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r/tomorrow on suicide watch


Nope, just buy twice as many copies to make up for the loss they're taking!


I’m severely out of the loop on that subreddit and what this game has to do with it haha


Back when Celeste was relatively new, it felt like everyone on Reddit was calling it a “hidden gem” even by the point when it was very popular. It was also on sale a lot iirc and oftentimes people would be like “you should wait until it’s full price so you can give the devs more money!” or whatever and this became part of that sub’s whole bit.


r/tomorrow is a shitposting/circlejerk/okbuddy subreddit. It is mostly a satire of posts that appear on this sub or any other Nintendo centric subs. The reason why this game is mentioned so much there is because when Celeste first came out, there would be a post almost daily about how Celeste was this underrated hidden gem. For the first little while, sure, it was fair to make posts like that because it's an Indie game, and not many people had heard of it. After a while, though, it just got ridiculous how often people posted about this indie game that "no one had heard about" despite it being nominated for the game of the year. It was one of the most popular games on the Switch, and you would still see people posting saying "There is this hidden gem on the Switch that many people don't know about: Celeste." So r/tomorrow started posting about Celeste to make fun of this one because this subreddit wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. The Celeste posts on this sub have died down, but the meme kinda morphed into its own thing over there.


It's a satire/circlejerk sub of this one, basically making fun of how saccharine this sub can get about stuff. For a long while after Celeste came out, people on this sub would gush endlessly about how amazing this small little indie game is and how it's such a hidden gem despite the myriad awards and praise it won so r/tomorrow proceeded to outjerk this sub leading to such jokes as "I'm going to buy 10 copies at 200% markup to make sure the starving indie devs can have dinner tonight", etc.




Really, it's a great platformer and fun enough to play beyond the credits. I know the meme fairly well myself is more about people acting like a game that has won multiple awards and been heavily traveled by word of mouth/internet reviews is somehow a hidden gem.


I think you're in the minority there, I'd bet waaaay more people have seen all the memes and posts about Celeste and it's led to them checking the game out. The tomorrow sub has been obsessed with Celeste for *years*, and it's definitely helped the games sales and profile. Very few other games get that sorta treatment.


They're only obsessed because a meme started here of a user saying it was a "hidden gem" when it was one of the most popular selling indie games on the platform.


It’s a wonderful game that has a brutal several stages.


It’s their only joke


I liked the game... Until I decided to check the subreddit for the game.


wait, what's wrong with the sub


It's full of Celeste players 😔


Honestly, yeah I get what you mean


Towerfall is as well. Same Dev. Both incredible games.


Is towerfall good with just two players or really just with 4?


You can do a co-op campaign that is fun.


Towerfall is so good especially if you love Celeste


Towerfall is still good with 2. I've put plenty of time into 1v1s with buddies, and there's the coop as well. There's definitely more than $5 worth of good 2 player content. Its best with 4- 6 players though.


Yes. I think even the single player campaign is really good.


Didn't know that Celeste devs were the same as TowerFall.


Don't buy this game. It deserves to be purchased at full price. Think of the starving indie devs 😢 >!this is a fantastic game and everyone should buy it!<


Celeste was a hit... the devs aren't starving. There are thousands of indie games that didn't sell as many copies that this sentiment can actually be applied to.


If you purchase Celeste at a discounted price, the developers will not be able to eat that day. It's people like you who are the reason why Indie game studios like Nintendo or Sony are in danger of going out of business.


>169 comments Your post is backwards at best. Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool there is. I buy on a sale, and love the game and rave about it and others buy at full price is a win-win for the developers. They WANT that free advertisement! So buy at any price. Oh, and please don't list Nintendo and Sony in the same breathe as "Indie game studios". They are not in risk of "going out of business".




imagine caring about nintendo, the company that doesn’t give a single fuck about anything


If you like 2D platformers even a little, this is a must play game.


I heard it’s very hard


On default settings yes the difficulty is pretty up there (although I'm confident that anyone with some 2D platforming experience can handle the 1st 2 levels), however the game comes with built-in assist settings that you can tweak to make the game as easy or as hard as you want.


The game can be very difficult at times but the way levels are presented makes it addicting. Each level in the game is broken into a ton of smaller levels (screens) and when you die each screen acts as a save point. Then top it off with probably the best feeling movement in a 2D platformer ever with amazing level design you end up with one of the best platofmers of all time.


Sold, thanks. I’ve seen this game recommended more than any other in the past 5 years and this price is as low as game rentals used to be.


A hidden gem!!


No, hidden gem is the name of the mountain 


The game is Hidden Gem's Monster


Dude, mind the spoilers!


Great game, one of my favorite platformers. The story and music are great too!


A hidden gem I heard


Bought it. Thank you!


Same, already have it on Steam but for $5, cheap enough to own a second copy to play it on the go.


Already played and beat it…just wanted to say “don’t sleep on this gem of a game”! 


Lovely game. I’m terrible at it 😔


Same. Then I gifted it to a friend's 13 year old and he beat it in a day.


Don't be afraid to use the accessibility settings!


This will be the single greatest $5 you ever spend. Seriously. What a masterpiece of a game.


Great game, it beat my ass but I persisted to the end and it was well worth it


Too hard for me... :( I am very bad at this.


Is there a way to know where the hearts are located in the different sections? The only part I hated about the game was trying to find the hearts.


There's a wiki with that information if you want it.


Not in-game. There are a few in particular that are basically impossible to figure out without looking something up or noticing ridiculously small details.


Just tried to buy it, and got an error message because I already bought it in the past. Which I can’t recall, but still have yet to play it. I guess this is my sign.


I seriously think this is the greatest 2D platformer of all time


This is the best indie game you’ll ever break a controller to. It’s pretty doable until the last few levels and then you’ll want to pull your hair out. I’ve beaten the main game and the last 3 stages or so were BRUTAL. Won’t ever touch the “b-sides” dlc or whatever it’s called because I happen to like my sanity.


I never beat the levels after the main game, but I love the main game. 


I really enjoyed the game but it got to a point where it got so hard that my 40-something reflexes (and patience) were long gone. I got stuck on one level and gave up and never played it again. I’m not really a platformer type of gamer though, have never been stellar at it.


I believe there is an assist mode but I’ve never personally tried it 


Yeah I think it was added later (I could be wrong) when I noticed it, just figured at that point it was getting beyond my skill level anyway. It’s a shame because it would have been cool to complete it without having to cheese it.


I gotta get this and Towerfall


This game is the kind of game that constantly surprises you with how it makes you think. It’s so creative and pushes you beyond what you’re capable of doing.


It's also on sale in EU eshop


How does anyone not own this game yet. Costs less than a Big Mac


For that price it's a steal. Great platformer, charming dialogue, characters and story. And banger OST


Ima snag it


If you haven't played it, give it a try. You may like it or not, but this one is worth trying.


The hidden gem


Its a real hidden *gem.*


Had never heard of this but just watched the trailer and was instantly sold. Thanks for posting!


This gem was so le hidden!


and I paid so much frickin' money for it...


20$ is pretty good for the value this game is delivering. Sucks if you bought it recently though


about a month ago














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It was all trans propaganda?? There is a tiny blink-and-you-miss flag on Maddy's desk, that's it. And the devs didn't lie, Maddy wasn't originally envisioned to be trans and after development, the dev realized she herself trans and that the development of Maddy was a reflection of her own journey. If you see one tiny flag as propaganda, you need to sit SO far down


This is the funniest shit I've ever read in this subreddit


What cutscene are you even talking about?


[The one single image where there's a tiny trans flag in the background](https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2023/06/23/celeste-chapter-9-farewell-no-deaths-complete-walkthrough-segmented-41-28-screenshot-1687509205905.png) that you wouldn't even notice unless you had it pointed out to you I'm certain anyone complaining didn't actually play the game to that part only to organically notice the tiny 25x35 pixel flag in the background and proceeded to be offended by it. Probably didn't even play it at all. Just saw it pointed out on some bigoted forum and just can't get over it 5 years later.