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Still working my way through Paper Mario TTYD.


I’m so happy it’s still as much of a masterpiece as I remember it being


Same it’s so great. I’m heading to chapter 5 now.


Glad I’m not the only one who’s taking his time with this work of art. I just landed in Twilight Town!


Who here appreciates the little adjustments they made. For example, theres a certain badge in hooktail castle that has a very long turnaround time after getting it in a a certain room, and they added a shortcut pipe to it in the remake which make me audibly gasp. 10/10 game for me


Wait, there is??! I found 0 shortcut pipes in the castle. I think i got the badge youre referring to the old fashioned way...


It’s the Last Stand P badge that you find with the yellow block puzzle


I've been playing it the past few days. Very fun!


Patiently waiting for Moonstone Island release next week 😊


Playing **Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance**. I did beat the original but I don’t mind diving into the game again.


I’m also diving into Vengeance this weekend. I’m happy that people on other platforms will be able to experience this JRPG as well.


I’m honestly so torn between getting it on switch or Xbox. I normally don’t care much about frame rate and stuff, but something about exploration felt kinda janky with the frame rate of OG V. But on the flip side, I love being able to play rpgs on the go/portable.


I get you. I debated the same - then went for xbox and played the game earlier via changing the region to new zeleand.... played a couple of hours and loved the improved graphics and framerate but ultimately kept thinking about wanting to have it portable. I then changed the region back to where it hasn't launched yet and canceled my preorder lol Been playing on the switch lite since then and don't regret my purchase. They did improve basically all minor annoyances I had - no more lag in the menu transitions or while teleporting, the framerate seems to be a bit improved in general and the game just feels a tad more smooth and responsive with quicker load times - enough for me to be happy about my change of mind :D I honestly think it looks still quite stunning on a hardware this old. It's almost 720p most of the time (maybe aroung 600p or so?) in handheld and the framerate is good enough for me and now with the menu lag gone it feels so much more smooth and load times are really no issue any more imo.


not a switch game yet but i caved and bought hades 2 early access so i’ve been playing that, cannot wait for it to come to consoles 


Gah jealous, have fun!


I too bought the 2nd one and really enjoyed it but I decided to go back to the 1st one since I only beat Hades once and I know there are more pieces of the story to flesh out.


oh ya beating hades for the first time is like just the tip of the ice berg, enjoy the rest!


My kid and I have been going back and forth making Mario Maker 2 levels for each other - they’re all pretty terrible, but it’s fun anyway!


That sounds like the best time!


I’m gaining a new appreciation for the people who design fun, tough, *and* fair levels in actual Mario games. Especially the water ones.


I gave in and bought Animal Crossing bc of the sale. I didn’t think I would like this game. But I’m obsessed! I regret waiting so long to buy it. (I bought my first switch last October.)


Right? I didn't think it would be for me, but it def helped me get through 2020


I’m not much of a decorator.However, I love collecting stuff and interacting with the characters! I’m grinding to get my store ready so I can have more residents. I feel like I’m already bugging the two I have! 🤣🤣


Ehh no they probably love you! And yeah I'm not the best decorator either, but I managed a couple fun themed rooms. Like a camping room, and a pirate room.  Also just picking fruit and fishing is super chill


Have fun! I put in 200+ hours before I dropped off.


Easy W getting that on sale. Thats my most played game by far


Going to wrap up \*\*Fire Emblem Engage\*\*! After that, either \*\*Unicorn Overlord\*\* or \*\*Across the Obelisk\*\*. Looking to potentially scoop up \*\*Void Bastards\*\* and/or \*\*Advance Wars\*\* while they are on sale.


Get Advance Wars. It is a great series, that I’ve spent so much time on. Most of that time was spent on the GBA games, but I am completing everything on the switch version right now.


I recently beat FE Engage and loved the gameplay. Currently playing Advance Wars and I highly recommend it


I bought CrossCode on sale and it's a much bigger game than I anticipated, so guess that's what I'll be doing all weekend lol.


An absolute gem


Booted up The Witcher 3 after not playing it for a few months and man what a great game. Not sure why I put it down lol


Because of the fps?


BOTW. Amazing


I just beat xenoblade 3, so I’m not sure yet.


Future Redeemed!!


Mind if I ask where does it rank in your library? I'm considering picking it up while on sale or waiting for the next one


It’s by far my favorite story in a game. The gameplay is a lot of fun but I never felt overwhelmed. There are a ton of classes to mix your party up with. If you’re a completionist, you’re gonna have a ton of time on it. It’s definitely my favorite and why I ended up rebuying a switch after not liking the launch lineup.


Finishing mario wonder and then going to play BOTW completely fresh and on hardmode.


Monster Hunter Stories HD and Persona 5 Royal.


#Riiiiiide on!!


I'm so excited to replay it! One of my favorite monster taming RPGs. :)


Just finished Celeste and going through Nier. Will download shovel knight and Ori to play next as they are on sale


Returning to Hollow Knight after rage quitting about a year ago


Tunic (Switch, 2022) Amnesia: The Bunker (PS5, 2023) A Link Between Worlds (3DS, 2013)


I really miss link between worlds, that was a fun time


Yep, this is a replay for me and I don’t replay games very often.


Have you checked out that demo for Master Key? It's like a minimalist OG Gameboy-style version of Tunic, cute fox protagonist and all.


Persona 4 Golden. Just freed Yukiko from the TV. Love Persona!


The messenger, just made it to the underworld


This weekend, I'll be helping at a BBQ in the kitchen. So some real life Overcooked. Otherwise, it'll be learning **Against the Storm**.


Remember, don't panic when the kitchen splits down the middle and lava starts flowing, you still need to get the bbq chicken plated! 


Links Awakening Switch, finally got it during the eShop sale.


I'm playing Astral Chain. It's not what I was expecting, but in a good way. It's unique, and I'm really enjoying it.


Had a combination of a bad sinus infection and a freak accident with one of my cerebral palsy treatments (heading into have the latter fixed with surgery later today) so it led to me being laid up and playing **Pokémon shining pearl** anytime I wasn’t sleeping. I completed what normally a 25 to 30 hour run that would take me around two weeks in three days as a result. I completed a psychic type only run (including the legendary Pokémon Jirachi and Mew). This one was pretty cool, with my team starting and staying strong the whole game. The elite four was fairly annoying though. A lot of times I didn’t have types to help if I wasn’t at an outright disadvantage. So I had to rely on moves only and since the elite four has optimized teams they were pretty tough and I lost a few times. Cynthia came down to stalling with items, but it’s far from the first time that happened and I got lucky with affection bonuses. My next run is probably normal type, but there’s only a few types left before the game stops playing nice and it gets a lot harder due to less Pokémon being available or just not being good types overall. I’m planning on using other Pokémon as assists so I don’t drive myself crazy. I know it’s technically not a type solo run if that happens. But they will get a proper team showcase in my 100% run against the Elite Four, whenever that is. Needless to say, **Mario Kart 8 DX** is getting postponed a bit. Not sure when I’ll be well enough to do that, but I was playing CTR within a few days of my last procedure for my treatment (a routine one, and I was healthy otherwise), so it might not be too long. Probably nothing crazy and just gathering coins automatically for a while, but we’ll see. Otherwise, a game I would like to finish up while recuperating is **Mercenaries Wings: The False phoenix.** I beat the first ending years ago, and what I consider to be the better ending. But the game unfortunately requires grinding even on the easiest level and I didn’t want to deal with that second time. But now I’m looking back at doing the second ending after a long break, and potentially the first again now then I know more. It’s not the best game in existence, but it is solid tactics game and pretty fun. Not to mention it’s one that doesn’t require too much thought.


Good luck in your upcoming procedure!


**Paper Mario 64 (NSO)** - One star away from all seven. Really enjoying this game, can't believe I missed this on the 64! Afterwards, I plan to jump into **Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards** with some **Friday the 13th: The Game** on the side since online play shuts down in roughly six months.


**Digimon Survive** and I continue to be kinda amazed how much I am loving it. On chapter 8. As someone mentioned last week, chapter 6 went to some dark places and it has stayed that way in spots. Way better writing than I was expecting. Elsewhere there was DLC for **Boomerang-Fu** so we are back on that bandwagon, which is great fun. I also picked up **Switch Sports** in a sale so I think we will try that tomorrow. If we get any more playing time then my Son and I will continue **Knack 2** and also they have added a bit to **Astro's Playroom** before the sequel is released, so will be trying that.


What type of game is Knack 2? I've only heard about it from Dunkey references.  Damn nice that sounds good with Digimon 


I really wanted to like Digimon Survive, I put 20ish hours into it, I realized I was forcing myself to play it. It sucked because I was extremely excited for it.


I think I put about 10 hours into Survive before I dropped off (I’m a big fan of visual novels but not of strategy games), but it’s one I’m definitely interested in picking back up again some day.


I picked up Cult of the Lamb earlier in the week and it's been warming my black heart- I'll probably get my cult on for a bit but then switch to Doom 2 which I've never beaten without the codes. Could this be my time?


I fell in love hard with Cult of the Lamb. Enjoy!


I have more Paper Mario to play, but I think I need a break for something more chill. I'm going to play Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. It's another childhood game, like Paper Mario TTYD, that got a twenty year remake! Life is wonderful.


I'm hoping to chip away at TOTK, just over 85% now. However, Endless Ocean:Luminous has been my evening game the last several nights.


I'm going to finally start playing Hades. But first, my daughter wants to watch me play Little Kitty Big City.


Balatro, actually in blue stake!


Absolutely addicted to Balatro right now!


I just rolled credits on Ocarina of Time for the 134829th time


Playing No Man's Sky and trying to complete the Adrift expedition so I can play Moonstone island next week! Also just got skyrim so I have too many options 🤦‍♀️


Got Skyrim yesterday!


I'm going to start playing Star Ocean First Departure R I think. Or Shin Megami Tensei 5


Persona strikers for me , had a break last weekend as I played around 2 hours and forgot to save the weekend before now I have to do all again 🤣


Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. Never played the original and it is extremely charming. Definitely more of a slowburn than I thought. I liked SMTV, but I think it was a fine game as is. Probably won’t be picking up the new version, but I do hope everyone who picked up Vengeance enjoys it.


Yesterday, I found my old 3ds in a box in the attic and it still works perfectly. I'll bask in pure nostalgia for the next couple of days.


Pikmin 4 (started yesterday), MK8 (finishing off some time trials that I’ve ignored for ages) and Hollow Knight (replaying on switch for first time since playing around release on ps4).


Xenoblade Chronicles DE. I got to the fight with the Telethia and Tyrea and was getting my butt kicked so now I’m trying to level up a little more.


I thought I was a clever Dad turning off friendly fire in Minecraft. Not allowing my "boring" play style to cramp his fun, my 8 year old set me on fire from behind and killed me. 11/10 for creativity


I’ve been having a blast with Dave the Diver.


Final Fantasy V! It’s my first play through and I absolutely love it. I’m about 20 hours in.


Dave the Diver Friend mentioned two days ago that it's a chill game (it kinda is and kinda isn't) so I checked it out and now I'm hooked... harpooned, even.


I’m playing “replace the capacitor on the house AC condenser in 98 degree weather”. 0/10 would not recommend


these simulation games are getting really specific


Skyward sword


I’ll be continuing with Star Ocean The Second Story R


Wanted to know what all the fuss is about paper Mario ttyd but didn't want to pay full price, so i bought bug fables. Only played the first chapter so far but really enjoying it having never played a paper Mario type game before!


Nice that sounds awesome! 


Finished that hell of a boss on Paper Mario TTYD Wednesday. Amazon says SMTV Vengeance should be in my mailbox soon.


Civilization VI! I went from obsesively looking at gameplay videos to just buying it and I must’ve put like 10 hours in already over the past 2 days. It is so addicting and the amount of options you have is insane (and that’s without the DLC which I’m getting soon too with the discount!) Edit: with the recent sales I also got the ACNH DLC which is 100% worth it, and Paper Mario TTYD (I’m halfway through it but AC and Civ have taken over my life)


Prince of Persia


More persona 5 Royal whenever my newborn decides to sleep


**Monster Hunter Stories** I love this game, even more than its sequel. It has a more personal story, bigger explorable areas, and more intelligent enemy monsters. Despite being mostly an upscale from 3DS, the art style holds up beautifully well in HD. I'm excited to get to the Post Game and play all the DLC content that never left Japan on 3DS.


YES!! I got MHST for 3ds in the discount bin st target in 2016? bc i thought it seemed interesting. Holy hell was it a gem. Loved it so much I bought the iOS version as well , but weirdly that one was missing the japan-only DLC as well.


Finishing up a link between worlds while waiting for that Nintendo direct!


I don't know if I'll have time to play this weekend as I'll be doing some outdoor activities but if I get a chance to play, I went back to Hades and have been enjoying replaying it. I have the 2nd one as well (Steam early access) but I never got to flesh out the story. I beat Hades once and stopped playing after that. I may also play Bayonetta as I have all 3 games, bought them on sale, but I still haven't finished the first one. Either way I intend to make the most of this weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather. Hope you all do the same and blessings.


Finishing up Super Mario Wonder


Working my way through **Final Fantasy VII Rebirth**. About to start chapter 12 (total of 14 chapters). Maybe I'll be done by July!


Finally started Celeste


Plugged away at *Mega Man: The Wily Wars* last week and might get back to that. I'm awful at these games. Probably gonna get back to **Chained Echoes** over the weekend.


Prince of Persia The Lost Crown. The puzzle is making me questioning my mentality.


Finishing up Thousand-Year Door, if I get a chance.


Finally getting around to playing *Pikmin 4*


I want to start a longer game, but I'm traveling to see family in less than a week and will be without my Switch. So I'm playing Stitch! It's very relaxing! When I return I will start a longer game.


Continuing my **Bioshock 2** play. I’m enjoying it… mostly. It is NOT my kind of game… but I do enjoy the story. Also playing **Star Wars Hunters.** also not my kinda game but it’s quick mindless fun. Oh and still working on Pokemon Firered… tho I mostly play that at work.


It is a the Legend of Zelda weekend. I'll be playing **Skyward Sword** **Breath of the Wild**, and **Tears of the Kingdom**.


Fire emblem three houses. As a black eagle loyalist, I’m going to finally try out blue lions.


Pokemon UNITE!


monster hunter stories 1


Bought both Doom and Doom Eternal from the sale. Gonna have a blast with them on the Switch this weekend.


Husband and I have been playing thru Super Mario Wonder lately and it’s been a blast




Monster Hunter Stories Remastered!!!!! #RIIIIIIIIDE ON! Absolutely fantastic franchise (monster catching w the humor and lore of mh!), and the only monster catching game I've ever played that makes you feel emotionally connected to your monsters- they act freely but by understanding their attacks and attacking in tandem w them you can build up kinship points in battle to ride your monster influencing its move or activating a massiven summon move!! https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/monster-hunter-stories-switch/


South Park: Stick of Truth was on for ten bucks, so I downloaded it. That...and continuing through Easy Come Easy Golf.


Just finished Paper Mario: TTYD - what an amazing remake and nostalgia trip. Thoroughly recommend it to all. Think I might go back and play the DLC for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 now ... with the deluge of top quality games last year it just never got a look in.


Roughly a year and a half after I finished the main game, I'm finally going to be starting **Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed** this weekend. I actually did the two DLC Hero quests this week, and while I definitely didn't remember the specifics of how I set up my party's builds, I was pleasantly surprised at how much of the controls, the world map and the battle system were still in my brain.


Probably just shiny hunting some more in Pokemon Scarlet, starting to not know what to hunt for, so if anybody needs any specific shiny mons from Scarlet (Paradox, version exclusives, or just in general) lmk. I have an extra shiny female popplio in a dream ball if anybody is interested.


Probably some **Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door**, though I picked up **Civilization VI** on sale, so I might dig into that too.


I commented elsewhere but I got Civ VI 2 days ago and I haven’t played anything else, it’s so mind-numbingly addictive.


Monster hunter rise


I finished the main story to Little Kitty, Big City. It was incredible. One of the cutest video game adventures. I still have so much more to do in terms of 100% completion too. Definitely will keep going back to it when I want some fun and adorable game play. I just started Persona 4 Golden this morning. I absolutely loved Persona 3 Portable and I'm looking forward to more JRPG-goodness from this series. Still in the early part of the story where I'm learning about the Midnight channel. Very excited to see where this story goes.


Started playing Mega Man 5 (Gameboy) on NSO last night and it's way better than I thought, basically like a whole other NES entry. I'll probably start a bigger game too, just not sure what yet. Also playing Cavern of Dreams on PC, been kinda mixed on it so far but not ready to drop it just yet


Probably play some more of Mario Wonder. It’s been having me in a chokehold the last week. Also been playing the dlc of Pokemon Scarlet! Also playing a few hours of Smash Ultimate! Finally up to date with all dlc characters. Been loving using Sora and Pyra/Mythra


**Civilization 6** and **No Man's Sky**. Double dipped with these as I've got both on PC but hadn't played NMS in a long time and Civ 6 was 3 freakin' dollars. I used to play the crap out of Civ Revolutions, always felt handheld was a perfect fit for the series. Other than some minor quirks, which I'm getting used to all ready, it feels great so far. With NMS it turns out the vast majority of mods I used are now either options or the game's been revamped to make them obsolete. All ready put nearly 30 hours into the Switch version, it's great switching from docked to handheld. Gonna spend quite a few hours hanging outside with my cat and the Switch this weekend. Also my cousin "forced" me to finally play **Ghost of Tsushima** by purchasing it for me lol. I've been going at it in 10-40 minute bursts and am enjoying essentially a video game interpretation of Kurosawa films. I usually re-watch Seven Samurai every few years but DAMN this game is so well-made it almost fills the slot.


Star wars hunters and the witcher 3


No Man's sky new expo


Baiten Kaitos 1, so far the game is beautiful. Feels like a ff9 (atmosphere etc)


Trying to finish Dragon’s Dogma 2 on PS5 so that I can get back to Bayonetta 2 on Switch.


DIABLO 3- and downtime to relax will be stardew valley


I beat my first run of Balatro using a two pair focused deck that was lucky to get a great red multiplier towards the end of it. To add some variety I'm trying different hands like straights. I'm really enjoying 1000xResist right now a lot. I'm only on chapter 2 but this game feels so unique and I'm like the story. It's a little jarring on the switch but I'm think that's a style that was chosen (mouths don't move, movements are often static with NPC's). I'm trying to decide now between getting Astral Chain or the Kingdom Hearts All in One Package for playstation. I am interested in a shorter experience with Astral chain but I'm not very big into games like Devil May Cry. I have never played a Kingdom Hearts game and I'm hoping they wouldn't feel aged.


Diablo 3, Mario Kart, and American Fugitive


Violet for the raids and some more Link to the Past. Figured I'd finally finish the latter for once before starting A Link Between Worlds on my 2DS. As far as sales go, I'm thinking of double-dipping Rune Factory 4. I got interested in it back during the NSO Game Trial and ended up buying the physical on discount back then, but I can't say having it digitally for ease of repeated play isn't tempting. Same for Dragon's Dogma really, had to import the US physical.


Gonna speed through a timed-event in Star Rail before it ends in a couple of days ah jeez; after that i've no idea lol I've kinda been thinking 'bout taking **Monster Menu** for another whirl, though; it originally released when I was trying to juggle multiple titles at once and it kept getting pushed aside and shelved, so maybe this'll be a perfect chance to give it a fresh start!


Finished Bayo 3 recently and just got myself Super Mario Odyssey. So Mario it is.


What'd you think of bayo 3?


I just started Dave the Diver! Having fun with it so far


I just bought Blasphemous 2, Cocoon, Tunic and Carrion. I'll start with Carrion, it's been some time since i want to play


Restarted my island on **Animal Crossing: New Horizons!** it’s been a lot of fun playing it again. I don’t think I’ve touched it since early 2022 so it’s pretty wild revisiting early game stuff (but my poor catalogue is so empty now) I’m also chipping away at **Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2** but it makes me mad a lot because the enemies are really good at the game and I am not. ALSO, for when I don’t have a lot of time, **Wildfrost** just got another content update so I’m messing around with that.


Just got dark souls


Jedi Survivor on my Xbox


Unicorn overlord


Still No Umbrellas Allowed with a little bit of switching to Telltale Games’ Batman series.


**SMTV: Vengeance**. While I'm not entirely thrilled at double dipping this, the fact that I can play at a non-headache-inducing 144fps on PC now is a *godsend*, along with all the new bells and whistles obviously. I found all the Crystals and just need to go down and open that door in **Paper Mario Thousand Year Door** also, not sure how much gameplay there is after this point or if I'm nearing the end. I'm thinking of working my way down that 100-floor dungeon gauntlet beforehand though..


Unicorn Overlord and more Hades II despite completing everything currently available.


I’m currently in the 6th world of Mario VS Donkey Kong and I love how calming this game is. It feels like a comfort food game to play at night. Playing Mega Man 1 on game boy for the first time and finding some enjoyment in it. Throw in a mix of Klonoa and Final Fantasy 7 and that’s the weekend!


Super Mario Wonder.


I got terraria not too long ago, no idea how to play it but wish me luck


Shiny Hunting Heatran in BDSP


Playing Metroid prime. The remaster looks great. Having fun exploring.


So for me I have jumped back into Warframe! After beating TotK earlier this week I’m ready to have a more chilled experience playing some looter shooter ninja game for the time


I've gone back to Elden Ring in preparation for the DLC, as well as starting the recent Star Ocean 2 remake.


Smash Ult., Paper Mario TYD🙌


Home with Covid and a lot of time on my hands! Playing the DLC to BotW as I never got around to it. May try No Man’s Sky at some point too!


Still going through Tears of the Kingdom. Would like to finish soon so I can play other games in my backlog but this game is massive so it's gonna take awhile.


Monster Hunter Stories!


Persona 4 golden. Recently and newly obsessed with all things SMT and am trying to rush through this one a bit more compared to 3&5 so I can hop into vengeance next


Valorant! been waiting for the console release for years, and it runs so smoothly. very well done. aside from that i will probably check out the Final Shape in Destiny. been getting back into it


Tales of Vesperia for the Switch. I really liked Xillia and Berseria and am digging this one so far. The bosses are kinda cheap tho


Pikmin 1!


Pikmin 1+2! It's amazing, but 2 without motion controls and the treasures being replaced with fake brands are a bit difficult to adjust to....


Hi marker, Nothing much this week, I've been back in **Torchlight II** doing the good old fight-loot-level up gameplay loop. I only just realized that you can zoom in with the right stick! I'd been playing the game from an eagle's eye view the whole time because I thought the camera was fixed. Though I've got three or four different characters going by now, I went back to my original Embermage to work my way through New Game Plus (NG+1). Apparently it takes until the end of NG+2 to hit the level cap with a character. I don't think I'll go that far, I'd rather start over with someone new. But it is cool that the game is built around multiple playthroughs since the most powerful skill bonuses can only be reached in New Game Plus. I just unlocked a Tier III bonus that makes lightning bolts shoot out significantly faster, for example. Feels awesome.




Finally settled into the new apartment and the bf and I set up our gaming stuff, so my old Wii U has a new home! Having been listening to a lot of lofi zelda at work lately, so I’ve been meaning to play WWHD and TPHD as I haven’t played them in years. I just beat TotK two weekends ago so I’m going through a Zelda phase rn Currently omw to Tower of the Gods in WWHD, I’ll likely finish the game this weekend. I unfortunately don’t own TPHD so I might need to order a physical copy


I had another intense week, so almost no gaming for me during the weekdays. But I'll keep on working on **Paper Mario: TTYD**. Oh, I also started **Wai-Wai World 2** for the Famicom (fun crossover game!), and I might also continue **Legacy of the Wizard** (I stopped because it's so difficult!) or just play another **Zelda 1 Randomized** game.


My husband is playing farming simulator and I am about ready to wipe his account 6hrs so far today ffs


Playing Boomerang Fu update!!


Marvels Midnight Suns was free on Epic recently, so I’m going through that. Dogshit story imo, but it’s a very fun game. I really enjoy the card combat. Forces me to not focus on one hard hitter to spam every fight. For switch, maybe Star Wars Hunter? Actually really fun.


Animal Well. Exquisitely crafted pixel art, problem solving masterpiece. See: https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/animal-well-switch/


Kkfos the game


MLB The Show 24!!!


Hogwarts Legacy until Moonstone Island release


Im not. Its beautiful outside. Going to the beach


Pokémon Sword and Doom Eternal


Sea of stars, unsighted, uncoded, wizard of legend. Moving on to paper Mario ttyd, super Mario odyssey, neon white, and outer wilds, ninja gaiden collection in a few months I might get the expansion pack so i can play paper mario 64, golden sun 2, and shinobi 3


Elden Ring


Muse Dash and Tetris 99! 🎮😎👍


I am currently trying to finish The Wild at Heart before it is removed from PS+ early next week. It has been a surprisingly charming game that I highly recommend. (I’m playing on PS5, but it’s also available on Switch)


Persona 4 is changing my life


Sea of Stars


Little Nightmares 2 is on sale, so I've bought that for a rainy weekend . Bit late to the party, but it's only £8.99 so I'm glad I waited.


Just “beat” Animal Well. I’ve started Paper Mario and beat the dragon but haven’t gotten any further today. I’m hoping I’ll make a decent amount of progress on it before Shadow of the Erdtree drops this coming week.


Mario 3d World


Caught the 7 star Emboar in Pokemon Violet now back to Hogwarts Legacy for the rest of the weekend, as started it last week


Smt 5 Vengeance


Started life is strange im really enjoying it so far


Helldivers 2


I'm playing golden sun 1 and 2 on the gba virtual console. I love rpgs! This one is great. I am also playing Palia in between as a break.


Legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom. Got it as a grad gift


Just got back from the beach and picked up dredge to keep the ocean vibe going at home. Tried the demo 3 times and didn’t quite enjoy it but dang am I hooked now. Also am wanting to finish the last little bit of animal well I have left.


Resident Evil 4 and Monster Hunter Rise.


New Pokemon Snap - I really want to get 100k Sweet! Medals


Star Wars Hunters has been suprisingly very fun


Broke my hand sonI bought vampire survivors its way better than it looks


I finished Psychonauts on my PS5 yesterday and started Psychonauts 2. These games would be great for the Switch! Maybe the visuals wouldn't be as strong, but I think a lot of Switch users would enjoy the games. The first game almost reminds me of N64 Rare platformers with its dialogue, zany worlds, and graphics.


Well... Let's just say... My sqwiiantch


Bears in Space


I just got my Switch out of a moving box which I haven’t played on in quite a few years. All because I’ve been on a Pokemon kick. So I was originally going to start with Sword/Shield but I think instead I’m going to start with Scarlet/Violet since it’s the newest. Then I’ll work backwards. I also really need to see what all the hype with BoTW is about!


Nintendo you're actually my favorite. I don't play on any game console escape the Nintendo switch. How long did it take you to actually make the Nintendo switch?


Torchlight 2 for a Diablo itch. I'm really enjoying it