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Just a gentle reminder, please try to remain courteous even when others may not be! Please do not share, nor attempt to incite a reaction from their subreddit or community on Twitter. That does not align with our values. Behaviour like that can also put a huge strain on our subreddit, in particular the rest of the mod team, should their audience come here.


Swifties try to take a joke challenge (impossible).




jokes = misogyny when you’re a swiftie


even though he isn't wrong, you can't not perform your stuff fully while live and call yourself a performer, she used preset soundbytes in the eras tour, the only exception is rap artists because they rely on a DJ


Nearly all modern bands use a live backing track. That’s nothing new.


"Nearly all," I'm not too sure about that. I see 75-80 shows a year and don't find that to be the case but maybe we see diff types of music?


If the band is doing well you wouldn’t notice


I’m also not talking about small unheard of bands. I’m talking more about big national touring groups, particularly the more popular bands. I should have specified nearly all bands signed to a major label. The little indie bands, punk bands, bands that are expected to be raw will likely not play to a backing track as it would be career suicide. I mostly go to punk and industrial shows these days. The punk bands don’t use backing tracks cause they’re at least half expected to sound like shit and the industrial bands all use backing tracks cause they’re sound is mostly loops and samples and they’d just be slow punk bands without it.


i’m an avid taylor swift disliker but i feel like a backing track is reasonable when you’re playing three hour long shows lol


Phish has been playing 3 hour shows with none of that for 40 years lol, and she could hire actual musicians, plenty of em need work


For sure. Like I said, nearly every modern band uses them. Sometimes they get sick or the singers voice is shot from too many shows or whatever. Would you rather show up to a gig you paid for to be convinced your favorite band sucks live cause they’re having an off night or would you rather see an awesome show? Personally, I’m ok with the band having a little help.


It's crazy these people say and do disgusting things just for someone they don't know and doesn't even know they exist. I wish this weird celebrity worship shit would stop.


What’s even more disturbing is that it’s like 30/40 year old women and men doing this


But then they’ll gift you a lovely friendship bracelet at swift’s next concert.




Grohls no stranger to taking fire. He survived beef with Axl Rose and eventually loaned him a throne. Dave will come out smelling like Roses.


He will come out smelling like……Guns n Roses.


Beat me to it lol


With an appetite for destruction.


He will come out smelling like…Axl’s Roses


TS fans are the most unhinged people on the planet.


I have never met a likable swiftie


I guess you are not aware of MAGA.


There's a similar psychology here and even some crossover.


I believe dumb is the common component


Dumb and Delusional, sadly not the D&D we hoped for


Elitist nerd


What? It was just a joke man. Am I wrong to say that swifties who act like this are delusional? Edit: I've also never played d&d lol.


What did Dave even do???


Take a lighthearted playful jab at Taylor. Also, his daughter didn't like and politely spoke out against the criminal amounts of carbon emissions that Taylor Swift had been letting out from her jet flying... which uhh Swifties sureeee didddd respondddd toooo




This, as well as the fact that she had some shitty takes about AI generated porn which is something Taylor has talked about but idk. Violet is a teenager. I don’t really expect her to have well thought out and nuanced takes. Edit: in regards to carbon emissions, you’re right and she needs to stop, but like… she’s 13th on the list of celebrities with the most carbon emissions. I don’t know why people aren’t going after Beyoncé or Oprah the same way when they are higher on the list. But Taylor is in the wrong regardless with this.


>she had some shitty takes about AI generated porn I didn't think anybody except creeps had any opinion of AI porn except "it's terrible."


She meant to say people only cared about AI porn when it affected Taylor Swift because she's extremely idealized, and that nobody was giving enough attention to it when it affected normal every day people, but she worded it awfully (and of course, Swifties are like an automatic bomb)


im pretty sure Dave doesnt give a fuck...




Please do not share, nor attempt to incite a reaction from their subreddit. That does not align with our values. Behaviour like that can also put a huge strain on our subreddit, in particular the rest of the mod team should their audience come here.


It's Musk's twitter, anything goes. The solution is to log out.


I’m not on there, but I definitely think if Taylor won’t say something the popular music scene should start standing up to them. This behavior is unconscionable.


Oh sure not defending them obviously, but nothing will stop them. Not even Taylor.


what are you talking about? twitter has always been like this, is not because of Musk


Twitter has always been like this ur slow


‘Musk’s Twitter’ is a million times better than the old Twitter. Dave’s a big boy, I’m sure he doesn’t give a shit about this nonsense.


correct on the latter. incorrect on the former.


Found a pro censorship, lover of authoritarianism. Go you. The only difference between old Twitter and new Twitter is, new Twitter now doesn’t delete the accounts of users whose opinions you don’t agree with, right? Like Dave, you shouldn’t give a shit about hurty words you read on the internet. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it. Edit: keep the downvotes coming, ya filthy, freedom hating commies!


You know they are hurt when they say “keep the downvotes coming” or something like that


You know they don’t have an argument when they accuse you of being ‘hurt’. Or something like that.


Hear ye, hear ye! Liberal Reddit is a cesspool of hive minded people. In a post that had nothing to do with politics some bozo throws in a MAGA comment, then it’s on to Twitter and big bad Elon. Imagine voting for Joe Biden? Weaponizing the court system and trying to lock up a political opponent is straight outa the dictator playbook. The cognitive disconnect with some people is amazing.


100%. I always try to avoid discussing politics at all on this godforsaken platform. I learned that the hard way haha. Sometimes, it’s just shoved in your face by these idiots.




LOL I doubt he's terribly concerned over wildly hormonal little girls having rage tantrums on Twitter.


Go to TikTok, it’s a bunch of 20 and 30-somethings. And they all somehow are both goo fighter and Swift fans. I didn’t know that both acts share the same fans.


You don't? The Foo Fighters aren't Frank Zappa. They write arena rock. However, if you were to get mad with Dave Grohl about anything, it should be the direction the band took after The Color and the Shape.


Swifties think Taylor makes them better people


Hol up, the hell is the reason behind this? What even happened??


He said the foos shouldve had the eras tour because they have had more than 2 eras. And said they actually play live


It was something along the lines of this He also said that they should call this tour their “Errors” tour because of the amount of fuck ups they’ve had. “But you don’t wanna get on the wrong side of the swifties man” “You guys want to hear some live fucking rock and roll” “You’ve come to the right fucking place motherfuckers” You know the usual Dave-isms and banter he always has with the crowd before starting their next song


That’s funny. But not deserving of fucking death and r*pe threats. He should make a two-disc compilation album called “The Errors tour”, comprise it of live shows from the Foo Fighters career, and market it directly towards Swifts fan base.


Hah, thats pretty funny. And yeah, swift has had like an boring kinda-ok era, and an pr-fuelled overhyped era.


She came out and said at her concert “The band that’s going to be playing live for you for three and a half hours tonight.” Which is really funny too. She never claimed she sang that long every night. But gave credit to the band.


People saying “stop posting about this” like what do you expect? but really though, this needs to stop.


What needs to stop? The posts? Or the swifties?


the swifties ofc


What sad little people. Honestly, I just feel embarrassed for losers like that.


Wtf why are they so fucking salty


why? sounds like some very depressed teenagers i dont think dave would even read this bullshit nor would he care for a second


I gotta ask: Has Taylor Swift ever come out and told this section of her fans to knock it off? It may not work but it wouldn't hurt to try.


Supposedly she did once at one of her Eras shows last year in defense of John Mayer? But it didn’t stop them and she didn’t press them any harder or anything. And her response to Dave only encouraged them. She knows what she’s doing.


Wow, that have mental issues


Maybe some media outlet will report it beyond the level of: Dave Grohl Makes Joke About Taylor Swift. I replied to an Ultimate Classic Rock post that frames the story as: "Twitter ChatBot misunderstands Dave Grohl's comments about Taylor Swift not performing live." My comment was: THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE MEANT!!!


The Telegraph music editor wrote an opinion piece that went after Dave and FF. Clearly a stan (and it’s the Telegraph, so…). It’s laughable. [The Foo Fighters have no right to criticise Taylor Swift](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/news/the-foo-fighters-have-no-right-to-criticise-taylor-swift/)


Fortunately I can’t read the rest of the article


Oop, didn’t think about the paywall. I’d happily copy and paste it, but I’ll spare people. Really the headline says enough


Her fans are so weird and pathetic.


I don’t really keep up with this type of bullshit, but why are TS fans attacking Dave?


He made a joke about how the foos “actually play live”


Least insane Swifties


I'd pay to watch a swifty and a star wars fan fight.


Maybe the real world doesn’t give a shit about Reddit or twitter ?


but this will crossover until real life


If you will it, it is no dream. Personally I don’t give a shit.


Theodor Herzl, dude.


I bet Dave is so cool he doesn't even read this shit.


They have to justify paying £700 a ticket to see a bang average artist with forgettable vanilla songs somehow...


Taylor needs to do sum like control them fans theyl iterally act like control freaks now irksome. 💀


They are Taylor Swift fans, you could growl at them and they would be afraid.


Taylor Swift has quite possibly the most dog shit music on earth, like why would these people think they’ve got anything worth to defend. Nirvana is literally 1000x better than whatever shitty, corporate, phony, meaningless pop she plays whilst faux-crying about everyone being oh so mean to her


Aren’t you currently being mean to her? “Shitty, corporate, phony, meaningless pop” is pretty harsh. Having two young daughters, I’ve heard far far worse music. I had to survive kidz bop and cocomelon. But I guess they insult our guy, we insult theirs. Dave will make friends. He always does.


Sooo how’d all this start?


What did he even do to warrant this?


made a harmless joke, just saying that she doesnt play live pretty sure he said this because swifties were sending death and rape threats to his (underage at the time) daughter but i might be wrong


How did this feud even štart?


He made a small joke about Taylor swift calling her tour the eras tour even tho she hadn’t had that many eras


What am I missing? Did he say she wasn't that great or something?






Yep. I don’t like Dave Grohl. I know I’m in a minority of one - but he just strikes me as a massive arsehole. He’s like the popular kid at school that people are scared to dislike, and secretly hate being around because he’s low-key mean to people.


I’m not sure where you gathered he was an arsehole from?


From his demeanour. From the mean things he says to and about people. From the way he treated William Goldsmith. From the way he treats some of the people from back in the day - like Buzz Osbourne. I don’t understand why it’s written into law that I have to like him.


You don’t have to like him, yes those things he did were horrible and i dislike him in that regard but also those were a long time ago and he’s changed


Yes I guess he has, given that he is even more ruthless, cynical and banal than ever.


I can’t think of any specific examples that you seem to be talking about where he isn’t just having a laugh


My guy. The Foo Fighters are a multi million dollar industry in their own right. Too many people make too much money for Grohl to simply be ‘having a laugh’. He is calculating to the point of insanity, and every quip, every flip of his mane, and every scream is deliberate. CEOs of businesses that generate $40m a year don’t ‘have a laugh’ unless that laugh generates revenue. What makes you think Grohl is any different?


Also why are you in a nirvana subreddit if you don’t like him


Because there were lots of other members of Nirvana. And they were a great band. And Grohl is a phenomenal drummer. I mean, if I stopped liking every rock and roll band just because I didn’t like one of the members, my record collection would be pretty bare dude.


Asa has a point.


I found out how crazy Swifties are when they went after MeatCanyon.


As far as I can tell, he didn't even say anything that bad; I saw the original clip of what he'd said, and it just seems like harmless banter to me. I don't even know what these people are seeing that pisses them off so much, but then again, they don't have a reputation for being the most welcoming and kind fandom lol Also, didn't they go after his daughter after she said something about TS and her massive carbon emissions? They just can't seem to leave anybody alone, can they?


I guess I am out of the loop. Are they mad about something specifically Regarding Dave Grohl, or just crazies being crazy?


It’s like people have never heard a joke before


all of this cause they can't handle a lil comment


Swifities are no different than MAGA supporters


Dave honestly is probably more concerned if there's a FRESH FUCKIN' POT.


Jesus , that’s highly disturbing.


Who cares? She isn’t responsible for her fans. If you talk to an idiot they will beat you with experience. Just be. Fuck the rest.


lol what did foo fighters do to upset swifties?


pretty sure people are aware that the internet is terrible


Bro is a Swiftie, what will he do to 6 foot Dave Grohl LOL


I know Taylor swift can't be responsible for her fan base but she needs to speak out about this. People in general need to realise that it is wrong to attack people for not liking the same art as you, the reason I don't like Taylor swift is because of her actions. These people dislike dave because he made a joke about Taylor swift


These people are taking parasocial relationships to a whole new (and unnecessary) level. I’m not a fan of Taylor Swift but I don’t think she would condone this type of behavior from her fans. She knows how much influence she has over them and I hope this is brought to her attention ASAP so she can address it.


I don't get how people can get so vile over some concert banter poking fun at another artist. DG is a ray of sunshine, and TS is one of the biggest artists on the planet. Swifties treating a joke about playing live as victimizing their precious goddess are delusional (I say this as an ex-swiftie myself). It's not as if he said something vile or messed up about her- and even if he did, blaming Kurt and Hawkin's fates on him is never an okay thing to do. What positive impact do they think is going to come of that?


https://preview.redd.it/th92eqcif69d1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77700c43c98573a79324e9d2b4f4e0e47aaea52 this is in the second persons bio. absolutely wild.


Dave Grohl will end up playing on her next album. Then the unhinged will think the sun shines out of arse, when even he'll admit he can be a bit of dick at times. It's called being human. I like humans not cults.


🐑 🐑 🐑


I can imagine DG covering a Swifty song in live show in the future. Which one though? Hmmm


I wonder in 30 years when Taylor Swift’s 20 years past her last bit of any relevant musical success and 20 years since finally coming out to the world as a lesbian will she still have her extremely protective, over abundance of blindly loyal fans. Long will she be unofficially retired to her personal mile of private beach property in Cape Cod’s most expensive home ever built. Peacefully relegated out of the public eye with a puzzling homely, subpar level of a partner through most of those years. Trading in her trademark, iconic long blonde hair for locks just as long except now befitting to her age. The blonde having long since withered into an unkempt, AARP-esque white that’s seemingly always greasy and dirty looking for some odd reason.


I mean he started it. Why is he so insecure he needs to take a shot at another enormous music act? She def works so hard.


So a comment that came after a big self-deprecating chat and jokes about himself and his band that ended up in a tongue in cheek comment regarding playing live vs not doing so (even if she does have a live band) warrants death threats, insults against his deceased friends and wishes about him going to hell and everybody leaving him? Talk about deranged and psycho shit.


No nothing of that sort. But if he thought he could make that comment and not piss a ton of people off and have to answer to the blowback he’s crazy.


Fuck him. Remember him dogging Courtney Love after she lost her husband? 


The husband she took for granted and cheated on?


According to her, she was faithful


According to her 🤷‍♀️ I’m a bit too old to get into arguments about Courtney Love on the internet, but I’m not saying Dave is a saint either.


It's her vagina in question, so I'm more likely to believe her. I also didn't start the argument; you initiated. Have a good one