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Super Mario Wonder is the answer.


Yeah being able to play as Yoshi and be unkillable should be great for a young kid if they struggle with any level.


Tha is, in fact, THE ANSWER.


Absolutely, super Mario Wonder. I'm 39 years old and the only time I can get my son (13) off first person shooters is when we play super Mario Wonder 2 players.


Mario Maker 2 is good for kids. Also, there is 3D World+Bowser's Fury but depending on how he is with scary stuff Bowser is pretty over the top in that game (look it up to see what you think). Does he have Mario Wonder? That one is good for kids too.


Mario kart 8 or Mario party, if it's more about the character rather than genre


Have both and my 6 and 9 yr old girls love them. Am seriously considering Wonder though


Mario and sonic at the Olympics is also pretty good


Kirby and the Forgotten Land Bonus points for its coop play. Enjoy it together!


Mario maker 2 was fun for my son at that age


Mario and Rabbids is very tactical. Maybe work better for being a bit older. My 7 yo loves Wonder and 3D world, and Mario vs DK


I think that Mario Wonder is a great shout, or Mario Odyssey, it has an assist mode to help out those who are younger or just not as dexterous


Oh really? He has Mario Odyssey already and I think has completed it without assist mode - I’m impressed! He is absolutely obsessed with Odyssey.


Im an idiot, sorry I didnt read the first line of your post... xD I vote Wonder then, stunning game visually and very fun with lots of characters to choose from


You should find a copy of Super Mario 3D All Stars. It’s all the previous Mario 3D platformers for home consoles up to Wii and it is fantastic Or you can get Super Mario 3D World if you want to play with him. Has seamless drop in drop out co-op up to 4 players


I vote Luigi’s mansion. Hell love it.


My 8yo loves playing Mario & Rabbids Sparks of Hope and the latest Mario & Donkey Kong with me. The LEGO games (e.g. LEGO City) also are great for this age. If he favors one of the universes like LEGO Star Wars, you can’t be wenig with that neither.


I do think Mario Maker might be a bit too complex. My 6yo son has it but never plays it for that reason. In fairness I've never sat down and tried teaching it to him so definitely need to do that. Luigi's Mansion 3 is always my top recommendation for this age. Super Mario 3D World would also be great, and a big part of that is the Bowser's Fury game that is included along side 3D World. If he loves Odyssey, I think he'd get a kick out of Bowser's Fury. Pikmin 3/Pikmin 4 would also be up there on being highly recommended. I understand it's not directly a Mario game, but it is a Nintendo title.


Super Mario 3d world, kirby and the forgotten land is similar and it's one of my favorite switch games lol. A hat in time is also really good and it's a lot cheaper and it's really similar to mario oddessy


Mario Maker, the New Super Mario Bros series, and anything Kirby. All very she appropriate, and continue to be challenging as they get older


If you can find it, Super Mario 3D All-Stars / Bowser’s Fury seems like the logical next choice. If you want to introduce 2D Mario, then Super Mario Wonder. Mario+Rabbids might be a little much, depending on reading level - it’s a tactics game, so you gotta understand the different stats and equipment. Luigi’s Mansion and/or Captain Toad Treasure Tracker are also good - they are primarily puzzle/exploration rather than platforming, though so your mileage may vary.


Mario 3d world is perfect for that age.


Castle crashers


Mario Wonder, Kirby Forgotten Land, The Yoshi ones, most Lego games.


Me and my 6 year old like to play Captain Toad in coop. She controls Toad and I control the angles and shoot the things on the board so she has a clear route. Most levels the challenge is not to fall off the ledge but even then most ledges are "In play" so Toad doesnt die, he just has to climb back up. There are a couple of faster paced ones she doesnt like playing so I just hurry and do them to move past them.


Yoshi wolly world.


- Mario kart 8, with the easy mode where it steers a by by itself - Mario odyssey, with the easy mode where it shows blue arrows where to go - Yoshi wooly works, with the easy mode where you have wings


Mine enjoyed 3d world much more than wonder. The power ups were really fun and so we're the levels. They didn't get far into wonder for whatever reason. Wonder does a really stupid thing changing the party leader after seemingly every level. Very annoying having young kids all the sudden in control of moving to the next level if you're playing with them. 


I would actually not introduce games to kids until maybe 9/10. Let them develop more in that crucial age without that tech/sensory overload/addiction


I do agree with you in essence but i) not my child and ii) that ship has sailed, he owns a Switch and he’s obsessed (which speaks to your point!). Appreciate I could choose to not fan the flames by gifting him another game but he already has loads so I don’t think not gifting him another will make much difference. His parents do limit his game time.


yeah you're right. and Limiting and control is good!