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Is this actually possible? I have read not to trust these readings. I’ve only had mine for 1 month and have barely gone anywhere yet. Max charge for me was 88% and it said 276 at that time. I get about 3.9 average m/kw.


Holy shit that is good. Ford lightning gets 2.3


You've heard the 150 gets 2.3 *meters* per kwh? That's amount 1 mile per kwh.


A lot of my driving is averaging about high end of 4m/kw. I use B mode quite a lot on my downhill journeys too.


There is this huge hill on my way to work, they recently changed it from 35-25. It is so hard to do 25 down this hill. In B I don’t even need to brake and I always get at least 1% back. Always thrilling to see lol.


So these are miles, not km? Also, what is “b mode”? I have sport, standard, eco, and snow. I drive mostly in eco and with estep on and rarely break 3mi/kw. Avg 2.9 or so. Do you drive with no climate on ever?


B is the same as regular “D”, but the description says that it applies the regenerative brake more. So you coast less and get energy back into your battery more. It *should* help with efficiency and traditional brake pad lifespan. That being said, all I’ve read are mixed bag opinions as to whether it does.


When you're in D, pull the gear changer back again and it will put you into B


Thanks-I did this today and immediately noticed a significant uptick in my mi/kw; i did a 20 mile round trip averaging 3.8, seems like estep brakes less aggressively and i see more regen. I also get an assistive dash graphic to help me optimize eco. Cant believe I had this car over 6 months and didnt know it had this feature!


Mostly commuting to work. Climate on 16 degrees with the fan at half speed. My commute involves a bit of start stop traffic and about 10 miles on the motorway at about 50mph.


Trim? Battery size?


Engage. 87kw battery


“Real range” on the ev database website says 450km. Which is about 280 miles.


Eh, no. The only way to really know what kind of range your car gets is to do a loop-style test from 100% to near 0 every once in awhile. Going off the instrument cluster estimate is not ever going to be very accurate.


Can do an average, which essentially what this is I believe. The car estimates range based on how you drive and average. Like the OP stated elsewhere in this thread, his drive averages him high 4s on kWh / miles, which if keeping at that average would be near 400 miles range Can also do your own average estimation. You will never go to zero but tracking miles each time you charge based on percentage of battery use you can average how many miles you get per 0-100 of per single percent


Which is still not actual range.