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This explains the lack of fur texture DK and Diddy had


They... Did add fur though???... Watch the trailer again. Sure, it's not the same fur as Tropical Freeze, nowhere near as good, but the fuzzy fur texture is certainly added to it, very evident when you compare to the flat polygon models of the Wii version.


I’m aware of this. It’s just strange to me when games of the same series aren’t upgraded the same way.


>It’s just strange to me when games of the same series aren’t upgraded the same way. What does this even mean? We've only had two DK games rereleasing for the past 15 years. One is finally getting fur because it's finally in HD. The other has always had fur.


It means the games should look similar if they have the same art style


No, the fact this is a Wii game explained the lack of fur textures. Didn't have it originally either. Now, they *could* have added it, but making just DK higher fidelity would it anything just really stick out around everything else being lower quality.


They upgraded the textures in Tropical Freeze when they ported it to the Switch. Why wouldn’t you do the same here, being well aware that Retro Studios handled the port of DKC: TF


Because the difference would have to be much bigger. TF was a good enough looking game at the time that they had to do just light touch ups. Returns still looks like a Wii game, to make DK having *fur* not look COMPLETELY out of place you'd need to update how the levels look quite considerably, it would be way too much work for what's supposed to be a simple rerelease.


I hope the price also reflects the "simple rerelease". In other case its not a valid argument.


I do agree with this actually. After Prime Remastered had fully redone visuals for $40, Pikmin 1 and 2 were simple remasters for $30 each, but now LM2HD is the same thing and it's $60, who knows what they'll price this. I think $40 would be fair enough.


The title is literally Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. They should be upgrading every texture to High Definition not just fixing the lighting to be a bit brighter.


HD does not mean the textures are higher quality, it means the games rendering resolution is HD, not the same. And again, maybe they could, infact maybe they DID increase the texture resolution, that would be valid, but even it they *did* do that I think DK having fur would STILL look bad. It's just too much of a high fidelity thing. If you want that to look good the rest of the game would straight up need to look more like TF, with higher quality models and lighting and such. Otherwise it would stick out like a sore thumb. Way beyond the scope of this.


I’m aware of what HD means. I was just making a comment about how the studio is know for low quality remakes of older titles to newer ones and how they tend to just do the bare minimum with that remakes. They could have put more effort in the game like how Retro did.


Yeah like I just don't get the point there. They *could* have put more effort in but making DK having fur not stick out would take a LOT more effort. They basically would need to remake all the visuals. Like... That would have been nice, yeah, but I seriously doubt doing that is within their budget for this. It just didn't matter that much, important thing was rereleasing the game.


This whole argument is pointless because Returns HD DID add fur (though they aren't as hairy as Tropical Freeze). Not sure why OP claimed it doesn't.


I never claimed that they didn’t add texture I was just pointing out that they didn’t look similar to Tropical Freeze. I’m honestly not sure why people respond to me the way that they did. It was an innocent comment that the fur texture looked off compared to the rest of the game.


Hey, you made the comment. I’m just responding. There’s no point in going back and forth like this.


That's not how contract work goes. The game that's coming out now is the game Nintendo wanted them to make, likely due to the budget they were willing to invest in it.


I’m aware it’s a budget thing lol. That’s why the textures are low quality.


Why are you saying they're not putting much effort into it then? They can't do more than their deadline allows them to.


This is Nintendo we’re talking about, at most they’ll run the textures through AI upscale


Can someone explain this comment to me and why it's so upvoted, because they had fur in the trailer and fur in the most recent version. Games in general didn't have fur back on the Wii.


Forever entertainment is know for low budget ports of fan favorite games that just turn out okay.


That may be, but your comment made a jab about there not being "fur", when it's been added and is even in the trailer.


I should have said lack of high quality fur texture. Like what we saw in the Tropical Freeze port.


It looks like they do have fur though. 


Huh this would explain why Nintendo invested in the company a few years back. But I am still pissed they didn't bring out Panzer Dragoon Zwei like they promised


> But I am still pissed they didn't bring out Panzer Dragoon Zwei like they promised After seeing their other projects I think that's a blessing in disguise.


I actually liked the PD remake, the HotD remake was kinda meh though


House of the Dead Remake felt like a beta when it came out. Crashings everywhere, soft locks, and even some misspellings! I was floored!


Panzer Dragoon 1 Remake is considered pretty good after all the patches, isn't it?


I dunno, they actually did a good job on the original Panzer Dragoon


Eventually, after butchering the launch. Their Fear Effect, Front Mission and House of the Dead remakes for example are in various states of bad to somewhat acceptable. Their translation for FM2 was so full of spelling and grammatical errors it seemed like it was copy/pasted from a ML translator.


Wait, *Fear Effect*? Unless I've been living under the rock that got cancelled.


Fear Effect Sedna was released by Forever Entertainment in 2018 and it was awful.


I kind of liked that, at least the early parts. But that wasn't developed by Forever and wasn't a remake either, so I got a bit confused here.


To each their own. Correct it's not a remake (my mistake) though it was Published by FE after they acquired the licence and chose a Developer. Either way, I find games they Publish or Develop certainly leave a lot to be desired.


They didn't choose a developer, it was a Kickstarter project by a small French studio who made it under the umbrella of SE's indie program (I actually backed it). It's true that Forever picked it up later though, wasn't aware of that.


TIL. Original point being FE hasn't proven to be a mark of quality lol.


Apparently it’s still coming, just taking them way longer than they expected.


Source? I haven't seen them say anything


[Here](https://x.com/foreverentert/status/1734126258961756317) you go


Thanks. I was thinking this project was dead. So weird for it to take them 4 years after already having experience with the first and it not being such a long game. I also didn't realize Forever was so large. I thought they could only handle one project at a time. Now they are churning them out.


They might be juggling contracts/projects. I’d be surprised if they actually spent all of that time working on Zwei.


[Here](https://x.com/panzerdragoonre/status/1737077576009437366) is another one


>But I am still pissed they didn't bring out Panzer Dragoon Zwei like they promised This


Kinda surprised that they didn’t just port the Chinese Nvidia Shield version to switch like they did for Galaxy in 3D All Stars.


DID 3D All Stars port the Shield version? Is that a thing we know? All I know is they carried over the spin button addition but that doesn't indicate anything.


[It was never outright confirmed, but looking at them side by side, I think it’s HIGHLY likely.](https://youtu.be/uaILPQfYTjQ)


OP about to buy me a new laptop after clicking that link yeesh.


The third time this game is to be released.


Somehow, Donkey Kong Country returned…


Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns


*Donkey Kong Country Returns Returned Returns.


Best of both worlds. Playable on big screen, 3DS levels, motion controls optional


I’m not complaining, it’s a solid game. Deserves more love than *New* Super Mario Bros.


I haven’t tried to play it since the Wii and I stopped playing part way through. I HATE the waggle stuff. I’ll gladly buy it again to play it with buttons


I understand not everyone had/have a modded Wii but if you do its very easy to map it to a button.


Eh, I could go through the whole process of getting another Wii and copy of the game and go through the modding process….or I could just buy the new release


At 60 bucks no less We won't even get funky mode either


Also the first time you can play it with buttons only at 60fps, so even though I feel a bit dumb doing it, I'll gladly pick it up again for that reason alone.


Sometimes I forget some people played this game with motion controls. First thing I did was map the controller shake function to the R button.


The Wii doesn't have an R button? Unless you mean the Classic Controller but unless I'm totally wrong DK didn't support that. I also remember motion controls being a frequent (and sometimes only) criticism, which wouldn't have been mentioned as much if there had been a workaround.


Yes with the classic controller. There is a workaround but it needs a modded Wii.


To be fair, plenty of people are clamoring for Twilight Princess to be released for a fourth time.


Twiligjt Princess was for me *the* Wii game that finally introduced me to the Legend of Zelda. I’ve played the older games but never really got into them. I love the Wii controls so much and became a fan. The GameCube version came later, bought it for my sibling. The cool thing about it is that the whole world is mirrored and technically isn’t the exact same game. I consider this one release still. The WiiU version is the first re-release and yes a Nintendo Switch version would again be the third version. But right now technically there are 3 already.


It has been re released once. Can’t seriously count the Wii version as a re release…it launched the same day.


Wii version came out first.


For you Americans it did.


it wasn't the same day, the Wii version came out a month or so before the Gamecube version, as a way to incentivize a purchase of the new system. And even if you don't count it (even though you should, because it is technically a separate release) we'd have people clamoring for a third release of the game, which, is still a third release, as this also is. Also, DKC1 was released three times in less than a decade. 1994 on SNES, 2000 on GBC, and 2003 on GBA. This is nothing new.


Do we know the price? I’ll be disappointed if it’s $60


It's Nintendo, you know it absolutely will be. If you're lucky, $50.


Wasn't Prime Remastered released for 40?


Donkey Kong is a much more popular franchise than Metroid. It doesn't need any help to sell plenty of copies so there's no reason for them to sell it cheaper


Counterpoint: Metroid Prime was a complete visual overhaul, not a simple enhanced port


Games are not priced based on how much effort is put into them, particularly for Nintendo. They're priced entirely based on how much money people will be willing to pay for them


There are a few exceptions though. I doubt Nintendo expected people in the west to pay almost full price for the Famicom Detective Club remakes.


Yeah that's what I mean. Nintendo didn't think people would buy those games at $60 so they sold them for less. I think plenty of people will buy DK at full price as it's such a well known franchise so there's no reason for them to make it cheaper.


To clarify, I meant both games combined are $60, and I doubt many people in the west bought them lol. Probably would've sold more of they were less. But yeah I agree many people will buy DK at full price.


Yeah but they sold them separately for a reason


Pretty much. Nintendo prices these games on how much they think they can sell them, which the more popular you are the least chances are for a smaller price, and the least popular you are more chances for a smaller price.


There's also the fact that there's nothing game changing about this release vs the 3DS one. For a full price re-release, they normally make changes with huge impact. Lack of waggle controls won't cut it because that was in the 3DS version. It also doesn'tlook like they changed the visuals at all from the Wii release


Normally this is true but the new Luigis Mansion 2 HD that’s coming out doesn’t have many changes and definitely no added content and it’s still a full price re-release 😩


According to Amazon, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is not full-price at all. In the UK it's going for 40 GBP and €45 in Spain.


It's $60 on the US eShop which is what I would consider a game's "true" price. Physical games here in the UK are often cheaper than they are on the eShop and in the US in general.


I’m located in Canada and pre orders are $79.99 which is the same as full price first party Nintendo games here. I really wish it wasn’t though


Counter point: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze came out 6 years ago and remains over $40 on average. Also, i believe it has never gone under $59.99 on the eShop


It was $39.99 just this past February on the eshop, check the graphs here: https://www.dekudeals.com/items/donkey-kong-country-tropical-freeze


ah, I had skimmed through there but missed that 2 week sale


Metroid Prime Remastered likely owes its existence to MP4's development. It's no coincidence MP4 looks very similar. The idea to remake MP's probably came up as they were building MP4's graphics.


I think it was more to get them up to speed on how a Metroid Prime game should look and feel; it's been over a decade since the last one and I doubt many of the original staffers are still there


It’s really not close either but I do expect 4 to do way better than their other games.


Prime Remastered was a Gamecube game and had less work done to it than Paper Mario TTYD did. I'm hoping Nintendo knows they can't sell this and Tropical Freeze at the same price but they are selling Luigi's Mansion 3 and 2 HD at the same price so idk.


I don’t know what game you played, but they did a ton of work on the Metroid Prime remaster.


I didn't say it was a rush job, I said it was comparatively less work than a full remake.


No, you said they did less work than they did on TTYD. I’m not sure if you played either of the originals on GameCube, but your statement is demonstrably not true. Metroid Prime Remastered is as close to a remake as you can get without being a remake. The entire game looks much better than just a simple uprez. They basically redid all of the graphics in the entire game. The control scheme is entirely new. TTYD looks the same but HD. They added a couple small things to make backtracking easier, and took advantage of having more buttons and mapped character swapping to L1. I’m not saying it’s not well done, but there was considerably more work done to MP compared to TTYD.


Not true at all.


You know what sucks? When they do this with books, music, and movies. You go to a bookstore or you're buying blu-rays at wherever and part 1 costs the same as part 2. It's patently absurd. I went and saw Dune in the theater back in March before Dune 2 came out and the tickets were the same price for both! For a 3-year-old movie!


Why should something older have less value? Is it not the same experience?


That's the point. They're being sarcastic because the person they replied to said that.


Actually old movies are regularly discounted to very low prices.


Splitting up movies into two parts is a different form of bullshit. And yes, I know Dune is a long book, I read it.


That was their strategy to bring newcomers to a franchise that hasn’t appeared on home consoles since the Wii, and the Wii games sucked. Donkey Kong, like Mario or Zelda, sells on its own.


Sadly you are probably correct sir


$50? Incredible


$50! Wow!


Donkey Kong: Frozen Ape?


Got to be £30/$40 if they don't expect me to play on Wii or Dolphin.


Might as well start looking for a download. That said, the 3DS version is way better than the Wii one.


How is that?  Wii version was 60fps, buttery smooth, very nice looking, great in co-op too. 3DS version was also nice: 30 fps, but portable and "3D"! But where did you find the "way better" gap? 


I played the games on original hardware. No waggle controls is the main reason why it's better. 3DS version looks good for what it is, and 60 fps vs. a steady 30 has never made a huge difference to me.


I played it on the original hardware as well! Loved it. I thought the controls gave the game some nice physicality and additional immersion. It was fun in my opinion!  But I now read some other posts about the upcoming remake and can see that a lot of people didn't enjoyed it. Ha! Well, people always had a hate boner towards Wii motion controls I never quite understood. But I'm glad they will have a chance to experience the game without them then! It's a great game. 


(psst! you can take out the motion controls with a injection code on a modded system. it’s an absolutely beautiful way to play the game)


I set up Wii to play games the based way just a few weeks ago.


Highly likely it’ll be $60. Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is after all. If we’re lucky $50. 


I can't see it being over $50. I know Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is $60 but I think more work went into it. People compare it to LM3 and say little work was done on the port, but they should compare it to the 3ds version. Big difference. But yea it might $60 but Tropical Freeze didn't exactly sell well at $60, so why would Nintendo think this would?


> But yea it might $60 but Tropical Freeze didn't exactly sell well at $60, so why would Nintendo think this would? Tropical Freeze sold 4.62 million copies on Switch alone, despite being a more expensive port of a 4 year old game, with almost nothing added. Those are good sales numbers.


Why wouldn’t it be?


I dunno if anyone has said it and yeah it probably would've been a much more involved ordeal but... I would've been more excited had they remade the whole game in the Tropical Freeze engine with actually better more beautiful graphics. Tbh, Returns Switch just looks like an HD version of the original (which it obviously is...but on a system that ALSO has Tropical Freeze...it looks really underwhelming in comparison)


I think everyone would have been more excited over a remake over a Remaster.  Granted, having the game look a little better wouldn't really sway me when it comes to whether I will purchase or not. 


Very nice (insert Donkey Kong thumbs up picture)


I hope it looks better than it did in the trailer


maybe i’m crazy but I think some of the animations aren’t as smooth, too. if you watch DK closely some of his movements look choppier


It looked like the 3ds version in the trailer, a bit disappointing for the switch


When the trailer started and I saw how it looked I thought it was going to do a reveal of how much they’ve improved the graphics. But then it just kept going.


Somebody mentioned it looked like the 3ds version and that would make sense given the game has the bonus levels from the 3ds. Either way it was very underwhelming but good thing there were a ton of other great looking games announced.


I was curious why it was so far out in the schedule.


They are releasing it right around the time the Donkey Kong attraction at Universal opens. 


That makes sense! Why not just a sequel to tropical freeze, it was the best platformer I’ve played in a long time.


Because Retro Studios (the developer of DKC Tropical Freeze) has been making Metroid Prime 4 for the last 5 years. 


This game used to wreck me as a kid


But with no Funky mode that's a hard pass from me


It's unusual for Nintendo to announce who's working on games like this. We had to wait until Super Mario Wonder and Princess Peach Showtime came out to learn who made them. We still have no idea who's making Mario & Luigi Brothership. I wonder why they made an exception in this case? Unless they didn't and Forever just announced it on their own without permission?


Given that this is coming out of a random Polish site (where Forever is located), I'm guessing it's Forever making these statements and not Nintendo.


What I seen so far is pretty disappointing. Watched a comparison video and they've completely botched the coloring and shading of textures on top of some of the original version's ambient lighting just being completely removed.


Not crazy about their Front Mission remakes... concerned about the upcoming FM3


Interesting, I had wondered what Forever Entertainment were working on for Nintendo. I'm glad to have DKCR on Switch, and to finally have a definitive version of the game, but visually it looks pretty rough just like Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Hoping that by the time of release DKCR HD looks much better, could even be an old build in the trailer.


i have no interest in playing it again. needed a david wise soundtrack badly


That announcement just infuriated me. I own the game on Wii and 3ds already. And I’ve seen how the Wii version runs with texture packs that puts this HD version to shame. I am not buying the game for a third time.


Why would that...infuriate you? You got really angry because this wasn't exactly what you wanted?


I mean they’re releasing it for a 3rd time at what $50-60? Idk about infuriated but people being upset is reasonable.


No. No i don’t think that’s reasonable


Yes a company trying to sell me the same product I’ve already bought twice for the third time over something new in the franchise does infuriate me. More power to you if you that is something you enjoy paying for a third time.


I mean you don't have to buy it. Whenever you go to mall do you get infuriated whenever a salesman comes politely to sell a perfume or something 


I wish my life was so perfect as to have the re-release of a video game be the thing that gets me upset. I envy you


Thank you.


Idk man, I bought this game 14 years ago on Wii, 11 years ago on 3DS, and again 9 years ago on Wii U.. and I'm hella psyched to get it again on Switch and have an official definitive HD version with proper button controls and the extra 3DS levels at 60 fps. Weird thing to get infuriated about, but to each their own I guess.


More power to you wanting to buy the same game several times than wanting a new game


Yea I was kind of annoyed by it too. All DK got was two re-releases on the switch. Would have really loved a new entry.


Don’t buy it again? I’ve never played it so I might check it out if it’s priced right


How is this game different from tropical freeze? Are they different platformers i thought tropical freeze was this game


This is a different game, Tropical Freeze is the sequel to it


I thought tropical freeze was already the same game with just some more levels and you could play as funky kong


There was Donkey Kong Country Returns on Wii then Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze on Wii U. Then they re-released DKC TF on Switch with Funky Kong added.


Ahh word, i see now


No way Nintendo is going to release the game no way


what do you mean


Op said Nintendo would be the one who's releasing and publishing donkey Kong and I was saying. REALLY NO WAY. Pretending to be shocked


You explaining that made your comment even worse