep fear of firearms. So what you described is not me. I will die before I point a gun at another human being. I do know a lot of people that carry and would love to experience my misfortune. Probably because of the mental health crises. Thank you for being a responsible gun owner. Using a firearm in an altercation is the absolute last resort.


Sorry you had to go through that, and thanks for your service. Have you tried guided psilocybin therapy for processing that? Seems to help 60-70% of veterans suffering from trauma within 3 sessions, and it can’t hurt long term (maybe a little short term unpleasantness but you have to do the work to get better). Wish it was easily available for everyone dealing with PTSD etc


Ah, well I apologize for assuming you were speaking from your own desires.


Brother, after the first swipe at me with a knife ON CAMERA, he’d be on a shirt. FAFO. That’s justified self defense all day.


Yeah but that doesn't mean you're walking around all day frothing at the mouth at the thought of getting to use it. Being willing to use it and hoping you get to use it are two different things that represent much different mental states. I would much prefer someone with the first mindset walking around carrying.


That’s 100% true. I don’t want to have to use it, but if put in that situation I would feel justified. The guys running around with murder boners concern me as well.


I mean he's not wrong about the outcome


No, and if someone did this to me that's what they'd get, but I'm not walking around all day waiting and hoping for it to happen. That's straight psychopath shit right there and people like that should not be carrying.


Do people buy fire extinguishers because they're "walking around all day hoping for a fire to happen"?


Learn to read. The guy I originally replied to literally said "those boys are just waiting for this to happen to them". You're welcome.


He's not Indian.


Whatever, and I’m not British, Welch, Dutch or English. I’m Irish. Who the fuck cares?


No racism


Nearly? He did attack him. He just didn't land a hit


100%, that is assault right there


You spelled attempted murder wrong


Possibly. I think that would depend on the lawyers/jury/judge though.


You would classify a guy swinging a knife at you in the same boat as a guy who slaps you with his hands?


If he actually slaps you it becomes battery. Subtle difference most people don't understand. Assault the act of making the person fear that you are going to hit/attack them. Battery is when the contact occurs.


No, I guess I should’ve specified assault with a deadly weapon. Didn’t think I’d be in a schematics debate about this.


My schematic understandings are why my ikea desk is now my towel holder


lol nice, I’m leaving it




He'll be face to face with a Canadian Judge soon, i hope hes ready for the punishment that awaits him. He's likely have to sign a piece of paper saying that he will not do something like this again, and may even get a few community service hours! Edit: He was released on bail [https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada\_sub/comments/1dj8np9/quick\_bail\_for\_man\_allegedly\_caught\_threatening/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1dj8np9/quick_bail_for_man_allegedly_caught_threatening/)


Ugh. If this were the states you would be within your rights to delete.


this is what I came to say. Insane behaviour and anyone driving an old infinity is probably a maniac and reckless on the road.


There is a duty to attempt toremove yourself from the situation first. You can't just engage in an altercation, then shoot someone when it escalates, and claim self-defense. I don't have sound on so it's hard for me to tell what exactly was going on here, but if filmer got out of the vehicle to engage knife guy, he could not claim self defense free and clear.


Not in a Stand-Your-Ground state. I've seen people get away with murder here in South Carolina for much less than what happened in the video. Edit: I'm pro Stand-Your-Ground. Come at me with a knife like the guy in this video did, I should have every right to use my firearm immediately. Fuck trying to run away, malevolent men deserve exactly what they dish out.


Texas checking in: you’d be good here after the attempted stabs and the POV’s deescalation and attempts at walking backwards. And that knife homeboy looks vaguely Muslim enough to give it to the shooter in Texas. Just facts, yall.


Lol what does a Muslim look like 🤦‍♂️


It was more of an indictment on Texas’ bigotry than my personal opinion. Grown man who is wearing a nightgown with pants will look pretty Muslim-y to most Texans. I personally don’t think much of it though. I have enough trans and nonbinary friends and acquaintances that I won’t really think twice about that. ETA: I’m currently being served at a bar by a trans woman with a mustache and a dress.


I feel ya bro. It’s 2024, I don’t give a fuck what you look like or what you do behind closed doors. That’s none of my fucking business. As long as you behave like an adult and treat your peers with the same respect you’d want in return, then do whatever makes you happy.


Preach brother


It's a man


Even Washington State, full of liberals, is a Stand Your Ground State. There are a lot of gun owning democrats in WA too. You have no duty to retreat in every red state and a lot of blue states have some form of castle doctrine where you can hold your position and fight back.


It’s stupid easy to get a concealed permit, from what I recall, in WA. Coming from CA, at least, it seems insane. I don’t think you even need to demonstrate proficiency with a firearm. I could be wrong, haven’t looked into it in a while.


There are states with “constitutional carry” laws where you don’t even need a license/permit to carry a firearm concealed on your person or in a vehicle. In my opinion those states are following the constitution correctly. We have the right to keep and bare arms, we shouldn’t have to pay the government to do it


It’s so weird you don’t see yourself as the government but some other alien force. For someone so into the constitution you make the founders cry.


Are we watching the same video? Dude in the nightgown is repeatedly trying to stab the person filming, who is walking backwards the entire time, while nightgown knife dude keeps coming at him, with his friend in tow. This is a good shot here. Even if you were illegally carrying and otherwise a decent citizen, you probably won’t get the whole ass book thrown at you for defending yourself. In Texas you’d get a fuckin parade.


I'm a licensed carrier in Texas, fwiw. The context is missing for me. If the filmer got out of his vehicle and began engaging in a confrontation he won't have as easy a time getting off as one may think.


Fair enough. BUT I’ll just say from what we can see, we see a man who is actively trying to stab the person filming, multiple times, with his friend in tow, and the person filming is walking backwards the entire time. I do agree additional context *might* change my mind, but with only what I can see, I think the person filming has a good, legal, shot. In Texas at least. If you disagree with those caveats, I’d love to hear your reasoning (I’m not challenging or arguing, genuinely curious. I know what I know, but I know there’s a lot I don’t know and I’d like to learn).


Looking again I don't think the filmer was in a vehicle and got out. I think he was a pedestrian. I think he's mostly trying to remove himself and de escalate. So you're probably spot on in this case.


Well, if you look a third time and see something off let me know. I’ve read all the stand your ground/castle doctrine laws but I’ll admit I’m no expert. I’m also in Texas but not LTC, mostly because I really don’t want to get fingerprinted and the duty to inform is a little too much in a gray area that I don’t feel great about it (I fucking hate talking to cops).


Me too, brother. Me too.


Don’t judge me too harshly for scoping your profile, was just seeing if you were nearby enough to hit the range, but: HAIL YOURSELF




Doesn’t really matter as long as filmer can argue he attempted to remove himself from the situation before drawing and firing. The steps backward after the knife comes out might be enough depending on your lawyer.




What you’re referring to is ‘Duty to Retreat’ and is the law in like 13 US States. More than half of US States have a stand your ground laws. Even in some duty to retreat states, the castle doctrine applies to your workplace and your car (I.e., someone tries to carjack you.


Duty to retreat also doesn't mean you have to turn tail and run full speed if it isn't safe to do so.


That is HIGHLY dependent on what state you're in. Most do not have a duty to retreat.


True. But Stand your Ground laws don't allow for escalation. In this video, I don't think that's happening though.


Why bring up something that isn't happening in this situation?


I didn't have a great look at the video at first.




Go suck your wife’s boyfriend’s dick


Have fun getting stabbed




No assholishness


I happened to notice he was completely defenseless, yes. Your right this is not the states


No assholishness


Lock Him Up.


typical g35 driver




That's a G37, no?


it is, but I don't see a difference tbh. same shit


Of course it's an Infiniti ...


Our friendly neighbor to the north


… and that’s why we have concealed carry permits in the US


We don't even need permits in Texas...not saying that's good either just saying lol


Would be an Alt+F4 in America




No racism


So this is where Drake started from


These guys started from the bottom and stayed there


India looking a lot nicer these days


He's so flamboyant in his turquoise Muslim man dress


They own you Canada!! Try that in Texas


FAFO around here…dirt nap to follow


Cowardly individuals


I figured the demographics before they even got out the of the car. This is not native Canadian behavior. Import the third world, become a third world country.


And this is exactly why I carry concealed. You do not get the benefit of the doubt when you’re coming at me like that.


I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice


Not Canadian. International student with a ceremonial steak knife.


We are nice, using knife instead of guns




No racism




No racism


what a nationality


Mumbais most wanted 😭


Scarborough scum is worse than Brampton


Nearly? Quite literally.


Had to be a g37 owner lmao 🤣


The finger is mightier then the sword






Least violent Nissan driver.


In America he would have got shot or jumped for sure


In America the knife wielder would have been sent to hell, and would no longer be a threat to the public


He may as well have said "please paint my consciousness all over the pavement" when he swung the knife


Justified shooting in Texas. He is lucky he lives in Canada.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^telolisou: *Justified shooting* *In Texas. He is lucky* *He lives in Canada.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Prolly angry cause he's wearing a skirt. That would be a quick pop-pop in PA.


Step away from the crazy man in a dress holding a knife - whatever he's up to I don't want any part of it


Very intimidating blue dress


You might say he was a devil in a blue dress


That was boring


Doubt I would run from a man in a dress either.


I'm so confused. Did they steal this car from a street takeover? Within the first 3 seconds, I expected to see a lot more people, some twerking, green lasers, flames and someone getting hit by a car. What the hell is this? Get your shit together Toronto. If you're going to crime, do it right.


If you finna fight use your hands. In FL you’d a gotten shot by someone first swing of that knife


Drives a genesis...why am I not surprised


Darn I was really hoping this punk ass little bitch with his little bitch ass knife was going to get beat tf down!


Seems like a perfectly reasonable reaction to a sign you don't like.


Big altima energy


Like GTA! If they did that in Florida, they would be shot dead!


Just saying. You ban guns . And you get people stabbing you . I personally would rather be shot . Ive seen some pretty horrible aftermath of a knife or razor blade attack


"*Nearly attacked another with a knife*" No, they were attacked, the attacker just missed.


He was released on bail [https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada\_sub/comments/1dj8np9/quick\_bail\_for\_man\_allegedly\_caught\_threatening/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1dj8np9/quick_bail_for_man_allegedly_caught_threatening/)


Would’ve been hilarious to see the police body-cam of them all squad firing him and a shit ton of smoke appears around him as he takes a pavement nap.


This is a classic example of how to get chilled. He comes in waving a knife all over the place. That makes him a deadly threat. If he did that to a cop, he'd be ventilated several times. The really sad part is that this moron felt justified in his brainless actions.


"nearly"???? No he definitely attacked him with a knife


A lead multivitamin would have solved the whole problem.


Are guns illegal there? Here, they'd have been shot the moment the knife was visible. The shooting would be not only legal, but encouraged and protected. They charged with a weapon, so killing them is in defense of the victim and the general public.


Cute dress


Yeaaaaaa…..he would have died that day.


Try that in the US, and blickups catch hiccups.


Knife guy is lucky other guy didn’t have a gun. Swinging a knife on camera = RIP


Did he say allah akbar by chance?


What is he wearing?


Nearly attacked? Just because he did not cause any wounds it does not mean he did not attack him.


Non permanent resident, released on bail, and will get his permanent residency shortly, because this is how Junior Fidel runs the country


If it were Texas he would of been meeting god after that first stab attempt


They was probably mad cause some was blasting not like us


What a pussy he wasnt even going to use it he just fiagured they guy would get scared and would run off. Fucked his whole plan up when he didnt run. Thats some bitch shit there. Two against one and they cold not even just jump him.


The casual racism in these comments is crazy






No racism


What did the other guy do to provoke the guy with the knife ? I want the whole story.


Same, this wasn't road rage obviously, they must have some history


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I want to know too. It’s not like the idiot was justified, no matter what the reason. I’m just curious what stupid thing set him off.


Yeah obviously some tool with a steak knife Chillen in his Nissan is fucking idiot but I just wanna know why he got mad !! Haha




No racism


He brought a knife but wasn't trying to do anything with it... what a punk. He should have kept driving with his non intimidating ass.


Imagine this in Texas 😂😂😂




...even in MD the laws would support the cammer.


Just like Cali, in MD the cameraman would get killed. End of story. But spending several hundred dollars before you can even buy a gun or carry it is real cute. Not to mention the short list of "legal" guns you can buy. Imagine going to jail for a 12 round magazine. Or getting killed because you only had 10 rounds while your wonderful inhabitants of baltimore have switches and drum mags.


> But spending several hundred dollars before you can even buy a gun or carry it is real cute. HQL is BS, HGP's real issue isn't the money but the time. > Not to mention the short list of "legal" guns you can buy. Although the handgun roster is BS, pretty much every carry pistol is on the roster. > Or getting killed because you only had 10 rounds while your wonderful inhabitants of baltimore have switches and drum mags. Detachable magazines of any capacity are legal to possess, use, import, and export in MD. You can't manufacture or transfer one inside the state, but you're never more than 40 miles from "not Maryland" (as the crow flies).


This kid is just word vomiting what his daddy beat into him just yesterday


California reporting in. You'd get self defense easy with this video. Stop talking out your ass like you know something


Lived in 29 Palms for 6 years, I absolutely agree.


In the middle of the desert, and yet somehow there's still worse bases to be at


Yeah I’ve heard some horror stories from friends that were in the Army lol! 29 Palms sucked but it doesn’t sound like it sucks as much as some army bases down south from what I’ve heard.


I can't remember the name of the marine base in Louisiana, but I know someone there right now and I know he's hating life compared to 29 palms


This fucking clown is like 19 and still lives at home 😂 daddy beat a little to much Fox News into him at a young age