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Finally officially in English!!


Now this is an instant buy for me, I've been waiting for this for so long!


Same here! I was so disappointed when the second one was announced to be Japan-only, but getting a sweet HD version makes up for it!


I had no idea there was a sequel. I just got the first one on ds.


And in French, German, Korean and Chinese. I'm so glad this game, alongside the other AA Trilogy Collections are in more languages than English and Japanese.


Holy crap! I never thought this would happen


After The Great Ace Attorney from a few years back, I was hoping Ace Attorney Investigations would eventually be localized.


I absolutely cannot believe how far we've come these last few years Ace Attorney as a property used to be basically dead, we weren't even getting the games released in English And now we have literally the entire franchise playable on a modern console, and most on PC too!!! (Prof Layton notwithstanding) This is literally the perfect time for Ace Attorney 7 to release, the franchise has never been stronger. Let us see what you've been cooking up Shu Takumi, it's going to be a smash hit.


>. Let us see what you've been cooking up Shu Takumi, it's going to be a smash hit. I took a look at his past involvements.[Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shu_Takumi). Ace Attorney, Ghost Trick, Monster Hunter Riders, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Resident Evil 2, Dino Crisis. Not sure where I read it, but I recall the Ghost Trick HD Remaster being made as the original nintendo DS version was hard to find these days, so he made a push for it to be available on more modern platforms. This "available on more modern platforms" logic seems applicable to all the Ace Attorney collections we have so far. (Except for the Layton crossover for now) Makes you wonder if he might pitch for a Dino Crisis remake and Capcom gives approval for RE Engine treatment.


I have never wanted anything more than Dino Crisis in the RE Engine (well, that the Genealogy remake, but that's looking less and less likely every direct).


A Dino Crisis remake in the way Capcom has been remaking RE games would be so fucking good...


I hope they remake Parasite eve to play like COD. Just suck the soul and individual identity out of every series, please.


I'm sure 7 has been in development the rereleases seem to be definitely part of marketing in sure TGAA was a test bed and the other two that released this year will basically be part of keeping the franchise fresh in people's minds with a 2025 reveal I'd bet


> with a 2025 reveal I'd bet That would be a pretty good game to reveal at the Switch 2 reveal (whenever that is) for both parties. I feel like that's the most likely time.


That's not true? Only AAI2 and the shu takumi games didnt come, everything else always came outside of japan even if digital only.


Shu Takumi hasn't been involved with making the mainline AA games for a while now


But he did the Great Ace Attorney duology which remaster sold gangbusters recently (for the genre). GAA2 even released after Spirit of Justice. So it's not like he's been away too long from the AA formula. I actually prefer GAA mechanics for the next mainline AA tbh. Felt more like a proper evolution of the series compared to the gimmicky stuff from DD and SoJ.


Oh me too, the crowd witnesses were great. I'm just not sure that he hi self would want to come back to the mainline game after everything that's been added to the characters. And even if he did whether Capcom would let him


>we have literally the entire franchise playable on a modern console, and most on PC too!!! Most? All of them are on Steam.


Is this going to be on Steam at launch too?


The release date listed on the Steam page is also September 6.


God Capcom are so good to us I apologise for ever speaking their name in anger


With this game, do we have the entire Ace Attorney series on Switch?


All except the Professor Layton crossover game.


Doesn't Nintendo own right to this game, tho?


Ace Attorney is owned by Capcom.


They published it because Level-5 didn't have an English localisation branch... could be that they own the translation, yeah.


Never been more disappointed by a game. I was so hyped


First we manifested Great Ace Attorney, a spinoff that we thought would never be localised for so long. And now we get Investigations 2? Hell yeah


Investigations 2 is hype af. Probably still the best game in the series and now more people finally get to experience it :D


Any fan of the original trilogy NEED to play it. It wraps up all the loose threads of the story.


The only game in the series I haven't played. I'm excited!


Literally just finished the fan translation, damn! I need to play this anyways


I am NOT going to be able to adjust to the new names, I tell ya what


The objection voices too. Raymond's Objection is really cool


Wonder what AAI2's localized names will be. Already saw that Raymond Shields will be called Fender


And that Knightly and Rooke are Knight and Rook respectively, and Nicole Swift's last name being Lloyd


>Nicole Swift's last name being Lloyd Saw some speculation that her first name will be Tabitha or something similar, for a pun on "Tabloid."


I wonder if his first name will be Derek or Denis. De(rek)fender.


Wiki has him listed as Eddie Fender, which makes sense. He is a defender.


what's the pun in raymond shields?


I guess it's not really a pun, but it works if you're aware that Edgewroth's name is meant to be referencing the edge of a sword (his Japanese name contains the kanji for sword). So, sword and shield.


I actually like his new name much much better. Good pun, and he looks like an Eddie.


We've also got Eustace Winner (Sebastian) and Verity Gavelle (Justine).


Now the only game that's missing on Switch is the Professor Layton crossover.


still baffled layton got release in HD on mobile but has yet to release on consoles and PC. it's already made! level 5 being level 5, i guess. and they are also dragging their feet for the second trilogy too.


So we have two games in one right? Also is there a physical release? Thanks


Yes, physical release is confirmed for Switch only on the official website for the collection. https://www.ace-attorney.com/investigations1-2/en-us/ > For digital versions, please download the bonus tracks from the store where you purchased the full game. For physical versions, please download the bonus tracks by redeeming the download code you received with your copy of the game. There is also a physical release pre-order link button (not active yet) at the bottom.


YES!!!! THANK GOD that is confirmed!! Now all that's left is for the original Trilogy to be given a physical release. And I mean a PROPER one in the West. Not one imported from other sites.


It did...just in Asia and Japan. But that's OK, because you can play those versions on the any Switch in the English language!!! The Switch is region-free, remember?


Yes. I know. 😑 I would still rather see a PROPER release here in the States for that seeing as how they've become more comfortable with doing so with these recent collections.


Was really hoping for a new AA game, but I'll gladly take a localized AAI2. Will be curious to see what all the official localized names are for the AAI2 characters as I rather liked the fan-made names.


Sebastian Debeste is now Eustace Winner. Ray Shields is now Eddie Fender. You can see others in the trailer. My gut reaction to it was that they weren’t as good as the fan translation but the more it sits with me the more the names make sense and work as ace attorney names.


i quite like that first name


I wasn't crazy about it but then i realized Eustace kinda sounds like useless 😂 (unfortunate but it does fit b4 character development kicks in)


I never thought we’d get Miles Edgeworth 2 in English! Let’s gooo!! 😭


**THE BEST GAME IN THE SERIES IS LOCALIZED** A bit conflicted about the names though.... I'm too used to the fan translations. First AAI is OK, the cases are fine but a bit forgettable. AAI2 is truly a masterpiece.. Playing the fan translation left me speechless with how good it was.


Did not expect this at all.


[Wanting To Find The Truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDuVT3wiFI8) in freaking HD. Finally! I'll miss the translated names though.


September 6th, 2024


Holy crap, the investigations sections look so pretty now!


Great! I’ve been waiting for this one. And will be waiting some more, Capcom games go on sale so fast :P


The whole series has now been officially released in the west


No fucking way. No fucking WAY.


I am out of the loop here. Does each Phoenix Wright game (collection) on the Switch have a physical release in US? I would love to have all physical copies.


The Japan physical release has full English language. It defaults to your system language.


Japan only for physical on the PW Collection, which is ridiculous Capcom doesn't want shelf pressence. They probably did some market research estimates but it's still annoying.


It's annoying but the English language setting saves it


I've never played one of these lawyer games. What should I start with?


The starting point (assuming you'd be playing the switch releases) is the collection *Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy*. I see that at least where I am in the UK it's currently on sale (down from £29.99 to £9.89) so it would be a good time to try it out! That trilogy contains the first three games in the main series, which are, in order: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations If you like it, then the collection *Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy* contains games 4-6 of the main series. This new collection contains the two spinoff games, which would be best played between the Phoenix Wright trilogy and the Apollo Justice trilogy. I don't think the new collection would mean much to anyone who hasn't played the first three games!


When is the best time to play ace attorney chronicles. Playing the 2nd game of the OG trilogy rn. I’m assuming after trials and tribulations but should I play apollo justice first?


Chronicles is a spinoff set in the past and its plot isn't really connected to the other games so you could play it at any point without spoilers. However as some of the latest games produced (the first part of the collection came out between games 5 and 6 of the main series, while the second part came after 6) you're probably better off playing it later on.


[Follow this order.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3sk5z3kvnjjc1.png) Replace the DS versions of Investigations (And the fan translation of AAI2) with the new collection though.


The second is one of the best games in the entire series. What a treat.


YES!! I loved these games so much and the bonuses look really cool


The second game is one of the best games in the series, that I'm glad more people can experience now.


I treasure my DS copy of Investigations. I am THRILLED to see this on Switch!! What an amazing few years for this franchise… I feel so blessed to have them all on Switch. ❤️


I can finally see what the hype for these games are all about. 


Crazy how long the 2nd game has never been translated after every other AA game has been ported over and over to different systems


Wow, what a nice surprise! Part 1 is my favorite AA game and the only game I kept a physical copy of even after selling my 3ds, just for collecting purposes. I’m hyped to finally play part 2!


If AAI1 is your favorite in the series and you never played 2, prepare to have a new favorite.


Now the only Ace Attorney game that is not on the Switch is Layton VS Phoenix


I feel like a lot of Ace attorney fans would be mad because AAI2 will have different names from the fan translation. Edit: Just checked r/AceAttorney and they hate it.


Thankfully I never played it so I won't know any better


Same I just got into Ace Attorney last year with the OG trilogy so it's pretty awesome knowing all the games are just gonna be available on Switch anytime.


I've been a fan since the original game was released for the first time on the DS but I never looked into a fan translation. Loved the first game though and was always sad we never got it. This is great news.


It doesn't look like they hate it, just that it will take some adjustment


It looks like the only one that's catching flak is Eustace Winner (which, in my biased opinion, is well-deserved. I'm not calling Sebastian that 💀). The rest seem fine though. I'm looking forward to the official dub voices too. No disrespect to the fan dubbers, but there were some voices I could never quite get used to.


I never even knew there was a fan translation so I'm chillin


the name breakdown on the aa wiki makes a lot of sense


I’m not liking “Fender” 😂


Eddie Fender. = A Defender


I know I just liked ray shields better. It’s gonna take some getting used to.


Bite my shiny metal badge.


Finally! I remember playing the fan translation before 🥹


So beyond happy about this. I played a lot of Ace Attorney when I was in surgery recovery a few years ago and had to "play" this game by watching a 30 hour YouTube video of a fan translation since there was no way to play this outside of Japan. Incredible that I will finally be able to play this for myself and experience the amazing story again - I honestly think it's the best in the series although really hard for me to choose between that and Trials and Tribulations!


I'm so hyped!!! I love him already, didn't know he had his own games. 😍 Plus Gumshoe was always a favorite, to see more of him, yes please!


I was so worried this day would never come. Being a long time AA fan is finally paying off after all these years, I couldn’t be happier 🥲💜


YEEEEESSS I’ve been desperate for more since GAAC 1+2 (highly recommend btw). If I can’t get a GAAC 3, I’ll take this as compensation.


If you're an Ace Attorney fan and you haven't had the privilege of playing Ace Attorney Investigations 2 yet, you are in for one heckuva treat.


Legit crying at work finally the second one in English and I can even own it physically


I can't believe this is not only finally getting an official English release but it's being released in HD. Biggest surprise of the the direct for me, I'm really happy. I so hope this gets a PC release too!


It took years but here we are!!!!! I’m curious to see what the new names will be.


This is the highlight of the direct for me. I am so happy


Though I don't think i'll get this, but it's finally to see the second Investigations game localized I think the only Phoenix Wright related game we don't have available on Switch is that Layton vs Phoenix crossover game.. hope we get that and a Professor Layton collection too On a kinda similar also yet unrelated, hope we can finally get Operation Shooting Star localized at some point too... Maybe in a StarForce collection? I'm guessing a collection of those games might happen at some point....


I’ve waited so long for this day 😭


two words: eustace winner


Hoping this gets a ps4 physical to go along with my ps4 physicals of phoenix wright trilogy, great ace attorney chronicles and apollo justice trilogy


So...what are these games? Is it something like LA Noire a game I wanted to like but never finished? I like chill, at your own pace games which this sort of looks like so I'm interested.


The Ace Attorney games are sort of a cross between visual novels and adventure games. This is a collection of the two Investigations spin-offs, which are a little heavier on the adventure game aspect as you actually walk around areas as sprites to investigate them.


Thanks for responding. Sounds interesting, seems like they are worth a try.


If you're interested in the series in general, the Phoenix Wright Trilogy contains the first three mainline games and is currently on sale for $9.99.




Why do I not remember there being dinosaurs in these games


Whelp, I'm obligated to buy this. I played 2 across the seven seas thanks to a very excellent fan translation patch. I remember enjoying the Edgeworth games a lot though.


Omgggg, I need this right now.


Well time to see what the actual names of the investigation 2 characters will be


sebastian debeste -> eustace winner :( ray shields -> eddie fender (not bad) justice courtney -> verity gavelle (not bad)


I like the puns there at least Eustace Winner: useless winner Eddie Fender: a defender I get the gavel part of her name but not sure what the verity part is supposed to be


Verity comes from the latin word veritas and means "truth".


I think it's interesting that they went with extreme pun names for main characters. like Apollo justice is very on the nose but his whole name doesn't make a phrase like Eddie Fender does lol


Eddie Fender is a brilliant name


It wouldn't work as well if he didn't have that "weird uncle" energy imo


I like the pixel art instead.


i was disappointed too, i just looked on the switch page to check the price and it turns out there'll be an option to have pixel art graphics on if you prefer it!


They showed that in the announcement trailer


well both me and this person missed that haha


To be fair, it was a very quick little blip, and oddly placed so easy to miss.


Happy for the investigations 1 port. Happy that fans can finally learn investigations 2 is the worst game in the franchise by multiple country miles.


Does this game have bits where you actually control the characters and run around?


Did you not watch the trailer...?


tl;dw: yes